The Conquerors Path

Chapter 43: The Girl’s View

Chapter 43: The Girl’s View

—–Empress Lora’s Pov—–

Lora was currently walking through the corridors of the palace, as she was walking her mind was occupied with the thought of a certain silver haired boy, if one was too view into her brain one would doubt how she could put such a cold face outside

<is Austin eating fine?>

<when will i meet him again?>

<last time it took 156 days, 48 hours and 12 minutes before i last saw him>

<when i can i leave this place and give my self to him>

Lora sighed and thought back to her past

she was the daughter of the powerful ducal family the Greedious family, born with both beauty and power she had a smooth sailing in life

ever since she had awakened her bloodline, she had become a fierce ice mage too but along with it began her difficulties, even before awakening her bloodline she always felt that there was something missing in her life, as if a part was missing

this had only worsened after she awakened her bloodline, she was also the fiancée of the future Emperor at that time too but even during that time the current Emperor Claus only had eyes on one women Mira

to say she was not jealous and envious would be false, even then she never really loved the Emperor, her family had raised her and provided for her so she had taken it up on herself to repay them

‘maybe we will fall in love after we are married?’

with such thoughts Lora had bottled up her emotions always going at her families wimps, but she never felt happiness after her marriage

sure the Emperor was kind and caring but she always keenly knew that his heart was never with her, she was an Empress one of the most powerful individual of the Empire, she should be happy and contented, yet she never felt true happiness

even after her marriage her parent’s wanted to support the Emperor, always be a good girl, always move for the profit of the family, even during all this time she had that nagging feeling of something missing, her whole life she could never make her own decisions

but even then she never complained, she bottled up her feeling and continued to live her monotonous life untill she met him…

Grace had visited the palace with her child, a boy about 6 year old, the moment Lora had gazed upon him her life brightened

her blood started boiling, and for the first time the heart she thought was dead started beating fater, it’s as if she had found the missing part of herself, her body too had heated up

after that she tried everything to find more about the boy, his hobbies, his like and dislike everything about him she wanted to know

for the first time she did something for herself not for her family, she knew that this was not normal, that she was not being normal but she couldn’t stop, her body, her mind, her soul wanted to know more about him

for the first time she felt truly alive, yet fear still followed her, she was an older women, married to the Emperor, could she have her own love?

would the boy grow up and even like her?, as many questions rose she tried to curb herself but she couldn’t, the more she tried to stop the more her desires grew, she was in despair of what to do

until the very fateful day that boy awakened his bloodline, she knew at that time the boy won’t reject her, that they were meant to be together

even in death…..

she went upto him at the night without anyone knowing and to her utter delight he accepted her, that, night was the most happiest day of her life, she couldn’t be one with him yet but she could wait

she had completely stopped the Emperor from touching her body since the day she met Austin, her body was only for him

coming out of my deep thoughts i reached a door, it had many barriers and magical items protecting it, opening them i entered this secret room i only know of

if Austin was to see this room be might have tightened up due to goosebumps, the entire room was covered with the images of Austin, there lie several recording devices containing him

seeing this room i felt relaxed and happy, running i jumped into the bed covered with my darlings images, hugging the pillow containing his image i let out a smile

“Darling only belongs to me and me to darling”

Lora’s quite murmur filled the room


—–Clara’s Pov—–

Clara was currently wearing a training suit, surrounding her was darkness, utter darkness which she was trying to control, ever since the day she had found out about what had happened to Austin she had increased her training, trying to get better at controlling her healing

whenever she got tiered she would think of Austin, her light, her path and the reason for her existence, thinking of him her past quickly flashed through her mind

her life wasn’t all that great,she had came from a normal commoner family, a father who was a drunkard, a mother who only cared about her looks and herself

she was born to them, but she didn’t complain, Clara herself had normal looks, nothing that stood out, even though she had difficulties, she tried to survive it

she thought that if she showed love she would receive it but she got nothing, her life at her slum like house, an uncaring parents, their constant abuse led her to have a huge inferiority complex, she would never be anything

but she still lived on, until her fathers debt grew so big that her parents sold her to the other side for money, back then her whole life fell apart, the small hope within her shattered

even to the slave trader’s she wasn’t of value, nothing she could be used for, back then Clara hated the world, she hated herself for being nobody, she was nothing…

it was during this life of hers that she was living helplessly through when an ugly fat person took liking to her and wanted to use her, even if she wanted to be valued, she felt disgusted at such a situation and planned to bite her tounge to kill herself

but it’s at that time, that i meet him, like a knight in shinning armor he arrived, he had saved her from my despair, even when he had looked at her there was no disdain nor dislike, just kindness

he talked to me as an equal and treated me with care, it’s later that i discovered his identity, i felt fear then, thinking that i was not worthy to stand with him

but he took care of me gently, he asked about my situation and even made me his personal maid!!

i knew that he didn’t have any intention on my body or other motives, he took me an unworthy person in his life and gave me warmth, he made me confident

at first i was afraid that i was unworthy of him but after awakening my bloodline, i gained some confidence, i worked hard to be by his side, as long as he was happy i would be satisfied

after my workout i was slowly heading to my room, due to my status as Austin’s personal maid i had my own room, opening my door i entered my room, entering inside the sight that greeted me made me smile

if Lora’s room was something that would bring goosebumps to Austin, then this was one that would cause his blood to freeze

in this room too there was images of Austin, some on the wall, others on the roof but that was not all, on the table sat some hair of Austin that Clara had taken, his old dresses that should have been thrown away

the blanket Clara used was stitched from the old ones Austin used, smiling i jumped into my bed, took the pillow that contained an image of Austin and hugged it tight and covered myself with the pillow Austin used

“i will do anything for you, love~~”

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