The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 A Critical Situation

Zhang Yunyan and the accompanying soldiers did not feel the ground was shaking or hear a rumbling sound. They could not perceive the emergency situation in the distant capital city, so they did not agree with the words of the imperial master.

They thought that Xiao Tianlong must be a little bit anxious with an illusion of nothingness since he had been out for many years. He must connect that illusion with the feeling of leaving his hometown for a long time, so he gained unnecessary tension and fears.

The soldiers believed that if there were strong enemies invaded, someone would come to report to them. However, they did not receive any news.

They were in Tongtian Hole all the time and did not contact with the capital. There was no one coming to report the situation, which meant that everything was as usual.

Everyone felt that there would be no enemy invasion and tried to ease the imperial master.

Xiao Tianlong still insisted on his forecast and did not agree with the others’ explanation and comfort, but still urged to move faster.

When they were rushing towards the capital, a troop of cavalry came towards them with several carriages among them, arising fine sand flying up in the air. It seemed that they were in a hurry.

When getting close, the two sides stopped. For a second, they looked at each other, showing out a look of suspicion.

It turned out that the carriages were guarded by soldiers. A few important ministers of Tianyue Country were sitting on the carriages.

Xiao Tianlong saw that ministers were so panicked, knowing that things were going wrong. He asked immediately and heard that some strong enemies were invading their country.

At this time, the emperor of Yingtian Country and Ninth Heaven Condor joined hand with a group of monsters were invading Tianyue Country. Tianyue Country was totally surrounded by them and it was in great danger.

The imperial master and the first prince did not come back and lost connection for three years. The emperor and the ministers were out of hope.

In the face of the invading enemy and without the help of the powerful imperial master, the emperor was extremely nervous and felt the disaster was coming. He decided to coexist with the country.

Although the emperor had no hope for the imperial master and the first prince, there was no other way for them at the time of the country’s life and death. He could only set his hope on the long-disappeared Xiao Tianlong and the first prince.

He hurriedly recruited several ministers and asked them to hide in the Tongtian Hole to wait for the return of the first prince and the imperial master. Then, they could assist the first prince to drive the invaders away and revive the Tianyue Country.

Since Xiao Tianlong and the first prince left by the Tongtian Precious Carriage, the emperor and ministers were always worried about them, fearing that they would meet dangers.

When time passed by, the emperor became more and more nervous, upset, and panic. He was anxious about the safety of the imperial master and the first prince.

Now, the imperial master and the first prince had left for more than three years, but did not return yet. He had a bad feeling and was afraid that what he was worried about had become a truth.

The emperor felt things went worse. Since they could not get any information of the imperial master and the first prince, the Tongtian Precious Carriage might be wrong; or they might meet some danger in the alienated world thousands of years later. They might be dying in dangers and could not return.

At the time of life and death, the emperor was desperate but not gave up. He could not give up even though there was no way out. He could only set his hope on the first prince and the imperial master.

The emperor repeatedly ordered these ministers that they must be patient to wait for their return and assist the first prince with all their best to drive the enemy away and revive the country as soon as possible.

Xiao Tianlong frowned and was confused about the invasion of enemies. If the Tianyue Country was in danger, why would the other five countries of their union ignore? How could it reach this precarious level?

The ministers sighed and simply told him that the five countries in the union had been conquered by Yingtian Country and had signed the contract to surrender. Then, the disaster fell on Tianyue Country.

Xiao Tianlong was shocked and even more puzzled. The power of the Six Countries Union could not be underestimated. How could it be defeated so soon? Even with the help of Ninth Heaven Condor and the other monsters, the Yingtian Country could not conquer the five countries so easily. So, why was it changing so fast?

He saw the situation was so fierce and it even threaten the fate of his country. He was surprised and puzzled. He asked for details.

The ministers looked sad and shook their heads. They were not willing to recall their memories.

They told him that not long ago, the six countries agreed to hold a party to enjoy the beautiful scenery in Mount Yucui. They discussed some major events and gathered together to promote friendship.

However, the emperor of Yingtian Country discovered this feast and thought they should seize this chance, so they schemed a plan secretly.

At that time, the emperor and Ninth Heaven Condor would lead the elite soldiers to sneak into the Mount Yucui and captured all the emperors.

At that time, the emperor of Tianyue Country did not come for body condition. The first prince did not return and the second prince was guarding the border. He did not be captured.

Under the coercion of strong enemies, the emperors had to sign the contract of humiliation. They promised to sent parts of their territories and needed to pay tribute every year. They also had to send the princes to Tianying Country as hostages.

Since then, the five countries all became the subordinated countries of Yingtian Country while the Six Countries Union no longer existed.

The emperor of Yingtian Country and Ninth Heaven Condor conquered the five countries successfully and felt really excited. Their ambition of hegemony enhanced and decided to conquer Tianyue Country as follow.

They heard that Xiao Tianlong was not at home, so they were happy and confident to swallow this piece of fat as soon as possible. They seized this great opportunity to prepare for a while and immediately attacked Tianyue Country. Now, this country was in great danger.

Xiao Tianlong learned this situation and felt worrier. He was regretted not returning soon. If he was in Mount Yucui, he would not let the enemy succeed and there would be no danger today.

He silently lamented that he had no way to get rid of the unexpected disaster in the alienated world by himself. It was a blessing in the unfortunate to be able to return to the motherland today.

After knowing the truth, Zhang Yunyan was shocked. It was too horrible that the war came so soon. She was worried about the safety of people, anxious about the survival of Tianyue Country, and surprised by Xiao Tianlong’s extraordinary perception.

Xiao Tianlong was an extraordinary expert indeed. In such a long distance, he could even tell it was made by intruder just from the shaking of the ground. When hearing the sound of rumble, he could feel all the capital was in danger.

In this regards, the imperial master had profound cultivation, whose abilities were unparalleled. He was not only a genius of Tianyue Country, even in her world, but there were also few who could compare with him.

The war had already reached the capital. It was the time of life and death for Tianyue Country. Zhang Yunyan was worried about the fate of this unfamiliar country and her own situation. She did not know what the outcome would be and what her results would be.

She came to this alienated world thousands of years ago by accident and always felt anxious. Now, she even met a war among countries, so she felt more anxious.

Was Tianyue Country really in great danger?

It was horrible. If the Tianyue Country was in danger, she must meet disaster soon or later. She was worried whether she could live or not and whether she could return to her homeland.

Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and worried about the survival of Tianyue Country. She also was anxious about whether she could return to her home.

She prayed that Xiao Tianlong could defeat the strong enemy to change the situation and to protect Tianyue Country.

She prayed that the imperial master would not have an accident. Otherwise, there was no one who had the ability to control the Tongtian Precious Carriage. The results would be awful.

If it was so, even if Zhang Yunyan was still alive, she would be a traveler in this alienated world and would never return to her hometown. She could never see her friends and relatives anymore, while all of her uncompleted vows would turn into ashes.

These major ministers of Tianyue Country were so much happy and excited as to weep when seeing the imperial master again. They thought the country could be saved and their hanging hearts finally fell to their mind.

Having a look around, they did not see the first prince, so they were nervous again. A kind of ominous feeling turned up in their mind. They asked the imperial master about this in a hurry.

Xiao Tianlong sighed and told them that the situation suddenly changed, so the first prince did not get on the Tongtian Precious Carriage and was still in the alienated world.

It arose the worry of these ministers. They prayed that the first prince could be safe and the imperial master could pick him up as soon as possible.

Talking about it, thank for that Xiao Tianlong did not stay at the alienated world to look for the first prince. Otherwise, if the strong enemy invaded in, the consequences would be even more terrible.

If he returned with the first prince, it must be late. Facing the tragic situation of the ruined country, they would be regretted.

Xiao Tianlong was in a hurry and could not care about other things. He immediately flew up to the capital by the wind.

The soldiers urged the horse to run to the capital.

All the ministers also returned with them to fight for the country.

The accompanying soldiers introduced Zhang Yunyan to all the ministers. They met each other with greetings.

The ministers learned that the young woman from the alienated world was the one who saved the imperial master, so they respected and thanked her so much.

They knew clearly that Zhang Yunyan not only saved the imperial master alone, but also saved all the people of Tianyue Country. it was about the life and death of Tianyue Country.

If the imperial master was trapped in the alienated world, there would be no hope for Tianyue Country. It must be destroyed and people would be in suffering.

The sky was still blue, the clouds were still white, and the fields were green, which showed a calm and peaceful view.

However, the situation changed in a sudden. The war happened. The iron hooves of horses stepped on the ground, while monsters were rampant on this ancient land. Bloody horror spread in the air…

When the carriage arrived by the outskirts of the capital, they could clearly hear the drums and shouts. The shouts and screams roared from time to time. It was thrilling and full of blood.

In the city, smokes were rising. It seemed that the enemy had already broken into the capital. They were burning and looting.

Talking about Xiao Tianlong who was coming here by the wind, he felt flustered when he saw this urgent situation. He was worried about the safety of the emperor and the queen, who might be captured by the enemies or might even have died.

He was very surprised that how this city was so vulnerable even under the protection of the national artifact Ninth Heaven Pearl.

The imperial master looked around and found the Pearl on the tower was out of light. He felt suspicious and more nervous.

He shook his head and sighed. No wonder the enemy could break into the city so easily. The nation artifact was out of order.

Xiao Tianlong was very puzzled. How could the Ninth Heaven Pearl be out of work with such great power?

He hurriedly asked the flustered soldiers, but no one could explain it.

An hour ago, the national artifact was still bright and dazzling, but they did not know why it became dark and dull.

Xiao Tianlong understood that the Ninth Heaven Pearl must be destroyed during the battle, causing the city to be broken in.

In the face of extremely dangerous situations, the imperial master was even more nervous. He was worried about the safety of the emperor, the queen, and the other ministers. He was anxious about the life or death of the military and civilians, and the survival of the country.

Xiao Tianlong did not dare to delay and immediately flew straight to the capital. He read the spells before entering the city and threw the soul-absorbing vase into the air.

The red cover of the vase opened, bursting out of light in green out of blue, which was shining like the most dazzling star in the sky.

In the blink of eyes, many light spots inside and outside the city were absorbed into the vase.

The imperial master knew that it just absorbed the souls of their enemies. The situation of this war would be changed soon, so his tight body and mind were relieved.

Just at the moment when the soul-absorbing vase was working, a dark light flew into the vase. Right at the same time, a burst of thrilling sounds turned up. Suddenly, the soul-absorbing vase lost its shine and fell down on the ground. Those souls which had been absorbed into the vase flew out to all the directions and be back to their flesh.

Xiao Tianlong was shocked and stunned. He hurriedly picked up the soul-absorbing vase to have a check. He found that there was a crack on the treasure. He was very depressed.

He knew that the vase was destroyed by the dark light. He was shocked and confused. He did not know what that strange object was.

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