The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 12

12 – Get Away From Her(6)

I couldn’t believe anything

Even humans, elves, demon lords, and even their own people.

Everyone in the world persecuted Yongin.

We were strong from the moment we were born.

No race could defeat Yongin’s innate power

Since childhood, we have lived without knowing defeat.

‘What did I do wrong?’

We were so arrogant. He had no mercy even when he exercised his power over the weak, and he thought it was foolish to be considerate of others.

It’s the same with me in the past. He was engrossed in his power and lived as a fool who knew nothing.

Believing that no one can defeat him, he ridiculed others and lived his life.

The karma for our arrogance came in an instant.

‘Defeat all Yongin. Kill them and make them slaves.’

The Demon King has designated us as the target of elimination.

After that, the army of the demon king began to hunt his people scattered around the world.

No matter how Yongin he was, he could not stop the onslaught of monsters day and night.

Many colleagues died or became slaves to the Demon King’s army.

Sometimes I met a worse end than that.

It was then that the Yongin realized the seriousness and began to unite.

Even then, if all of our people had united against the demon king’s forces, we might have avoided the miserable situation we have now.

But we ended up splitting up.

The alliance, which started with a sense of self-confidence, collapsed due to mere pride.

Drunk by the mere name of the boss, mistrust sprouted and they split up.

‘Conflict. Conflict. And betrayal.’

While I slept, my colleagues tore my wings.

I was deprived of the right to live as a Yongin.

I lost my place to go without being able to call myself Yongin.

After a while, the coalition collapsed.

Unable to withstand the demon king’s offensive, they were scattered.

I started wandering, losing everything.

‘Help me…’

No one helped me. I realized that too late.

I asked for help from those around me, even if it was late.

But no one accepted me.

Human betrayed me. He broke his promise to help and tried to enslave me.

The elf returned the arrogance that I had shown in the past.

When they saw me with my wings ripped, they insulted me and made me laugh.

I couldn’t give in to the Demon King.

I would rather take my own life than kneel before the demons.

Lost all hope, I ran away endlessly.

He wandered without a destination and barely survived.

But it was impossible to get rid of the Demon King’s army forever.

In the end, I was cornered in the woods.

After a long battle, he managed to break through the siege and hide into the cave.

There were full of monsters targeting me too.

Even Arachne, the owner of the cave, barely defeated him and took a breather.

Suddenly an unknown knight appeared.

For the first time, I faced an overwhelming force.

There was a bloody energy in the blade that had barely been blocked.

My scales, which I thought no one could break through, split in just one stroke.

I was able to feel it instinctively while barely blocking the knight’s offensive.

‘I can’t beat this guy.’

She was stronger than me. Even if I fight in the best condition, I can’t guarantee that I will win.

‘Is this my end?’

In the end, she was hit in the head and collapsed.

I no longer had the strength to block the attack.

In my head, a flashlight flashed. Most are just bad memories.

When I was young, I couldn’t control my blood and killed people.

He looked down on other races and was arrogant.

Up to the time of running away from the demon king and disintegrating the alliance due to the betrayal of colleagues.

I’ve never been truly happy.

The poor words of a man who is drunk with pride.

I didn’t want to live like this.

So I prayed earnestly.

‘I’m sorry. Sorry… Wrong. Forgive me… I will repent. So just give me one chance. Please help me…’

An apology that I did not know who it was directed to lingered in my head.

But I didn’t say those words until I died.

The moment I close my eyes to meet the end,

“Wait a minute.”

I heard a man’s voice in my ear.

At the same time, life fades away and the waitress who was aiming for me looks at him with bewildered eyes.

A story goes back and forth between the two.

I couldn’t understand what he was saying because his hearing was damaged by the shock of battle.

‘What do you mean…?’

Are you trying to make me worse than death? Fear did not lower the vigilance.

Suddenly, the man took a potion from his pocket and threw it at me.

I did not receive it. I don’t know what the intention was, but I thought that there was no way he could do me a favor without a reason.

Then he took the potion again, drank a little, and threw it back at me.

I realized later that this was an action to reassure me.

‘Why the hell…?’

My mind was thrown into confusion due to an unknown action.

The knight was still screaming, but the man was looking at me, not paying attention.

The two eyes that looked at me had a good kindness. He was helping me.

‘Help me?’

My heart was pounding.

This is a situation I’ve been dreaming of since someday.

I wish someone would do me a favor. If there is someone who faces me with a warm gaze rather than hostility.

I always dismissed it as a delusion.

But I couldn’t believe that the dream I had dreamed of had actually happened.

I slowly picked up the potion the man had thrown me.

It’s a sign of his first favor.

‘Is it okay to trust this person?’

There was still a disbelief in the corner of my heart.

Before, there was a time when I was entangled by humans, drank poison and almost sold myself as a slave.

After that, I swore I would never trust a human again.

However, the previous oath became a handful of dust to the first favor.

In an instant, the beliefs that were so firmly adhered to were shattered.

But I didn’t mind.

Rather, with anticipation and excitement, my heart trembled and my heart started pounding.

‘Maybe I hoped that someday the oath would be broken.’

I felt confused. My heart was pounding, but my head was full of doubts.

Even though I was filled with unknown expectations, my body still did not move.

In the meantime, the man is silently looking at me. He was waiting for my answer.

‘What should I say?’

The moment I was talking to the man, the cave began to shake.

This is the march of the demon kings chasing me.

I knew instinctively after living in pursuit for several decades.

The man was bewildered by the sudden vibration of the earth.

This knight turned his back to me and the man and entered a battle stance.

Looking at that scene, I inadvertently stuttered.

“Weren’t you the Demon Kings…?”

Unfortunately, these are the first words I said to a man.

Even after I said that, I thought.

He also looked at me and looked at me with an absurd look.

‘Seriously, this person,’

He tried to help me. He reached out a helping hand to me, who was hated by everyone.

Then how should I get it?

I had to say thank you. Not.

First, I had to ask why he helped me. Should I even give you a handshake?

It’s something I’ve never done before.

I still had to say something. I wanted to hold onto the relationship that came like fate.

The words that came out after such a lot of thought were shabby even for me to think about.

“I’m sorry…”

Before I even heard an answer, a rock fell from the ceiling. Unable to withstand the shock, the floor collapsed.



The man’s body collapsed and fell off the cliff. Me too.

On the way down into the endless darkness, only a man could be seen.

My head was full of thoughts that I needed to help.

‘I need help. Only I can save him.’

I was very resentful of the already torn wings.

If I had been able to fly in the air like before, I would have been safe too.

But I couldn’t even bring back the lost wings.

I hugged him in the air while falling. A shield was created by discharging all remaining magical power.

I prayed for the man to be safe even at the moment of the fall.

How can you predict and prepare for lightning strikes in the dry sky?

I never imagined that the floor would collapse without any notice.

I was able to guess a considerable height in the midst of falling.

If you fall like this, you will definitely not be safe.

I bit my teeth and waited for the pain to come.

I expected the shock to be applied to the whole body soon.


But I didn’t feel the pain I had been waiting for.

I landed lightly on the ground with a soft feeling.

Someone was hugging me. It prevented me from getting hurt.


An unnamed dragon was lying beneath me.

“What are you doing…!”

She couldn’t get up, lying on her floor.

She was breathing heavily as if she was about to stop breathing.

Why did she, who had been hostile to her until recently, saved me?

I don’t know, but I couldn’t leave it like this.

I got up from my seat and hurriedly found a pouch containing the potion.

But there was nothing inside.

I lost them all during the fall.

I looked around quickly. There were swords and shields in the distance.

But the pouch and potion are nowhere to be seen.

“Wait a minute!”

First, I had to save the nameless dragon.

As she approached to check on her condition, she moved her mouth quietly.



“Are you okay…”

It is a voice that seems to be cut off at any moment.

Who sees whom and asks if it’s okay?

There was no way that she didn’t even know what state she was in right now.

“I’m fine. You rather than me…!”

In response to my answer, the nameless dragon smiled faintly.

She was smiling as if she had no regrets about what she had done.

“I’m glad.”

She smiles as if she will die soon.

She swallowed her saliva, checking her condition.

There was blood on her head. Her shoulders were shattered and her legs were limp and immobile.

As if she couldn’t even open her eyes properly, she barely turned her head to look at me.

It is literally in a miserable state. It wouldn’t be strange if he died right now.

“Please wait. Let’s find a potion.”

She looked around her back on her floor. She tried to find her pocket where she had collected the potions.

But when I saw the smashed glass of the potion in the distance, I was left with only a sense of disappointment.

‘Why am I so unlucky?’

I know this world is a dark fantasy.

From noble mtl dot com

I also know that it has an awfully high level of difficulty.

But why isn’t luck so bad?

That said, I couldn’t stay pessimistic.

The nameless dragon was still dying.

Name: nameless dragon

Age: 349

Gender: Female

Class: Yongin

Level: 28

HP: 12/2100

MP : 8/3100

Strength: 41/100

Health: 35/100

Agility: 32/100

mana: 41/100

Wisdom: 31/100

Luck: 5/100

I have only 12 HP left. He was still alive, but he never knew when he might stop breathing.

The moment HP becomes 0, allies die.

Never come back. There is, of course, no resurrection system.

It will disappear from the game forever. It was literally like death in reality.

It should be stopped. She had to somehow save her.

She hurried to her and whispered in her ear.

“Listen carefully. There are no potions. Everything is broken.”

“Because of me…”


“I didn’t drink the potion…”

I was talking about her potion I gave her before she fell to the floor.

I regretted not drinking the potion she gave me.

But I immediately shook my head.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Of course, if I had taken that potion, things would have been better than now, but if I regretted it now, what would be different?

Now I had to find her way to somehow save her.

“Be patient. We will do our best to help.”

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