The Child Emperor

Chapter 180: Illusion

The fifty thousand Northern Army troops had not yet fully assembled, but morale inside and outside Shattered Iron City was already high. The soldiers were eager for battle, believing that the peace talks were merely a ruse to launch a surprise attack on the Xiongnu.

Han Ruzi personally led a team out of the city to welcome the Northern Army’s commanders. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, but it changed soon after they entered the city.

Chai Zhi and others insisted on seeing the bodies of the fallen, not the ordinary soldiers but the nearly two hundred noble scions. Their bodies had been cleaned and placed in a courtyard, preserved by the winter cold, with a canopy overhead to protect them from the snow.

A large number of Northern Army commanders came to mourn their friends and relatives. Even those without personal losses, and those not of noble birth, gathered here. Soon, the surviving noble scions of Shattered Iron City also arrived. This was their first gathering since the noble camp had been disbanded.

The courtyard was crowded, with those of lower status standing in the alley outside. No one whispered, but a mere exchange of glances made it clear that today’s mourning was not simple; a fierce conflict was imminent.

Han Ruzi and Prince Donghai also arrived, staying in an empty side room with a few attendants. The room was bare, even the folding stools were brought in by the attendants. The doors were open, making it as cold inside as outside, though without the biting wind.

Watching the noble commanders mourn and weep in front of their relatives’ bodies, Prince Donghai grew nervous. He pulled his cloak tighter and whispered, “Why did we come here?”

“They sacrificed for the country; the Han imperial family should mourn them.”

“They didn’t sacrifice for nothing. Each family will receive rewards, worth a hundred or a thousand times that of ordinary soldiers.”

Han Ruzi nodded without saying anything, preparing to “face off” against the noble commanders.

Misunderstanding Han Ruzi’s silence, Prince Donghai darkened his face and said, “The first ones to die were the ones you led out to scout.”

Han Ruzi nodded again.

“Aren’t you afraid? I heard someone wants revenge on us both.”

Han Ruzi smiled slightly, “If that’s true, I hope the revenge comes sooner rather than later.”

Prince Donghai fell silent.

A dozen commanders entered the room, bowing to the Northern Protection General and Prince Donghai. Chai Zhi, leading the group, spoke bluntly, “Tomorrow is the day for peace talks, but I hear the Northern Protection General has not yet decided between battle or negotiation, causing unrest among the troops. Please make a quick decision.”

“The situation is fluid. Whether to fight or negotiate depends on the Xiongnu’s actions.”

“A hundred thousand Imperial Guards against a hundred thousand Xiongnu is a sure victory. Since when does the Chu army watch the Xiongnu’s moves?” Chai Zhi retorted, citing exaggerated numbers as was customary.

Han Ruzi asked, “How long does General Chai think this battle will take?”

“If we start at noon, it should be over by nightfall.”

“Including the time to pursue the defeated.”

Chai Zhi estimated briefly, “Three to ten days.”

“Shattered Iron City’s provisions will last no more than five days.”

Shattered Iron City was a small city north of the pass. The initial plan was for over thirty thousand Chu troops to encircle and annihilate ten thousand Xiongnu, finishing the battle before winter, leaving a small garrison to wait for spring. Provisions in the city were stored according to this plan.

But the war dragged on, and large numbers of Chu troops arrived to support the fight. By winter, roads became difficult, making it harder to transport provisions than troops. The court delayed instructions, and local areas struggled to coordinate, resulting in fewer provisions delivered, insufficient to sustain an army of over eighty thousand.

Including servants and laborers, more than a hundred thousand people and over seventy thousand horses were gathered in and around Shattered Iron City. Even in summer and autumn, supplying them would be challenging.

The commanders understood this. Chai Zhi said, “Given the lack of provisions, we should seize the opportunity to strike the Xiongnu hard, even if we can’t pursue them. We must make sure they don’t dare to head south this winter.”

“I will decide the timing based on my negotiations with the Chanyu.”

Chai Zhi smiled slightly, “The Northern Protection General’s willingness to risk his personal safety to scout the enemy is admirable, but who will make decisions in the rear? I trust the General has arranged the peace talks meticulously, but what if the Xiongnu set a trap, and the General encounters danger and can’t return in time? Who will decide between battle or negotiations?”

Han Ruzi looked at Chai Zhi’s younger brother, Chai Yue, behind him. “General Chai Yue has defended Shattered Iron City for many days, winning two consecutive battles against the Xiongnu and understanding the situation best. During my negotiations, he should command the Chu army.”

Chai Zhi slowly turned to look at his younger brother, sizing him up. Chai Yue kept his head down, pretending to be invisible.

Chai Zhi said nothing to him, then turned back to the Northern Protection General. “Chai Yue is only a deputy general.”

“I have appointed Chai Yue as the city’s defense commander.”

“But that’s only a fifth-rank military officer, not yet approved by the court. Without proper titles, orders won’t be followed. The Northern Army’s elite are all here. Though the Grand Marshal is absent, his officers are numerous. Having a mere deputy general command might cause disorder and delay battle opportunities.”

Chai Yue did not defend himself. He had no right to speak in this “struggle.”

Han Ruzi could have countered that over twenty thousand Northern Army soldiers had followed Chai Yue’s orders smoothly before, but he smiled and asked, “Does General Chai intend to command the Northern Army personally?”

Chai Zhi shook his head, “I am not worthy. The Northern Army has its commander. The Grand Marshal entrusted his seal to this person before his departure.”

Chai Zhi stepped aside, revealing the Northern Army captain, Liu Kunsheng.

Liu Kunsheng said awkwardly, “When the Grand Marshal entrusted the seal, he didn’t know about the Xiongnu invasion. To be honest, I can manage the army, but I’m not capable of judging battle opportunities or commanding the army as well as you all.”

“Captain Liu need not worry. The commanders will advise you.” Chai Zhi did not seek the Northern Protection General’s opinion and turned to another commander, “General Tong, well-versed in military strategy, can assist Captain Liu.”

Han Tong was startled, his face turning pale. He quickly said, “I’m just a bookworm…”

Han Ruzi pointed to another, “General Feng, who infiltrated the Xiongnu, is most familiar with the front-line situation and can assist Captain Liu.”

Feng Shili, who had arrived at Shattered Iron City with great fanfare, now kept his head down and remained silent. As a returned captive, he was awaiting punishment according to military law. Chai Zhi glanced at him but did not object.

Han Ruzi then pointed to Chai Yue, “Though young and low-ranked, Chai Yue understands the situation well and can also assist Captain Liu.”

Chai Zhi turned, pointing out three more officers, vying for their roles, but Han Ruzi started to refuse, “In the face of the enemy, we need decisive action. More people won’t help. Four generals are enough.”

But Chai Zhi wasn’t satisfied and signaled. Several officers jointly recommended Chai Zhi, insisting on a fifth member.

After some debate, Han Ruzi relented.

Prince Donghai, sitting beside Han Ruzi, coughed and glanced, but was never recommended.

Back at the General’s residence, Prince Donghai said angrily, “Why didn’t you let me ‘assist’? Look at those five. Only Chai Yue might protect you. Liu Kunsheng will just watch, and the others want you dead at the hands of the Xiongnu.”

“To get the Northern Army’s full effort, Chai Zhi must get some benefit.”

“He wants our heads, not benefits!”

“For the greater good, we must first deal with the Xiongnu, then internal enemies.”

“Once you cross the river tomorrow, the Chu army will fall into Chai Zhi’s hands. You might not even have a chance to return. If you die, I’ll be in trouble too.”

Han Ruzi stepped closer to Prince Donghai, “That’s why you must stay here and ensure the Chu army doesn’t fall to Chai Zhi.”

Prince Donghai was stunned, “What can I do? I have no troops.”

“You have my thousand personal troops.”

Prince Donghai was stunned again, “You’re giving me your personal troops?”

“Yes. Though small, they are loyal to me. I’ve notified Chao Hua to follow your orders. Tomorrow morning, after I cross the river, you must closely monitor Chai Zhi’s actions. If everything is normal, fine. If there’s anything unusual and they plan to attack the Xiongnu early, imprison them and take the Grand Marshal’s seal to Chai Yue.”

“But I’m not a Northern Army commander…”

“You’re Prince Donghai. No one will stop you.”

Prince Donghai thought for a while, “I need someone to deliver messages and a way to get the troops near the central camp… I can do it, don’t worry.”

Han Ruzi smiled slightly, “I’m not worried.”

“You trust me so much. Honestly, I’m a bit surprised.” Prince Donghai did not expect such a significant responsibility.

“We are brothers, we should stand together. Besides,” Han Ruzi sighed, “Chai Zhi seeks revenge on both of us. Who else can I trust but you?”

Prince Donghai felt a surge of emotion, wanting to reveal everything he knew, but he hated this feeling. Instead, he smiled, “Yes, we’re in this together.”

Han Ruzi took out a piece of paper and handed it to Prince Donghai, “I’ve persuaded some people who are willing to serve me. They need a leader, and that can only be you. Show them this paper when necessary, and they will help you.”

Prince Donghai took the paper and glanced at it, “Is this the Founding Emperor’s sword?”

“It’s a signal. Those with the same paper can be trusted.”

“It seems you’ve planned everything well.”

“I won’t let us fall into danger.”

Prince Donghai felt another surge of emotion but held back, smiling, “Once we control the Northern Army, we can return to the Capital together.”

“Yes, together. Also, be vigilant against the Xiongnu. I’ve arranged a signal with Chai Yue for troop deployment. If anything happens, you must act, but don’t let Chai Zhi act prematurely.”

“Rest assured, I’ll watch Chai Zhi and let Chai Yue decide freely.”

The two brothers smiled at each other.

After Prince Donghai left, Han Ruzi sat alone for a long time. He had learned a technique from Meng E: in the darkness, strike east and throw a dart west, creating the illusion of numerous people.

He had weaved a sufficiently large illusion. Tomorrow would determine whether he could scare the enemy into fear and solidify his allies’ resolve.

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