The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.3. Meeting The Family

Longer chapters for now. Just letting you know.

Hii woke up to the humming sound of the nurse coming near his crib.

"Ok Hii-chan~! It's time for your farewell bath!"

The nurse picked Hii up and began to take off his swaddle and wash him gently.

'She's rather into her job.'

[Better to be into a job than to do one you hate.]

Hii patiently waited for the nurse to finish as he watched her work.

"Aah I'll miss Hii-chan~! You don't cry at all during this! I hope one day my baby can be like you!"

The nurse smiled brightly as she swaddled Hii in a soft cloth once more before bringing out to the hallway hospital. The two walked for a short while before the nurse's face grew excited.

"Kaya-san! I brought little Hii-chan for you~!"

"Thank you for taking care of him, Mae-san."

Kaya's gentle voice seemed to relax Hii as Mae-san handed him over to her. Hii once again saw the pretty mother and became lost in her eyes. She similarly seemed to gaze endlessly at Hii as the two felt their familial connection grow more and more.

"Umm, Kaya. Are you ok?"

A hand gently fell on Kaya's shoulder, but Kaya didn't turn her head away. Henda's face popped up in Hii's side vision, but he didn't care as he continued to stare at his mom.

"Awwww~!! The bond between mother and son is the strongest~!" 

The two continued to stare until Kaya blinked and woke up.

"Ah?! I'm sorry!"

"It's ok! I'm envious of your little connection!"

Mae's eyes were sparkling as she gazed at Kaya and Hii in adoration. Henda stood off to the side, swirling his fingers on the wall.

"Henda! What's wrong? Did you see our son?"

"... I did. You both ignored me."

Kaya and Mae looked at Henda with sweat drops falling down their heads.


Henda was beaming as he held Hii in his arms. Hii's eyes sparkled as he looked at his dad. To be more specific, his hair.

'It's so fluffy!!!'

[...It's not that fluffy.]

Hii occasionally looked around to find the buildings in the odd japanese style and the occasional blur jumping in the air. Kaya looked up into the sky with narrowed eyes.

"Looks like some squads have come back."

Henda's eyes brighten at those words.

"Which means more weapons! Ahh~! I can't wait!"

Kaya began to giggle as Hii felt his father was rather interesting as well.

[He must be a blacksmith. Surprising with that hair.]

Kaya stopped suddenly and smiled as she suddenly disappeared, followed by a shriek nearby.


"Wha-?! Kaya?! I haven't seen you in so long!"

Hii could barely see his mom hugging another woman. His eyes widened in surpise by his mother's speed.

'How did she do that?!'

[I don't know. Hopefully we can learn how when we're older.]

The woman Kaya was hugging had long red hair flowing to her back and long green dress. She looked very happy to see Kaya as the two chatted away.

"So how's Minato doing? Bet he's busy being the Hokage and all."

"Yep! He's busy, but he's living his dream, so he's excited every day!"

Kushina smiled brightly as she talked about Minato. Henda nodded his head with a smile hearing those words.

"Man, I don't really like war, but I'd love if the Hokage needed more kunais. His are so fun to make."

[So he makes them,huh?]

"By the way,Kushi."

Kaya's face grew mischievous,staring at Kushina. Kushina's face tighten as they stared at each other.

"Have you gotten fat?"

Kaya's smile grew wider as a tick mark grew on Kushina's head.

"Kaya~. You know you shouldn't say that."

"Oh~? Well, are you hiding something from me,Kushi?"

This time, Kushina anger dropped into a cold sweat. Kaya's mischevious smile turned into a scary one. Henda took a few steps back from the two, protecting Hii.



The pair were speechless as they watched the grin on Kaya's face became wider and scarier,slowly approaching the retreating Kushina.

"Oooh~? You're keeping secrets from big sister now, eh?"

"N-no! Not at all!"

"What's wrong? You're sweating sooo much. Let me help you."

Kaya performed a set of hand signs and pointed to Kushina.

"Water style: Water orb justu."

The sweat on Kushina drained from her clothes and skin and formed into a small ball on Kaya's finger. 


Kaya let the ball drop to the side and patted the frozen Kushina on the shoulder.

"Now then. Let onee-san know what's on your hiding~."

"...Yes, Kaya."

Kushina looked around and motioned Kaya to come closer. Kaya gleefully leaned forward and listened to Kushina's secret. Henda was a bit curious of what they were whispering about, but he kept to himself with Hii. Kaya's face changed rapidly between happy and tense as she straightened up. She suddenly grabbed Kushina and pulled her in for a big hug.

"Congratulations. Tell me if you need me for anything. I'll help you no matter what."

Kushina nodded as her smile grew a bit complicated. She hugged her back and the two separated.

"Come look at my baby,Kushi. He's a real cutie."

Kushina's eyes grew wide as Kaya dragged her to Henda and Hii. Kushina squealed as she saw Hii for the first time. Henda had a prideful smile on his face as he showed his son off. Hii looked up at Kushina with his blue eyes and couldn't help but notice her red hair. He stared at it intensly, while the three laughed.

"Aaah, I guess he likes your hair, Kushina."

"I can see that. He's so precious."

"Hold him, Kushina."

Kushina jumped a little.

"I-is it ok?"

"You're his auntie. Hold him."

Kaya's stern instructions made Kushina timidly reach out to hold Hii as Henda happily obliged. Kushina felt the weight of the baby as she gazed at Hii.

"H-Hi there, little Hii. Auntie has you now."


The three froze as Hii's first attempts at a word went to Kushina. Kaya and Henda couldn't help but look at each other as their baby became quite loud. Kushina became a bit more relaxed as she lightly bounced the baby.

"You're a good boy, huh Hii?"


"You gonna grow big and strong, aren't you~?"


Henda grew more and more pale as Kushina played with Hii. Kushina suddently felt a spike of ill intent and looked up, only to find Kaya's twitching smile.

"I think that's enough for today, don't you?"

"I think so too!"

Kushina politely gave Hii to Kaya, who gently took Hii in her arms. Her twitching smile instantly turned into a gentle, motherly one. She changed her face so quickly, the two couldn't tell when the transition happened!

"Hii loves Mommy, right~?"


Hii gave the loudest squeal as he saw his mother's face. Her smile became the brightest as she covered Hii in kisses.

"I love Hii too~!"

The two looked on at the interaction, both thinking the same thing that Akumu.

['Hii is really smart to avoid making her mad!']


The two said goodbye to Kushina as they hurried on home. Their home was a homely house next to their blacksmithing shop. The two made their way inside, only to be stopped by a tall, stern looking man. 

"You're late."

Kaya looked at the man with a similarly stern face and replied.

"You should've come with us, father."

The man snorted as he refused to acknowledge his daughter's sense. He had a darker skin tone than Kaya, and his hair was the same color blonde, with specks of ash in it. One of his sleeves dangles empty as his other arm dangled by his hip. His brown eyes looked at the bundle in his daughter's arms with barely concealed happiness and anxiety. Kaya and Henda waited for the man to say something, only for him to turn and walk further inside the house. 


"You old buffoon! Why won't you ever be honest?!"

An older woman with a few streaks of white hair came through the doorway to greet them. Her green eyes shined with love as she saw her daughter holding her new grandson. Her pale hand beckoning them to come and sit inside. The two smiled wryly as they made their way past the crouched old man holding his head. The woman use a steel cane to make her way excitedly over to the couch as three sat down. The bubbly grandma was ecstatic to finally see her grandson and Kaya couldn't help showing him to her with a smile. The grandma held Hii in her arms and slowly studied Hii's features as Hii also looked at the new face in front of him. He could tell she was a beauty when she was younger, and the streaks of gray only added to her charm. 

"....He looks just like you, dear. He does have Henda's nose too."

"I'm glad he looks a bit like me."

"Hehe. He'll look mostly like me though."

The grandma sighed as he brushed Hii's face with her hand.

"He's gonna be a lady killer when he gets older. I can see it already."

The grandma turned around and looked at the old man staring at a painting that had been in the house for years like it was new. A fresh tick mark formed on grandma's head as she looked at her foolish husband.

"Di! Stop looking at that painting and hold your grandson!"


Di slowly made his way to the couch, seeming uninterested, but frequently peeking at Hii. This made the Grandma even more frustrated.

"Do I have to get up to make you move faster?!"

"N-No, Riku! I'm coming now."

Di's stern voice seemed to soften as he went to the couch, standing in front of them. Riku handed Hii to Kaya as she began to stand up. Di quickly grabbed hold of Riku to help her stand while she adjusted her cane. She smiled slightly as she moved to a nearby chair and watched as Di sat down on the couch next to his daughter. Hii looked at the stern face curiously as the grandpa finally studied Hii as well. His gaze soften considerably as a trace of affection could be seen in his eyes. 

"...Y-you did a good job,Kaya."

His sentence seemed to make the room shake as everyone jumped at his words of praise.

[Guess those words are hard to come by.]

Tears started to trace her eyes as Kaya hurriedly wiped them away.

"I-I did my best!"


Di's lone hand akwardly raised up and patted his daughter's head. The tears came in full force as a smile bloomed on her face. 

"Geez! I'm not a kid,Dad!"

"I know. You're a mother now."

Kaya nodded happily as her father continued to pat her head.


Everyone looked at Hii with a smile on their face as he continued to stare at his grandpa. Kaya started to fidget a little as she looked at her father.

" want to hold him?"

"...Can you help me?"

Kaya smiled happily as she helped her Dad hold Hii while Henda stood up to help Riku so she and Kaya could sit at each side of Di.

"Make sure you hold his head right. You're out of practice."

Di nodded as he held Hii carefully, feeling the light weight of the newborn.


"He's happy to see you, Dad!"

Di couldn't help but form a smile as he affectionately cared for Hii.

"Hmph! And you thought he'd cry when he saw you."

"N-not in front of them."

" You big softie."

The family laughed happily as they welcomed their new addition with open arms and open hearts. 

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