The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 209 - A Whim

Chapter 209 A Whim
Shikong had no way except cutting off her hand to protect his benefactor. Perhaps at that moment, the evil stone was torturing Yun Feiyan, and it had no time to care about himself, thus he could attack successfully.

He knew that with his own ability, he could not resist the magic of the evil stone. At that time, he couldn’t take care of his own safety. Even if his life was in danger, he must make the final stroke.

Since Shikong had made up his mind, he was immediately prepared. The consequences should not be cared. Life and death were doomed, just let the fate decide.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t believe in fate. She wanted to try again without caring about any consequences, and strive for a good ending. She would never give up when pursuing her purpose.

In the Cave of Fate, it was still dim and quiet. The atmosphere of nervousness and horror was more intense, and the air seemed to be condensing. Life had been suffocated. The upcoming great change was like a storm, and it would happen in an instant.

Zhang Yunyan came to the corner and wanted to be far away from Shikong, so if she didn’t succeed and irritate the jade, her benefactor would not be involved in the disaster.

Unexpectedly, Shikong came with her and stayed beside her no matter what Zhang Yunyan said to discourage him. This was a time when life was at stake. He couldn’t leave his benefactor. Otherwise, once the disaster took place, he would not be able to save her.

Zhang Yunyan couldn’t persuade him, and she couldn’t be away from him. She looked at Shikong who was stubborn and sighed. She could just let him do whatever he wanted. In order to get rid of the terrible jade, she had to try. She hoped that it wouldn’t bring misfortune to her benefactor.

Yunyan blocked Shikong behind her. She took a few breaths to calm her tense nerves, and then stood firm and began to mobilize. She felt the Qi and blood working in her body, and it was getting stronger.

For the first time in life, Zhang Yunyan consciously mobilized the internal Qi and felt the effect. She was finally able to mobilize her internal Qi. She was a bit nervous and uneasy, and also had the joy of initial success.

Of course, the joy was transitory, and soon it was melted by tension and desire.

Yunyan tried to transport the Qi and blood to her right arm, and she felt that the airflow in her body was coming in with her consciousness and entered the palm of her hand. At this moment, she was both nervous and happy, and she had hope.

Zhang Yunyan then took two deep breaths to calm the nervous body and mind again, and then she strengthened her consciousness to fully operate the internal Qi of her whole body to the right hand. She wanted to let the small amount of internal strength reach its extreme, hoping to strike the five clenched fingers and throw away the terrible jade.

Shikong accompanied his benefactor absorbedly so as to cope with the unexpected thing. He was always ready to cut off the hand to rescue Yun Feiyan.

Inside the jade, there were countless colored “stars”, and they quickly entered her body again, leaving behind countless colored bands. The bands were made up of countless tiny lights, which decorated the jade and made it colorful.

Between Yunyan’s body and the jade, countless colored “stars” were running along with the internal Qi. She felt the heat wave flowing rapidly, and her Qi and blood were very full.

The Qi and blood was like a wave rushing. Zhang Yunyan had a strong feeling, and she immediately made the final stroke. Under the command of her consciousness, the Qi and blood in her body instantly rushed to the right hand, sending out an explosive force that had never been seen before.

However, when she immediately exerted her strength on her right hand, it did not break her five fingers that were out of her control, and they still clenched. Before she had the time to get frustrated and sad, a sudden change burst out, which was shocking and terrible.

In the moment when the internal Qi slammed into her right hand, with a loud bang, a red light shot out and hit the rock wall.

Suddenly, sparks splashed, gravel flew, and the rock wall collapsed. Several millstone-sized stones rolled onto the ground, causing continuous crash.

The sudden outburst made the cave shake slightly…

The instant loud noise was shocking. Zhang Yunyan was so scared that her soul seemed to have already flown away.

Shikong was also amazed, and was deeply shocked by the powerful impact.

The shock quickly passed, and Zhang Yunyan exclaimed, “Oh, what…what was going on here?”

She was so surprised that she couldn’t close her mouth. It was very doubtful, incomprehensible, and terrible.

Shikong quickly understood that this attack was not Zhang Yunyan’s behavior, because her internal strength was extremely limited, and it was impossible for her to make such amazing impact. This was the attacking power of the jade’s magic. The instant red light and the colorful “stars” running fast all confirmed this.

He believed that it was Zhang Yunyan’s internal Qi that activated the jade, and the jade sent out powerful magic. Then there was the earth-shattering blow.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know why, so she could only agree with the analysis of Shikong, and she felt that it made sense. She was deeply grateful that although the evil stone was triggered, it did not attack her and Shikong.

Although this attempt did not allow her to throw away the hateful jade, it did not bring terrible consequences. She was a little bit relieved and frustrated.

Just then, Turtle Elf outside the cave was shocked. It heard a deafening noise and felt the ground vibrating. It was very anxious and terrified.

It didn’t know what terrible dangers had occurred in the Cave of Fate, and whether its two friends were still alive.

It rushed to the entrance and anxiously asked, “Yun Feiyan, Shikong, what happened again? Were you injured?”

Zhang Yunyan no longer cared about the jade in her hand, and simply described the sudden change just now.

Turtle Elf was shocked after listening to it. It didn’t know why it was extremely powerful. The monster in the Cave of Fate was so terrible, and this sealed place was indeed terrifying.

In the suspicion, it didn’t know what to do. It could only ask Yun Feiyan to stop doing such stupid things and try to keep the jade quiet in case that terrible danger occurred, resulting in irreparable disaster.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong no longer worried about what would happen to the jade. The most worrying thing was Jiuyou Sage and the devils. The huge sound was terrifying, and they must have been alarmed. The devils would soon come here to check, so they let Turtle Elf to think of a way, so as not to be confused and unable to cope with them.

In the Devil’s Cave, the evil wind was starting up, screaming louder and louder. Needless to say, the devils had already flown towards here.

Turtle Elf was flustered and deeply aware of how serious the danger was. The sound, one after another, had alarmed the devils again and again, which made it more and more difficult to cope with them.

It calmed itself down to think about countermeasures. It must not expose the hiding place of Zhang Yunyan and Shikong. It couldn’t let the devils see something wrong, and it had to try to hide the accidents.

It immediately found a few stones and threw them on the ground. Just after it sat down, a black wind came with a stinky smell. Then, a gleaming black shadow appeared in front of it.

It turned out that he was the fourth ghost, the Black Hair King Ghost, and he inquired about the situation.

Turtle Elf told him that it wanted to try it with the stones to see if it could break the seal of the mysterious cave. Unexpectedly, it triggered the power of the seal, and a loud noise shattered the stone and scattered it on the ground. It had been lucky that it wasn’t hit by gravel.

Seeing that Turtle Elf had no ability but was daydreaming, the Black Hair King Ghost was very angry, and he snorted with disdain. He glared at Turtle Elf and reprimanded it to stop coming up with bad ideas and creating unnecessary trouble for the Sage and their brothers.

After the rebuke, he told Turtle Elf to carefully search and protect the area, and stop making troubles so as not to alarm the woman whose whereabouts was unknown.

Turtle Elf promised obediently, hoping that Black Hair King Ghost could leave quickly and that there would be no noise in the Cave of Fate.

Black Hair King Ghost looked at the mysterious entrance of the cave and found that the familiar rock wall was still the same. He was not interested in the sealed cave.

He was very dissatisfied. He glared at Turtle Elf and shook his head silently. He was anxious to return to its “private land”, so he could not waste time here. Then he went away with the wind.

It turned out that Jiuyou sage was too lazy to go around and he asked Black Hair King Ghost to come to check the situation.

Turtle Elf finally managed to cope with the danger. It breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong were shocked with cold sweat, and their nervous hearts were relieved.

In the Cave of Fate, the tension was slightly reduced, but the atmosphere of terror was still horrifying.

Zhang Yunyan did not dare to think about anything, nor did she dare to do so.

It was the same with Shikong. He was still thinking about the weird things just now, which made him shocked and puzzled.

The two of them stopped talking. They were in suspicion of the mysterious terrible jade and were thinking.

Looking at the jade, Shikong thought about it and quickly got a bold idea. Then he said it.

He felt that since the jade had grown on Zhang Yunyan’s body and there was no way to get rid of it, and they would not remove the “stars” that were strong in hex, it would be useless to worry about it. In this case, they should face the reality, and use their heads to minimize the harm.

Shikong had a bold idea which was also very strange. He believed that although the evil stone was terrible, it was not impossible to use it at all. It was better to use the power of the jade to achieve their purpose.

The reason why he had such an idea was that he was reminded by the amazing attack. Maybe they could turn the disadvantage into advantage and help Yun Feiyan.

Shikong felt that they were lucky. The jade only controlled the right hand of Yun Feiyan. For the time being, it had not yet controlled her mind and soul. Therefore, they had the possibility to do something opposite.

He believed that his benefactor could use the jade as her weapon. She could use the great power of magic to protect herself and fight against powerful enemies. The powerful blow was enough to prove that this idea was feasible. This unfortunate fact should be exploited. They should turn the evil thing into a tool.

In the Devil’s Cave, if they could use this jade as a treasure when facing the cruel devils, they could use it to deal with Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts. This might be a bit lucky in the misfortune.

After the hint of Shikong, Zhang Yunyan was shocked, and then she had the feeling that there would be another chance after the desperation.

She recalled the process from mobilizing to outbreak, and felt that this bold idea could be tried. That blow did not harm herself and Shikong. If facing a strong enemy, the magic that was so powerful would be the magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Zhang Yunyan was suddenly inspired. This might be a good idea that could turn their disadvantage into advantage. They could try it at a crucial moment.

Her martial arts were not well enough. It would be better to regard this jade as a treasure of her own and as a powerful weapon. When necessary, she could mobilize her internal Qi to stimulate the evil stone, prompting it to release the shocking magic, thus fighting against Jiuyou Sage and the devils.

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