The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 28

"Tell me, what are the orders in the battalion?" Old Smoker asked while leaning on the corpse in a comfortable posture.

It was only then that the communications soldier Chen Guangqing remembered his purpose of coming here, and hurriedly replied: "The battalion commander told you to hold on until dark, when the reinforcements will come up, we can withdraw."

"Okay, I got it." Old Smoker waved his hand at the communication soldier, expressing that he got it.

The communications soldier looked at the deadly silence of the battlefield, and then looked at the only one who was panting, the old smoker. He suddenly didn't know where the old smoker's confidence came from. Could it be that he lost his mind and went crazy, and he had to go back to the battalion commander. Report on the situation here.

Watching the communication soldier groping towards the next line of positions, the old smoker exhaled smoke rings, looking at the gray sky, mother, it is only morning, I have to stick to it until dark, I don’t know what to add Will it still exist at that time?

"Fatty Tian, ​​mother, don't go to sleep, go and get something to eat for the big guy." After smoking a cigarette, the old smoker suddenly felt hungry, threw the cigarette butt into the mud, and pulled it towards the bunker not far away. shouted in a hoarse voice.

The dead body of the devil blocking the cave was pushed away, Fatty Tian San's obese body came out of the cave, he leaned in front of the old smoker and showed bitterness: "Company commander, you in the wilderness..." Let me get food there?"

Originally, the battalion provided them with some miscellaneous grain cakes, but they didn't know if they would survive, so with the attitude of being full rather than starving, they ate all of them before the war started, and now they are alive. There is no more food to eat, and the old smoker is also worried.

At this moment, a clay figurine climbed up from the bomb crater, looked at the worried fat man and the old smoker and said, "The dead devil should have something to eat."

Fatty Tian looked at the clay figurine with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Mr. Lian, those are dead people's things..." Fatty always felt a bit unlucky about eating dead people's things.

Yang Ling didn't care about the squirming fat man, and walked straight to the corpse of a devil with a big hole in his stomach, turned it over, untied its backpack, and poured out all the contents in one go.

The old smoker looked at the troubled fat man, stretched out his leg and kicked: "Hurry up and help."

After a fierce battle last night, the remnants of Supplementary Company No. 33 have gone through cruel baptism, and now there are only [-] lonely people alive. For this reason, the living suffer more than the dead, and they have to struggle for their own survival. But it's all over.

Although the Supplementary Company suffered heavy losses, the devils lying on their positions were also killed and injured. The grenade minefield that Yang Ling set up in advance directly killed at least twenty devil soldiers, and now the mutilated bodies are still there.

The devils didn't gain any benefits in close hand-to-hand combat. The remnant soldiers fought against the devils with the determination to die. As long as there was still a breath, they would never give up killing the enemy. Not all, most of them fired grenades before dying and died with the devils.

The remnant soldiers knew that they couldn't stop the devils, so all they thought in their heads was that killing one counts as one, and killing two earns one. They didn't even think about going back alive.

They don't know what patriotism is, but they know that this is a national war, and they can't be a deserter to embarrass the elders in their hometown, so they would rather die with the devil than be a deserter, they can't afford to lose that person.

The fragrance of rice porridge wafted from the corpses everywhere, and the hungry remnants ignored the boiled rice porridge, and directly poured it into their mouths with bowls, screaming loudly.

The ghost soldiers are not only well-equipped, but also have good food. When they march and fight, they will also carry dry food for several days. Every day, there are five or six hundred grams of polished rice and staple foods such as biscuits, as well as sugar, jerky, etc. Things not only guarantee physical exertion but also guarantee nutrition to a certain extent.

However, even the central teaching corps of the Chinese army cannot guarantee two dry meals a day. When there is no battle, most of the time they have two meals a day, one dry and one thin. The local troops are even worse. Basic functions Eating steamed corn bread and eating rice cakes mixed with various rice bran, not to mention nutrition, is basically just eating the last meal without the next meal.

"Damn, the little devil's food is better than that of our village landlord Liu Laocai." Luo Dayong sighed repeatedly while licking the bottom of the bowl.

Text Chapter 44 Shelling


A shell roared across the sky above the Juzaobang River, and landed on the position of the supplementary company in a graceful arc. With the violent tremors of the ground, a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and mud and mist splashed in all directions. The air waves swept away in all directions.

The remnants of the soldiers who were drinking the porridge were like weeds in the field. The air wave swept past them, and they were all overturned to the ground. The porridge in the bowl flew out and fell into the muddy water .

Fatty Tian San was knocked over by the air wave in the muddy water of the trench, and suddenly turned into a wet clay figurine. He got up in embarrassment, touched the muddy water on his face, his eyes were full of anger: "Little devil, I drafted Grandma!"

Lie down!

Yang Ling flew over, and the fat man rolled over in the muddy water again, his long mouth was filled with mud, and a shell landed on the soil beams of the trench. With a bang, most of the trench collapsed, sending Yang Ling and the fat man on their backs. Covered with a thick layer of soil.

Dense shells fell into the defenders' positions one after another. The survivors of the 61st Division who were having breakfast threw away their rice bowls one after another, and jumped into the trenches full of mud and water like frightened rabbits.

"Quickly dodge the cannon!" Lao Yanqiang stood up with his body supported, and staggered towards the bunker in the Tibetan soldier cave not far away. The shells kept falling, and the splashing earth and rocks hit his body in burning pain. I didn't care so much, I just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

The remnants ran away cursing, the shells fell densely, the corpses on the battlefield were blown up into the sky, and then the flesh and internal organs all over the sky crashed down, like a rain of blood, a stench was in the air. Spread over the battlefield.

"Wow!" The shattered viscera was poured on Luo Dayong's head. The thick and thick man smelled the disgusting stench of Naning, and his heart was full of emotions. He couldn't help but spit out all the porridge he just poured into his stomach .

"Don't lie on your stomach, hide in the bomb crater!" Yang Ling pulled up the stunned fat Tian San, and yelled at the remnants of the soldiers running wildly on the ground.

The chances of the devil's shells falling into the same crater were very small, Yang Ling hoped that this would save him from disaster.

A remnant soldier shivered and fell to the ground. Facing the constant roar of explosions, his legs were soft and he covered his ears and screamed. The ground trembled violently. He felt as if his internal organs had been shattered. His head was swollen, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

"Damn it! Bully us without artillery!" The 361st Regiment was set up in the command bunker hundreds of meters behind. Li Zhong, the commander of the major, saw that the front position was covered by the devil's artillery fire. With grief and indignation, he punched the sandbag. Angrily cursed.

The Field Artillery Regiment belonging to the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army is equipped with 36 75mm field guns. At the moment, the gun barrels exuding metallic luster are bombarding indiscriminately at the 61st position on the opposite bank. It rose and fell in the air and set off a huge mud fog on the opposite bank.

The positions of the 61st Regiment of the 361st Division received special attention. Because of the fierce fighting all night, the Japanese army dropped more than 300 corpses in front of their positions, which completely angered the Japanese army.

Li Zhong, the head of the 361 regiment, watched helplessly that his position was turned into ruins under the indiscriminate bombing of the Japanese army, and watched the soldiers who were frightened and running were blown into two pieces. He closed his eyes in pain, unable to bear Seeing such a tragedy happen, he stood there and let the mud fall down and drench all over his body.

"Tuan Zuo, it's too dangerous here, should we retreat!" The ashen-faced adjutant stumbled into the headquarters of the bunker regiment, rushed to Li Zhong, and offered a suggestion.

"What did you say!" Li Zhong asked loudly as the roar of the artillery made his ears buzz.

"Tuan Zuo! It's too dangerous here, should we retreat!" the adjutant shouted while dragging Sang Zi, this time Li Zhong heard clearly.

Li Zhong dusted off the dirt all over his body, picked up the official rifle that was placed on the wooden board, pulled the bolt and shouted: "Anyone who dares to evacuate without authorization! I will shoot him first!"

Li Zhong's words made the officers who were about to retire tremble. Looking at Li Zhong's red eyes, they knew that Li Zhong was not joking.

Li Zhong, the head of the regiment, looked around at the officers in the headquarters and shouted: "It is the bounden duty of our soldiers to protect our homes and the country! The Japanese army killed my compatriots! Occupy my land! There is no reason for us soldiers to back down!"

"Assemble the guard company! Follow me to kill the enemy and serve the country!" Li Zhong shouted, already striding towards the outside of the headquarters bunker with his rifle in hand.

The regiments in the regiment headquarters are all passionate soldiers. They watched the land fall and their compatriots were killed, and they were holding a breath in their hearts. When Li Zhong raised his arms and shouted, his blood boiled in his heart.

"I fought with Little Japan today!" All the officers drew their guns one after another, followed Li Zhong's footsteps and strode towards the position, preparing for a bloody battle with the Japanese army.

The Japanese field artillery regiment had exhausted a base of ammunition before stopping the shelling, while the positions of the Chinese defenders on the right bank had already been plowed, and there were bombed and fragmented corpses everywhere, and the trenches had become shattered. It was a mess.

Yang Ling stood up unsteadily from the muddy water, his brain was bewildered with a roar, he knew it was the sequelae after the shelling, he climbed up the trench and saw countless devil soldiers with steel helmets lined up as stragglers The line is over.

"Is there anyone out of breath? The devils are here, ready to fight!" Yang Ling quickly ran to the place where they stored ammunition, lifted the reed that covered it, grabbed the bullets and a rifle, turned around and jumped in. Trenches full of mud and water.

"I'm still alive, hahaha, I'm still alive." Luo Dayong stood up unsteadily, grinning loudly, as if he had lost his mind.

"I know you're alive, and you'll die later!" Old Smoker spit out a mouth full of mud, and angrily kicked Luo Dayong awake: "Hurry up and get the gun, the devil has already touched it!"

More than a dozen remnants killed three of them. The bodies were blown to pieces and their faces could not be distinguished. But this is war, cruel and bloody. On this battlefield where lives are so desperate, no one knows if the next one will die. Myself, so there is no time to cry and sorrow.

Yang Ling pulled the bolt to unload the bullet and loaded it, aiming at the Japanese lieutenant with the command knife in his hand, waiting for the opponent to come into range.

The remnants also took up their weapons one after another, lying on both sides of Yang Ling in a row, the bolts rattled, and they gasped for breath. They were the thin line of defense in this position.

"Damn it, three more died." Old Smoker unscrewed the grenade in front of his body, talking to himself, not knowing whether it was cursing or pity, watching the number of people in the supplementary company getting fewer and fewer, Old Smoker The mood is getting worse and worse.

Yang Ling turned his head and looked at the next company, and saw the company commander Xiong Dawu, who was hunched over in the trench, unscrewing grenades one by one with anger on his face, his lips were wriggling, why did the two company commanders like it? Twisting the grenade, he shook his head.

Text Chapter 45 Grenade Feast

The Devil soldiers lined up skirmishers and pressed towards the position of the 361st Regiment. While rushing forward, they pulled the bolt and fired at the Chinese squadron's position. Crackling, rocks flying, vegetation breaking.

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