The Blessed

Chapter 46

"Help me prepare a piece of charcoal, about this long, as thick as the little finger would be better.”

After thinking for a while, Ling Jingxuan said while gesturing it. At such a time, the gap between the ancient world and modern world got exposed. God knows how much better the ball-point pens and pens than those brushes in ancient world.

"Sure. Any other things you need?"

Though the Shopkeeper looked warmly, as savvy as Ling Jingxuan was, he still saw a little doubt deep in his eyes. With his mouth twitching mockingly, Ling Jingxuan gave him an eye, walked passed him and said to the strong man holding the kids, "You take the child into the room first. Remember to help him clean his body, and let someone wipe the body with alcohol to help him bring down the fever. After the herbs are decocted well, feed him, and he could go home after three days."

"Yes, yes, yes, thank you very much, magic doctor…"

The man hurriedly nodded. Under the leading of the waiter, the couple took the child to the backyard. After they got the charcoal he wanted, Ling Jingxuan sat at the table and started to write like flying. Soon, three forms were done.

"This is the prescription for treating Swollen Head plague. Three bowls of water should be decocted into one bowl. Take it three times a day. It’ll work after three days. In seven days he would be healed. The other two are the herbs I need. Each needs ten days’ dose.

Then he handed prescription to the shopkeeper.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| "Isn't this the prescription for qi nurturing soup?"

The shopkeeper took the prescription to have a glance, could not help asking so. The suspicion in his eyes grew denser. Ling Jingxuan rolled his eyes helplessly, "keep your eyes wide open to see it clearly. In addition to the prescription of qi nurturing soup, I also added herbs like scutellaria baicalensis, figwort root and liquorice that could help clear away the lung-heat.”

Swollen Head plague is caused by wind evil, in fact, it is very simple to cure—add two more kinds of herbs in qi nurturing soup, but most people will regard it as common cold, and it would be difficult to cure after the deterioration.

Seeing that he was a little impatient, the shopkeeper dared not ask more. Holding the attitude of treading a dead horse as it was still alive, he ordered someone to go to the herbal medicine shop and buy those herbs, while he personally helped Ling Jingxuan pick up the herbs he needed.

"Childe, this is the herbs you need."

About a quarter hour later, the shopkeeper put a few packets in front of Ling Jingxuan. He did not check them one by one, put down the cup and casually asked, "How much money?"

One of the two prescriptions was actually a precaution for Swollen Head plague, and he decided to make sure everyone in the family would eat some, just in case. So it was beyond his budget. Maybe the taels of silver they earned today would be none left.

"No, no need for the money. I still should thank you for disembarrassing us today. Whether you can cure the kid or not, I still should thank you. So take these herbs are the repay."

The shopkeeper hurriedly waved his hand, though even now he still doubted his medical skills.

"Thank you then. After the kid’s fever subsides, remember to disinfect the yard with lime water and cremate everything he has ever worn or used. If anyone else is infected, you can use that prescription."

Speaking of which, Ling Jingxuan took then herbs and was about to leave, the shopkeeper hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. Facing his doubtful eyes, the shopkeeper rubbed his hands embarrassedly, "Sir, forgive my rudeness. Has the kid really caught a plague?”

"If you don't believe me, you could throw them out."

Making a pause there, he no longer disguised the sarcasm in his eyes. Anyway, the shopkeeper was an old doctor in his 40s or 50s. Taught by him like that, the old face more or less couldn’t hang in there, but…given the current situation, who else could he believe?

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper had to press down that little bit embarrassment, forced himself to smile apologetically, with his hands cupped, "Don't get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t believe you. Since you can tell the kid’s symptoms, the prescription should be true. But as you can see, they are really too many onlookers outside, it will soon spread to ears of the magistrate, and in case the plague might spread, the yamen would send soldiers to quarantine this place, or even the whole Datong town, so…so…I wonder if you can give me a precaution for the plague. Hope you can understand.”

Every word the shopkeeper said sounded reasonable, but Ling Jingxuan could tell, he is only afraid that he himself might also catch the plague. Although this is human nature, but he wants him to take responsibility for his life, he really thinks too highly of him. If he is such a kind person, in previous life he wouldn’t have to wander around the world and topped the killer list.

"I do have the prescription. It depends on your sincerity."

Ling Jingxuan’s lip corner curved, then found a place nearby to sit, with his legs crossed, looking at him meaningfully with that pair of thin phoenix eyes.

The shopkeeper's eyelids jumped and the corner of his mouth gave a whiff, "Sir, please name a price."

"You are straightforward! I like this kind of people. Well, for the sake we are folks, ten taels of silver, no bargain!"

Ling Jingxuan snapped his fingers, smiling…heehee…this is not blackmailing. One should know, in last life, someone stacked piles of money before him, he still didn’t lent a hand to save that person. Besides, life is more important than money. Spending only ten taels of silvers, not only the shopkeeper could keep his own life safe, but also he could sell it to others at a lower price. He wouldn’t lose money, maybe could still earn himself a good name.

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