The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

14 A Fated Encounter

To everyone's surprise, the Patil family was more than happy to agree to the engagement. Parvati actually squealed with excitement, because it meant she wouldn't be on the hook to produce a Patil heir. It was Padma's job to complete and Parvati could take her time and look for someone she could love and not have to suffer through a political marriage.

Susan was also happy for a similar reason. She wouldn't have to marry into a prominent family in the faint hope that the Bones Family line would be eventually continued. Even though Harry was adopted into it, he was the male heir by default and it was his job to provide an heir for the name.

That meant two family names were riding on the success of Harry's and Padma's relationship.

Amelia was against putting that much pressure on a child's shoulders and both Harry and Padma had adamantly promised that no one had to worry about it. They were just starting out their independent lives at school and just because they now had each other included in that, it shouldn't change the way they lived their lives.

Everyone readily agreed to that stipulation and hugs were exchanged all around as well as handshakes between the males and the parental guardians.

Harry wasn't sure how he had received several kisses on the lips and cheeks when it was all done. It had all been mixed in together with everyone being happy for the current and future couple, with greetings and congratulations liberally shared. Despite his near perfect recall, all he remembered was seeing several sets of dark brown eyes and the feeling of soft lips as they touched his.

When he left the office with Padma, Parvati, and Susan, all three of them had blushes and gave him happy smiles. They split up at the main staircase and he and Padma went to Ravenclaw Tower.

“What has many words, answers, and explanations, and yet it never speaks?” The eagle head asked.

“A book.” Harry and Padma said together.

“Correct.” It said and the door clicked open.

They entered the common room and with an unspoken mutual agreement, grabbed their books and parchment from their rooms and went to the common room to work on their homework. They were quickly joined by the other boys and girls of the first year class and a lively discussion about the homework commensed.

It wasn't until bedtime that Harry realized he hadn't served his last detention with Flitwick. He chuckled and went to the Ravenclaw library and continued his work of assimilating as much information as possible.


Transfiguration was first on Thursday morning and Minerva was still obsessed with the chair that just wouldn't vanish. Harry shook his head at her and took over the class. He taught them the next thing in the book, the match to needle exercise, which was a little harder than changing a bug to a button, because you were transmuting wood into metal.

Harry spent a bit more time explaining that difference and then showed them what an actual needle was, because a lot of them hadn't seen or used one before. His Mending skill had maxed out years ago and upgraded to Sewing and then changed to Seamster. Practising on scrap cloth counted for the skill, so he had spent a lot of spare time sewing and un-sewing the same cloth for years as he read his books.

He was sure there was one more skill upgrade to the series and he would have to work on it as soon as he finished all of the Ravenclaw library. He had already stumbled across many levelling books and he was overjoyed as his various spells and skills levelled up. He had nearly everything levelled up to the top of their normal stages, which meant the Master levels for his skills would be next.

Arithmancy (combined with his Mathematician skill), Potions (combined with his Top Chef Skill), Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic (combined with his History Professor skill), Transfiguration, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures (that combined his previous Zoologist Skill and various Animal Biology Skills), the hilarious Muggle Studies Skill (it was maxed after a single book, thanks to his muggle life), and Flying.

Surprisingly, he had found books on several subjects that were not taught at Hogwarts in their own classes, namely Art, Music, Magical Theory, Muggle Art, Muggle Music, Alchemy, and Ancient Studies. The last one was actually a branch of History of Magic that dealt almost exclusively with Egyptian History, their magic, and curses, which was very useful for curse breakers.

Harry didn't know why they were not taught, until he found an old and well read student handbook that explained the courses would only be taught if there was sufficient interest in sixth and seventh years. By then, everyone was more focused on their primary interests and doing extra classes had lost favor over the years.

Harry pushed his musing thoughts aside and gave everyone in class their own matchsticks and taught them the spell as well as how to properly envision the transmutation. Nearly everyone in the class got it on the very first try and they were all surprised. The only two holdouts were two Hufflepuffs that hadn't been paying attention and their matchsticks were only changed into metal.

Harry praised them for doing the hardest part first and then showed them that changing the shape was easy if it was already metal. Both boys were quite happy and completed the spell on the second try.

“Thank you all for doing so well in class today. Please write out one foot of parchment detailing the spell and your thoughts about achieving such a hard concept so quickly.” Harry said. “Well done, everyone. Class is dismissed. If you wish to stay here until the period ends in half an hour to complete your homework, feel free to do so and leave it on the professor's desk when you finish.”

A light applause came from a few of the Ravenclaws and Harry smiled to them as he resumed his seat next to a very pleased Padma. They both completed their homework quickly and placed it on the desk and were the first to leave.

Neither of them saw the completely stunned look on Professor McGonagall's face as she sat in Harry's still corporal conjured chair.

Charms was next and Flitwick handed Harry one of his many reference books with a chuckle and then taught the rest of the students the unlocking charm.

Lunch was once again held outside like a picnic and Parvati and Lavender gushed nearly the whole time about Harry and Padma being officially engaged.

After lunch was History of Magic and Harry didn't wait for Binns to appear before he swiped his wand at the wall the ghost usually entered through and blocked the ghost from entering. He assumed his spot on the podium and waited for everyone to assemble and made note of everyone that was present on the roll call sheet.

Harry started a very interesting lecture about the establishment of the Statute of Secrecy and the impact it had on wizardkind and muggles. Wizards were already isolationist, so sequestering themselves from the world didn't impact their lives too much. The muggles on the other hand, had nothing to focus their hatred on and turned on themselves. This started many conflicts that also affected the wizarding world and wizards stepped in a few times to deal with it.

All of the students were enraptured as Harry spun a wonderful tale of intrigue, massacres, secret plots, and wizards proving that despite having the power to do so, never tried to take over the muggles, because it was too much trouble. When he likened it to herding feral cats, everyone laughed.

“Thank you all for attending this class. If you want to, you can submit six inches to a foot of parchment about today's subject. It's not a requirement and won't affect your final year mark if you don't submit one. It's not like a ghost can score them properly anyway, right?”

Several people laughed again and nearly everyone nodded in agreement.

“Class dismissed.” Harry said.

Congratulations! Your Teaching Skill has maxed out at Level 100! You have gained 10,000 XP and the skill has upgraded to Assistant Professor Level 1. Child Bonus x2 XP!

Quest complete! Fake being the Professor of History of Magic and convince everyone that you deserve to be there.
Reward: Teaching Materials, Rare History of Magic Encyclopedia, reputation with taught students increased.

Harry grinned and dismissed the popups and went over to Padma. “I hope that wasn't too boring.”

“Boring? I was on the edge of my seat!” Padma laughed and hugged him. “Where did you learn to talk like that?”

Harry whispered that it had started when he taught Susan a few things every day during the month he had stayed at the Bones manor. They had both wanted to get ahead before going to school and he hadn't realized how much he had inadvertently picked up after reading so much. Of course, mastering all of the spells in the first year spell book had been a huge help in teaching Susan the spells, too.

“You are going to have to show me your library someday.” Padma whispered as they left the classroom.

“Show you? It's going to be your library, too.” Harry said and she let out a surprised sound before she kissed his cheek.

They were free until suppertime and spent the time with their classmates and talked about what the next day of classes was going to be like. It would be their first potions class in the afternoon and Harry couldn't wait to see if the teacher was as sour as he looked and the rumors said he was. He just hoped that his superior cooking skills that had folded in under his Potions skill would be enough to impress the man.


Charms and Herbology classes Friday morning passed by like smoke, as did lunch. Harry, Padma, and the other Ravenclaws went to the dungeons and met up with the Hufflepuffs for Potions class that afternoon. They waited in the hallway until the door opened by itself.

Everyone exchanged looks and filed inside. They all found their seats, intermixing their two houses liberally, as Harry and Padma sat at the front table and Susan and Hannah sat at the table behind them.

The potions professor named Severus Snape strode into the room and his robes billowed out behind him as the door closed on its own. He went to the front of the class and whipped around as he gave everyone a good glare.

“You are here to learn the subtle science and exacting art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving in this class, many of you will hardly believe this is actually magic. I don't expect you to fully understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes or the delicate power of liquids that can creep through your veins. It can bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame... brew glory... and even put a stopper in death... if you are not a bunch of dunderheads like I usually have to teach.”

Everyone was deathly quiet after that long speech and the insult at the end.

Harry immediately thought that insulting students as soon as you meet them, was not going to make them like you. He glanced around and saw a lot of unhappy faces and looked back at the professor, only to see that he was actually smiling.

He wants us to hate him. Harry thought. Why would he... oh. He had immediately worked out that the professor didn't want anyone approaching him for extra help. If everyone knows he is unfriendly, then they leave him alone and don't bother him.

Snape did the roll call and then spoke. “Before we start, have any of you idiots actually read the assigned book, Magical Drafts and Potions?”

Twelve hands went up, one of which was Harry's. Susan's and Padma's were up as well.

“If you only read the first few pages, put your hand down.” Snape said and four students did. “If you only read half of it, put your hand down.” He said and two people did. “If you did not read the whole thing, put your hand down.”

Three more students put their hands down and that left Harry, Susan, and Padma.

“I despise suck-ups.” Snape said with a sneer.

Susan let out a soft squeak sound and put her hand down. Padma's hand slowly lowered as well and only Harry left his hand up.

“Did you mishear me?” Snape asked.

“No, sir.” Harry said and felt the Petulant Aristocrat acting mode kick in and didn't fight against it. “Each question made people put their hands down if they met the requirement. Part of the book. Half of the book. All of the book. Suck-up. I meet none of those requirements.”

Both Padma and Susan sucked in sharp breaths at that, because they hadn't realized what dropping their hand meant. They couldn't put their hands back up now, though.

“So, at least one of you was listening.” Snape said. “Have you read anything else?”

“Advanced Potion Making, 1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi, a Generic Potion Ingredient Encyclopedia, and a Collection of over 300 recipes in Cookery, Physick, and Surgery.” Harry said and Snape's eyes widened slightly. “I also read 12 different guides on potion making, 60 periodicals on Potion updates, and on average about 4 previous editions of each of the books and guides I've mentioned.”

Complete silence greeted Harry's statement and he kept his hand up.

Snape had a completely blank look on his face as his eyes shifted slightly and locked onto Harry's.

Warning: Foreign presence detected! Light mental probing attack has been blocked. Gamer Mind unaffected.

Harry barely managed to keep a straight face when he read the notice. He attacked me with his mind? Can I attack back in the same way?

You do not have a sufficient Skill to accomplish that action.

Harry stopped his growl of frustration before it escaped. He would need to do more research and would scour both Ravenclaw and School libraries if he had to.

New Quest! Find out what Severus Snape has tried to do without revealing that you know what he has done. Time Limit: One Week (the next potion class)
Reward: Mental Prowess Skill, knowledge of rare magic, 2,000 XP.
Failure: Remain ignorant, suffer daily mental attacks from multiple sources, 25% chance to have secrets exposed.
Accept Quest?

Yes! I can't let that failure happen automatically! Harry thought, angrily. No one can know about me!

He couldn't let Snape know he knew what was going on, so Harry changed his Petulant Aristocrat to Confused Student, the same one he used in elementary school.

“Is there something wrong, professor?” Harry asked and put his hand down with a confused look on his face. “Was I not supposed to read so much?”

Snape snapped out of his trance-like state. “It's all right, Mister Bones. I was just surprised someone bothered to do so much research.”

“I'm a Ravenclaw and research is what I do. As soon as I found out I was a wizard, I bought as many books as I could.” Harry admitted.

“He really did.” Susan whispered to Hannah.

“The first potion we will brew is to cure boils.” Snape said and managed to not glare at the boy that had rebuffed his Legilimency probe. He gave a small explanation, said the ingredients were in the store cupboard, and waved his wand at the chalkboard to show a copy of the recipe that was in the book.

Harry refused to do any of the variations he knew of the recipe, just because he didn't want the professor to single him out. He had to find out what had happened and he didn't have a whole lot of time to do it.

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