The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 101: Take Me Up

October 3rd, 2089

Vivian’s POV

It has been less than a week since Pandemonium’s attack on London occurred.  The total death toll was 169, with 45 of those individuals being members of the military and police.  Video footage from the body cams of the brave men and women who stormed the building mysteriously vanished.  Even so, I know that there were at least eight individuals other than myself who had seen the footage as it was filming.  Not a single one of those eight remember the contents nor do they recall ever viewing the footage.

Considering that the contents indicate the presence of magic, it has led me to believe that their memories were altered.  In all honesty I question what I saw, particularly since I cannot review the video to allay my doubts.  There is still one way to confirm this.  I recognized the weapon that Dante was using as the missing was-sceptre from the museum.  It granted him power over the winds and of destruction itself.  It was an artifact mentioned in legends for its miraculously abilities, surely it is not the only one where the legends were accurate.

I am currently in the most guarded location in the Royal Treasury, looking at the family heirloom that has granted Kingship twice-over.  I am alone here, warily observing the relic.  My hesitation in wielding it is due to both the awe-inspiring history behind the sword and my own denial.  If magic is real, the world as I know it will change irrevocably.  If magic is real, then those creatures in the videos are actual demons.  If magic is real, then Pandemonium may be the vanguard of the world’s annihilation.

I mastered my breathing, as I have been taught in my lessons, and finally reached out to Excalibur.  The sword has gone untouched since my grandfather placed it here after reclaiming the throne.  It is the symbol of royal authority for the Pendragon family.  My hand wrapped around the hilt, and a strange sensation surged through me.  A weak and uncertain light emanated from the blade, as if it were debating whether or not to show its true brilliance.  The light flickered, and I could tell that if I did nothing the it would fade back into oblivion and I wouldn’t be able to rouse it again.  A sudden impulse came over me, causing me to lightly cut my thumb against the blade.  The crimson red of my blood stood out against the silver steel, before it was absorbed into the blade. 

A feeling of recognition swept through the blade, as if it understood that I was a descendent of its first master.  The fading light immediately became one of a blinding brilliance, although I was unaffected.  I utilized the many lessons in swordplay I had been taught as a child and did a simple overhead chop.  Excalibur seemed to sing as it sliced through the air.  It moved so easily that I overdid my swing and cut into the solid steel pedestal like it was butter.  Power, righteous and holy, was overflowing from the blade, which was as excited as a child on Christmas morning to be wielded once more.

It appears that Dante and the ones opposing him were actually using magic.  Magic is real after all…  EHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!  *A short time later* Ahem, once I managed to collect myself I took the sword and sheathe from the vault, replacing it with a replica.  I wrapped up the sheathe in a non-descript cover to hide its identity.  I was walking back towards my quarters, trying to figure out what to do next.  I could prove the existence of magic with Excalibur, but the effects it would have on the public would be enormous.

Furthermore, it seems the forces that use magic do their best to keep it hidden.  If I were attempt to oust them, I’d likely be eliminated.  My mind returns to the events at the royal ball in January.  It seems that my rescuer was a magic user, it is the only explanation as to why he could survive those explosions and avoid our investigation.  No, I would not want to garner the ire of people like him.  It also seems rather wasteful to squander the benefits this could bring to the kingdom by keeping it secret.  We would have an insurmountable advantage over the other council nations if we utilized magic.  For now though, I think I will keep this to myself until I have a better understanding.

“Princess!  His majesty requests your presence.”  I nodded to the messenger who stopped me and altered my destination to my father’s study.  A brief walk later and I stood before my father.  “Vivian, I just concluded a call with the Japanese Prime Minister.  They have expressed interest in collaborating with our efforts in defeating Pandemonium.”  “Really, Father?  Are they looking for something in return?”  My father shook his head in denial “The attack on the concert in Tokyo has put great pressure on the government to take action.  Given our successes in stymying Pandemonium, working with us would be a politically expedient move.”  I gave a somewhat unrefined snort at the murkiness of democracy, a sentiment I knew my father shared since he did not chide me for my undignified behavior.

“But that news alone is not why I have called you here.  As a sign of goodwill, the government has revealed the existence of a survivor who had not been addled by the hallucinogenic gas during the attack.  We have permission to interview him for ourselves.”  That statement attracted my attention.  A live witness could provide invaluable information.  He may have even seen magic.  Or he could be a magic user himself.  “Father!  I would like to conduct the interview personally!”  I readied myself for an argument but my father’s response took me off guard “Of course.  I have already arranged for the jet to leave in 3 days.  You also have my permission to do the interview informally, no need to make the witness wary or uncomfortable.”

My father being so agreeable to my demands is unusual.  What is his angle?  “Talking with the witness and trading intelligence will certainly take some time, so I have decided that you might as well do some diplomatic work while there.  There’s a rather notable gala in Tokyo on the Day of Peace that I would like you to attend in my place.”  Aha!  There it is.  “Father, are you trying to fob off something troublesome onto me?”  I asked tersely.  My father smiled weakly “Well, the Prime Minister was being rather persistent in getting me to come.  I daresay it would be an excellent photo op to assist him in the upcoming elections.  I have enough heartache from Council of Nine meetings, so forgive me for avoiding further nuisances.”

I sighed, but decided not to protest.  “Alright Father, I’ll do it.  At least I can get out of having to attend Aoife’s 16th birthday party.”  “Well, her and her father will be at the gala.  Chairman Byrne is in talks with the Hayashi Group to merge with the World Trading Company.  They’re the hosts, so both Mr. Byrne and his daughter will be there.”  A grimace involuntarily came to my face at the thought of having to deal with all the pomp and circumstance that will surely surround the Heiress to the most powerful corporation in the world.  I am quite friendly with Aoife, but I deal with enough attention from the public and potential suitors as it is.  When I’m with Aoife there is a veritable flood of men trying to woo us and it is quite irritating.  It looks like my visit to Japan will be rather eventful.

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