The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 15


The broadsword in Yang Ling's hand collided fiercely with the devil's saber, splashing out a series of sparks. The huge force transmitted along the broadsword almost made the devil stand still. Looking at the devil's squadron leader with a ferocious expression, Yang Ling's face flashed A touch of harshness.

The leader of Guizi Squadron swung his saber at Yang Ling again. With the sound of a violent collision, he felt the pain in his mouth, and the saber was thrown to the side.

Seeing the saber being knocked into the air, the leader of the Devil Squadron was stunned for a moment and rushed towards Yang Ling who was a few steps away, trying to throw Yang Ling to the ground.


The devil rushed in front of Yang Ling. Yang Ling could see the scorched and ferocious face of the devil's squadron leader at close range, but the devil's squadron leader immediately showed pain on his face, and a trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Yang Ling twisted his hands vigorously, and stabbed the devil's squadron leader with a red-tasseled broadsword that pierced across, immediately crushing the devil's internal organs, and the devil's body slowly paralyzed as if he had exhausted all his strength. Going down, the hand holding Yang Ling tightly also dropped down.

"Kill!" An angry roar came from behind Yang Ling and the others, and Wu Zhenguo rushed over along the trench with more than 100 soldiers.

Wu Zhenguo and the others originally retreated to the rear to rest, but with the fierce fighting ahead, Wu Zhenguo ran back with his people worried about the position, just in time to see Yang Ling and the others fighting the devils with bayonets.

More than 200 devils suffered heavy losses in the desperate struggle of the disabled soldiers. Facing the arrival of Yang Ling's reinforcements, they chose to retreat without hesitation.

The devil left more than 70 corpses and ran away. His figure disappeared from everyone's sight. Yang Ling felt severe pain in his thigh. He sat down on the scorched ground and saw that his pants were already stained red with blood. Soggy.

Crash!He tore open his trouser leg, and a bloody hole pierced by a bayonet appeared in front of Yang Ling. He tore off a piece of cloth and simply bandaged it.

"Platoon Leader Yang, are you okay?" Wu Zhenguo ran towards Yang Ling with a tired face, looking at Yang Ling's bloody thigh and asked with concern.

Yang Ling shook his head, and said apologetically, "We almost didn't hold our ground..."

"Brother Yang, don't say that, your company's strength is enough to block a squadron of devils, much better than ours. Our previous battalion couldn't stop a squadron of devils."

Wu Zhenguo had previously told Yang Ling that usually only a small squad of devils would attack their position, but he did not expect that this time an entire squadron would attack. He was too careless.

Many remnants died, their bodies covered with bullet holes from the devils, and more remnants were killed by the devils in hand-to-hand combat. Their bodies lay all over the ground, and their bodies were covered with blood mixed with mud.

Luo Dayong was so exhausted that he was already exhausted, and he was lying in the trench like a dead body at this moment. His smashed crooked light machine gun was being thrown beside him. Looking at the gray sky, Luo Dayong was panting like a cow.

"I'm still alive! I'm still alive..." There were also remnants of the soldiers crying with joy, their tears and mud mixed together, turning themselves into big faces.

There is no mercy in wars, and they are all extremely cruel. In this kind of fighting, the strength of individuals is like the waves in the sea. It is a great honor to be alive.

Text Chapter 24 Heavy artillery strikes!

Under the gray sky, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. The blood gurgled from the wounds of the corpses, and then seeped into the mud. The ground was blood-red, and the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

The devil soldiers were repelled, but there was no cheering or celebration on the battlefield. The exhausted remnants collapsed in the fragmented trenches, gasping for breath.

The remnants were glad that they were still alive, and their faces were full of joy, but when they thought of their dead comrades, their tears couldn't stop falling, leaving bright water stains on their dusty cheeks.

The corpses of the newly killed soldiers fell on top of the original ones, piled up layer by layer, as high as a hill, with a rotten smell, and the ground was stained with blood, sticky and muddy.

The old smoker leaned against the dead body, struck a match with trembling hands, moved to the front of the pipe and lit it, and took a slam, the green smoke rose. He lay comfortably on the pile of corpses, closed his eyes, mother, It's good to be alive.

When fighting with the devil soldiers, everyone went all out, and their nerves were highly tense, because their lives were related to the gains and losses of the position. Everyone was fighting with the devil soldiers. Now they suddenly relax and feel The whole body is like falling apart.

Only about forty of the remnant soldiers were still panting. In less than 10 minutes, more than 100 people were mostly killed. Looking at the scattered figures, Yang Ling felt a little guilty. If it wasn't for himself Perhaps they have returned to their original troops now.

But then Yang Ling put his thoughts aside again. There are wars and killings everywhere here. The mountains and rivers are broken and desolate. Even if they return to their original army, the situation may not be better than it is now. Since they become a soldier, You have to take on the responsibility of defending your home and country, which is the same everywhere. This is the fate of soldiers.

The devil soldiers retreated in a hurry, and more than 70 corpses were scattered on the squadron's position in a mess. Wu Zhenguo happily led his men to gather up the equipment, and rubbed those [-] big cover rifles that were probably new, with a happy expression on his face.

Now that the battle has been fought, their respective weapons and ammunition have been exhausted, but the replenishment from the rear has been delayed. After every fierce battle, the defenders will collect the ammunition left by the devil soldiers to replenish the consumption, helpless and powerless.

Yang Ling started fighting with the [-] cover rifle. The pain from his left leg made him unable to breathe. The devil soldier's sharp bayonet pierced a hole five or six millimeters deep on his thigh, but fortunately it stopped. blood, otherwise the leg would be considered abolished.

The surviving soldiers like Yang Ling were almost all wounded, and those who survived were lying in the trenches howling in pain, but in this era of lack of medical care and medicine, whether they survived can only depend on luck.

"Don't just stand still, retreat 500 meters." Yang Ling moistened his somewhat dry throat, and greeted the remnant soldiers lying on the ground sprawled.

In the hand-to-hand battle with the devils, Yang Ling killed seventeen devils by himself. The remnants saw it all. Although he was injured now, in the hearts of the remnants, Yang Ling's thin body became more and more upright. A solid mountain convinced them and made them more prestige.

The devil's combat has always been mechanical and rigid, and they are meticulously executed according to their drills. Bombing, shelling, infantry charge, bombing and infantry charge again, this is their usual tactic, and anyone with a little heart will take precautions in advance.

Now that the devils were repelled, heavy shelling would definitely follow. Yang Ling was almost certain.

Seeing Yang Ling give the order to retreat, Wu Zhenguo was also slightly dazed. The shelling of the devils and the charge of the infantry were the experience summed up by countless people who died, but he didn't expect that Yang Ling, the platoon leader who broke out from the occupied area, would understand it. The more he looked at it, I can't see through this monster-like person.

He was so skinny that he could be blown down by a gust of wind, but he could unleash powerful force when facing devil soldiers. He was clearly just a little-known little second lieutenant platoon leader, but let a company like the old smoking gun The elders dare to listen to orders.

Even sharpshooter Luo Ziqiang carried out Yang Ling's orders without hesitation, which made Wu Zhenguo very puzzled, but then he smiled and shook his head, what did he think so much about, as long as he could help him hold his ground, everything would be fine.

Looking at the scattered remnants of the soldiers, Wu Zhenguo felt a little guilty. He wanted to ask them to help defend the position, but he didn't expect that the devils would increase the attacking force to a squadron, which was beyond his expectation.

The remnant soldier was like a ghost on the battlefield, covered in tatters, dragging his gun and walking towards the back. He was used to seeing too many deaths, and now he has become a little numb.

The attack of Devil No.18 Regiment was repelled again. They left countless corpses and retreated in embarrassment. With the sound of Didi's telegram, the telegram requesting heavy artillery support was sent to the heavy artillery brigade in the rear.

The devil's warship sailed into the Huangpu River and bombarded the positions of the Chinese defenders on both sides of the strait. However, the No. 18 Regiment had already advanced into the Yangxing area of ​​Yuzaobang, and the support of the naval guns was already insufficient, so They requested heavy artillery support from the army.

The devil's two heavy artillery brigades were transferred from North China to the south to join the Shanghai Dispatch Army. The heavy artillery brigades had strong firepower. Each brigade had a full forty 1mm heavy artillery, in addition to 5mm heavy artillery Twenty cannons, ten 24mm heavy howitzers and artillery of other calibers.

Compared with the Chinese defenders who only had a few heavy machine guns, the devil's heavy artillery was a nightmare. Now that the [-]th division had beaten the devil down, Yang Ling could predict that the devil's artillery coverage would definitely follow.

The battle ahead fell into a state of anxiety. Facing the tenacious resistance of the Chinese defenders, the attacking troops encountered a blockage again. With the sound of creaking metal friction, the Devils raised thirty 15 mm heavy artillery pieces. The thick black metal gun barrel was aimed at the direction of the Chinese defenders, revealing a ferocious face.

"Boom!" A heavy cannon made a violent boom sound, and the violent shock force caused a cloud of smoke and dust to rise from the artillery position and enveloped it.

A test-fired shell passed over the devil's infantry position, whistling towards the Chinese defender's position in a graceful arc, and the sound of being torn apart could be heard in the air.

boom!A huge mushroom cloud of smoke and dust rose from the No.18 division's position. Under the flames of the explosion, the ground trembled fiercely, as if experiencing a magnitude [-] earthquake. Many people's hearts were beating fiercely, and their teeth could not help it. Trembling.

Looking at the huge smoke and dust rising from the friendly army position on the left, Yang Ling's face changed, and Wu Zhenguo's face also changed. Damn, they thought the devil would use the Type [-] infantry artillery to bombard him, but they didn't expect the devil to use it. Heavy artillery!

"Run! Run back!" Yang Ling waved his back vigorously, screaming at the remnant soldiers who were stunned in shock.

Countless black dots in the sky kept enlarging in Yang Ling's pupils, roaring towards him as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him. Yang Ling didn't care about roaring, and ran towards the back with a [-]-cap rifle, surrounded by the horrified shouts of remnants of soldiers. .

Text Chapter 25 The supervisor team is also Chinese!


The violent roar was deafening, and the huge mushroom cloud was like blooming fireworks, competing to bloom on the defender's position. The rising smoke and dust enveloped the entire position, and overwhelming air waves swept away. Sweeping violently to the ground, the wailing was drowned in the sound of rumbling guns.

The ground was trembling violently, the sky was filled with mud and mist, sharp explosive fragments were sprayed wantonly in the air, and then ruthlessly embedded in the human body, blood gusts.

The simple command post of the battalion was hit by shells and immediately burst open. The wooden planks were torn into pieces and flew into the air, and then fell heavily.

"Squat down! Don't lie on your stomach!" Yang Ling screamed, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the violent explosion. His ears were filled with roaring, and he couldn't hear anything. The sprayed mud and sand hit his face Bloodstained.

In the face of the bombardment of the 150mm heavy artillery, everything will be reduced to dust, and any flesh and blood will be bullshit, and will be torn to pieces in an instant.

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