The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 29

29 – There are no vacancies (2)

I expected that the request would go smoothly.

Thirty Orcs. Of course, the elite soldiers were stronger than the others.

But after all, it’s just an orc.

To be honest, Erina alone was enough.

She was there and she joined Kyla, so she could never fail.

And me too.

Even if not as strong as the two of them.

After killing Alfred, the level went up.

Thanks to Kyla, I was able to get a class called Dragon Knight.

Finally, the opportunity to test its power has come.

When they arrived at the Orc colony, they each checked his weapon.

Erina is a long sword. Kayla is magic. I have a sword and a shield.

It was a pretty plausible party.

“Let’s go.”

There was no operation. Literally rush.

If you kill all the orcs, it’s over.

In the lead, Erina and I. Kyla was in the rear.

I ran into the orc colony with my signal.

There are five orcs in sight right now.

He was guarding an ugly fence.

“Erina. Go right.”


Lightning flows from the long sword along with the answer.

A bloody spark sounded along the sword.

Thunderbolt Sword. It is a skill I use often and her main specialty.

The orc in front raised a shield.

But it was the worst number.

The shield was cut in half as it was.

With a scream, the Orc died.

I took the left. A club flowing upwards caught my eye.

There is considerable wind pressure. But it’s slow.

I lightly dodged and dug inside.

I stabbed the orc in the stomach with a knife.

A fist flew at the same time, but I managed to block it with my shield.

I put the blade deep into the struggling opponent.

The resistance gradually subsided and the body leaned.

With a thump, the orc fell.

When he pulled out his sword, blood and bloody blood splashed on his face.

I didn’t even have time to catch my breath.

I looked around quickly.


Behind her back were flames.

A huge firestorm hit the orc that was aiming for the back of my head.

Kyla was covering me.

“Don’t worry. I’m watching.”

The magic circle lit and a fire broke out.

Smooth and menacing movements rushed towards the horde of orcs.

In an instant, the horde of monsters was engulfed in flames.

Even so, hell was unfolding.

In the meantime, I found the next prey.

It is the largest of the orcs.

I felt a sense of intimidation just looking at it.

A club comes down like a thunderbolt.

He twisted his body to avoid it.

At the same time, the shield blocked his fist.

With a thump, his fists ricocheted.

For a moment, he screamed as if he felt pain in his fist hit by the shield.

At that moment, there was a gap. Lowering his posture, he drew out his sword and stabbed the sole of his foot.

As it is, the knife that pierced the instep of his foot was twisted and stabbed.

With a painful cries, the groan began.

While twisting his entire body, he swings his club and fist without remorse.

‘It’s big but nothing special.’

He immediately put his sword down, passed between his crotch and aimed at him behind him.

He pulled out the dagger he had hidden in his arms and shoved it into his heel.

With a shout, the orc fell to the floor.

I immediately hit him in the face with a shield.

Suddenly, blood splattered.

He stopped the opponent who was about to get up and pulled out the sword stuck in his foot.


However, the orc’s head was cut off.

His head was removed and his body was drooping as it was. The fight is over.

I looked around and saw that many orcs were already dead.

The corpse with its head exploded. Charred body. A head swaying with eyes open.

It was all done by Erina and Kyla.

In this way, the orc horde faced an unprecedented carnage.

“Even so, it’s a bit too much.”

In less than thirty minutes, they were all annihilated.

The whole forest was stained with blood.

Under the setting sun, the corpses of monsters piled up like a mountain was spectacular in another sense.

It was literally called the Orc Cemetery.

“Erina. That’s it. Stop it.”

Erina was holding her sword at her body.

The body was shredded without being able to maintain its shape.

“Dare you, on an orc theme…!”

He’s a target for a surprise attack on me.

Of course, she couldn’t even come close and was burned by Kaila’s fire magic, but Erina’s anger did not stop.

I thought I was getting used to seeing the corpses of monsters, but I guess I was wrong.

I felt nauseated at the horrific sight Erina had made.

“I’m done. Stop it.”

Once again, when she let her dry her, she barely stopped slicing her.

“Yes, I will endure this much…”

I think this is tolerable. I didn’t want to even imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t stopped.

‘What happened to Alfred last time?’

At that time, Erina asked her to entrust the dead Alfred’s body to herself.

Perhaps he met a more tragic end than that orc.

I thought it was a good thing I didn’t have to check it.

Kyla swallowed a drool from behind me.

It looked terrified to see the tragic orc’s corpse.

No matter how much she is, the sight of her now will be unfamiliar.

“I’m happy though. It’s over.”

If we were in a hurry, we could return to the capital by the time the sun went down.

It is much earlier than expected.

This quest was simple, but it yielded a lot.

More than anything else, I was able to properly check my strength.

Name: Seohyun

Age: 23 years old

Gender: Male

Class: Dragon Knight

Level :13

HP: 540/540

MP : 130/130

Strength: 27/100

Health: 26/100

Agility: 17/100

mana : 25/100

Wisdom: 21/100

Luck: 29/100

‘Definitely a rare class is good.’

If you had chosen a normal class, your stats would not have risen this quickly.

Elite Orc soldiers could easily be caught. This is progress faster than expected.

“The sun is going down soon. I think we need to hurry up a bit.”

“Oh, yes.”

I quickly closed the status window at Kyla’s words.

Just in time, Erina put her long sword into her sheath to finish it off.

He cut off all of the orc’s ears and put everything in his pocket.

It is a proof to inform the guild of the success or failure.

“Then let’s go back.”

There was nothing to see in the forest anymore. After she cleaned up, she left immediately.

“Now, wait a minute!”

The receptionist checked his pockets with his eyes wide open. There were dozens of orc ears inside.

This is the loot we just brought from killing the orc elite.

“Are you sure? Still, he’s an elite orc, but too fast…!”

“Check it out. Do you have any ear piercings?”

Orcs with decorations are elite soldiers.

All of his severed ears had piercings or traces of them.

“Didn’t you just steal other loot…?”

“How the heck are you suspicious?”

I felt a sense of displeasure at the endless doubts.

Is there any reason to be so distrustful of failing only once?

“But it’s unprecedented. Intermediate quests were only done in one day. No, no party came back after subjugating in 6 hours!”

Is that such a big deal?

If you see the receptionist making a fuss though, it certainly doesn’t seem like a normal thing.

It didn’t matter to me anyway.

I had to collect the commission right now and wanted to leave.

“Please check quickly. I want to go back and rest.”

The receptionist reluctantly took the loot.

I was told to come back tomorrow because the request fee can be collected after checking the loot.

“Did you see that? I’m like this.”

“Yeah. That’s great.”

“Please trust me in the future. I will do the quest as many times as possible.”

Erina was standing next to me with a triumphant expression.

I stroked her hair lightly, and she laughed softly.

The request report is over.

The reward could be received after checking the loot.

The receptionist asked me to come back tomorrow to receive the money.

The reward for a successful quest is 1200 gold. That’s enough money for three people to survive for three days.

Certainly, the intermediate quests paid off well.

If you continue to succeed at this rate, you will be able to perform a silent ceremony for a considerable amount of money.

‘Of course we can’t continue living like this.’

The quest disappears in the second half.

After the fall of the kingdom, only the struggle for survival remains.

That’s why I had to move the busiest in the beginning.

Money. Experience. And colleagues. I had to collect as many as possible.

For that reason, the intermediate quests I’m doing now were not enough.

‘You have to find another way.’

Before returning, I checked the request board again.

The lower level bulletin board was still crowded with adventurers.

I didn’t even look at the lower level quests.

The difficulty level was easy, but the pay was only a little bit.

Of course there was absolutely no reason to do it.

There were several intermediate quests worth considering next.

Unfortunately, there was no request form for advanced quests.

And the expedition board.

‘It’s an expedition.’

This is a quest from a place other than the capital.

The reward is high, but the quest content and difficulty are completely random.

I don’t know how long it will take.

Most of them are requests that do not go unnoticed.

Who wants to make a request that takes a long time and the content is not clear?

But I had a different idea.

‘If you choose well, there are advantages.’

If you look carefully, there was a good quest.

Even though it would be hard on the body, the pay was good and the difficulty level was moderate.

The most important thing is experience.

The monsters that appear near the capital are limited.

Compared to that, the expedition was virtually random, so it was impossible to know what kind of monster it was going to face.

It means an opportunity to become stronger.

From noble mtl dot com

And I already knew most of the strategies.

‘Let’s think about it.’

There was no reason to go on an expedition on purpose.

I’ll consider it later, and now I’m out of the request office.

“Have you been there?”

As soon as she came out to her commissioning station, Kyla was waiting for her.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“Yes, there was none.”

Unlike me, Erina didn’t say anything.

I just walked away from her and she naturally distanced herself from her.

I felt a sense of distance between the two of them. There was a subtle tension, and Kyla bowed her head to avoid her gaze.

‘I’ve been fighting since morning, so I can’t help it.’

We have reconciled, but we will still be uncomfortable with each other.

I decided to move on, believing that time would solve it.

Now all she has left to do is return to the inn.

She desperately wanted to go to bed quickly.

While walking to her inn, Erina was still vigilant about her surroundings.

She stayed by my side like an escort knight.

Conversely, Kyla was looking around to see if the streets of the capital were strange.

“It’s amazing. It’s so different from before.”

“Have you been here before?”

“Yes. It was probably decades ago. Back then,”

Suddenly Kyla bit her mouth.

An uncomfortable expression was revealed through her collar.

A very small sigh was heard. And the words continued.

“I was invited to the capital for about two days.

It wasn’t such a good memory.”

After saying that, the conversation ended in a hurry.

There was a sign that she didn’t want to speak any more.

It is better not to tell Kyla about the past.

It always ended with a bad ending.

The sun was setting all of a sudden.

The guards were running around to light the perches in the street.

“You arrived on time though.”

Unlike the last time, the inn is quite narrow.

It wasn’t bad though.

It was a small space suitable for the expression of small and cozy.

When I opened the door, I couldn’t hear a lively voice like before.

It wasn’t even a noisy atmosphere.

That didn’t mean there weren’t any.

There was tension in the chaotic atmosphere.

“What… ?”

Is something wrong? Thinking that I could finally rest comfortably in the inn, I let out a sigh.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was a day with no bad luck.

I went inside carefully.

People were lounging in the middle of the inn with a murmur.

Kyla looked at her and she quietly hid behind me.

Erina also looked around her with a nervous look and grasped the situation.

And someone came in front of me.

He was a man who looked quite old.

It looked like a guard in the capital.

But he was wearing a clean uniform, not armor.

A shiny medal was attached to the chest.

It meant that the rank was quite high.

“Ah, are you the main character of the rumors?”


I didn’t understand the man’s words.

Frowning his face, the man chuckled.

“No, I’m sorry. I’ve heard so many rumors about you guys.”

“What kind of rumors?”

It was ominous no matter how much I thought about it.

I had a feeling that it wasn’t a good thing at all.

Unfortunately, the prediction came true.

“Have you had a fight at the Frostwood Inn recently? Today and three days ago.”


“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m sorry.”

The man rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a round gold pattern.

The shiny object represented the power he had.

“I am an investigator belonging to the Kingdom Guard.

My name is Derek. We’re investigating the crime that took place last night.”

“Oh, I see.”

If an investigator was going to investigate, how big was the incident?

A simple fight or pickpocketing was arranged in the line of the guard.

But investigators are different.

Murder or fraud. An NPC that appears when you commit a crime that is a felony.

Of course, it is strong enough to be different from the guards.

“Nothing else but a murder case in the capital.”

“A murder case…?”

“And while investigating, I heard rumors about you.”

It’s a rumor. It never felt good.

“You had a fight with a man at the inn three days ago, didn’t you?”

It happened three days ago at the Frostwood Inn.

While Erina and I were having dinner, a man started an argument at the table next to me.

And I knocked the man down. I was beaten so badly that I fainted.

It was to prevent an argument from happening again.

“The man you fought with. He was found dead last night at dawn.”

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