The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 325 - Extra Story— A Puppy

Chapter 325 Extra Story— A Puppy
Before walking long, Yun Muxi came across Duanmu Gongyu. She cast her anger behind her back and said to him happily, “Look, Gong Yu, I found a puppy. Isn’t it cute?”

Duanmu Gongyu was allergic to animals, especially furry ones. He measured the puppy with a frown and a look of disdain. As if the puppy had sensed Duanmu Gongyu’s hostility against it, it barked at him in a wary way.

Duanmu Gongyu furrowed his eyebrows even deeply. A long while passed, and he finally replied, “No, not at all. It is not that friendly to me.”

Yun Muxi defended the puppy hurriedly by saying, “No, it’s just too small and afraid of strangers.” In Yun Muxi’s arms, the puppy barked at Duanmu Gongyu warily once again.

Still in a frown, Duanmu Gongyu said in a cold tone, “It does look unfriendly. It warned me to stay away from it.”

Right then, the puppy barked at Duanmu Gongyu several times more in a warning way.

Yun Muxi stroked the puppy while talking to it in a soft voice, “Easy, easy, cute puppy. He is not scaring at all.” After saying this, she turned to Duanmu Gongyu, “Don’t talk nonsense. It’s just a dog. How could a dog understand what you were talking about and warn you?”

Duanmu Gongyu answered in a cold tone. “It warned me, and it even told me not to talk foolishly to you. I could understand its words.”

Yun Muxi shook her head with a chuckle. “You’re so childish. Why are you so serious with a dog? Don’t joke with me, how could you understand dogs’ language?”

Duanmu Gongyu looked into Yun Muxi’s eyes and answered in a serious tone, “What if I’m not joking?”

Yun Muxi stopped laughing as she saw Duanmu Gongyu’s serious expression. “Are… you serious?… How could you understand dogs’ language?”

Duanmu Gongyu replied solemnly, “Well, I didn’t until just now. Maybe, I discovered one of my hidden talents.”

Yun Muxi looked fixedly at Duanmu Gongyu and was at a loss for words because of surprise. Considering that Duanmu Gongyu never lied to her and that he looked so serious at the moment, she kind of believed his words, but doubts still hovered in her mind.

In a serious tone, Duanmu Gongyu continued to explain. “In our world, gifted children all have hidden talents. While how many and what kinds of talents one can possess remain unknown, these talents will be revealed only by chance. Some people even failed to discover their talents during their whole life.

“As gifted children are in the minority, even a smaller number of them could discover their hidden talents. As a result, there are not many people with special talents.

“When I was a child, I once heard from my master that an extraordinary man possessed a hidden talent of communicating with animals because he had a kind heart, and he didn’t discover this talent until he met his true love.

“I guess, I discovered this talent might also because I met my true love today. I failed to understand animals’ language until today. But all these are just my guess.”

Yun Muxi was both muddled and surprised at Duanmu Gongyu’s words. It sounded so amazing to her that a human being could understand animals’ language.

Yun Muxi lowered her head to talk to the puppy in her arms, “Little puppy, did you really try to warm him?”

“Bow-wow… Bow-wow…” the puppy barked.

Duanmu Gongyu translated the barks for Yun Muxi, “It said it didn’t like me and that I looked grim.”

Yun Muxi raised her head and looked at Duanmu Gongyu like looking at a monster. The way she looked at him displeased him that he flicked her forehead and said in a warning tone, “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Bow-wow… Bow-wow…” the puppy barked more fiercely.

“How dare you bark at me like this? Do you want to die? This girl is mine, not yours,” Duanmu Gongyu snarled at the puppy as well.

“Bow-wow… Bow-wow…” the puppy barked fiercely once more.

Duanmu Gongyu gave it another warning. “Shut up. You’re just a dog, how dare you clamor at me?”

Yun Muxi was shocked seeing a man quarrel with a dog.

Both amused and annoyed, she said, “No more quarrels, the two of you!”

Duanmu Gongyu and the puppy became quiet at the same time.

In great anger, Yun Muxi headed to the lake carrying the puppy in her arms, while Duanmu Gongyu followed behind her, head low, like a child who made a mistake. The puppy nested in Yun Muxi’s arms quietly, not daring to make any sounds.

Soon, Yun Muxi returned to where Hei Ye and Lan Yun were. Spotting the strange atmosphere between Yun Muxi and Duanmu Gongyu, Hei Ye and Lan Yun kept quiet as they continued eating the meat in their hands cautiously.

“Hei Ye, are there any meats left to eat?” asked Yun Muxi with a smile.

On hearing the words, Hei Ye handed her the last skewer of meats quickly. Yun Muxi took the skewer and said to the puppy in her arms in a gentle voice, “Cute puppy, have some meat.”

She removed the meats from the skewer, tore them into tiny pieces, and fed the puppy.

The puppy looked toward Duanmu Gongyu with the corner of its eyes and barked twice. “Bow-wow… Bow-wow…”

Duanmu Gongyu’s face darkened, but after taking a look at Yun Muxi, he suppressed his anger.

Spotting the puppy’s provocation toward Duanmu Gongyu and Duanmu Gongyu’s solemn face, Yun Muxi asked in a gentler voice, “What did it say?”

Duanmu Gongyu remained silent with a dark face. He could not say in front of his two subordinates that the puppy was showing off Yun Muxi’s favor and that he was trying to compete with a dog for Yun Muxi’s favor.

Seeing Duanmu Gongyu’s grave expression, Hei Ye and Lan Yun dared not to say anything but just ate all the meat in their hands quickly before packing everything up. When everything was ready, Duanmu Gongyu said in a cold tone, “Get in the carriage, let’s set off now.”

Carrying the puppy in her arms, Yun Muxi went toward the carriage. Seeing this, Duanmu Gongyu said in a hurried tone, “Wait, Xiao Xi, are you going to bring this puppy with us?”

Yun Muxi blinked her big eyes and answered with a calm voice, “Yes, the puppy will die of hunger if we leave it alone in the wild.” She then lowered her head to talk to the puppy, “Cute puppy, you’re a homeless and poor puppy, right?”

The puppy opened its eyes wide and made a pathetic look and barked, “Bow-wow… Bow-wow…”

Yun Muxi turned to asked Duanmu Gongyu, “What did it say?”

Duanmu Gongyu replied in a flat voice, “It said its mother died after giving birth to it, and its master thought it ominous and abandoned it. It had nowhere to go and happened to run to here.”

After hearing this, Yun Muxi felt even more pitying to the puppy. She said to the puppy in a soft voice, “Alas, what a poor puppy you are, cute puppy. Your master treated you so cruelly. How could he bear to abandon you, such a cute puppy? Don’t worry, cute puppy, I will take care of you since this moment on.”

The puppy licked Yun Muxi’s cheek in a flattering way. Seeing this, Duanmu Gongyu got angry and shouted at the puppy, “Hey, don’t lick her, or I’ll throw you away right now.”

On hearing this, the puppy shrank itself pathetically in Yun Muxi’s arms and groaned. Seeing this, Yun Muxi yelled at Duanmu Gongyu, “How ridiculous. You’re a big man, yet, you went tough with a small dog.”

At Yun Muxi’s censure, Duanmu Gongyu became wordless. He jumped into the carriage in anger while Yun Muxi continued to comfort the puppy, “Don’t be scared. I’ll protect you.”

Duanmu Gongyu’s face turned even darker at the words. As a royal prince, he was defeated by a puppy in the fighting for love. He was so annoyed that he shot a fierce glance at the puppy.

The puppy wagged its tail complacently at Duanmu Gongyu.

Standing not far away, Hei Ye and Lan Yun went speechless upon seeing the scene. They were surprised to see that their cold and dignified prince argued with a dog for Yun Muxi’s favor. Yun Muxi’s appearance revealed so many different sides of Duanmu Gongyu to them.

After everyone took their seats in the carriage, Hei Ye drove the carriage forward once again.

After a while in anger, Duanmu Gongyu became calm as he saw Yun Muxi play with the puppy with a gentle and happy expression. He suddenly remembered something and said to Yun Muxi in a soft voice, “It’s time to changer dressing for your wound. Let me help you with it.”

At the words and the thought that she needed to take off her clothes, she recalled what happened yesterday, and her face blushed.

She pretended to sound calm as she answered, “Thank you.” She put the puppy away and turned around, back to him, before she pulled her clothes down to her waist. Taking a medicine box and sitting behind Yun Muxi, he tried to untie Yun Muxi’s wound dress when the puppy barked at him.

Duanmu Gongyu’s face turned grave as he shouted at the puppy, “Shut up! Or I’ll throw you out.”

However, the puppy kept barking at him in a fiercer way.

Duanmu Gongyu knew that Yun Muxi really liked the puppy and that the puppy was trying to protect Yun Muxi, so, he changed his tone as he spoke again. “Keep quiet. She got wounded, so, I have to help her changed the dressing of her wounds. Otherwise, the wound will even worse once it is infected.”

Yun Muxi was amused and chuckled as she saw the communication between Duanmu Gongyu and the puppy. Even Duanmu Gongyu himself felt unbelievable that he was trying to explain to a dog. At Yun Muxi’s reaction, he looked even graver and said in a cold tone, “For your sake, I didn’t want to go hard with it.”

Yun Muxi answered with a smile at once, “Yes… Of course, Your Highness would not go hard with a dog, it’s a dishonor. You are the most open-minded man I have ever seen.”

After flattering Duanmu Gongyu, Yun Muxi turned to talk to the puppy in a tender voice, “Cute puppy, he did this for my good, so, please keep quiet and get along with him. Now, I’m in his care, and you’re in my care, that’s to say, you’re in his care in fact, so, get along well with him, will you?”

The puppy glanced at Duanmu Gongyu, licked Yun Muxi’s fingers, and rested beside Yun Muxi’s legs without looking at Duanmu Gongyu anymore as if it had taken in Yun Muxi’s words.

Looking at the cute puppy, Yun Muxi grinned and said happily, “What an adorable puppy you’re. Let’s call you Little Cutie from today on.”

Duanmu Gongyu changed the dress of Yun Muxi’s wound quietly. After that, Yun Muxi put on her clothes again.

Duanmu Gongyu reached out his head to Yun Muxi and said with a pathetic look, “I want to kiss you again, what should I do with it?”

From the way Yun Muxi treated the dog, Duanmu Gongyu learned that it was very useful to seek Yun Muxi’s sympathy by pretending to be pathetic. Thus, he put away his pride and acted like a spoiled and poor child in front of Yun Muxi.

Yun Muxi turned speechless at Duanmu Gongyu’s behavior. She felt amused yet not annoyed as she saw Duanmu Gongyu put on a pathetic look to seek her sympathy.

Seeing that Yun Muxi was not angry, Duanmu Gongyu realized his scheme worked out. He continued to make a pathetic look as he said, “Your delicate mouth looks so attractive, I just can’t resist my desire of kissing you. But I’m also afraid that I’ll annoy you. Oh, my heart is itching for your lips.”

Yun Muxi’s heart softened upon hearing Duanmu Gongyu’s words and seeing his expressions. He really knew how to please her, and it was really surprising that he would put away his proud as a prince to please her.

Yun Muxi raised her head and left a kiss on Duanmu Gongyu’s cheek.

Duanmu Gongyu was overjoyed and surprised. He pointed to his lips and said with excitement, “I want you to kiss me on here.”

After saying this, he pursed his lips and looked at Yun Muxi expectantly.

Yun Muxi almost laughed wildly at Duanmu Gongyu’s look. She could not help but wonder if the man in front of her was really Duanmu Gongyu but not someone who was possessed by another soul. He was simply so amusing that Yun Muxi could not stop laughing…

In the great pleasure that Yun Muxi kissed him, Duanmu Gongyu did not mind that Yun Muxi laughed at him. He continued his words with a cute look, “Xixi, kiss on my lips, please.”

The puppy, which was resting aside, stood up and put its claws on Yun Muxi while staring at her with its big black eyes, as if it were seeking for Yun Muxi’s kiss just like Duanmu Gongyu.

Yun Muxi laughed even more brightly after seeing the looks of Duanmu Gongyu and the puppy. She could not stop laughing, and she laughed so hard that her belly hurt. Duanmu Gongyu and the puppy were just so amusing that she felt quite amused and pleased. She kissed Duanmu Gongyu on the lips and then kissed the puppy.

Despite what Duanmu Gongyu had said, he had not expected that Yun Muxi would kiss him as he asked her to. He was stunned by Yun Muxi’s sudden kiss, but when he saw Yun Muxi kiss the puppy, he felt unsatisfied.

He pulled Yun Muxi into his arms and kissed her soft lips before saying in a cold tone, “No more kissing the puppy. Your kisses belong to me only.”

After saying that, he kissed her on the lips again as if he were punishing her. Seeing that the domineering Duanmu Gongyu kiss Yun Muxi, the puppy stood up and scratched Duanmu Gongyu’s clothes.

With one hand, Duanmu Gongyu suppressed the puppy aside so that the puppy could not make trouble for him. He used such strong strength that the puppy felt hurt and dared not to make any trouble in the fear that Duanmu Gongyu would kill it in anger.

After the kiss, Duanmu Gongyu let go of Yun Muxi, as well as the puppy. Yun Muxi panted heavily. Once the puppy was freed, it threw itself into Yun Muxi’s arms and stared at her with widened eyes. Yun Muxi lowered her head and looked at the puppy with blushed face. She felt her heart softened, and she stroked the puppy’s soft and smooth fur lightly.

Duanmu Gongyu sat beside Yun Muxi and pulled her into his arms. Yun Muxi rested in Duanmu Gongyu’s arms obediently and quietly while holding the puppy.

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