The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, A Little Sheet62

We need to find Xiaohua quickly.

# XX Hospital # Some ward.

Kang burned half leaned on the hospital bed and stared at the phone for a while.

Make sure they hang up.

Suddenly he raised his hand and banged, his phone fell on the wall and blew open.

With such a loud noise, Cheng Xingyang and other pedestrians just walked to the door and were surprised.

Hurry up and open the door to see what’s going on inside.

Cheng Xingyang looked at Kang Yang and still relied on the hospital bed. Wearing medical uniforms, the anger was obvious.

And look at the shattered cell phone.

The group of people who were supposed to follow Cheng Xingyang, after confirming the situation, directly reached out to Cheng Xingyang, who stood in front of him, to advance the ward.

Then he smiled.

“We… waited in front of the door, Kang was a patient, and it was not good for so many to come in. ”

The door of the ward was locked to death with a bang.

Cheng Xingyang stood at the door of the ward for a while before reacting to himself that it had been sold.

The brain crashed for a while.

Until Kang burns his eyelids and sweeps towards him.

“Something wrong? ”

Cheng Xingyang smiled like a sunflower.

“No, no, I’m not here to see you…”

It’s not over yet. Kang Fu’s gaze shifted, Dao.

“You can go now. ”

The eyebrows are all intolerant.

Cheng Xingyang really wants to go!!!

He glanced and put it on the broken phone.

Su Smoke suddenly appeared in his blank head and asked him to burn the phone number.

So much so that it comes out of its mouth.

“This morning, Su Yan just went to your phone with me. ”

Kang burned his eyes and looked at him.

Cheng Xingyang raised his hands over his head. An innocent letter.

“You didn’t tell anyone, and I didn’t want to tell her.

But… Su Yan seems eager to find you. If you can’t help it, you have to tell them. ”

Hearing Cheng Xingyang eagerly wanted to find him, Kang’s eyebrows jumped.

Seeing Kang burning contemplation, Cheng Xingyang chased and asked.

“What if she calls you about something important? ”

Ginger burned his eyelids low and the sun shined in, sprinkling on him, making that slightly pale face look a little pale.

After a long time, I listened to him.

“She has nothing important to do. ”

Never explained the ginger flame, suddenly said that.

I don’t know if I’m talking to Cheng Xingyang or to myself.

Cheng Xingyang suddenly understood why the decadent ginger flame suddenly became so angry.

That’s 80%. Su Yan called him.

Why don’t you hang up the phone when they say something irrelevant?

Cheng Xingyang picked up the broken phone and tweeted.

Before he could talk, the person lying in bed suddenly pulled the needle out of his hand and got out of bed.

The sudden move scared Cheng Xingyang back two steps.

Hey, hey, smile.

“Boss, you can’t blame me for this, your number. ”

He thinks Kang Yang suddenly got out of bed to beat him up, hastily explaining.

I don’t think so. Kang Yan doesn’t look at him.

He frowned and dragged the clothes next to him into the bathroom next to him.

When Jiang Yang came out in his uniform, Cheng Xingyang suddenly raised his voice.

“Don’t you tell me you’re going to school now?! ”

Alcohol poisoning was just taken to the hospital in the middle of the night last night, and you’re going to school today?

Since when is Comrade Kang Yang so passionate about learning?

Ginger burns rarely touch alcohol, and he has mild alcohol allergies.

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