The Concubine is Covering the Vest Every Day

Chapter 111

Chapter 107:

Mammy Li and the others just went out on their front feet, and Tang Yunian immediately changed his appearance and started eating straight away. Wei Yubing smiled lowly. Hearing Yu Bing’s laughter, Tang Yunian turned a deaf ear, took a few bites to eat before putting down his chopsticks, and muttered to Wei Yubing, “Yubing, I’m so tired in the palace today.”

Everything depends on the relationship between the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion since returning to Beijing, account expenditures, Zhuangzi Tianmu and so on. No matter how small or small, you have to look at it.

“I’m tired every year.” Wei Yubing took a bite of the fresh fish she loved to eat every day and handed it to her mouth. Tang Yu leaned forward slightly. After swallowing it, he recalled that he seemed to be complaining to Yu Bing just now, so he hurriedly changed his mouth and said, “Actually, it’s fine.”

“Just like what Li Momo said, I’ve been promoted a little bit now, it’s always good!” Tang Yunian thought about how she sat in the hall today and told others to work before and after, in front of Yu Bing It’s been a long time since I’ve been immersed in it, and it seems to have a little momentum.

“Can you handle it?” Wei Yubing asked with a smile.

Can, must be. After all, it was the first time in history that she had been reused by the emperor, so she must work hard. Even if it is for herself to gain a foothold in the court, in order to live up to the emperor’s love, and not to lose the face of the princess’ mansion, she will work hard!

“I don’t know when you could think so much?” Wei Yubing sighed in her heart. Her father’s handing over these things to Nian Nian caught her by surprise. Subconsciously, she didn’t want to let every year come into contact with these, but now that the father and emperor have made up his mind, he will go to the world…

In order to give herself some motivation, of course she thinks more. Besides, those are all facts. She and Yu Bing are husband and wife.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.” Wei Yubing emphasized again and again, “If you have any doubts, come and ask me.”

“Yeah.” Tang Yunian nodded, agreeing.

A few days later, the punishment for directly participating in the rebellion had already been settled, and everyone in the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion was still trapped in the mansion. This is the first time that Tang Yunian has stepped into the Zhongshan Palace since he investigated the case.

The bustling scene in the past is no longer, only decay and decadence remain. The flowers of the pond slanted out, and the tools for watering were scattered aside. Tang Yunian came all the way to the main hall. Princess Zhongshan was dressed in plain clothes and looked sad. Tang Yunian said first, “Princess, do you have anything to convey to me?”

She doesn’t need to enter the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion. All the useful things in this mansion have been brought to her by the people in the palace. When she came here today, Princess Zhongshan said that she had something important to tell her.

“Please also move to the study room.” Princess Zhongshan led the way.

Could it be that there are some hidden secrets in the study? In fact, until today, most things have been clear, but Zhongshan has not yet settled down. Under the governance of King Zhongshan over the years, Zhongshan has become a small country. I heard a letter from the general who went to pacify the chaos and said that in the past few years, the people in Zhongshan lived and worked in peace and contentment. As soon as the news of the failure of King Zhongshan’s rebellion came out, Zhongshan suddenly went out of control, and all natural and man-made disasters occurred.

She thought that it was done by other henchmen of the Zhongshan Palace. The reason why she came here was to see if the princess had a list here. After all, this is where the Zhongshan King lived.

“Sir, please come in.” Princess Zhongshan pushed open the door and invited Tang Yunian to come in. A pile of books and papers fell on the ground, and the traces of being turned over by people could be seen everywhere. Tang Yunian jumped over the paper letters and tried his best to step directly on the floor.

“My lord.” Princess Zhongshan knelt down after entering the house, “My lord has checked for so many days, I must know that I am just a woman’s family who has been kept in the dark from beginning to end, and my son and daughter don’t even know about it. For the sake of my initiative, the adults can forgive my children.”

This is true, but whether you can forgive it or not, Tang Yunian can’t be the master, let alone accept it. Besides, even if Princess Zhongshan really didn’t know about the rebellion of King Zhongshan, what about other things? Over the years, Prince Zhongshan’s guilt for arbitrarily trampling on people and women has been enough for him to die 10,000 times.

Those criminal evidences could not kill him. Now, this matter is just right, and Tang Yunian will not ask for mercy from His Majesty. Tang Yunian took a business-like attitude and said, “Princess, it’s up to Your Majesty to decide about you and the rest of the family. I have no right to ask. If Wang Hao has anything, please tell me quickly, and I will pass it on to Your Majesty. If not, I still have something to deal with.”

Seeing Tang Yunian’s impatience, Princess Zhongshan hurriedly opened a cassette and took out a few letters from it, “Sir, he hid these in the dark corner of the secret room,” Princess Zhongshan said, “I hope you will take the initiative to confess while I wait. For the sake of it, tell His Majesty the truth and spare the lives of our mother and daughter.”

Quickly flipping through it, Tang Yunian was disappointed. She thought there was some important information, but it turned out to be ordinary letters.

“I will explain it to Your Majesty,” Tang Yunian put away the letter, and walked out quickly, not to see Princess Zhongshan again. When he walked out of the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion, the Prince of Zhongshan, who had not seen outsiders for many days, was about to pounce on him. Tang Yunian didn’t want to waste any more time and let people stop him directly.

The next day, Tang Yunian handed over all the investigations made today to His Majesty for personal interrogation. The emperor sighed after reading it carefully, “The situation in the capital has been almost levelled out, it’s just those people…” The list that could not be found was an indeterminate number, and no one could find out. Know what will happen again. It’s a pity that he kept all the relatives of the Zhongshan Prince’s Mansion, and no one knew about it.

“Your Majesty.” Tang Yunian suddenly thought of a person.

“Lingrou County Master.” Tang Yunian slowly turned to look at the person who came, “Please take a seat.”

“I’m a prisoner now.” Princess Lingrou’s face was haggard, but her words were steady, “You don’t need to be so polite.” County Lingrou is imprisoned in Liu Mansion on Sundays, and can’t go anywhere. Today is the first time I see you. to the guests.

“Anyway, I recognized Ling Rou as a friend.” Tang Yunian invited her to sit down again. The county master Lingrou was no longer polite, and after three or five greetings, Tang Yunian went straight to the topic.

“Does the concubine think I know?” County Master Lingrou asked.

“Yeah.” Tang Yunian nodded, she thought about it, only Princess Lingrou, who accompanied King Zhongshan when he was a fief, might know this list. Princess Lingrou is smart, even if King Zhongshan deliberately hides what she is going to do, it is impossible for Princess Lingrou not to pay attention to whoever his father contacts every day.

“Even if I know, why does the concubine think I will speak out?” Princess Lingrou asked back, “Because we are friends? I just said that I am a prisoner now, even if the concubine treats me as a friend, some things are still different. ”

Tang Yunian immediately understood that the Princess Lingrou was negotiating conditions with herself. She knew it and was willing to tell herself, but there was no reason to get anything in vain, and if she wanted to know, she had to exchange something.

“King Zhongshan is dead,” Tang Yunian said, “His Majesty is generous and did not anger Brother Liu. Now that the county master can hand over the list, it is a great achievement.”

Rebellion is about beheading the whole family. With that list, it will be very different. Tang Yunian is full of confidence in Baoxia Lingrou County Master. “For the time being, I haven’t reported to Your Majesty, but I dare to assure the county master that you have absolutely no worries about your life.”

“Thank you, concubine.” Princess Lingrou got up and thanked him.

“It’s your own ability,” Tang Yunian wanted to help her up. At this moment, I just feel suddenly enlightened. After the investigation in the past few days, she was terrified and worried about the matter of Princess Lingrou, but now it is a worry.

“It’s me who cares for a gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain.” County Lord Lingrou insisted on salute. Ever since she knew about her father’s rebellion, there were people who fell into trouble, and there were people who were eager to clear the relationship, but she had only this one condition in her hands. It was just casual attention that day, I never thought that it would become a bargaining chip to save myself and Ning Yu in the future.

“You should be careful.” Tang Yunian agreed. Sudden changes, if it is still the same as before, how is it possible?

After leaving Liu Mansion, Tang Yunian didn’t dare to delay for a moment. The news given by Princess Lingrou was trivial. She got it based on the letters destroyed by King Zhongshan, and it was not complete. Tang Yunian estimated that it should be enough. Yesterday, someone discovered that King Zhongshan’s accounts in the fief had been manipulated. The accounts to be hidden have something in common with the list given by the county master Lingrou. She just needs to check carefully. , can definitely find the problem.

The night was dark, and the lights in the study room of the Princess Mansion lit up again and again.

“Don’t rest?” Wei Yubing brought a bowl of hot porridge and handed it to Tang Yunian. The people who had persuaded her to take an early rest the day before yesterday were sitting at the table with a straight face.

“Yubing.” Tang Yunian kept his hand close to the book. Hearing that Yubing was coming, he raised his head and kissed her on the face indiscriminately.

“This is,” Wei Yubing raised her eyebrows, “are you compensating me?”

“Forget it.” Tang Yu Nian shook Wei Yubing’s arm and said coquettishly, “Yubing wait for me for a while.” She knew it well, because this matter had been ‘cold’ for Yu Bing for a long time.

Wei Yubing’s eyes darkened, and she kissed Tang Yunian directly, her lips and teeth entangled, Wei Yubing snorted after listening to the young man, and the book fell on the table. With a heavy blow, all Tang Yunian’s attention was directly drawn back, “Yu Bing, I have already found out a little.”

“Excellent!” Wei Yubing praised.

Right, she also felt that Tang Yunian was complacent, and she finally didn’t have to work in vain. When this matter is over, she should be able to accompany Yu Bing in the mansion for a long time, even Yu Bing should not be so busy. Enough.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking about the past, Yu Bing, how about we go to the Linglong Temple in Biyun Mountain outside the capital?” It’s best to catch up on a snowy day, with pure white snow on the mountain, just think about it I think it looks good.

“Okay.” Wei Yubing replied in a soft voice, and also felt that this was an excellent idea. She had promised to go to the Buddhist temple with Tang Yunian, but she hasn’t gone. It’s a good time to end this matter.

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