The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.16. Chakra Nature

After the milk was secured, The four of us headed over to the nearby training ground. 

Moya and Yozora haven't stopped shivering since we've been following Grandpa. I've been shivering too, but that's beside the point.

Grandpa has been smiling so much, I'm starting to suspect he may be someone disguised. Is training so fun for him?

He gets to the center of the field and turns toward us. The wind blows across our necks, sending shivers down our spines.

"S-so Grandpa!? What are we training in?"

Grandpa nods his head and sits down. He motions for us to sit too, but we end up falling on our butts.

Our legs gave out. So embarassing.

Grandpa chuckles and looks at each of us.

"Now now. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to tell you a few things and we'll go from there."

Ok? So far, so good.

"First, breathe in deep, then exhale slowly, Ok?"

I get it, but I think Moya and Yozora are confused.

"Just follow after everyone, ok?"

"O-ok, Hii-nii."

The three of us follow Grandpa's lead. 

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

I feel a weight drop from my shoulders as I exhale. I look at the other two to see how they're doing. Seems like they're calmer too. I can see the inner brat is gonna come out any moment for them without their initial fear.

"Ok, now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen from now and into the future." 

We nod as grandpa seems to be thinking about what he wants to say.

"First of all, I want to say I'm glad that you three are my grandchildren. I hope you will pass through all obstacles and continue the family forward to the future."

Whoa! Grandpa's gonna bow his head to us?!

All three of us shot over to stop him from doing so. 

"You don't need to bow, Grandpa! Really!"

Grandpa looks at us in shock and clears his throat.

"Um. Well, I thought I should show my gratitude a bit. You're very important to my dream. It's only right in my mind."

"But you're our Grandpa! Just order us like you usually do!"

Yozora nods to Moya's words and I can honestly nod to them too. I'd do anything for the family. They've done a lot for us.

Gramps just chuckles and continues.

"Ahem! Anyway, I just want to let you know that I will help you today to unlock your chakra. You'll have to get used to this power as it's the basis of all ninja."

Yozora's eyes are shooting fire over how excited he is. Moya's not far behind him as well. I was going to go down this path one way or another, so I'm not surprised. I'd never let Mom fight on her own again after the Kyuubi attack.

"Well, I'm glad you all look excited. We'll start by having you learn the proper way to channel chakra. Now pay attention."

Grandpa goes into detail how we imagine our chakra going through a set pattern until we can feel our chakra. Once we feel it, we'll be able to do jutsus like Mom and Grandma! Grandpa says he can't do all of his anymore since his arm is gone, but He'll teach us what he can. 

"Now, calm your mind and begin. It can take a short time, or it could be a long while until you unlock chakra. We'll go to the next step when you all unlock it."

We all nod and eagerly start to meditate. I can't really feel anything, but I'm not gonna give up on this! I gotta catch up to Akumu!


We've been at it for a while now, but still nothing. Grandpa is also meditating as well, sitting still right across from us. I kept  up the pattern, but I'm just no-.

.... Wait, what was that just now!?

It felt really hot, almost like a flame in my stomach. I check my body and see nothing out of order.

Did I imagine that? Whatever. Let's just continue.


Ok, there it is again. Is this chakra? Should I just continue to do it? I decide to disregard the feeling, and felt it spread all over my body! The feeling followed the pattern Grandpa showed me before!

Is this my chakra?! It's really hot! Wait, isn't this like the opposite of what Akumu's was?! 

I can't give up if that's the case! I continue to circulate the chakra until it starts to feel warm. It actually feels really good! I should probably stop there though. I feel like I'll fall asleep if I continue for too long.

I open my eyes to Grandpa right in front of me!


I crawl back fast from Grandpa, startling Moya and Yozora.

"Ah! Sorry, Hii. I was just surprised that you got it. I didn't mean to scare you."

Grandpa scratched his head nervously while the twins look a little peeved and confused at why they were interrupted.

"You two continue to practice. We still have time today, but Hii has finished the first step."


The two look at me with astonishment. I can only smile as the two look at each other, then immediately go back to the exercise. 

They're so competitive. I bet that's from Mom too.

It's fine they're competitive. I have a question anyway.



"Does chakra have temperatures? Mine felt hot when it first rotated."

Grandpa held his hand to his chin and thought.

"I'm not too sure. Some members of our family felt a chill when they awakened their chakra and ended up with Yin chakra.I suppose the opposite could happen too."

Yin chakra?! That must be what Akumu is made of!

"What is Yin chakra?"

"There are two types of chakra and 5 elements. The types are Yin and Yang chakra. They say Yin chakra is death, while Yang chakra is life. The two come together to form all existences with their fusion. The elements are Fire,Water,Earth,Wind, and Lighting. They are natural elements made from different combinations of Yin and Yang. I'll go over more in the training later."

I heard  Grandpa's words and grew excited! My chakra must have a lot of Yang in it! If that's the case, then we should be beneficial to each other if i get stronger. I'll have to work hard to match a Biju though.

Hmm? Wait a second. Didn't Grandpa say something about our family having Yin chakra? We aren't that big though?

"Grandpa, what did you mean by-"

*fwoosh fwoosh*

We both turn to feel Moya and Yozora also unlocked their chakras at the same time.


These two compete in everything?!

"Not bad, Yozora. Guess it's another tie."

"Next time."

The two smugly goad each other like their adversaries, but I know for a fact both of you would lose to a carrot in a heartbeat.

"Good good! You've shown great potential!"

Grandpa is nodding his head happily as he unfolds the scroll he had with him with his teeth. He spread the scroll and we could see a number of steps written on the scroll. He focused and made a handsign and slapped the scroll where step 1 was.


4...sheets of paper came out?

The three of us looked at each other and back to Grandpa.

I'm the older brother, so I better ask.

"Grandpa, what does this paper have to do with our training?"

Grandpa chuckled as he picked one up in his hands. 

"This is a chakra nature test paper. Before you start your basic training, you'll practice the chakra method with it between your fingers."

Grandpa held towards us as we looked at it. 




"How did you do that?!"

All 3 of us were shocked!

The paper in Grandpa's hand crinkled like crazy!

Grandpa laughed as he put the paper down and we watched him like hawks.

"The paper's reaction to your chakra is the nature of your element. Once I know which elements you have, your training will be with members who know about it or have it in the family. Now pick one up and we'll start from youngest to oldest."

We excitedly grab a paper and get ready. 

I wonder which one I'll get?! I'm excited now!

Yozora calms himself and begins to move his chakra along the pattern.

*Shink Shhhh*

The paper split into two?! And it crumbled away?!

"What does that mean?!"

I unconsciously said it out loud, but the twins are waiting for an answer too.

Grandpa nods slowly as he digested what happened.

"Hmmm. You have Wind and Earth. Your Grandma will teach you when it comes to that."

Yozora fist pumped in silence. How cute.

"Ok! It's my turn then!"

Moya grabs hers and nervously starts to mover her chakra as well.

*fwoosh shhhh*


Moya dropped the paper as it caught on fire and watched it  crumble away into dirt in the air.

"Does this mean I get Fire style and Earth style?!"

Grandpa slowly nods as he pats Moya on the head.

"Hmmm. Good. You will be your Grandma's successor. She'll teach you everything you'll need to learn her techniques."

Moya danced around in happiness and she definetly is gonna tell Grandma when we get back. Yozora isn't too amused he didn't get that style too. Grandpa rubs his head as well and consoles him.

"Don't worry too much, Yozora. You'll definitely make the most of your nature. I know you won't lose to your sister. Your Mother probably knows people with wind style as well, so you'll get just as strong. Just don't give up, ok?"

Yozora's fire comes back as he nods enthusiastically. 

Now, it's finally my turn.

I follow the pattern and eargerly await my results.

Grandpa nearly stares a hole into the chakra paper and wait for the reactions. Once the paper began to move, Grandpa seemed to freeze.


Grandpa's eyes widened, and the he started laughing. He laughed until tears came down his cheek. All 3 of us are confused! Did he break?!

"What's wrong, Grandpa?!"

I yell and he snaps out of it. He wipes his eyes and places a hand on my shoulder. 

"The heavens do have eyes, Hii. You have exactly what your mother and I wanted! You'll be trained by your Mother and I! No excuses!!

The 3 of us look at Grandpa laughing crazily and look back at the crinkled,soggy paper in my hand.

This, this is good! Right?!

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