The Ascension

Chapter 93 – Time To Go To Town


Elena was building a temporary structure for Sol and her daughters to stay, but at a decent distance from the manor. She took some time to gather the materials, but also plan where to build.

To the east was the town of Aros, and she didn't want her people to live closer to that town, even if it was still within the forest. To the west was the mountain that Sol had already crossed.

The north was reserved for the Queen of Life, Nuri, between that area and the temple was for the Queen of Light, Nadya, while Alara was meant for somewhere else. To the south was the den for the stone bears that Aila prevented anyone from disturbing, but the stone bears had moved to the other side of the town, and not yet come back.

To the west was the river, which was full of water elements, but Elena could feel that their Master had not planned to give that to Ellie. Instead, Ellie was supposed to take the ancient spring as her area. That left one possibility.

South would be reserved for two elements. Darkness and Death. Elena measured out the distance to the structure, and gave instructions to the dead soldiers.

"Secure the area around the manor, and in this direction. Two hundred feet from Master's gate will be the temporary location of the Queen's house." The soldiers didn't appear to hear her, but within a minute of her giving the instructions, the soldiers spread out. She turned and looked over her shoulder.

"Master would have given the orders." She said as Sol appeared. Sol smiled.

"I know, but Master is asleep. Since I am here, and you are building our home close to Master, I can give the orders personally." Sol said and sighed a bit. "Is there anything you need, Elena?" She asked.

"A plan." She said simply, which made Sol tilt her head. "This is your home, and you are a Queen. Master has already said so, and you've served her for thousands of years already. Even if it is temporary, you should still be comfortable." Sol pursed her lips, and nodded.

"I understand, but it is temporary. It is a place that my daughters can each have a large room, where they can have their brides. Nara and Mirri share a bride, while Kana's bride is on the edge of becoming pregnant." Sol said. Elena had crouched down to caress the soil, but stood back up in surprise.

"Pregnant?" She asked. Sol smiled, and sighed a bit.

"Unlike your own body, my girls are filled with death elements. Babies are difficult. The seeds are nurtured, and laid within their chosen bride." Sol's face grimaced a bit. "However, one of my kind can't just give birth. We aren't truly alive. The seeds feed on the mother's life, so that life must be replaced, or she sacrifices herself for her babies, and her wife." Elena looked at her strangely.

"If you don't find a way to make them live through it, those girls will not turn out right, Sol. The babies should not have to lose their birth mother to get life." She said firmly. "But I wonder why Master made it this way?"

"Life and Death feed each other, as there can not be one without the other. It is a cycle that circulates, and keeps everything fresh." Sol said, and put her hands on her hips. "My girls are circulation points, as am I. We can not be out of balance with the rest of Imera, so our birth cycle is low, as we do not age and die." Elena nodded a little.

"I think I understand. If the rate of pregnancy was high, you would be out of balance with the rest of Imera. If it didn't exist, your children would not know of the boundless beauty there is in making new life." She looked at Sol. "You are alive, Sol, but you are just a different kind of life. If you were truly dead, your body would rot away, and the remains would be fed upon by the living things. You would also not seek to make more like yourself."

Sol thought for a moment, and looked down at her own body. Her clothing was barely intact, as she had always considered herself to be dead, and did not need to cover her body. Her pale white skin, free from decay, was quite lovely to behold.

"I am surprised Master has not said something about your choices in clothing. I would be so jealous of my wife if she was flaunting herself like you do." Elena said, and giggled like the young woman she was.

Sol turned to the manor in surprise. She just realized why her Master turned away from her so many times since she got to this place.

"Remember, only she can ogle you, or give you permission to let others see you." Elena wagged her finger. "You think you are free to do as you please, but if you listen to Master's thoughts, you'll know she is not happy." Sol's mouth dropped open in surprise.

"All this time, she was talking about me?" She thought it might have been Nuri, as when she went into the manor, Nuri was also quite free with how her body was displayed. She even used her heavy breasts to cushion their Master's head, and let her use her body as a pillow, or a blanket.

"Of course it was about you." Elena said and giggled again.

"I thought it was about Nuri." She said honestly. Elena giggled again.

"Nuri dresses appropriately when she's near towns, or other people that do not belong to Master." Elena pointed at Sol's barely covered body. "You were like this near those towns. Even your daughters are not attired as they should be. They are princesses, and you are a Queen." Sol blushed, as she had forgotten some things that were considered normal as a human, but it's been a long time since she's been human.

"You should find a robe, and go to the town to buy clothes, for yourself, and the girls. Rirn is Master's chosen merchant." Elena grinned.

"Also, if you so desire, grab someone from the Inaris clan to use as a life source for your girls." Elena said. She growled.

"We don't just dislike the Inaris clan. We hate them." Elena grit her teeth. "After what they did to Ellie, I hate them." Sol listened, and heard a voice within her ear.

'Elena and Ellie, Nuri and Nadya, Kaala and Shaala. All victims I rescued.' She saw her Master's eyes blaze within her mind, and it was the purest of white lights she had ever seen.

'When I wake up, I will decimate them personally. You may use them as you see fit.'


* * *


Sol, Giel, and Salia were escorted to Aros by a squad of dead soldiers. The guards quaked in fright at the sight of them.

'Sol. I have protected people within. Rirn, the merchant. Toral, the slave dealer. Toril, the cananes blacksmith. The gate guards were always respectful. Take only two inside with you, and one for each of your daughters. I don't want to cause a panic.' Sol heard her Master's voice.

"I will be obedient, Master." Sol said softly. She looked at the guards. "Most of my squad will remain outside the town, and we will only take four with us. My Master has appreciated the way you have treated her with respect, so I will not bring you harm." The guards looked at each other.

"Your master?" Venn asked.

"You know her. She lives in the forest." She saw a realization dawn on their faces, and how they seemed to relax. "That sets you at ease?"

"She's always been fair to us. Never one to throw her weight around. Unlike those 'nobles' we sometimes have to deal with." Drom snorted. "Oh, I should mention it. Rirn has finished her dolls and pillows for her girls." Giel looked at him in excitement.

"A doll?" She asked, her fangs showing. The guard shivered a bit, still smiled.

"She had them made for her people." He looked at Sol. "Rirn will give them to you since you serve her. You might want to consider getting him to make one for your little one. She seems excited about it." Sol looked down at Giel.

"Yes, she does. I'll get him to make one for Symi too. Come on, my daughters. It is time to look for someone to help with Laria's and Thay's children." Sol tapped her chin with one finger, keeping a firm grip on Giel's hand with the other. "Do you know of the Inaris clan?" She watched his face close up in anger.

"Aye, I know them. Damned evil bastards they are. In the middle of town, you will find a well maintained stall where Rirn does business. He will point out the direction of that evil place." Drom said. "Your master destroyed their gate as a punishment for their mistreatment of her merchant. I would say that there is more due to that clan, but it's not my place to denounce them." Sol smiled, her fangs easily seen.

"Then I am glad that I have come to the right place. Master said I could take a few of their people to help my daughters." She looked down at Giel.

"Would you like a toy to play with tonight?"  Sol asked with a smile that a mother would have when they wanted to give their children a gift.  Giel licked her fangs.

"Please, momma! I'm starving again!"


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