The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 215 - Death Struggle

Chapter 215 Death Struggle
Turtle Elf listened to the sound outside the cave. The evil wind was approaching, and the danger was coming. It was even more disturbed.

Seeing that Yun Feiyan and Shikong had entered the small cave, it no longer hesitated and immediately followed the two friends into the cave, hoping to avoid the disaster and escape from the horrible Devil’s Cave.

No one knew where this newly emerged cave led to, whether there was a way out, and whether there was any danger or disaster in it. Also, no one knew what the fate of the three of them was, and whether they could survive. Their life or death could only be left to fate.

Zhang Yunyan entered the small cave and ran forward quickly.

Shikong and Turtle Elf followed her.

In the small cave, the road was bumpy and extended downward, going into the deeper ground.

They felt more and more cold in their hearts. There was only death in the gloomy ground, and they had no illusion of survival.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t give up. There was no way back. She was running eagerly, her life was in danger, and she just wanted to escape. Even the dream of finding a safe place to die quietly would be the ending she had been seeking but failed to have.

They didn’t have time to think about other things. To escape the devils’ pursuit was their only aspiration and hope at this moment.

They didn’t know why the mysterious seal suddenly disappeared, what force removed the powerful magic, whether Jiuyou Sage and the devils had perceived that the seal at the entrance was no longer there and whether they had entered the Cave of Fate. What’s more, they didn’t know if the only “wild wish” in their heart could be fulfilled…

They felt that death was about to come, and their precious life was coming to the end.

The small cave was very peaceful. The tranquility here might come from the longer past. Many shiny words of fate were carved on the rock cave walls, exuding their touching aura.

In the distant tranquility, the extremely incongruous stinky smell squeezed in, which was disgusting and startling.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were all very nervous. It seemed that the sealed power of the entrance of the Cave of Fate really disappeared. The devils had broken in and were looking for them in the sinuous cave.

They had no time to take care of these countless words of fate and had no intention to think about the origin of the handwriting. The only thing they wanted was to escape from the devils’ pursuit. They ran all the way and found no place to hide and no rare things, which made them anxious and disappointed.

They were eager to escape. They were always looking forward to discovering the path to survival, and having magic objects to fight against the devils.

When they ran, they didn’t dare to stop. At the moment when death was approaching, they could only move forward without retreat. Whether it was to live or die, they had to run until there was no way left.

They didn’t know how many corners they took and how far they ran. They only knew that they went deeper underground, which was more horrible.

The deep underground place meant a hopeless dead end, and they were getting closer and closer to death. Nevertheless, they were still desperately running. Even if they died, they would never be devastated and eaten by the devils.

The roaring evil wind had blown over, and the disgusting stinky smell had spread here. The devils were near and were about to arrive.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were extremely nervous, and their hearts of fear had come up in their mouths. This was the end, and the time for the end of life was about to come. Desperate emotions came to their mind, and they couldn’t escape from the hands of the devils and could not avoid the coming death.

Suddenly, a low voice sounded, and they were shocked by it.

Although there was the roaring evil wind in the cave, in the ancient and quiet underground place, the small voice could still be heard as they were approaching quickly.

They were a little worried, but they didn’t dare to stop. They listened carefully while running desperately, still unable to discern what the sound was.

This cave was originally isolated from the world. What could be in it? Was it the master who lived and cultivated here reclusively? Was it a beast, or another group of demons and monsters?

The voice was low, and it was coming continuously, which was surprising and terrifying.

When they fled, they were more vigilant. With conjecture and hope, they hoped that there was a master who could save their lives, or a magic weapon to help them fight against the devils.

Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and had already made up her mind. Whether it was Jiuyou Sage and the devils who chased here, or some other demons and monsters, she would use the jade in her hand to fight.

She was prepared for it, and once she fell into the hands of the fierce and evil spirit, she would commit suicide instantly, and she must not be bullied by the devils.

At this time, the Magical Dragon Sword was in the hand of Shikong. He would fight against the devils to the end with strange powers until he died.

Turtle Elf was very anxious and very worried, and its thoughts were more complicated.

Jiuyou Sage and the devils were about to catch up, but what should it do? It didn’t have the ability to fight with the devils, nor did it have the ability to protect Zhang Yunyan and Shikong. Did it have to fight with those fierce demons and monsters?

It was useless for it to do so, and it could only die. Zhang Yunyan and Shikong would lose their lives because of it.

Did it mean that it should not care whether they would live or die, and find its own way to survive?

Turtle Elf couldn’t bear to do this. It would be sorry to its friends who had come through life and death with it.

It knew that no matter what it did, it couldn’t protect its two human friends. In this case, did it have to ignore the consequences, put its own life at risk, and lose the fruits of thousands of years of cultivation?

At the time of life and death, Turtle Elf did not know what to do. The upright and chivalrous elf was really confused.

The cave was curving and extending, filled with the stinky smell and the roar of the devils, which was appalling.

The three escaping creatures were running eagerly, wondering if their wish could be achieved.

Turtle Elf was extremely anxious and was still thinking hard. Since it was unable to protect two good friends, did it still make sense to put its own life at risk?

It thought about it and felt that it should not die meaninglessly. It decided to find a way to survive, strive to save its life, and save the hard-earned results of cultivation.

It was not being a good friend to do this, and it was not knightly. But it had no choice but to survive.

From the bottom of its heart, Turtle Elf didn’t want to do this, but it had to do something against its will. It was painful and guilty. It sighed secretly and shed bitter tears.

The howling evil wind was getting closer and closer, indicating that the devils would soon arrive. The small cave was filled with extremely tense and terrifying atmosphere. The air seemed to have condensed, making it hard to breathe.

The cave was tortuous and dim, and had been stretching deep. The evil wind roared, which was astounding. The roar kept bursting and reverberating, which was terrifying.

On the wall of the cave, countless shiny words of “fate” were connected to each other, adding a terrible sense of mystery.

The devils were about to come. The evil wind was roaring with the stinky smell, and it had spread to here. They had nowhere to escape, and their end would be tragic.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were already panicked and rushing along the cave. Where was the road leading to? Was it a dead end? Were there any terrible dangers and monsters? They didn’t know anything, and they couldn’t care about them. Escaping was the only thing in their heart.

They had to run, the faster the better. They must get rid of the devils’ hunt.

Escape was their only desire. They wished only if they grew wings and flew away from danger.

During the run, they felt that the evil wind was getting stronger, the whistling sound was getting louder, and the stinky smell was getting stronger. They knew that the devils were approaching, and they would soon be caught up.

They were nervous, desperate, and couldn’t stop their steps.

They were eager to escape from the hands of the devils, but didn’t have the slightest confidence. The feeling of despair had shocked their body and mind. The situation wouldn’t be changed, and they were about to suffer from atrocity.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong had made up their mind to fight until death, and were ready to write the last tragic chapter of their life.

Turtle Elf was eagerly thinking about the way to live. In any case, it had to protect its life, and it couldn’t lose thousands of years of cultivation.

The three weak creatures were running desperately and escaping to save their lives, and would not stop until the last moment.

This was a desperate struggle and the instinct of survival, which were supporting their body and mind that had lost hope.

After turning a few more turns, the unknown voice was louder and clearer. Although it couldn’t cover the roar of the evil wind, it sounded so real. It was sure that they were close to it.

Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were all very nervous. They were trying to distinguish, but still couldn’t confirm what the sound was. They had the premonition of being attacked from front and behind. They were more fearful and desperate.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong were so nervous, but they didn’t stop because of fear. They were still running fast. They were about to die. Even if they were attacked by demons and monsters from both directions, the result would be the same, and they could die faster.

Things would develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. The two of them became nervous and terrified to the extreme, so they were no longer desperate, and their tense nerves were somewhat relieved.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong had a cold face and were relieved. They were determined to fight with the demons and monsters using all of their power, and they had to do something to die more vigorously.

Turtle Elf had a complex mood. It was thinking hard for the hope of survival. It must live, and also struggle hard for its thousands of years of cultivation.

After a few more turns, they were close to where the sound was, and it sounded real. But they were still unable to confirm what it was.

The voice was loud, and it seemed to want to compete with the whistling sound of the evil wind, making the horrible cave even more terrible.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong watched and listened vigilantly, ready to fight with the demons and monsters that would suddenly appear.

Turtle Elf was very nervous and more frightened, and escape was the only chance for it. Under the chase of the devils, even if it was an abyss or an extremely fierce devil in front of it, it would never stop and rush forward without hesitation.

After two turns, there was a large cave in front, and it sounded like that the unidentified sound came from there. This sound had covered the howling evil wind, which was alarming.

The devils were coming. Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf had no need to worry. They rushed into the big cave like wind. They watched eagerly around to see if there was any danger, looking for a way out.

It was smaller than the Cave of Fate, and the rock wall and ground were bumpy. There was a stream in the cave. The water was deep and rapid. The sound was caused by the currents hitting the rocks and it was synthesized by the echo of the cave, which was difficult to distinguish.

There was nothing but rocks in it, and the walls of the cave were engraved with many shiny words of fate, all exuding touching magic.

How could there be streams in this deep cave underground? It was really puzzling. This might be the place where the reclusive master fetched water. It might have been excavated by the master with magical techniques.

In emergency, Zhang Yunyan, Shikong and Turtle Elf were eagerly inspecting the entire cave, and then they were physically and mentally stiff and desperate. This was it. This was the place where they were to die.

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