The Ascension

Chapter 90 – Hand Stitched


"Master, thank you for saving my girls." Sol said as she knelt down and faced the direction of the manor, the place she felt Aila's presence reach out to them.

'Sol. Come, visit me now. Control Giel so she doesn't take a bite of my wives. She'll have others to eat in the near future. I won't tolerate the disrespect.' Sol swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I understand, Master. How is Symi?" She asked carefully. She felt quiet affection caress her mind.

'Her belly is full, and she's surrounded by warm loving women who want to keep her safe, and happy.' Aila said, then withdrew from her mind. Sol reached out, and felt a soft flick of her forehead.

'I said to get over here, Sol. Get moving.' Sol stood up and smiled. She sniffed as she felt the sadness within her begin to fade.

"Symi is okay. She's safe and happy with Master." She sighed a bit. "We have to go, girls. Back into the carriages, and get on the move."

Sol sent out her will buried within her elemental essence, directed the dead soldiers to gather in formation, and guide the carriages away from the mountain. As the procession continued, a group engaged a rank four dark panther, which resulted in some minor damage to the soldiers.

During the battle, Sol discovered that dark elemental attributed beasts had resistance to death elements, but not immunity. Once the panther was down, she had it delivered to Nara's carriage so the sisters could regain some of the energy they lost due to the rank five beast.

"The Queen is so kind to you both." Laria said as she watched the two tear the panther open. Nara pulled out the liver, and after taking a bite, she held it out to Laria.

"Master?" She asked in confusion. Though she was still a human, she felt a hunger burst within her as she looked at the raw meat. Laria licked her lips, and opened her mouth.

"Why am I so hungry?" She asked quietly, and put her mouth over one end of the liver. She ripped out a chunk, and chewed with obvious relish. She soon groaned as Nara's teeth sank into her large breast.

"Mm, our bride, and fresh meat. I love the flavor combination." Mirri grinned, and pulled out a kidney. She ripped into it, and laid against Laria's other side. She turned, pulled open her robe, and sank her teeth into Laria's other breast.

"So good."


* * *


"Giel, wait here with Salia." Sol said as she stepped down from the carriage. Giel pouted up at her, but looked at the manor fearfully as she felt something stir within.

"Momma, what was that?" She asked and rushed to Salia's side.

"Master, and her caretaker." Sol said softly. She looked at Giel. "Stay here. If you attempt to take a bite of anyone, that caretaker will attack you with the strength Master gave her. She is a life attributed elementalist, and you can not stand up to her." Sol shivered.

"Mother, are you afraid?" Salia asked, and was surprised when Sol nodded.

"From death comes life. Not only can she neutralize my element, but she can feed on it. I can fight back, but Master will be upset with all of us if we fight." Her black eyes closed.

"This is our Master, and she's not cruel. Stay here. I need to meet her." Sol took a deep breath and walked towards the manor's front door.

As she approached, the door opened and a white light enveloped her whole body.

'Now you are safe to enter, Sol. Girls. Bring her to me. I must see my Sol, as it's been far too long.'


* * *


Sol looked at the woman who cushioned her Master's body with her own. She was well fleshed, much taller than she expected, and practically glowing with green life elemental energy.

As soon as Sol approached the bed, she knelt down. Nuri tilted her head, as she automatically bristled as the elemental energy in front of her was the polar opposite of her own. Her instincts told her this was an enemy, but she showed respect for her Master, and made her pause a bit.

"Master. It's been over two thousand years. I have missed you and Symi greatly." Sol said quietly. Nuri looked at her.

"So, you are Symi's mother. I now understand why Master brought her forward from your time. How did you meet our Master?" Nuri asked softly.

"I was dying, and being taken apart by some nobles." She said, which made Nuri feel aghast. "That kingdom had pits filled with dead bodies. The death elements were not abundant, even though the dead were everywhere. When Master showed up, and saved me, she gave me this power." She sighed a bit. "She gave me strength, and instructions. Punish that kingdom, and prevent them from rising up to do evil again." Nuri nodded.

"That sounds like Master, as she is not cruel. Those death pits must have made her angry." Ivadra said from the side. Nuri nodded.

"She was quite angry, but she was unable to stay." Sol sighed a bit. "She was so gentle with Symi, and warm inside." Sol closed her eyes. "She was the color of all the elements. She glowed so brightly, she was like a sun in the sky."

"So, why did Master call you?" Nuri asked. To hear her Master described so beautifully, Nuri couldn't help but smile inside, and out.

"For the only reason that matters. To protect the ones she loves."


* * *


"Master, are you sure?" Nuri asked after talking with Sol for a bit. She suddenly heard Aila's voice inside her mind.

"What did she say?" Sol asked eagerly. "I haven't heard her voice in so long, and I've only heard her in my heart a few times these last few weeks." Sol said, which made Nuri see her sadness.

"Your death elements are unstable." Sol frowned slightly. "Death feeds on life, and life feeds on death. It is a relationship that has worked from the beginning of Imera's existence." Sol nodded.

"I've always felt that to be true. Death can hold life at bay, and under control, but life can subdue death when necessary. I've always walked the line between the both, not interfering too much, or too little." Sol said, as she watched Aila's slow even breaths move her chest. Her head was nestled between Nuri's massive breasts, while her body was cradled between her thighs, and cushioned from all sides.

"Master has said that your death element is unstable because you generate death elements with your core, but do not take in life to feed on. Your daughters are all stable, but you do not eat like they do." Sol lowered her eyes.

"I've drained their life energies, but never fed on them. I've let them go back to the ground, or let my daughters feed on them." Sol said, and wondered if she had kept her hunger in check for no reason at all.

She's refused to feed like the girls did in order to keep that semblance of humanity intact.  It seems that she had intended to never cross a line that had never been there in the first place.

"Because you did not feed like they did, your death element is stronger, and darker. It's time to bind yourself with life, and slowly feed on it." Nuri said, and put her first and second finger to her thumb on both her hands. She put her left hand to her right, grasped the point between her fingers, and pulled them apart.

Sol's eyes opened a bit wider in awe. A string of life essence was pulled out of her fingers as thick as a blade of grass, but stronger than a rope made of steel.

"It's time for me to hand stitch your entire body, one body part at a time." Nuri grinned as Sol swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Stitch?" She asked with a squeak. A gust of wind swept her from the floor and up onto the bed. She was laid across Nuri's and Aila's thighs.

"Stitch." Nuri's fingers pulled open her robe, and straightened the string with her fingers. The string went from soft and sinewy that could curl around her fingers with little force, and into something that stood straight when held between her fingers.

Nuri put the end of the life string to her breast, just below her nipple, and pushed. Sol's eyes nearly bugged out of her head as the string pierced and pushed through the skin, and out the other side.

"Ah!" She cried out. She was used to small sharp teeth piercing her breasts every day, but the string was made with life elemental essence.

"I know. It doesn't just pierce. It burns its way through." Nuri said softly, and firmly gripped that large globe in one hand. "Endure, Sol. Our Master has much affection for you, and must preserve you properly." Sol hissed as the string pierced into her flesh at the mid point of her breast.

"I must stitch your entire body together, Sol. One delicious inch at a time." Nuri didn't want to admit it, but this method made her feel extremely aroused. After the string pierced her flesh each time, Nuri felt a thrill as Sol cried out.

Life was subduing Death, and she was able to dominate the Queen of Death with pain.  Not only was Nuri enjoying this method, as she was the dominant partner of a god, she really wished she could haul Ellie into the bed as well.

It had been a long time since Sol had felt as alive as she did now.  It wasn't just pain.  It was pain mixed with pleasure, and she was slowly being brought into balance.


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