The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, A Little Sheet70

Are you asleep? ”

“Oh, there’s no more. ”

On the phone, Kang burned sensibly and noticed a loud gasp across the phone.

He picked his eyebrows.

“Who are you with? ”

Su Yan glanced at Yuan Xinlin on the ground and told the truth.

“Yuan Xinlin came to me and said a bunch of strange things and tried to hug me. ”

She told me honestly. She just dropped her breath on the other end of the phone and suddenly changed her breath.

“How are you?! ”

“Oh, I, I’m fine, he’s lying on my doorstep right now. ”

She behaved.

Follow me. Just take the other line.

“Be careful, I’ll come to you! ”

After that, the phone over there hung up.

At this moment, Xiaohua suddenly made a sound

“Ding-dong, mission accomplished 3 stars, host you succeeded!! ”

Su Yan stunned.

“Hmm? Mission accomplished? ”

“Host, all you have to do is fulfill a man’s wish, and this task is over. ”

Su Smoke didn’t understand why the third star suddenly lit up.

She just made a phone call with Kang Yong.

But it’s always good to accomplish the task.

I had a closer conversation with Xiaohua. It didn’t take long for Kang to burn.

Together, Cheng Xingyang and a group of people.

They were supposed to be fighting landlords together.

Seeing Kang Yong make a phone call, he went out like crazy, scared them to jump, and ran out without asking.

Kang burned her chest ups and downs, eyes closely on Su Yan, carefully checked to make sure that nothing happened to her.

Up front, a hug.

The tension and nervousness in the eyes slowly slowed down.

He held her tight as if something were going to happen if he just loosened up a little bit.

Su Yan raised his hand, a little awkward consolation.

Slap him in the back.

“I’m fine.”

The sound is soft and serious.

And followed closely the appearance of Chang Xingyang and others, and looked at the situation at the scene.

If you look at Yuan Xinlin lying on the ground, you’ll get an idea.

“Damn it, I’m scared of you! ”

Said a handful of yuanxinlin on the ground.

Speak to the two people you’re holding.

“Boss, he’s in our hands.”

Three or two people, like carrying a piece of dead pork, took people out.

Su Yan was held by Kang, and it was quiet for a while.

She looked at the sound.

“Kang Yan, do you have any wishes? ”

Her eyes sparkled and she looked at him as if he had a soft wet feeling.

Kang Yan listened to her sudden questioning and wondered why she smiled.

Dragged her to the couch.

I’m not comfortable checking up and down, I’m sure I’m not hurt.

Su Cigarette couldn’t help but ask

“Do you have anything you want? It can be money, it can be famous, it can be official, it can be anything. ”

Kang Yan looked at her serious little face, pulled over and kissed her.

“Yes, I have a wish. ”

“Well? What is it? ”

His eyes were dark enough to shed her shadow.

“I want you to stay safe with me. ”

Su Yan stunned.


She didn’t think it would be this.

Jiang burned his eyes and approached her.

“Ah, what? Or do you feel aggrieved with me? ”

Su Yan, come back to God,

“No, but I can’t stay with you forever. ”

Kang Yan listened to that. He was cold.

“What did you say? ”

“You’ll marry your wife. ”

Jiang burned his eyebrows and picked them.

“Do you think I’ll abandon you and marry another woman? ”

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