The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 24

Yang Ling nodded in agreement.

"I think he's going to lose. He didn't even ask if our company commander is the sharpshooter in the battalion."

"Maybe he also has two brushes. He doesn't panic at all."


The surrounding soldiers talked a lot, Luo Ziqiang folded his arms and looked calm. He didn't know how Xiong Dawu's marksmanship was, but he knew Yang Ling's marksmanship clearly.

In Luo Ziqiang's view, the moment Xiong Dawu agreed to the competition, those ten grenades already belonged to their supplementary company.

Soon the soldiers of the company pinched two mud balls on the ridge 400 meters away as targets.

400 meters is already the standard range of a rifle made in Hanyang, not to mention that the two mud balls placed on the ridge are also very small, so it is not easy to shoot.

"Vice Yang Lian, will you go first or should I go first?" Xiong Dawu asked Yang Ling sideways.

"It's up to you." Yang Ling had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't feel any pressure no matter what happened first or last.

After thinking for a while, Xiong Dawu held the gun, stood still, took a deep breath, pulled the bolt to level the rifle, and half-squinted his eyes to aim at the mud ball on the ridge 400 meters away.

"Don't make any noise, our company commander is going to shoot." Hearing the buzzing of the onlookers, the company hurriedly shouted.

Xiong Dawu held his breath and pulled the trigger after aiming for about a minute. With a bang, the mud ball on the distant ridge was immediately exploded, and the mud was scattered everywhere.

Seeing that the mud ball was hit, the soldiers around all cheered. Xiong Dawu turned his head with a relaxed face, and handed the Hanyang-made rifle in his hand to Yang Ling: "It's your turn."

Yang Ling smiled and took the rifle made by Hanyang, stepped forward and stood still, pulled the bolt, and aimed at the mud ball in the distance. At this moment, he felt extremely peaceful in his heart, as if the whole world had quieted down, and only the small one was in his eyes. Mud.

"Shoot, why don't you shoot?"

"Isn't it because I'm afraid of losing?"


Watching Yang Ling hold the Hanyang and aim for a while without pulling the trigger, the soldiers around him clamored, while Xiong Dawu looked disdainful. Now he is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, as long as Yang Ling misses the shot, he will win .

Yang Ling glanced at it for a while, lowered the muzzle of the gun, and told Luo Ziqiang, "Lao Luo, go and move the target 100 meters away. It's too close to be challenging."

Luo Ziqiang nodded, and strode forward to move the mud ball on the ridge back 100 meters.

Seeing Yang Ling's actions, Xiong Dawu let out a cold snort. The standard range of the rifle made by Hanyang is about 400 meters. Whether it can hit 500 meters or not depends entirely on luck. This kid must have lost his mind and went crazy.

Now Xiong Dawu can be sure, this kid has no skills, he must be used by the old smoker to greedy himself, and he foolishly thought that he had real skills, so he made such a serious matter.


The gun rang, and the mud ball 500 meters away exploded into debris, and the soldiers clamoring all around were shocked by the gun and couldn't speak. Damn, it can be hit from such a distance.

"Okay!" After being stunned for a few seconds, the soldiers around him applauded Yang Ling loudly.

"Hey, Company Commander Xiong, admit it." Yang Ling handed the Hanyang Zao back to Xiong Dawu, and without seeing that Xiong Dawu hadn't recovered from the shock, he turned around and went to pack his spoils.

"Don't go yet." Xiong Dawu came to his senses and grabbed Yang Ling.

"Hey, I said Company Commander Xiong, you can't afford to lose, right?" Seeing Yang Ling being held back by Xiong Dawu, Luo Ziqiang stopped and said with anger on his face.

"You fucking can't afford to lose. I have to compete again." Xiong Dawu shouted to the soldiers in the company: "Bring twenty more grenades."

Although there are only five bullets per soldier in the army, there are quite a lot of grenades, everyone has at least two or three, Xiong Dawu is impatient now, it must have been an accident just now, and he will definitely win the competition again.

"Compete again, compete again." The soldiers of the company did not believe that their company commander would lose, so they all yelled loudly.

"Bi, bi, aren't we afraid that you won't make it?" Luo Ziqiang answered for Yang Ling. Damn, if he wins, he will get thirty grenades.

In the second competition, the two mud balls were placed at a distance of 500 meters. Xiong Dawu kept an eye out this time, and that was to ask Yang Ling to shoot first. He didn't believe that Yang Ling's marksmanship was really that good.

Yang Ling didn't have any objection to Xiong Dawu's arrangement. His marksmanship was fed by bullets, and his swing was very stable. Short-distance burst shooting was really not challenging.

Yang Ling pulled the bolt and clicked the bullet to load it. He raised the gun to aim, and bent his index finger to pull the trigger. With the crisp sound of the firing pin, the bullet flew out of the barrel in a high spin.

puff!Under everyone's full attention, the mud ball once again turned into a cloud of mud mist, hitting it perfectly.

If it is luck once, then it is not a matter of luck to hit twice in a row. Everyone was shocked and showed admiration for Yang Ling.

Xiong Dawu is under pressure now, damn it, he kicked on the iron plate today, this kid is so ordinary, who knows he is a sharpshooter, no wonder the old smoker is so proud, it looks like he will fall down today.

Xiong Dawu didn't want to lose just like this, so he leveled the gun and took aim for a long time before pulling the trigger, but unfortunately the bullet just brushed the edge of the mud ball and missed the mud ball.

"I lost, take the grenade away." Xiong Dawu lowered his head and put down the gun in his hand, feeling very upset, but he would not play tricks if he admits defeat.

Luo Ziqiang happily took off his clothes, and under the complex eyes of a company of soldiers, he wrapped thirty grenades.

The soldiers of the first company also hung their heads, unable to figure out how their company commander had lost like this. Seeing these grenades go to the supplementary company of the old smoking guns, they felt really reconciled.

Text Chapter 38 Adequate Ammunition

In the evening, a light mist has risen in the area around the watery Sagezaobang, and the withered and yellow reeds are undulating with the wind. If there is no rumbling sound of artillery in the distance, this must be a quiet and peaceful evening.

"Damn, how much ammunition does this cost? I'm rich." The old smoker looked at the pile of weapons and ammunition piled up like a hill, his wrinkled face looked like a blooming flower, and his eyes almost disappeared from the smile.

Immediately, he rushed forward like a landowner Lao Cai who saw gold and silver mountains, rubbing yellow and orange bullets, polished guns, and bundles of grenades with both hands...

Yang Ling just told him that he could get the ammunition, but the old smoker did not expect that Yang Ling would bring them an entire arsenal. The remnants of the supplementary company looked at the weapons and ammunition piled up like a hill, and their mouths were almost salivating. flowed out.

Fighting is all about ammunition, but facing the devil's attack, most of the Chinese soldiers only have a few grenades and five bullets in their hands. Every fierce battle will turn into hand-to-hand combat in the end. It is not that they are willing to fight hand-to-hand combat, but that they They didn't have enough ammunition to fight against the devils. They hated in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

Seeing so much ammunition now, the remnant soldiers of these supplementary companies are like poor clanging beggars who have suddenly become millionaires. They can hardly calm down their excitement. Hit the devil.

The platoon leader Luo Dayong stared closely at the two Czech-style light machine guns. He had already made up his mind to get one of them, little devil, just wait, grandpa will feed you a gun when the time comes.

All the remnants are happy, but no one in the 61st Division and many companies of the 81st Division next to it is happy at the moment. They are already regretting it. Why should they compare their marksmanship with that man with perverted marksmanship? This is not self-defeating It's hard work, but it's useless to regret now, all the weapons and ammunition have been lost.

There are still many people with good marksmanship in the 61st Division and the 81st Division. Most of these people with good marksmanship are veterans who have fought in older battles. Many of them have been fighting on the battlefield since the Central Plains War. People are better than those recruits in terms of battlefield experience and marksmanship, not 01:30 points, but also the pillars of the army.

But Yang Ling knew that although these people had rich experience and good marksmanship, their only shortcoming was that they all had such a hint of arrogance. They thought they were the best in the world, and no one looked down on them.

As for Yang Ling, he picked these veterans to challenge him. He didn't do anything. The thing he was most proud of was marksmanship. Naturally, these veterans would not lose face. Soldiers naturally cared about face, so face They couldn't refuse Yang Ling's challenge.

Yang Ling competed all the way down like this, and winning weapons and ammunition was enough to turn Supplementary Company into a landlord's old fortune. With Yang Ling, a sharpshooter who suddenly appeared, he became famous.

Before arriving at the battlefield, veterans who need self-supporting guns and good marksmanship took the initiative to come to the competition without waiting for Yang Ling to come to the door. Naturally, they still lost. After going back and forth, Yang Ling won more and more ammunition, so that now the pile is like a hill. .

However, Yang Ling is also very measured, that is, he will be merciful in every competition, and he will stop in time after winning dozens of bullets and some grenades.

He didn't want to bulge with his own pockets, letting the rest of the friendly troops fight the devils with fire sticks, it would violate his original intention, so every time he won a little, he would leave, but he couldn't support the company, so the accumulation made a lot, Their current ammunition is also quite objective.

Although Yang Ling won enough ammunition, he had broken his promise to get some soldiers to supplement the company. He originally planned to recruit some bloody warriors from among the retired soldiers to supplement the company.

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