The Cloud Over The Leaf

ch.93. Matches pt.1

*Chatter chatter*

The arena near the edge of the village was finally seeing more use as people filed into their seats.

Merchants began to sell information on finalists and merch alike, hoping one of the contestants would become popular enough to clear out their supply.

The Chuunin Exams were a great time for the Leaf!

Full of money and advertisement!

Hii, on the other hand, felt a very dire need to disappear.

“Why are they selling those here?!”

Hii tried his best to hide his face as he saw a particular stall…. selling calendars.

“Come! Come! Get the newly favorited calendar of Konoha’s best, “Konoha Girls”! Maybe you’ll meet one of them one during your stay?! Make sure to burn the image into your mind throughout the year to come!”

Hii quickly departed towards the Finalist area, trying his best to forget that was happening.

As he appeared in the room, he noticed Sasuke and Naruto sitting together, covering their eyes with their hands in shame.

Next to them, Maka and Shizuka were both analyzing a calendar with a serious expression.

“Sasuke, I like the sass you put in this pose. It really does bring a good vibe to the picture.”

“See, Naruto? If you raised your leg like this, you could evolve to an elegant beauty too.”

“Nee-san…can we not do that here?”

Hii sighed as he realized he wasn’t escaping this situation any time soon.

“Hii! Help us!”

Naruto called out to him for help, but he knew there was nothing his brother in shame could do.

Hii ignored him and stood near the exit in case the shame was too much.

Temari watched their group with a confused expression while her brother looked over the specs of his puppet one more time.

“What are they doing?”

“I’m trying to figure that out myself.”

She continued to try to piece together what happened when she noticed the picture on the front of the calendar and the boys were…. eerily similar.

‘Ugh! I wanna know!’

Temari’s foot tapped on the floor impatiently as she tried to piece together the puzzle in front of her.

Kankuro just shook his head and checked over his puppet once more.

‘Hopefully, nothing bad happens today.’


“Welcome to Konoha’s Chuunin Exams!”


The stadium was full of spectators, cheering with glee as the Chuunin Exam Tournament was finally under way!

“First, we give our respects to our honorary guests overseeing the tournament. Give a rousing round of applause for not only our 4th Hokage, not only our 3rd Hokage, but also for our neighbor, The 4th Kazekage!”


The audience thundered with applause as Minato, Hiruzen, and Rasa all stood up from their high seats as they waved to the crowd.

Rasa breathed in the clear air with a hint of sadness. He wished his country could be this prosperous as well.

His heart steeled itself as he remembered the support Konoha would give with his assistance today.

‘Hopefully, this will lead to something greater for the Sand.’

Rasa and the others sat down after a moment, signaling the announcer to begin.

“Without further ado, Let the first match be announced. Dosu Kinuta! Kankuro of the Sand! Please make your way to the middle of the arena immediately!”

The crowd cheered as excitement started to build!

Nobles straightened their backs to have good looks at the challengers.

Hopefully, new blood could help remind them how great ninja from their lands were to handle any of their requests for the right price.


A shadow jumped from the railing near the arena and landed right near the middle of the field.

It was a Leaf Shinobi, Genma, who appeared with his hands in his pockets and a stem in his mouth.

*Shuu Shuu*

Two more shadows jumped near him, stopping in front of each other.

Dosu nervously stared at Kankuro as he rolled his shoulders.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“….Don’t underestimate me.”

Dosu’s shivers stopped as his anger started to take hold.

Kankuro just smiled as he held the straps of his wrapped puppet.

“Both participants ready?”

Genma looked at the two lazily as they nodded their heads.

His hand raised up as he loudly announced.

“Let the first round…begin!”

Dosu quickly jumped back as Genma disappeared from sight!

*Swish Swish Swish Swish*

Dosu reached into his back pouch and launched dozens of shurikens towards Kankuro!

*Clang Clang Clang*

Kankuro easily turned around as he used his puppet as a shield.

“Now this is more interesting!”

*Fwip Fwip*

Kankuro unravelled the puppet with finesse as Crow made its debut!

*Clack Clack Clack*

Its loose jaw clacked with delight as Kankuro controlled it with one hand.

“Let’s see if you make me get serious.”


Crow zoomed through the air towards Dosu!


Dosu grimaced as he pulled out an Explosive Kunai and threw it towards Crow!


The kunai made contact, spreading parts of crow everywhere!


Kankuro’s confident face fell as he stepped back!

Dosu smiled menacingly as he rushed towards Kankuro!

“Depending on that puppet will lead to your demise!”

He readied his right arm, getting ready to use his technique when something bizarre happened.

He tripped.


Dosu quickly stopped his fall with his hands, only to notice the cause of his fall.

‘Chakra Strings?!’

Dosu saw the strings twine around his arms, causing him to quickly react and try to tear them off!

“You must have never fought against a Puppet user, huh?”

Kankuro’s calm voice echoed in Dosu’s ears as his eyes darted towards him.

Kankuro lazily flexed his fingers as the pieces of Crow began to rise and surround Dosu!

*Clack Clack Schwing*

Its feet, hands, and head all unfolded, revealing switchblades on each limb.

All the limbs pointed towards Dosu, aiming for his vitals.

Dosu’s face became pale as the Chakra strings were still tied around his body.

“Word of advice. Don’t ever underestimate a puppet. We make them so you do for a reason.”

*Swish Swish Swish*

The limbs of Crow began to dart towards Dosu at high speed!

Dosu looked at the flying projecticles coming towards him for only a single moment before making a decision!

“I surrender!”

The flying limbs all stopped a few inches away from Dosu as Kankuro looked at him smugly.

“Well, better luck next time.”

“Winner! Kankuro of the Sand!”


The crowd went wild as the battle stayed in Kankuro’s favor despite the tense situation.

Rasa nodded his head lightly, but his pride in his son was raging underneath his stony expression.

“Congratulations, Rasa. Your child did wonderfully!”

Minato congratulated him with a smile while Hiruzen nodded in agreement.

“Thank you. I’m glad his training wasn’t wasted.”

Kankuro waved with his puppet with a smug look, unaware of Dosu’s  quick departure.

Genma looked in the direction Dosu disappeared to and frowned.

‘Probably should check up on him later.’

Genma nodded his head as he let Kankuro bask in his victory a little longer.


*Shuu Shuu Shuu*

Dosu fled quickly as he headed towards his designated hiding spot.

‘As long as I can make it there!’

Dosu had a feeling he was outmatched, but he truly dreaded what would happen if-

“Where are you going, Dosu?”


Dosu stopped firmly in his tracks as he looked around quickly!

He checked the area but found no one nearby!

A soft, eerie sensation went through his body as an arm slithered around his shoulders.

Dose didn’t need to turn his head to see yellow slits staring into the side of his face.

“It seems you have failed in your mission.”


Dosu could feel cold sweat flooding from his body.

Orochimaru giggled before licking his lips.

“No matter. I have a new assignment for you. One I’m sure your perfect for.”

Orochimaru glanced over Dosu’s body for a moment as his eyes narrowed with delight.

“Just the right size.”


“Man! That guy left fast. I didn’t think Crow would scare him that much.”

Kankuro muttered to himself as he sat down next to Temari.

“I’m not too sure it was you he was afraid of, but it doesn’t really matter now.”

Temari looked over at the other participants as she eyed the next two fighters.

Shino stood at the corner with his arms in his jacket, his sunglasses and jacket collar hiding his expression as he seemed to think of his next moves.

Temari turned her head to the other fighter.

Wearing a grey kimono jacket with spats and ninja mesh underneath, Shizuka snickered as Maka checked the calendar they brought with them and discussed something with the boys.

The others curiously joined in, seeming to make the boys shrink even more than before.

‘I got to buy one of those before I leave.’

Temari made up her mind before noticing something.

She could see Shizuka looking near her location, but not directly at her.

Subtle, but effectively keeping tabs on someone looking at her.

Temari’s eyes narrowed as she realized the Uchiha girl was also doing the same.

‘Those two are going to be a problem.’

Temari grew tense as she began to realize the others weren’t too shabby as well.

The pretty boy with arm tattoos seemed to cover his face in shame with the other boys, but she could tell he also watched her for any movement.

“The next match will soon begin in 15 minutes. Participants should be ready to enter the arena before that time!”

Temari watched as Shino’s shades flashed before he got off the wall and started to head near the railing of the arena.

“I should be able to win this.”

Shino muttered to himself softly while Shizuka got up and stretched her arms and back.

“Hnnnnnnn~! Alright! Let’s go and win! Wish me luck, Naruto!”

“Ah?! Right! Good luck, Nee-san!”


Shizuka put up a peace sign and over to the railing as well.

‘This will be interesting.’

Temari couldn’t tell who would win, but she knew it would definitely be different than the first match.


“The next round is about to begin!

*Shuu Shuu*

Two shadows shot down towards the referee as Shizuka and Shino became visible.

Shino’s body was tense while Shizuka stretched her legs a bit in excitement.

Genma looked at both ninja and raised his hand.


The two nodded before his hand dropped, slicing through the air!

“Tjhe second round begins!”


Shino jumped back while Shizuka sneered with an evil grin as she pulled out smoke bombs from her bag.

*Psssh Psssh*

Dropping them on the ground, Shizuka disappeared from Shino’s vision as the smoke held her presence in secrecy.

Once the smoke cleared, Shino saw nothing, but grass and dirt all around him.


He pushed his glasses up with his finger as a small grin formed on his face.

“Don’t think that you can stay hidden from me.”

*Buzz Buzz*

Shino’s jacket rustled with energy as a small cloud of insects came out of his sleeves.


The insects moved around erratically for a moment before homing in on three different areas along the wall of the arena.


“What the!”


The audience could hear Shizuka’s fear as she tried to swat the bugs away as best as she could.

Shino watched with a tense expression as he felt this was pretty easy.

Too easy.

*Poof Poof Poof*

The three Shizuka’s soon stopped their struggle and disappeared in the smoke, along with the insects on them!

“Where did they go!?”

Shino looked around in a panic as two more Shizuka came out of the bushes.

“Come on, Shino! What’s the hold up?”

“Aren’t you going to send your bugs at us? Scared?”

The two Shizuka’s grinned with glee as they could tell despite his collar covering his face, he was flustered.

“What did you do?”

“You have to give up if you want me to tell you~.”

Shizuka’s shoulders bounced with glee as she held in her laughter in his face.

“…. Hmm!!”

*Buzzz Buzz*

Shino sent more bugs towards her clones, making her eyes grow wide as a cloud of insects was not the best thing to look at!

“Gyaaah!! It’s in my hair!”

“Why did you do that?!”

The two tried to wave the bugs off, but they were soon covered in insects.

*Poof Poof*

The two clones soon disappeared in smoke along with the bugs once again.

Shino’s shoulders slumped as he realized too late what she was planning.

His hands clenched tightly as he weighed his options before letting go.

“I concede.”

Genma raised his hand while he declared the winner!

“Shizuka Uzumaki wins!”


The crowd was shocked the battle could end so quickly, but the veteran ninja were very shocked.

Shizuka’s clones weren’t made with just chakra, but something that swallowed all the insects into itself!

This could be the perfect trap!


A few feet in front of Shino, Shizuka appeared with a brown tarp over her body.

“Hehehe! Wise choice.”

Shino didn’t humor her as his brow twitched, annoyed at how close she really was to him.

“…I’ll have to train my Taijutsu. I won’t let them be captured again so easily.”

“I’m sure I’ll have something better to show you next time~.”

Shizuka pulled out five seals from behind her back and raised them in the air.

*Poof Poof Poof*


Several clouds of insects suddenly appeared and dart towards Shino in terror!


Shino only raises his hands as the cloud of bugs disappeared into his sleeves.

“…I’ll challenge you again.”

“You do that! I’ll be waiting~.”

Shizuka smiled and waved him off as she darted back to the waiting room, full of confidence!


“Wow. She beat him pretty quick.”

Hii leaned against a nearby pillar as he watched Shizuka saunter her way out of the arena with a victorious sway to her hips.

“It was a bad match-up. If he was more physical, she might have struggled more.”

Hii nodded his head as Maka came beside him.

“Are you ready for your fight?”

Maka smiled slightly as she nodded her head.

“Can’t wait.”

Hii smiled as he watched her from his peripheral.

‘She’s confident. That’s good.’

His smile disappeared for a moment as he remembered the man from the other day.

‘A curse to young warriors like you.’

Hii felt those words had branded themselves into his head, warning him of that man’s presence being something he would have to overcome.

It didn’t feel optional either.

‘Yet another one after me…’

Hii withheld a sigh as he shook his head.

Maybe they would kill each other when they came for him?

He sure hoped so.


Naruto watched as Temari and Shikimaru stared at each other, waiting for their match to begin.

“What’s wrong, Loser? Getting nervous?”


Naruto quickly turned around and saw Sasuke and Kakashi appear behind him!

“Sasuke! Kakashi-Sensei!”


Kakashi merely waved his hand before he pulled out his favorite book.

Naruto’s eyes grew narrow as he looked at his Sensei with a new look.

“Sensei…. you like those books?”

Sasuke turned around and looked at the book as well, confused by Naruto’s look at their Sensei.

“…Well, I think they’re pretty good.”

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders as he continued to read.

Naruto just put his head in his hands and shook his head.

“No way! Pervy Sage has actual fans! That’s ridiculous!”

“Pervy Sage?”

Sasuke was confused at Naruto’s wail, but Kakashi’s head lifted up quickly as he looked at Naruto.

“You met him?!”

“He trained me! I was looking for you to help, but you disappeared! I did get stronger though.”

Naruto smirked as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

Sasuke smiled as he also got stronger. He couldn’t wait to find out who was better.

“Don’t get a big head, Naruto. You are going against Nee-san after all.”

Naruto suddenly deflated as he stared at the ground.

“Don’t remind me!”


At the seriousness of his Sensei’s voice, the two looked up at Kakashi.

“Did he say when he would have another book released?”

Naruto’s face grew blank as he looked at Kakashi and decided to completely ignore him.

He turned back to the match and quickly realized something.

“Shoot! It started already?!”

The two turned to watch the match as Kakashi's eye twitched.

'What about the book?!'


Shikamaru was not enjoying this match.



He jumped out of the bush and launched a few shurikens to counter against her!


Of course, he knew it wouldn’t give much of an effect if she just blew them down.

Luckily, that was a part of his plan.

“Hold still!”

Temari was furious as Shikamaru continued to dodge her blasts, forcing her to keep swinging her fan with angst.

“This whole process is just a drag!’

He would train a bit more so this wouldn’t happen again.


Watching clouds was always a great past time.

Shikamaru discreetly looked at the formation he was ‘clumsily’ making.

‘Just a bit more. I can rest after that.’

Shikamaru was now ever so grateful he was friends with Naruto and Shizuka.

The two pranksters brought him in to some of their pranks they usually did and with them the way to make a very useful seal.


*Shwish Shwish*

Temari was prepared to knock these Shuriken out of the sky like the last batch, only they hit the ground far off course of her.

She sneered as she looked at Shikamaru again, now noticing his coarse breathe and tired face.

‘Guess this’ll be it then.’

Temari opened her fan a bit more.

Two moons should be more than enough to end him.

She paused, however, as she saw him bring up a one handed seal.

“What? Still resisting?”

Shikamaru smiled a bit as he was probably going to enjoy this more than he should.

“Vector Seal!”


Rasa sighed as he looked at the battle between his daughter and the Nara clan member.

Rasa couldn’t count how many times he cursed these lazy bone geniuses.

They made every invasion into Konoha a pain in the…

He breathed in deep as he tried to calm down, watching his daughter swing her fan haphazardly to strike the boy.

He retaliated by throwing shuriken and kunai at her after every swing.

He commended the boy’s tenacity to keep up and figured his daughter would be able to win with no problem.

That was until he realized something strange was going on.

Ninjas usually ignored the thrown weapons on the ground as they were too far to reach if someone wanted to use them in battle.

Trash of the battlefield most veterans would say.

Rasa, or anyone higher up than them would realize the littered weapons formed a pattern.

“An arrow?”

Suddenly, He saw his daughter get flung across the arena!

She had stepped on one of the arrows unknowingly!



Temari slammed her closed fan into the ground to stop herself from flying into the wall!

“What?! What was tha-“


Another arrow underneath her flung only her along as the fan was planted just outside of its range.


*Fwong Fwong Fwong*

The hidden arrows all light up as she passed over them, sending her straight towards Shikamaru!

Rasa watched with widened eyes as he saw his daughter finally correct herself and slid on the ground to a halt.

Right in front of Shikamaru.

“Shadow Possession successful.”

He heard the boy murmur as he clenched his chair seat.

Temari looked utterly devastated as she had no idea he had set up such a trap from all that desperation.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Shikamaru forced her to raise her hand high in the air.

“I give up.”

The tense air was suddenly blown away as the….Nara gave up?

“What?! What do you mean you give up?!”

Rasa had to agree with his daughter on this one. Even he didn't understand this one.

“I’m out of Chakra. Can’t do much anymore. Those seals don’t use too much chakra, but I realized something.”

Shikamaru sighed as he continued.

“She’s got more chakra than I do.”


Temari just started at him with her mouth wide open as he turned around and headed to the waiting room while stretching his arms.

“Gah! I’m tired!”

Genma looked at the boy with a grin as he raised his hand.

“Temari of the Sand Wins!”


The crowd went wild at the sudden shift and change in the match!

Many started to inquire about the two combatants, much to Rasa’s pleasure and rage.

“Wow. I guess Shikaku taught him well enough.”

Rasa turned to his side to see the 3rd and 4th Hokages smiling as the boy left.

Rasa looked at his daughter as she stood there, not knowing what to do in this situation.

No doubt this would sit in her mind and bring her to be rivals with that boy.

Rasa face planted into one of his hands as he groaned.

“I hate the Nara clan.”

His complaint made the smirks on the other Kage slightly wider as he just sank into his seat.

‘At least she won.’







Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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