The Bond That Even Gods Cannot Break

Chapter 22: Choice

In the same instant the woman asked her question, an elegant circular gazebo with two sofas appeared amidst the colossal sea of trees with purple and white petals. Instead of a table at its center, various cakes and biscuits floated on luxurious plates in midair.

“Come on, help yourselves. You both worked very hard and deserve some time to rest. We can discuss the complicated matters later,” Dianthus said with a soft smile.

Their bodies floated as if by magic toward the sofa, and before they realized it, each had a teacup gently hovering in front of them. The sweet and unique aroma of numerous delicacies, considered rare in many places, filled their senses immediately. Though hesitant, the intensity of the woman’s gaze was overwhelming. Reluctantly, Melissa reached for one of the floating cups, and a teapot swiftly poured a steaming liquid into it.

“Assam tea…” Melissa whispered.

After the first sip, she froze. Her trembling hands stared at the small teacup in awe, her wide eyes shifting quickly to Dianthus, who seemed to be waiting for this reaction.

“Yes, Melissa, it’s the same tea you tasted that day,” Dianthus confirmed with a knowing smile.

“How is that possible? How do you know about that?” Melissa’s voice was tinged with disbelief.

“I know many things, my dear. This is just one of them,” Dianthus replied gently.

While the exchange left Melissa shocked, Sophia tilted her head in confusion. “That day?” she asked, puzzled.

“Oh, I apologize, Sophia. You must feel a little out of place in this conversation. Unfortunately, you didn’t witness the memories of that moment,” Dianthus explained with a kind tone. “You see, one day, Melissa received a request from an elderly photographer in her neighborhood to pose for some pictures with a few doll dresses. With her kind heart, Melissa agreed, and as a reward, she got to taste a special tea from South Asia. She had always wanted to try it again, so I thought I’d prepare some for her. By the way, I happen to have the photos from that session with me, in case you'd like to see them. She looks absolutely lovely in the dresses.”

“Wait! Don’t go sharing my past so casually!” Melissa protested, cutting off the deity, who seemed to enjoy the reaction and was eager to reveal more stories.

Sophia frowned for a moment but made sure not to let Melissa notice, as she was about to ask to see the photos herself. Melissa, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing Dianthus, trying to figure out the true intentions behind her hospitality.

“We just had trouble dealing with a Dream Eater that messed with our memories. What guarantees do we have that you’re not the same?” Melissa's voice was steady but laced with tension as she confronted the woman.

Despite the cold sweat forming on Melissa’s brow from her bold question, Dianthus’s expression remained calm and serene. She smiled softly, not at all offended by the comparison to a monster that devoured dreams.

“A fair point. You’ve had limited experiences up until now, so comparing the unknown to what you’ve already seen is a completely natural reaction,” Dianthus said, sipping her tea leisurely, as though the accusation hadn’t fazed her in the slightest.

"To begin with, Dream Eaters are a type of monster that uses their toxins to induce their victims into a vegetative state. Once affected, your deepest traumas and fears are manifested as dreams to gradually feed the creature. However, this is limited to experiences you’ve already had—they can’t create new memories. By the way, I wouldn’t mind if you activated [Love, the Final Fortress] to verify that you’re not being manipulated. That achievement was quite a surprise—I didn’t expect you to obtain a [Mythic] class skill so soon. But after everything, you know you can trust me, right?"

Dianthus wasn’t wrong in that regard. The aura she exuded was unlike anything they had encountered before with other monsters. It was difficult to put into words, but it felt as though a deep sense of safety had been etched within them. If this woman wanted them dead, they would have been gone before they even realized it.

“Wait, if we only see our own memories, why did I see Sophia’s life?”

Dianthus didn’t respond, as Sophia offered her hypothesis before she could.

“It’s probably because of this, right?”

When their clasped hands were presented to the woman, her smile remained, but her eyes grew sharper.

“Exactly, Sophia. It’s for the same reason the system considers you two to be a single individual.”

“But what is that reason, exactly?”

“That’s something for you to figure out on your own. I can only assure you that I have no influence over it.”

Dianthus’s words left more questions than answers. Both girls exchanged glances, thinking she might be avoiding a direct response for some reason.

“Sorry if our questions come across as rude, we don’t mean any disrespect to your Excellency.”

“You could never be rude to me, my dears. And please, stop with ‘your Excellency,’ it feels so out of place. You may not understand the logic yet, but at this point, I’m essentially your mother. So, you can call me Mom!”

At that, both girls felt a shiver run down their spines, unsure how to react. Carefully choosing her words, Sophia struggled to avoid stammering, trying to hide the embarrassment that colored her face.

“Um, how about Lady Dia? Does that sound acceptable?”

Dianthus puffed out her cheeks at the rejection of her suggestion and crossed her arms beneath her ample chest as if showing mild frustration.

“I’d prefer you didn’t use ‘Lady,’ but I’ll make an exception since you feel close enough to give me a nickname. Fine, I’ll accept it. However, don’t forget, I’d still love it if you called me Mom~”

After serving a few more biscuits while pouting like a child, Dianthus cleared her throat and continued.

“Now, where were we? Ah, yes, I need to explain why you’re here.”

The tension in the air was palpable, both girls felt it. Something had shifted. It was as though the calm before the storm had passed, and now the atmosphere darkened.

“Sophia and Melissa, you must have realized by now—you’re no longer on Earth. The world you’re in is on the brink of a great war, and I’m the one who brought you here.” Dianthus crossed her legs, her hands resting gracefully in her lap.

Although Melissa didn’t have unrestricted access to the internet, she had played at arcades and read several manga and novels at convenience stores. The theme of adventures in another world wasn’t unfamiliar to modern media, so she felt she had a certain understanding of their current situation.

“Lady Dia brought us here to defeat the demon king and save the world, or something like that?”

Melissa raised an eyebrow as she spoke. Sophia, standing beside her, tilted her head in confusion at the unfamiliar term, but trusting her beloved, she simply waited for Dianthus’s response.

“That’s a good guess, Melissa, but this isn’t a war against a demon king or some heroic journey to save the world,” Dianthus replied, leaning forward with one hand covering the side of her mouth as if sharing a secret never meant for mortal ears.

“I need you to face a god.”

Sophia and Melissa paled.

“Let me rephrase that—actually, not just one god. Six, to be precise~”

Dianthus spoke casually as she observed the shocked expressions of the two girls.

“W-Wait, what?”

“Lady Dia... are you serious?”

Each girl reacted differently. The world system they had recently become familiar with had given them tasks to defeat monsters and explore various locations, but never did they think they’d be tasked with confronting gods.

“Since the beginning of time, seven gods have governed all the realms across every universe. Aside from me, Dianthus, who represents love and family, six other entities manage the continuity of everything: Death and war; Ambition and betrayal; Stagnation and peace; Pride and wealth; Resentment and corruption; and finally, Hunger and life.”

Her explanation had a calm, almost melodic tone to it as if she were singing to the girls.

“All of us served the great Creator, the one who gave us life and entrusted us with the important task of managing the universes he brought into existence. However, he is no longer able to...”

“W-Wait, him no longer being able to, does that mean...?”

“Yes, he is no longer with us.”

The Creator of all was no longer among them.

Such a statement could be interpreted in various ways, but regardless of which one you chose, none of the implications were good.

“We found ourselves at an impasse, as unsolvable as a Gordian knot. When the small eternity we had to decide the next leader was nearing its end, a suggestion came from one of us... The Succession War.”

More than anything they had heard so far, this phrase pierced them the deepest, chilling their hearts.

“Succession war...?” Sophia stammered while Dianthus’s smile widened.

“In a world where none of us had previously held any influence, each of us would choose one person to represent us—a chosen ascendant, so to speak. The contest will be held between these individuals, and the one who emerges victorious at the end will secure the Creator’s throne for their patron.”

The words coming from Dianthus were terrifying. Two girls, on the verge of entering adulthood, had just been given the mission to face gods.

“If each deity chose an ascendant, and the competition will be decided between them, how is the winner chosen?”

“That’s much simpler than you think, Sophia.” Dianthus took a sip of tea, her lips parting seductively as she spoke with casual ease. “The last ascendant alive determines which deity will succeed the throne.”

“Are you threatening us to fight to the death?” Melissa shouted in protest, unable to contain herself at the absurdity of Dianthus’s words.

“No, you have no obligation to participate in this as my ascendants. From the beginning, this was not something imposed upon you, so Sophia, and Melissa, you both have now the chance to refuse. However, remember, you have already died; your souls have entered the Ethereal River, which guides all souls in the afterlife. Due to the dispute for the throne, a temporary concession has been granted to us to withdraw souls from the Ethereal River and restore their memories of life, which is permanently prohibited. If you refuse, I will only apologize for removing you from your eternal rest and will take you back to the Ethereal River at once.”

Sophia and Melissa froze in place, their joined hands tightening even more. They knew that Dianthus hadn’t lied about anything she said. It was due to their mistake, fighting on that sports court, that had resulted in their deaths. Yes, death. Swallowing hard, they once again had to accept the fact that they were already dead.

If they refused the proposal, perhaps a tranquil fate awaited them, but that would mean returning to death and separating forever. To remain together, they would not only have to explore an unknown world but also face six other deities in a war and emerge victorious in the end.

“We’ll do it!”


While still trapped in her thoughts, Melissa was pulled from her shock by the words of the girl beside her.

“I don’t want to be separated from you again! I refuse any ending that isn’t alongside Melissa. If the chance for us to be together forever means winning this war, even if it means getting my hands dirty, I will do it!”

Sophia had vowed never to be separated from her girl again, and she would keep that promise at all costs.

“I’m in. Let’s kick the butt of your coworkers or whatever they are if you guarantee that I can stay by Sophia’s side.”

Melissa intensified her grip on their intertwined hands. In the face of her beloved’s conviction, how could she back down?

“Of course, my beloved daughters. I can assure you that you will remain together and healthy until the end of time if that’s what you desire. Furthermore, when we win and I obtain the throne, I will be above the current laws and can grant any reward. For example, would you like to return to Earth?”


“Not a chance.”

The instant responses made Dianthus exclaim in surprise for a moment before letting out a light laugh.

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