The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.84. Battling The Great Snake!

The air grew tense as Shizuka and the Grass ninja watched each other.

The others stood at the ready as they eyed the man.

Everyone could see a glint of excitement in the man's eyes as he gazed at each of them like a predator watching its prey.

"So many young bodies. I wonder which one is the best among you?"

"Ugh! What's wrong with this guy?!"

Naruto shivered violently as he heard the strange man talk.

"Get it together, Naruto. This guy is bad news."

Sakura silently took out a kunai and monitored the situation.

Sasuke kept his eyes on the man while a frown came over his face.

'His chakra...'

Sasuke reached his hands into his shuriken pouch.

This man was strong, and his chakra made him anxious.

This wasn't going to be easy.

Shizuka was fuming as she responded to Orochimaru.

"My parents weren't rats, you bastard! You kept killing us for nothing!"

Shizuka's fists were clenched tightly as she stood before him.

She knew it was Orochimaru. The face was different, but she was certain. She would never forget that gaze.


The man seemed to be deep in thought as he tried to remember where he saw her before.

After a few seconds of thinking, his eyes flashed as realization dawned on him.

"Ah. That cursed forest family. I remember now."

He shook his head slowly as he spread his arms out.

"A complete waste of time. They were no different from regular people. I couldn't find anything "cursed" about them."

His arms came back to his side as he looked at Shizuka.

"It was so disappointing that I just gave up at the last moment. I guess that means you're lucky. Fufufu."

Shizuka's fists tightened as she looked coldly at the man.

"You will regret saying that."

"Fufufu! I have heard those words quite a few times. They haven't come true yet."

The man licked his lips as he pulled out several kunais in one hand.

"Now then, shall we see how you react to this?"

As the man spoke, his hand lightly pulled down on his face, showing a sinister yellow eye!


The group was hit with a wave of killing intent!

They felt like they could see their deaths happening in front of them at the hands of a monstrous snake!


Shizuka quickly bit her lip as she shook off the sensation!

"Don't fall for his tricks!"

She quickly yelled, but the others were still stuck!

"Hehehe. Amusing. Can you save them all, I wonder?"

*Swish Swish Swish*

Orochimaru threw several kunai at the group!


Shizuka grit her teeth as she quickly reached for her shurikens! 

*Swish Swish Swish Clank Clank Clank*


Shizuka saw shurikens appear from beside her that clashed with the kunai, diverting their path!

"This guy is scary!"

Shizuka turned to see Sakura breathing heavily as she recovered from Orochimaru's bloodlust.

Naruto and Sasuke recovered seconds later and shivered unconsciously.

Sweat started to form on their brows as they realized how much of a threat Orochimaru was!

Sakura glanced to her side and found Karin was still frozen in place.

She reached out and pinched Karin's waist.


"Focus! It was just an illusion!"

Sakura grabbed Karin's shoulder and put her behind them.

"Interesting. I didn't think you would recover so quickly."

Orochimaru looked at the group with interest as he smiled eerily.

"Why you!"

Shizuka wanted to rush in and kill him, but her instincts made her stay!

She needed a plan!

"Nee-san! This guy!"

Shizuka heard Naruto behind her and forced herself to calm down!

She wasn't alone! If she made the wrong move, they could end up dead instead of killing him!

"He's the one who hurt you, right?!"

Naruto's eyes grew blood red as he stared angrily at Orochimaru!

"Calm down, Naruto! You can't fight him carelessly."

Shizuka felt a sweet sensation come over her as her brother showed his affections, but she quickly stuffed it away as she also felt a dreadful chakra coming from him!

She wanted to calm him down, but she couldn't afford to take her eyes off of this snake!

Orochimaru chuckled with fascination as he glanced at Naruto.

His eyes flashed with a gleam of comprehension as he looked at him.

"Oh?! It seems Kushina is no longer the only Jinchuuriki in the Leaf. How interesting. How did they pull that off?"

Naruto and Shizuka frowned while the others grew confused.

"Jinchuuriki? W-What is that?"

Karin fixed her glasses with shaking hands as she asked her question out loud.

Sakura and Sasuke both glanced towards Naruto and saw his back trembling.

Naruto didn't turn towards them and slowly clenched his fists.

"I-I'll tell you guys after this is over. Right now, we gotta beat this guy."

Naruto took in a deep breath and stood beside Shizuka.

"I'll help you out, Nee-san."

"....Don't get careless."

Shizuka's grip on her kunai tightened as she readied herself.

"Fufufu! How touching. Well, let's begin, shall we?"

Orochimaru quickly weaved multiple hand signs in a flash!

Shizuka managed to catch a glimpse of a few, making her face pale with fright!

"Get down!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"




Hii felt a breeze brush past him roughly, making him narrow his eyes. He heard a distant boom as well, putting him on edge.


He quickly jumped up the side of a nearby tree and climbed to the top.

A large cloud of dust began to lift up out the other side of the forest.



Hii started to make his way towards the blast.

His instincts were telling him it was important.


As the dust began to settle, Shizuka groaned and pushed herself up.

"Naruto?! Everyone?!"

She couldn't help, but shiver as she remembered the last seconds before the Jutsu hit. Naruto had jumped in front of the wind blast, blocking whatever he could.

She frantically searched to find him, but couldn't locate anyone from the team.

Her hands clenched tightly as she closed her eyes and calmed herself down.

"Calm down. You can do nothing if you're riled up."

Shizuka breathed in deeply and calmed herself.

She formed a seal once she was ready  and began to sense her surroundings.

"This should work."

Shizuka focused her chakra on her seal and felt relieved when she still felt 2 responses nearby.

"They're not far, but he shouldn't be either."

'I have to hurry!'


Shizuka quickly started heading towards the seal as fast as she could!



Naruto slowly pushed himself up from the ground.

His body ached all over as he looked around and found himself in a completely new area.

"Where am I?!"

*You took the full brunt of the blast. It not surprising you got sent far away.*

Kurama snickered a bit as he answered Naruto.

"Crap! That guy is strong! I gotta find the others!"

*You probably want to find them quick. I'm sure that guy is heading to someone right now.*

"Which way, Kurama?!"

*Since when do I help you? I'm going back to sleep.*

"Aww! Come on!"



"Eh?! Karin-chan! You're okay?!"

Naruto ran up to her and looked her over. He sighed in relief when he saw she wasn't hurt much.

"Hmph! I'm an Uzumaki too! I'll be fine with a little pain!"

"Hehe! Right! Wait!? We have to find Nee-san and the others! That freak is gonna attack them now!"

Karin's glasses shined as she smiles at Naruto.

"Don't worry! I remember their Chakras! I can sense them."

Naruto smiled wildly as he hugged Karin!

"Awesome! You're the best!"

"N-Not really! L-Let go!"

Naruto quickly let go and rubbed his head.

"Right! Lead the way!"

Karin nodded her head and jumped towards a nearby tree with Naruto racing behind her.



Sasuke gasped for air as he woke up.

"Hold on, I'm almost done."

He could hear Sakura talking to him from his side as she healed him of his bruises.

"Are you okay?"

Sakura nodded her head and stopped healing him.

"I'm used to it. This much is nothing."

Sasuke looked at Sakura with growing respect and slowly nodded his head.

They both stood up and checked their surroundings.

"He separated us from the others. We have to be careful."


Sasuke nodded his head and activated his Sharingan.

"I'll try to keep watch for anything suspicious."

"Good. Shizuka mentioned that guy was called Orochimaru?"

Sakura asked Sasuke as she pulled out a kunai.

"Yeah. They seem to have a history."

"I might be overthinking it, but if he's who I think he is, we're in trouble."


Sakura's face was solemn as she looked around cautiously.

"I read he's known as the Great Snake, one of the Sannin from our village."


Sakura nodded her head.

"Yeah. They're legends in our village. He's definitely at the Kage level if it is him."

Sasuke grew nervous as his eyes scanned the forest.



*Swish Swish*



The two attacked a large snake that slithered close with their kunai and hit it directly in the head!

The snake writhed in pain before collapsing on the ground with its mouth open.

"Whew. Looks like a false alarm."


Sasuke sighed in relief while Sakura still vigilantly watched the snake.


"Watch out!"


A shadow quickly dashed out of the snake's mouth and attacked Sasuke!

Sakura quickly moved in front of him and blocked the attacker!

Streams of moonlight revealed Orochimaru in front of Sakura with a sinister grin. He had a kunai aimed for Sasuke's shoulder, but Sakura diverted it away from him!

"Fufufu! Not bad at all."



Sasuke quickly retaliated with a kick to Orochimaru's chest from Sakura's side!

Orochimaru fell back onto the ground and quickly rose back up with little to no damage.

"Fufufu! The best prey is the ones who put up a fight."

Orochimaru licked his lips as he looked over Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke and Sakura shivered as they watched Orochimaru.

"I'll cover you, Sasuke."


Sakura quickly put her kunai in her mouth and weaved hand signs!

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!"


*Goro Goro*

Sakura quickly slapped the ground, forming a wall in front of the two.

Sasuke quickly reached into his holsters and pulled out plenty of shurikens!

His Sharingan memorized Orochimaru's location before jumping above the wall!

*Swish Swish Swish*

Sasuke threw the shurikens in a strange pattern, instantly confusing Orochimaru!

"This is?!"

*Clang Clang*

The shurikens began to bounce off of each other and changed their trajectory! 

All of the shurikens honed in on his position at high speed!


*Tak Tak Tak*

Orochimaru made no moves to evade and merely let the shurikens stab into his body as he blocked his vitals!


Sasuke was shocked as he watched Orochimaru slowly pull out the shurikens one by one.

"Fufufu! I haven't seen such a genius like this since Itachi. I didn't think his brother would be just as good."

He pulled out the last shuriken with a smile as he licked the blood off of it.

"Fufufu! How exciting. Show me more of what you can do."


"Come on, Sasuke!"

Sakura dashed forward with her kunai and engaged Orochimaru!

"Hmph! I'm not interested in you."

*Swish Swish*

Orochimaru threw the shurikens in his hand towards Sakura with disdain!

*Clang Clang Clang*

Sakura swiftly dodged and deflected the shurikens before lunging towards him!


He didn't anticipate that she would deflect them all so easily at close range!



Sakura stabbed into Orochimaru's side while he was distracted!

"You brat!"



Orochimaru retaliated with a kick to her chest and sent her flying a distance away!


Sasuke quickly caught Sakura and stopped her from hitting the ground!

He quickly escaped from the area to a nearby tree.

"Are you alright?!"

"Cough! I-I'm okay! Let me down."

Sasuke quickly let Sakura down on the branch. She quickly assessed the damage she sustained and sighed.

"He nearly broke my rib! He's no joke at all."

Her palm began to glow with a green light as she started healing the damage to a controlled level.

Sasuke watched with a grim expression as he looked out for Orochimaru.

"He's too strong."

"Yeah. We can't do much about that."

Sakura winced at the dull pain at her side, but it was more manageable than before. She stood up and cracked her knuckles.

"We can only do what we can. Let's think of a way to get the drop on him!"


Sasuke stared at Sakura for a moment and slowly began to smile.

"Yeah. I think I have another idea we can try."

"I'm all ears."

Sasuke began to whisper a plan to Sakura while she healed herself a bit more.

A sparkle shined in Sakura's eyes as she heard Sasuke's plan.

She started to smile unknowingly and nodded her head once he was finished.

"I think that'll work."

"Fufufufu! How exciting."


*Shing Shing*

The two pulled out their kunais and placed their backs against each other!

"Where is he?!"

"Mice will run and hide when hunted. Isn't it common sense for a snake to be hidden until it's too late?"

The two looked over at a nearby tree and saw Orochimaru slithering around the trunk!


Sakura and Sasuke both shivered as they looked at his strange methods of movement!

Orochimaru twisted his head and faced them with a smile.

"I grow tired of this little mouse chase. Shall we put an end to this?"

The two looked at each other for a moment and faced him!

Though there was fear in their eyes, a burning determination to live was ever present!


Sasuke yelled as the two jumped down from the tree to the ground below.

"You two sure love to run, don't you?!"

Orochimaru smiled widely as he slithered after them!

Sakura landed quickly and turned around, throwing multiple shurikens at Orochimaru!

*Clang Clang Clang*

Orochimaru blocked them with a kunai and continued to fall down towards them! Majority of the shurikens missed completely!

'Heh! A chick with a little potential.'

Orochimaru snickered for a moment and poised his kunai to strike!

That's when he noticed a grin on Sakura's face.


As he aimed his kunai at Sakura, he noticed faint shimmering lights near her hands!

'Wires?! Wait!'

*Swish Swish*

The shurikens that passed him flew back around and heades straight for his back!


He quickly turned and prepared to deflect them!

The shurikens, however, didn't aim at his body!

They flew through the gaps of his defense and headed towards the ground!

Orochimare saw the wires trailing behind them wrapping around his body as they passed!

*Tak Tak Tak Thud*

He landed on the ground after the shurikens and glanced at Sakura.

Sakura quickly handed the wires over to Sasuke before they both began to weave hand signs!

"Earth Style: Pitfall Jutsu!"


*Crumble Crumble*

The earth underneath Orochimaru suddenly gave way as a hole swallowed Orochimaru!

Sasuke jumped up to a nearby tree branch and took in a deep breath.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"


Sasuke took in a deep breath before jumping up and spewing flames towards the hole and along the wires!


An explosion erupted from the hole as a tall pillar of fire burst from the ground towards the sky!

Sasuke dropped back down to the ground and squatted down next to Sakura.

"Haaa! Haaa!"

"Haaa! Haaa!"

Sasuke and Sakura were both catching their breath from using their techniques.

They warily watched the hole continue to burn for a moment before slowly backing away.

They didn't believe that their plan had worked completely.

*Crack Fwoosh*

"Look out!"

Sasuke hurriedly tackled Sakura out of the way as Orochimaru came jumping out of the ground like a snake!"

He had a sword sticking out from his mouth as he tried to stab Sakura!

He landed back on the ground and coiled himself to a standing position as he watched the Genins with a smile.


He said nothing as Sasuke helped Sakura up and glared at Orochimaru.

"You okay, Sakura?"

".....Are you okay?"


Sasuke didn't say anything, but Sakura could see he was slightly holding his side.

He had been grazed!

He could already feel a foreign sensation invading his senses. He was starting to sweat as he could barely stay standing.

"It seems the poison is kicking in now."

Sakura immediately helped Sasuke stay on his feet as his knees start to buckle.

'I don't have a lot of chakra left, but Sasuke needs help!'

She grit her teeth as she tried to curb the poison as much as she could, her hand glowing green as she tried to detoxify Sasuke.

Sasuke was barely holding on as he glared at Orochimaru.

"Fufufu! I wonder how long you can last now?"

Orochimaru couldn't help dashing towards the two with an eerie smile!

*Swish Swish Swish*

Dozens of kunai suddenly flew down from the trees towards Orochimaru!


He easily jumped back and dodged the few in front of him.

He then realized he was surrounded by a circle of kunai that had tags on them.

'Those aren't explosive tags. What is this then?'


The seals on the tags began to crawl from the tag through the kunai, forming a strange seal on the ground.

Orochimaru shivered slightly and frowned.

"A paralysis seal?!"

"I figured you'd let your guard down."


Shizuka landed besides Sasuke and Sakura, glaring at Orochimaru with a sinister grin.


Shizuka glanced at Sakura and Sasuke. 

She reached into back pouch and tossed two items towards them.

"Take it. The powder is for Sasuke while the pill is for you. Get out of her and recover."


"You're in no condition to talk back. Get away from here and recover."

Sakura looks at Shizuka for a moment before taking Sasuke and escaping.

Shizuka watches them go with a glance. Once they were out of sight, she turned back to Orochimaru and formed a seal.

"I've waited a long time for this."

"Fufufu. Well then. Show me what you've got."

Shizuka gritted her teeth and weaved her technique.

Ink fell from the tags surrounding Orochimaru, blending into the already made seal.


The seal quickly became more complicated as it began to form a star.

Shizuka began to sweat profusely as chakra drained from her body into the seal!

"Secret Art: Dark Star Seal!"

She feebly put her hands to the ground, her eyes radiating with hatred as the technique activated.


Long, shadowy hands began to grow out of the five points of the star.

They waved and wiggled ominously before reaching towards Orochimaru!

They grabbed his legs, arms, and his neck!

"Kuh, interesting!"

His body was suspended in the air as he kept eye contact with Shizuka.

"I'll, get, revenge for everyone!"

Shizuka staggered to her feet and reached into her pouch.

She pulled out 2 food pills from her pouch and stuffed them in her mouth.

She couldn't let this chance slip away!

Her eyes started to tear up as she willed the seal!

The arms of the seal wiggled ominously as they waited for her instructions.

"This is for Anko-san!"

*Crack Riiip*


One of Orochimaru legs were ripped off and dragged into the seal!

"Ggghk! Urgh! Hahahahaha!!"

He quickly regained his cool and laughed.

This only made Shizuka angrier!

"This is for betraying Konoha!"

*Crack Riiiip*


His other leg disappeared into the lower point of the star.

Blood flowed from what remained of his legs as he hung by his arms and neck.

"....Fufufufu. How...vicious."


Shizuka's face grew pale as she struggled to maintain the seal.

"This! Is for! My parents!"

*Crack Riiiip*


Orochimaru's right arm was ripped from its socket and disappeared into the seal!


Shizuka's knees hit the floor as she struggled to maintain her seal.

Her hands were shaking and her vision was going in and out.

Blood dripped from her lips as she stared venomously at Orochimaru!

" for....all of the victims!"

*Crack Riiiip*


Orochimaru dangled under the dark hand that held his neck while his remaining arm disappeared into the seal.

"Haaa! Haaa!"

Shizuka tried to to keep her eyes open as blood started to trickle from them.

'The backlash...but... I can't give up yet.'

The sound of her teeth creaking as she tried to maintain the seal for the last time.

"The last from me!"


Orochimaru's head twisted as the dark hand broke his neck like a branch.

That, however, was all it could do.

The hand dissipated right after, dropping his corpse on the ground as the seal disappeared.


Shizuka collapsed on the ground, unable to move a single inch.

A long pause of silence breezed past them as they both laid on the ground.

'I...did it.'

She felt a great sense of relief as she could see the darkness starting to drag her into its embrace.



An ominous sound startled Shizuka back to consciousness!

'No! It couldn't be!'

She struggled desperately to lift her head up, only to be greeted with a gruesome scene.

Another Orochimaru crawled out of the mouth of the sealed one!

This one had the face she remembered!

His pale skin and yellow eyes looked at her with a sinister smile!

She couldn't keep herself from shivering!

"Well, that was an interesting experience."


Shizuka couldn't say anything, but the hatred in her eyes spoke volumes!

Orochimaru smiled at her as large snake came out of his sleeve.

All Shizuka could see was her despair reflected in its eyes before losing consciousness.


"We have to hurry!"

Naruto rushed forward with Karin barely keeping up with him!

"Slow down, Naruto!"

"I can't! Nee-san needs me!"

He couldn't help feeling like he couldn't slow down, no matter what!

The two jumped through the trees at high speed before finally reaching their destination.


"Oh no!"

The two looked on as a large snake hung Shizuka up in front of Orochimaru, wrapping itself around her body.

He glanced over at the two Uzumakis and smiled.

The two could see his true form didn't look much different from the snake next to him!

"I wonder if you two have some surprises for me as well. This one had a pretty good one tucked away."

Karin shiver uncontrollably as she saw Shizuka.

Her confident demeanor in her memory was covered in blood and dirt as the snake wrapped around her.


Karin shook from Naruto's cold voice echoing in her ears.

"When you get the chance, take Nee-san away from here."

"What do you-"

Karin's words became stuck in her throat as she noticed a violent, red aura start to cover Naruto's body.


A violent wave of chakra blew out of him as he violently dashed towards Orochimaru!

All he did was smile as he saw Naruto charging towards him.

"Now this is a great surprise."



Sakura healed Sasuke's wound completely before gently breathing out.

"How do you feel, Sasuke?"

Sasuke opened and closed his hands before nodding his head.


Sakura sighed in relief before reaching for a food pill.

"We have to hurry up and regroup with Shizuka."

"Don't you have to rest?"

Sasuke looked at her as she ate the food pill and stood up with a start.

"There's no time! We have to-"

*Boom Boom Boom*

The two quickly turned towards the sound to see multiple trees crashing down and dust clouds sweeping through the forest in the distance.

They both looked at each other in shock as a bad feeling rushed through their bodies.

"We have to go! Now!"


*Shuu Shuu*

The two quickly sped over to the source of the explosions.

They didn't know what to expect, but they knew their friends were in danger!


'Oh no! What do I do?!'

Karin held Shizuka in her arms as she hid away behind some nearby trees.

She knew, however, that her current position was actually the worst one she could be in.

That was because two monsters were fighting it out with each other!


*Boom Boom*

Naruto smashed the nearby trees with red, ominous chakra that covered his body!

The outline of fox ears and a tail surrounded him as he stared at his enemy with crimson, rage-filled eyes.


On the other side, Orochimaru was gleefully laughing as he watched Naruto carefully with a smile.

'Minato is quite sneaky to hide such a fun secret from me.'

Orochimaru chuckled to himself as he saw a red claw of chakra slam towards him!


Orochimaru dodged the claw as several large snakes flew out from his sleeves and attacked Naruto!


Naruto roared at the snakes, sending them flying into the forest with force!


Karin could hear them popping like balloons close to her, exploding on impact with the trees!

"How amusing."

Orochimaru didn't seem concerned as he bit into his thumb.

He lined a smear of blood on his hand before weaving a few hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!"



A giant snake appeared underneath Orochimaru, glaring at Naruto!

"Let's see if you can deal with this as well."


Naruto was too far gone to retort as he charged at the giant snake!

Karin watched the battle from nearby while holding Shizuka.

'Crap! I can't heal her without her biting me! What should I do?! Can I make it out of here without getting in the way?!'

She didn't know what to do in this situation!



She hurriedly hugged Shizuka closer and held her kunai out at the figure who landed near them!

Karin's eyes focused as she could slowly make out the figure in front of her.

She shivered slightly as she looked into the red, spinning eyes of the girl.

She then remembered seeing her before!

"You are!?"

"Don't say anything. Give her to me and follow my lead. Now."

Karin gulped as she swallowed the words she was going to say.

She handed Shizuka over to her slowly while Maka placed her on her back.

She could see a lot of concern on the girl's face as she adjusted herself to let Shizuka lay comfortably.

"Follow closely."


*Shuu Shuu*

*Boom Boom Boom*

The two quickly got away from the battle that was coming to their location!




The two saw a giant snake trying to swallow Naruto, but red chakra coming from his body kept the snake's mouth from closing!

Orochimaru watched this with a smile on his face from atop the snake's head.

"Perhaps I should summon another one?"

He contemplated his next move while watching Naruto struggle with the snake.

He noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and smiled as he saw Shizuka being carried away by her teammates.

'Hmmm. I guess I shouldn't make it so easy for them.'

As he contemplated, he extended his hand to the snakes head and slapped it.


A slightly smaller snake appeared besides the one he stood on and turned towards him.

"Go and keep them company."


He saw it head off and noticed his snake was having a hard time holding Naruto back!


"Hehehe! Someone's getting impatient."

A red tail lashed out at Orochimaru as he taunted Naruto!

He dodged the tail and landed on a nearby tree.



He turned around and saw his snake fell on some nearby trees with burn marks on its mouth.


Naruto's skin was peeling from the red chakra, but the anger in his eyes remained strong. The blood from his wounds were making the chakra a shade darker.

"I'll have to keep you company then."

After saying that, a sword handle stuck out of his mouth.

He grabbed it and pulled out the blade from within!

"Let's see how well that chakra can defend you."


Maka and Karin carried Shizuka away from the battle as fast as they could.

Maka watched her surroundings as they quickly made their way to somewhere secluded.


Maka's head quickly turned towards a nearby direction as she saw something.

"Turn here, Karin-chan!"


*Shuu Shuu*

The two quickly turned to the new direction and made their way down the path!

Soon enough, they came across Sakura and Sasuke!


"Maka-chan! We're here to help!"

"Sakura-chan! I need you to help Shizuka! She's unconscious!"

"What happened to her?!"

The group quickly came together and Sakura looked after Shizuka.

Her expression grew stern as she examined her.

She said nothing and quickly weaved hand signs to start healing her.

Maka turned to face Karin.

"Karin-chan. I need you to tell me what's going on! Who was that man and why was Naruto like that?!"

"I'm not too sure why Naruto was like that, but..."

Karin began to explain what she knew to Maka while Sasuke also assisted her with explaining some details.

Once Maka heard all the details about the situation, her face grew serious as she looked in the direction they ran from.

"We have to help Naruto and get away from that man."

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Here's the plan right now. Karin-chan, you will have to stay here with Sakura-chan and watch over Shizuka."

She then turned to Sasuke.

"How are you feeling now, Sasuke? Can you help me assist Naruto?"

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit woozy."

Maka nodded her head and prepared to continue explaining her plan when she suddenly stopped moving. She quickly turned around and watched the distance.

Sasuke quickly followed her gaze and stopped as well.

Karin tried to follow their gaze, but was quickly stopped by Sasuke!

He put his hand over her mouth as his face grew serious.

Sakura lifted her head up and shivered violently upon seeing what they were all looking at.

A giant snake slithered towards their area slowly, following the scent trail they left.

Soon the snake and the group made eye contact with each other.

Everyone froze as a slight breeze blew past them.





Sasuke quickly turned on his Sharingan and looks toward the snake! 

His eyes spun quickly as he tried to put it under a Genjutsu!


The snake wobbled from left to right before laying its head on the ground.

Sasuje kept spinning his eyes as the snake slowly succumbed to the technique!

Once the snake was fully subdued, Sasuke caught his breath.

"Phew! We got it somehow."


Sasuke wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to Maka.

"What's wrong?"

"That guy is way more dangerous than I thought. I'll have to revise some ideas I had."

Maka slowly shook her head and turned to Karin and Sakura.

"Please look after Shizuka, okay?"

"Leave it to us! I'd probably be dead if she didn't help me."

Maka nodded and turned to Sasuke. 

"Sasuke, control the snake. We'll try to use it to our advantage."

"Got it!"

The two nodded their heads and quickly headed off to assist Naruto!

Karin knelt down besides Sakura and watched as Shizuka's complexion started to slowly recover.

Her aura slowly darkened as she started to loathe her weakness.

"If...only I could do more..."

Karin's hands clenched tightly against her knees as she watched Sakura work.

"You still have a chance to learn. It's not too late to change."

Karin nodded her head slowly at Sakura's advice and watches closely as she heals her new family member.


Maka and Sasuke both jumped from tree to tree as the controlled snake follows behind them from the ground.

Maka appeared to be deep in thought as she continued to head towards the distant sounds of battle.

She glanced at Sasuke for a moment and made a decision.



Sasuke turned to look at Maka and suddenly stopped on a nearby branch.

"Y-Your eyes!"

Sasuke could see Maka standing across from him, her red eyes gazing into his own.

"I know you have some questions, but don't worry about them right now. I will answer all your questions after all this is over. My plan will involve our eyes. I know you have trained with Fugaku-san, so you should be able to follow it."


Sasuke slowly nodded his head. 

He did indeed have many questions for Maka, but he knew she would explain it all to him soon enough. She never really held back anything from him when he asked.

"Okay. Here's the plan."

Maka jumped over to Sasuke and whispers her plans to him.

He nodded his head from time to time, his eyes growing brighter as he listened to her idea.

"I got it! I'll do my best!"

Maka smiled at her little brother and turned back to the stopped snake.

"Okay! Let's do it!"


*Boom Boom*

Loud booms echoed through the forest, scattering animals and any ninja close by alike.

"Hahahaha!! I see why the Ninetails is considered the strongest!"


Orochimaru quickly dodged an incoming claw as it tore through a nearby tree!


Naruto mindlessly chased after him, still gripped with rage.

His visible skin was nearly completely peeled off as he struck toward Orochimaru over and over again.


Kurama's voice echoes in Naruto's head, causing him to stop briefly for a moment.

'He...He hurt my sister! I have to kill him!'

(Shizuka has already been taking by your friends. You won't be able to last much longer.)

Naruto frowned as his elongated nails sunk into the dirt in frustration.

'I have to get him back for what he did!'

(You can, but not like this. Don't squander my power with such weak resolve.)

The red of his eyes changed slightly  as a sneer comes over Naruto's face.

(Let me show you how it's done.)

Orochimaru quickly noticed the lack of attacks and looked back at Naruto in amusement.

'Has he finally run out of power? Uzumaki blood is quite durable.'

He notices the sneer on Naruto's face and frowned.

'Is this still the same boy? He feels completely different from before.'

Orochimaru quickly put himself on guard as he watched Naruto carefully.

*Swish Fwoooosh*

Naruto's tail flicked forward and shot towards Orochimaru!


Orochimaru dodged the tail deftly as he continues to watch Naruto!

"You'll have to do better than that!"

Orochimaru taunted him, but noticed the sneer on Naruto's face grew deeper as he suddenly came closer towards him!


He quickly glances back and noticed the tail had wrapped around a distant tree behind him!

Naruto raised his claw and prepared to swipe and Orochimaru!

"Clever, but not good enough!"


Orochimaru ducks under the fist with a sneer of his own.

"You're still too-"


He couldn't finish his words as another fist appeared from behind Naruto and slammed him in the gut!


The air was knocked out of Orochimaru as the new claw pushes his body back in front of Naruto who swung again, but even harder this time!

*Pow Boom Boom*

Orochimaru was knocked away with great force, slamming through a few thick branches before slowing himself down with a few snakes from his sleeve.

"...That was pretty good."


Naruto snickered at Orochimaru's angry comment as he prepared to strike again!


He was stopped when he heard the angry cries of a snake nearby.

Orochimaru smiled as he looked in the distance.

"Looks like he found your friends. I wonder how they fared without you."


Naruto also quickly looked in the snake's direction, hoping his friends were okay.

*Swish Swish*


*Tak Tak*

Shurikens flew towards Orochimaru, making him dodge quickly to the side.



Sasuke leapt out of the trees and landed next to Naruto.


He glanced over Naruto's condition and was silently shocked!

Naruto was covered in cuts, yet all the blood seemed to be mixing with that strange, red chakra around him.

His eyes were a similar shade of red to Sasuke's as the two glanced at each other.

"Get away! He's too dangerous!"

Naruto yelled at Sasuke as he got ready to cover for him!


 Sasuke brandished two kunais in his hands and stood his ground.

"We're both getting out of here. Together."


Naruto shifted his gaze to Orochimaru and dug his nails into the dirt.



Orochimaru began to chuckle loudly as he heard the two talk.

"You think I'll let you go so easily? We've only just begun to explore all you can do."


Orochimaru smiled and flew towards Sasuke!



Naruto blasted Orochimaru away with a yell, only for him to recover midway and wrap around a tree.

*Swish Swish Swish Swish*

He didn't have much time to recover as Sasuke started to fling loads of shurikens and kunai at him!

*Tak Tak Tak Tak*

The barrage missed him, but Sasuke didn't let up!

*Swish Swish Swish*

Sasuke contined to throw projectiles at Orochimaru without stopping!

"Go, Naruto!"


Naruto hesitated for a moment before rushing into the forest!

"Hmph! I can't let my toy get away!"

Orochimaru dashed after Naruto while still dodging Sasuke's barrage of shurikens with snake-like movements!


Sasuke tried to warn Naruto, but Orochimaru quickly caught up to him and stabbed toward his back with his sword!


The cloak failed to stop the blade as it pierced straight through Naruto!


At this point, Orochimaru finally had a different expression on his face as he looked at the body.

He stopped completely as shurikens once again rained on him!

*Tak Tak Tak*

He saw as the shurikens struck his body and a slight sense of pain assailed his senses.

'...It's different!'

Orochimaru's eyes shined as he formed a seal in front of him!


The shurikens flying towards him disappeared into nothing as his surroundings became quiet. Even Naruto and Sasuke were gone!


Orochimaru slowly started to laugh.


His laugh started from a snicker and grew until he was laughing out loud!

"A couple of brats can trick me?!"

His expression grew angry as he quickly tried to find a trail to follow!


Before he could find a concrete trail, he heard the sound of slithering coming from the distance.

'Ah. Did it find the others?'

Orochimaru became excited as he saw the snake come towards him. 

The snake slowly made its way towards Orochimaru and stopped in front of him.

"Where are they?"


The snake turned and started to head in a new direction with Orochimaru right behind it.

The two continued for a short while before Orochimaru realized something strange.

"Hmph. So this snake was a part of their scheme too."

He casually formed a seal.


The snake suddenly turned around and quickly tried to strike Orochimaru!


Orochimaru cancelled the summoning, bringing a lot of smoke about as the snake disappeared.


A shadow flew through the smoke and attacked Orochimaru!


Orochimaru dodged the attack and countered, but the shadow dodged his attacks with uncanny precision!

The two separated from each other after the smoke cleared, assessing their opponent.

Orochimaru was surprised to find Maka staring daggers at him with her Sharingan closely following him.

"Another Uchiha. Your clan just keeps bringing out prodigies."


Maka said nothing as she grabbed her kunai and rushed towards him.

Orochimaru chuckles and pulled out his own kunai in response.

*Clang Clang Clang*

The two darted across the forest, clashing into each other whenever one spotted the other!

Orochimaru leisurely blocked her attacks and struck toward her viciously, but Maka continued to narrowly dodge his attacks!

Orochimaru licked his lips excitedly as he pressed his hand to the ground, summoning snakes to corner Maka!

Maka quickly weaved hand seals and breathed in deep!

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"


Her flames incinerated the snakes, but Orochimaru dodged the attack and shot towards her.

Maka brandished her kunai and watched his moves as he slashed towards her!



Orochimaru suddenly clashed heavily against something and flipped backwards in the air.

He landed filled with confusion as he looked up at the shadow that stopped him.


Maka was shocked as Hii brandished his sword towards Orochimaru.

Hii took a quick glance at her before staring back at Orochimaru.

"Hehehe. They just keep coming. So entertaining."

Hii doesn't respond as he gets into his stance.

"Who is this?"

"Orochimaru. He's a Sannin.  He's also the man who hurt Shizuka."


Lightning surrounded Hii's body as his hair spiked up.

"That's all I needed to know."

Sorry for the wait! My job hit high season so I had no time at all to get this done! Finally, I found some time to write so I can continue! I also have been working on an original novel as well, but that's still in the oven. Please enjoy the chapter. The season's still high for me now so my schedule is erratic at best, but I'll try to get more chapters in on time.

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