The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

40 An Epilogue Is Usually The End

Whew! I made it! I'm in the middle of a storm and the power flickered a couple times. I wrote and wrote and wrote today, and this is the result. The final chapter for The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter! Almost a record at nearly 11,000 words!

At the beginning of their third year at school, to Padma's utter shock, her sister Parvati and Lavender declined the invitation to join the Party. They both said something about being bold and confident and how that didn't mean that they would be great fighters. It also sounded like a lot of work and they just didn't have the spare time, now that boys had started to notice them.

Susan and Hannah on the other hand, were split. Susan was more than happy to become a Party member while Hannah had the same attitude as Parvati and Lavender. She was more of a friend than a fighter; but, she also didn't want to be either left behind or ignored by her best friend. It took them over a month to finally decide that they would both join, as long as it didn't interfere with their friendship.

Harry was a little put off because of that reluctance, since he knew that having to carry what would quickly become dead weight, meant the entire Party would be slowed down in its progression. Susan knew this, since she knew Harry, and made a very weird suggestion to balance Hannah's membership.

Add Mum Amelia to the Party, too.

It was such a surprising idea that Harry seriously considered it. He talked with everyone in the Party about it and after a long discussion to weigh the pros and cons, they all agreed that having a responsible adult added to the Party might be for the best. She was also the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and could possibly help them a lot more than they thought.

So, during the first weekend of the term, Harry sent an owl and made an appointment to meet with Amelia. They met in the Solar at Bones Manor and enjoyed tea and scones as they talked for well over an hour about Harry's offer and what it entailed.

Amelia was a practical woman and knew that if she accepted, she would be walking the line between legal and illegal acts, since she was an adult and the others were barely teenagers. When she pointed this out, Harry had laughed and said that was exactly why Susan had suggested her.

All of the Party members had decided that Amelia could provide them much needed guidance with how to move forward, since she was older and was the only real adult that they all trusted.

With that pervasive argument, Amelia agreed, as long as the Party Slots she opened up on her own when she levelled would give her priority with who was chosen to fill in those slots. Since that was how Harry had handled the others in the same manner, he agreed.

Amelia called off work for the day and asked Harry to give her the full treatment, like he had Padma, and Harry saw no reason not to. Although, he did warn her that if she left the Party afterwards, she couldn't form her own and wouldn't take the opened slots with her. Those powers were solely his and she couldn't do any of this on her own, like formatting new people to become Party members or entering dungeons by herself.

With that understood, they changed for bed. Harry started the process and paid the extra MP needed to start Amelia at Level 20 for both Gamer Mind and Gamer Body, just like he did with Padma, so she could keep it permanently. He spent the day watching over her in her bedroom and laid down beside her as she slept.

To Harry's surprise, Amelia's visible wrinkles on her face seemed to slowly smooth out and disappeared as her slightly pudgy body from normal aging eventually shrank away and visible muscle formed to replace it.

Amelia woke the next morning and felt wonderful. In fact, her normally aching back didn't even twinge as she sat up without trouble and looked at Harry. He was a little blurry, so she picked up her monocle and gasped as her vision changed to be perfect.

“Neat, isn't it?” Harry asked and she nodded. “You'll get an option when you finish levelling up Gamer Body to fix everything that's wrong, like bad eyesight, heart disease, malnourishment, physical abuse, and any old injuries.”

Amelia didn't say anything about that and pulled Harry onto her lap and hugged him close. Neither of them spoke as Harry hugged her back and they just stayed like that for several minutes, comforting each other.

“So, do you want to see what you look like now?” Harry asked in a teasing manner.

“I doubt the change is going to be significant.” Amelia said and stared when a large free-standing full length mirror appeared beside the bed. It took her a moment to get over the conjuration before she managed to look at her own reflection. “I stand corrected.”

Harry reached up and lightly touched the spots by her eyes and caressed her cheek. “I never really noticed the wrinkles until they faded away.”

Amelia smiled and kissed his forehead. “That's sweet to say, Harry.”

“It's the truth.” Harry responded. “You're also really fit, like I was when I was younger.”

“What do you mean?” Amelia asked and Harry ran his hand down her arm and pat it. She stared at the toned muscle and flexed her hand and forearm as she did an arm curl.

“Your legs look even better.” Harry commented and climbed off of her lap to sit on the side of the bed. “Have a look.”

Amelia nodded and stood up beside him, only to catch her breath at her shapely tones legs. Without a second thought, she whipped off her short nightgown and stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe what she was seeing! Her abs were back, even after several years of sitting behind a desk and not exercising.

Harry's mouth dropped open as Amelia stood there in just a bra and panties. He was thirteen now and he always had an appreciation for beauty. Having such a strikingly handsome woman practically naked in front of him, made his mind do all kinds of mental backflips as his body reacted to seeing all of the bare flesh in front of him.

Amelia was oblivious to Harry's hormonal dilemma and turned left and then right, so she could see herself all around, which just so happened to give Harry a wonderful view of the same thing. Harry's face was red from both embarrassment and from having a certain reaction down below that he had never experienced before.

“M-m-mum!” Harry squeaked when Amelia turned around to point her ass at the mirror and bent over a little to look over her shoulder at how nice her thighs looked, now that there was a gap between her legs once more.

“Hmm?” Amelia looked back at him and saw his red face. She didn't understand for a moment what he was embarrassed about, then her eyes went down to where his hands were. She then realized her nighttime bra and underwear were something that left little to the imagination and she had inadvertently given Harry the best show of his life.

Amelia knelt on the floor and cupped the sides of his face. “I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't realize...” She let his face go and looked down at what he cupped. “I think I just jumpstarted puberty for you.”

“Y-y-yeah.” Harry squeaked again.

“Your voice is starting to change, too.” Amelia said and blushed a little as she looked back at Harry's face. “I suppose it's time that you and I have a little talk about certain things that you need to know.”

Harry's eyes went down to Amelia's barely concealed breasts and he nodded several times.

“I'll just slip my nightgown back on and we can go have breakfast.” Amelia said and she watched Harry as she did so. She was both embarrassed and flattered, because he looked like he was memorizing her every movement.

When she was covered, Amelia took Harry's hand and helped him stand. Neither of them missed the tent pole in his pyjamas and they both ignored it for now. She led the young man out of her bedroom and down the stairs to the first floor and the kitchen. Their house elf already had breakfast ready for them and they sat and ate in silence.

Amelia kept a smile on her face as Harry's eyes kept going from her face, to her concealed chest that he knew was held by only a small bra, and back to her face. He probably thought she was going to call him out on being caught when he was so obviously checking her out like that. She didn't, because she didn't want to admit that she liked the fact that she was the one to cause him to finally notice girls.

Without a word, Amelia stood and took Harry's hand to lead him into the comfortable sitting room. She sat on the large couch and pulled him down onto her lap. Harry didn't protest this and put his arm over her shoulders, even though his side was now pressed to one of her breasts and her arms went around his waist to hug him close.

“You know this talk is going to be uncomfortable for the both of us, so please bear with me as I go through everything with you.” Amelia said and Harry nodded. “All right. The first thing you need to know is that you are going to feel a lot of weird feelings and urges...”

Harry looked down at his returned tent pole and looked at her face.

“Yes, exactly.” Amelia said and smiled warmly. “Your body will react to certain stimuli, both visual and physical, and then...”

Harry listened intensely as Amelia told him all about the things she knew was going to happen to him, now that she had started him off on the road to becoming a fully functioning member of the human race.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Harry said an hour later. “I'm going to feel all of this even stronger with Padma?”

Amelia nodded. “She's going to be your wife and you love her. When you are near her, it's going to be intense for a little while, until you both get used to being around each other again.”

Harry stared at her face. “But... but, I...” He blushed and looked away from her. “I love you and I reacted like this when I saw you undressed. If I feel this even stronger when around Padma...”

“You should warn her and then try to not spend every single night sleeping in the same bed.” Amelia said with a knowing smile.

“I will warn her.” Harry promised. “I won't tell her to stay way, though. I won't hurt her like that!”

“I know.” Amelia said and kissed his cheek. “Just make sure she doesn't change clothes in front of you for a while.”

Harry nodded. Both he and Padma were still too young for what Amelia told him that loving couples did when they were alone. That didn't mean they had to stop what they were already used to doing, though. He loved Padma's hugs and her soft and tender kisses. He would never tell her to stop.

“Now that I've given you all the basics, do you have any questions?” Amelia asked.

Harry's face flushed red as he looked down at Amelia's still concealed chest. “A... a few.”

“You don't have to be embarrassed, Harry. Go ahead and ask. I'll try to answer them as best as I can.” Amelia reassured him.

“Well... your... b-b-breasts.” Harry stuttered. “Um... are they... um...”

Amelia knew what he was going to ask. “All women are different, Harry. Mine are considered large by normal standards. Padma's could end up anywhere from small to larger than mine. Usually, a girl's mother is a good gauge as to her potential chest size; but, there are always exceptions to everything.”

Harry nodded and his blush didn't fade as he asked his next question. “What about her... um... down there? What should I expect?”

Amelia chuckled. “You should expect to be surprised. Every woman is different and there's no set configuration.”

Harry blinked his eyes. “So, not even comparing...”

“No. There's no comparing.” Amelia said and Harry nodded. “Anything else?”

Harry nodded and kept asking questions. Amelia did her best to answer them, because she knew that it was much better for him to ask her, someone he trusted, than for him to get it second hand or from listening to older boys.

Little did Amelia know that this conversation and her confidence in her own sexuality had laid the groundwork to make the relationship between Harry and Padma into the strongest one that could ever exist.

Padma also loved it when Harry started to reciprocate her soft and tender kissing sessions when he kissed her face and neck all over, as he showed her that he treasured her as much as she treasured him.


The third year of Hogwarts passed and no one was surprised that Harry, Padma, Hermione, Susan, and Hannah were all tied at the top of their classes in their year and Luna was at the top of her year.

Amelia had brought Susan to work the first day of summer and they found two dungeons in the Ministry of Magic. One was in the Maintenance Department and they had to clear out the various creatures and things that had infested the building. It was only a Level 1, so they had cleared it and levelled it up to Level 2. That made it a challenge for Amelia and she loved it.

The other dungeon was down in the basement in the Department of Mysteries. Amelia knew there was no way she was letting anyone from the Party in there, even if she herself was allowed in. Not only was it too dangerous, it was a Level 3 dungeon and meant that the normal danger was triple what she knew was already in there. Harry agreed and blocked it from being accessed. That had earned him a tight hug and several kisses on the cheek from Amelia, which always made him blush.


The fourth year at school was a surprise to the students, because of the resurgence of the Triwizard Tournament. It had been something that the old headmaster had put into the works years ago and no one at the school had realized he had offered Hogwarts as the hosting school.

Of course, everyone was excited about it and no one realized that there had been any kind of restrictions that were supposed to be put on the thing. When the Goblet of Fire had been revealed and the other two schools had shown up in force to participate, anyone from any year could add their name and no age line was added.

For some reason, there was a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year as well. Since Harry had disabled the curse after Snape had been sent to prison (and subsequently cursed and died), it didn't make sense. Amelia immediately started an investigation as soon as she received an owl from Harry and went looking for the old teacher.

However, it would be days before Amelia would find the professor's body. In the meantime, it was Halloween and the Goblet of Fire had to choose the champions.

Minerva McGonagall caught the first piece of paper ejected from the flames and read out the name. “The champion from Durmstrang is... Victor Krum!”

Half of the students clapped as the international Quiddich player walked over to Minerva and accepted the paper. Krum was 18 and the only reason he was still in school was because his headmaster Igor Karkaroff wanted him in the tournament.

The next name to come out was Fleur Delacour. She was the Beauxbatons champion and was a Veela with an ability called 'allure'. It mesmerized boys into being infatuated with her, which seemed redundant, since she was already fairly pretty. She was pretty stuck up, according to every other girl's opinion. Almost no one clapped and some of her classmates cried.

The Goblet spit out another piece of paper and Minerva smiled as she read it. “The Hogwarts champion is... HARRY BONES!”

Nearly the entire school cheered as Harry stood and waved to everyone. He bent back down to kiss his longtime girlfriend and fiance Padma, which set off a lot of whistles and catcalls, and he waved again as he walked over to Minerva.

“Good luck, Harry.” Minerva said, her voice full of warmth.

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry said and accepted the paper.

“Now that the three champions have been selected...” Minerva started to say as Harry walked towards the meeting room at the back of the hall, when the Goblet lit up and spit out another piece of parchment. She caught it and read the name. “Harry Potter.”

The entire student population fell silent at her words.

“Harry Potter!” Minerva exclaimed. “No, this isn't possible. He never came to Hogwarts and...”

There was an exaggerated sigh from behind her and Minerva turned around, only to see Harry as he walked back over to her.

“Mister Bones?” Minerva asked as he reached out and took the slip of paper from her hand.

“I really wanted to keep this secret after I was adopted.” Harry said into the silence. “You need to investigate who altered the Goblet to spit out a fourth champion, not that it matters now.”

No one said a single thing as Harry walked back across the room and entered the meeting room. After he was out of sight, the muttering began.

“There's no way.” “Harry is really Harry?” “He's Harry Potter?” “The smartest and most popular kid in school is THE Harry Potter?” “He looks nothing like Harry Potter!”

There were also several groans of disappointment. Ginny Weasley realized her lifelong crush had been right there in front of her the entire time she had been at school. She regretted not doing more to hang around with his group of friends, despite seeing them all having fun on the weekends playing those lawn games. She had two whole years to get to know him and had completely blown it.

Colin Creevey was also extremely sad, because he had secretly taken dozens of pictures of Harry Bones and his friends since he started Hogwarts and not a single one had ever turned out right. Now that he knew that Harry was Harry, he regretted not trying to hang around the popular boy and his friends. His brother Dennis was beside him and rubbed his brother's back.

Harry could still hear the talking in the Great Hall and ignored it as he approached the other two champions. Fleur turned and started to frown at him and stopped, because she saw his long flowing blond hair, his strong aristocratic facial features, and how his robes didn't conceal his muscular frame. His height was nearing hers as well, which was odd to her, because she was a seventh year and he was not.

“Can I help you, Monsieur...?” Fleur prompted.

“Bones. Harry Bones.” Harry replied and held up his official entry into the tournament. “I'm the third champion.” He said and then held up the second piece of paper. “I'm also the fourth champion.”

“Harry Potter?” Fleur asked and she did frown this time.

“Yes.” Harry sighed. “Apparently, if I hadn't entered of my own free will, I would have been forced to compete anyway.”

“Unusual.” Victor Krum added.

“My life has been anything but usual.” Harry admitted and then smiled. “At least they can't accuse me of cheating my way in.”

“You are not upset?” Fleur asked and motioned to the two entries.

“I would have been, if I didn't just figure out that this is a perfect plot to set me up and possibly have me killed.” Harry said and chuckled. “I've been waiting years for this and I can't wait to see what happens.”

“You are strange.” Victor said.

“You have no idea.” Harry said and grinned at the Bulgarian. “You did a great job salvaging the final match at the Quiddich World Cup.”

Victor nodded. “Too many injuries derailed team strategy too soon. We were losing anyway.”

“I understand. Catching the Snitch as soon as you could was all you could reasonably do to save the team's reputation.” Harry said and Victor nodded again.

The door to the meeting area opened and the headmasters of the three schools and two other people entered the room. One was a man named Ludo Bagman and he wore a bulging Wisborn Wasps uniform because he had let himself go. The other man looked stern and was named Bartemus Crouch.

They explained the rules and no mention was made of Harry having two entries. Minerva placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and gently rubbed it and gave him a sad smile as they learned the first task would be in a month at the end of November.

The champions were dismissed and Harry wasn't surprised when his Party, Amelia included, was waiting for him. The ones to hug him were Padma, Susan, Amelia, and Luna. Hermione and Hannah looked a bit stunned and didn't move.

“Why didn't you tell us you were the famous Harry Potter?” Hermione asked.

“Because I'm not.” Harry said and she frowned. “I didn't grow up living in a castle. I didn't have magical adventures every week. I especially didn't have a loving family taking care of me.”

“Wh-wh-what?” Hannah asked, shocked.

“Harry grew up with hateful muggles.” Susan said and kissed Harry's cheek. “They hurt and starved him for ten years before Auntie rescued him.”

“We decided as a family that Harry could successfully hide in plain sight if he looked like a Bones.” Amelia said.

“It was like a costume at first. A bit of transfigured skin to cover the scar, Manegro potions to get his hair long enough for a pony tail, and hair dye to hide his natural hair color.” Padma said. “He even wore muggle contact lenses to hide his green eyes.”

“It didn't take me long to make it all real.” Harry said with a smile. “Fixed eyes, natural long blonde hair, and no scar. I wanted to be a part of a real family and Mum Amelia and Susan gave me exactly that.” He looked at the both of them with adoration. “I can never thank them enough for becoming the family I've always wished I had.”

“AWW!” Susan gushed and hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek again.

Amelia kissed his other cheek. “We all wanted the same thing, Harry. Always remember that.”

Harry nodded and hugged them both.

“Then, who are you going to compete as first?” Hermione asked.

“Harry Bones.” Harry said. “That's who I am.”

Hermione shook her head. “You have two entries and both are magically binding contracts.”

Amelia caught her breath. “Harry, if that's true, then they have to change the tasks for you to have two chances. If you only compete with a single entry, then you could lose your magic.”

“But... I thought... I'm the same person. Can't they both apply to me?”

“Unfortunately, that's not how the contest rules are worded.” Hermione said and pulled a book out of her inventory and flipped to the right page. “Each name submitted and ejected from the Goblet of Fire counts as a single entry.”

“Damn.” Amelia said and put a hand on Harry's shoulder. “I'll make sure the judges take this seriously.”

“But, Mum! How am I going to compete as two people in the same events?” Harry asked.

Amelia frowned. “I'll come up with something.”


Two weeks later, Amelia visited the school and gave Harry a small wooden box and swore him to secrecy.

The next day at breakfast, the students of three schools were completely shocked at what they saw.

Padma had a deep blush on her face because on one side of her was her fiance Harry Bones and on her other side was her fiance Harry Potter. He even looked like he should, too. Short messy hair, thick glasses, and bright green eyes.

Harry Bones wore his school uniform and robes, because he was going to class. Harry Potter wore a pair of tight jeans and a white t-shirt that said 'The Fourth Tri-Wizard Champion'. The outfit also showed off all of his muscles and nearly every girl gave him an appraising eye, especially the Beauxbatons students.

“I'll train for the competition, since I'm not enrolled in Hogwarts or entered as a Hogwarts Champion. You can stay in classes and make sure we don't miss anything.” Harry Potter said.

Harry Bones looked thoughtful. “Actually, why don't you take over teaching History of Magic full time? Hogwarts is getting a bad rep for only two Houses having History buffs the last few years.”

Harry Potter chuckled. “I sincerely doubt Headmistress McGonagall would approve of me teaching a Hogwarts class.”

“Mister Potter.” Minerva said as she approached him. “I don't want to know how you can be here with Mister Bones right there.”

“I'm glad, because by Ministry edict, I can't tell you.” Harry Potter said.

Minerva nodded. “I've been hearing about how much the fourth years and lower enjoy the History of Magic lectures. If you submit a lesson plan, I'm sure that we can discuss exactly how you can start teaching the upper years as well.”

The two Harry's exchanged amused looks and suddenly there was a small stack of parchment in front of Harry Potter. He picked it up and handed it to her.

Minerva quickly flipped through them and her eyes widened at the precise schedule. Harry had broken down the official Ministry approved curriculum into acceptable blocks to be taught each month until OWLs.

“I've been a bit too busy to work on the curriculum for the upper years.” Harry admitted.

Minerva nodded and smiled approvingly. “If you would come to my office after breakfast, I'm sure we can work out how to make up for any deficiencies you might have for the NEWT students.”

“Really?” Harry Potter asked and she nodded again. “That's great! Since I have a lot of free time on my hands, I don't mind helping out.”

“Excellent. I'll see you in an hour.” Minerva said and walked away with the stack of parchment papers.

“Nice going, Harry P.” Harry Bones said.

“Thanks, Harry B. I couldn't have done it without you. You're the best.”

“Oh, you flatterer.” Harry Bones said and faked a blush.

“Oh, Merlin.” Padma whispered.

“Don't worry, Padma.” The two Harry's said as one. “You will always be the absolute best.”

Padma blushed as both Harrys put an arm around her back and gave her cheeks tender kisses.

“I'll rub your feet tonight.” Harry Potter whispered in her ear and kissed it.

“I'll rub your shoulders.” Harry Bones whispered in her other ear and nibbled her earlobe.

“Oh, sweet Merlin!” Padma whispered and blushed hard. One Harry going through puberty had already strained her own resolution to not do anything besides cuddling and kissing, even though she wanted to do a lot more than that. Now she had two of them to deal with and she didn't know how long she could take it before her resolve cracked and she would finally give in to temptation.


The wand weighing ceremony went off without a hitch. Harry Bones used the Elder Wand as his wand and Harry Potter used the Holly and Phoenix Feather as his wand. Ollivander's eyes almost popped out of his head when he examined the Elder Wand. He knew its dark history and he stared at Harry Bones.

“I won it by disarming my opponent after he attacked me.” Harry Bones said, proudly.

“In front of two other teachers, too.” Harry Potter offered.

Ollivander nodded and handed the wand back. He somehow knew that no one was going to get that wand from the young man.

Rita Skeeter was somehow struck dumb and didn't request individual interviews. Her photographer that had been leering at Fleur, completely forgot how to take pictures and looked at his camera like it was a newfangled contraption. Ludo managed to get it working and only a single photo was taken for the main article and that was it.

When the champions left the room, Fleur gave both Harrys pointed looks and both let out low whistled tunes and looked away. They each received a kiss on their cheeks and they blushed.

“Thank you.” Fleur said, happy she got some kind of a reaction from them, and walked away.


“Dragons are the first task.” Harry Bones told Victor Krum at the same time that Harry Potter told Fleur the same thing. They did not tell them they only knew because their Party had gone to mine the dungeon in that area and the dragon paddocks had been built right on the entrance. “You have a week and a half left to figure out how to deal with them or get by them.”

Victor nodded and thanked him for the information, then made a beeline right to the Hogwarts library. He had a lot of research to do.

Fleur on the other hand, gave Harry Potter a particularly pointed look. “Why are you telling me this? You could have had a huge advantage and...”

“So, having two chances to win isn't enough?” Harry Potter asked her and she clamped her mouth shut. “I didn't want to do this. I just can't take the chance I could violate the rules by not competing as both Harry Bones and Harry Potter.”

Fleur nodded and her pointed look changed to a questioning one. “You are not affected at all, are you?”

“By what?” Harry asked with a smile.

Fleur sighed. “Why couldn't I have met you years ago?”

“We were both different people back then.” Harry said and she nodded. “Besides, Padma and I were engaged almost right after we met. There wasn't much chance of anyone else getting in there, except for her identical twin sister.”

“Non! You didn't!” Fleur gasped.

Harry chuckled. “We tried a single date as she pretended to be Padma and I pretended that I didn't know they had switched. She hated it. I didn't bother kissing her anywhere but on the cheek and it was still awkward, because being treated like someone else is not an enjoyable experience.”

Fleur frowned and sighed sadly as she dropped her head. “I know.”

“So do I.” Harry said and she lifted her head to look at him. “Reputations can destroy any potential friendships, unless you go someplace where the people don't know who you used to be known as.”

Fleur blinked her eyes several times before she realized what he meant. “I cannot do that. My allure...”

Harry took out a pendant and handed it to her. “It's a rune trap that blocks pheromones and subliminal mental suggestions.”

Fleur stared at the thing and marvelled at the intricate carvings. She couldn't make out the runes, though. “Where did you get this?”

Harry smiled and didn't answer her. “I hope you can find someone that can like you for you and not because they enjoy how good you can make them feel without even touching them.”

Fleur put the pendant on and she didn't feel any different, because her allure was still coming out. “Are you sure it works? I don't feel any different.”

Harry chuckled and started walking away. “Go through the Entrance Hall just as supper starts. You'll notice the difference.”

Fleur nodded and waited for half an hour to do just that. She was shocked when not one single person looked at her with anticipation or longing. Not. One. Person.

From that moment on and for the rest of her life, she would be forever grateful to Harry Potter for saving her from a life of misery.


“Welcome to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament!” Ludo Bagman announced and everyone cheered. He didn't bother mentioning that he had bet heavily on Harry Potter winning the whole thing. He was also relieved that the boy had shown up and proved that Harry Bones had lied about being him. No one seemed upset that he had, however.

“Our first contestant is Harry Bones, the Hogwarts Champion!” Ludo shouted and everyone cheered.

The young man came out of the champion's tent and the crowd cheered and applauded. He waved to the crowd before he swiped his wand at the loose gravel in the rocky arena. The pebbles rolled around and came over to him before they flowed together and became ten generic wizards and twenty generic goblins.

“That's master level transfiguration!” Madame Maxime exclaimed, then she gasped when the wizards started casting bright glowing spells and the goblins rushed in to directly attack and annoy the Welsh Green. Their swords didn't hurt it in the least.

Everyone in the audience watched with curiosity as Harry Bones waved his wand in the air and created a cloak. They didn't know why he was doing that, until the cloak dropped down into his hand and he slipped it around his neck.

To their shock, Harry Bones floated up into the air and over the top of the distraction he had made for the dragon and landed beside the nest. He picked up the golden egg he had to retrieve and then floated back up into the air and over to the medical tent.

Everyone was left speechless and almost missed the Welsh Green as it crushed and destroyed the goblins and the wizards that were attacking it. It let out a satisfied roar at destroying its enemies and settled down onto the nest, quite content.

“Ludo!” Amelia whispered and poked him.

“What? OH!” Ludo gasped and stood. “That was the Hogwarts champion, Harry Bones. Let's give him a round of applause.”

There was a light smattering from the people that knew Harry Bones best and that was it. The rest of the audience members were still in shock over someone flying without a broom.

The dragons were switched out and the event moved on.

“Now for the Beauxbatons champion, Fleur Delacour!” Ludo announced.

Fleur came out and was a little perturbed that no one really paid her any attention. She took off her pendant and did a dancing and singing routine to put her dragon to sleep. It worked, thanks to the audience remaining completely silent, and she walked around the Swedish Short-Snout and retrieved her egg before she entered the medical tent without any harm at all.

“Well, that was something.” Karkaroff mumbled, disappointed.

The dragons were switched out and the event moved on.

Ludo didn't bother trying to ask the audience for applause. “The next champion is from Durmstrang, Victor Krum!”

A smattering of applause greeted the Bulgarian and he tried to fight the dragon directly as he cast several spells and aimed for the Chinese Fireball's eyes. To his shock and the surprise of everyone in the audience, the Conjuctive Curse that should have pierced the eye, bounced off.

The dragon was NOT happy to be shot in the eyes, even if it wasn't successful. It let out an ear-splitting roar and charged. The chains that should have held it, would have, had the enraged mother not been given a bit too much slack to tend to her eggs without crushing them. The chains snapped and suddenly there were only three champions remaining in the tournament.

Victor Krum, international Quiddich star, disappeared down the gullet of a satisfied dragon. It burped and no one questioned why the arena smelled like bratwurst.

Everyone stared in shock as the dragon returned to her nest. It was quickly switched out for the biggest and angriest dragon, that the handlers ran from as soon as she was secured.

“The last champion, fighting for the Bones and Patil Families, is Harry Potter.” Ludo said, his voice subdued from witnessing the death of the popular Quiddich star that had earned him a lot of money.

Harry Potter came out of the champion's tent and walked over to the Hungarian Horntail dragon, bowed deeply, and somehow dropped several partially slaughtered cows at the dragon's feet. The dragon was startled for a moment, then let out a hungry growl and started to feast on the fresh meat, as if it had been starved.

The final contestant easily walked around the eating dragon and picked up the golden egg he had to retrieve and went to the medical tent. There was complete silence from the audience, because it had been such a simple solution that none of them could believe that it actually worked.


The Yule Ball was a surprise to everyone, because for some reason, there were three Patil twins. One attended with Harry Bones, the second one attended with Harry Potter, and the third one attended with Dean Thomas. No one except those involved would ever know that the third one was Parvati.

“It's so weird attending this again, even knowing we already had.” The Padma with Harry Potter whispered.

“You get used to it after a while. Our perfect memories let us maintain the interactions and nothing changes.” Harry whispered back. “We know both the cause and effect, so there can never be a paradox as we relive the same moments from another perspective.”

Padma gave him a knowing smile as the music changed into a very slow waltz and she slid in close and gave him a very passionate kiss. Both she and Harry moaned, because it felt even better doing it than it had seeing it previously.

“I'm still not ready yet.” Padma whispered to him as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“I know.” Harry said and gently kissed her neck. “Even with our magic pushing us, and with our tentative explorations getting bolder, neither of us is ready for that huge of a step.”

“You don't mind waiting?” Padma asked him, a little worried.

“Padma, I've been waiting for you ever since we became engaged.” Harry said and kissed her neck several times to make her purr. “We also haven't asked Headmistress McGonagall for married quarters.”

Padma let out a little laugh. “You know everyone thinks we're doing it already, since we've been sharing a bed for years.”

“I don't care what everyone else thinks we do. All I care about is what we do do.”

Padma giggled. “Doo doo.”

Harry snorted and held in his laugh. “I will pinch your butt if you don't behave, Mrs. Patil Bones.”

“Retaliation should be expected, Mr. Bones Patil.” Padma responded.

As one, they moved their hands down to cup each other's butt, just like they remembered they did the last time, then their lips met and scandalized the entire Great Hall as they made out and they both moaned loudly.


Harry Potter sat in the middle of the Ravenclaw table during lunch and had his golden egg out as everyone else ate. He frowned at it and tapped it with his wand. Nothing happened. He poked it with the wand and nothing happened. He scowled at it and opened it.


Harry slammed the thing shut. “I recognize that somehow. When did I hear that before?”

“It was down by the Black Lake when we fed Harold two weeks ago.” Luna said from two seats down from him.

Both Harrys turned to stare at her, as did Fleur that was at the end of the Ravenclaw table with the Beauxbatons students.

“You are brilliant!” Both Harrys praised her and Luna blushed.

Everyone watched as Harry Potter cast the Bubblehead Charm on the egg, filled it with water, and then opened the egg. The entire Great Hall was filled with a hauntingly beautiful female voice as it sang.

“Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. And while you're searching ponder this; we've taken what you'll sorely miss. An hour long you'll have to look, and to recover what we took. But past an hour, the prospect's black. Too late, it's gone, it won't come back!”

“Padma, we need to talk.” Harry Bones said and stood. Padma stood we well and took his hand. The two of them rushed out of the Great Hall and left a pensive Harry Potter behind.

“You need to talk to Parvati.” Luna said.

Harry nodded and stood, made his egg disappear somehow, and walked over to kiss Luna's cheek. “I'm sorry I can't made three of me so we can hang out more.”

Luna beamed a smile at him. “Just knowing you want to is good enough for me.”

Harry gave her a hug and walked over to the Griffindor table. After a moment, Harry, Parvati, and Dean left the Great Hall.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher watched them go and tried to not frown. His plan to ingratiate himself with Harry Potter had failed so far. His master was not going to be happy if he didn't at least earn the boy's trust. Little did he know that Harry knew exactly who he was and had been delaying the man's plans on purpose as he tried to track Voldemort down.


The second task of the Triwizard Tournament was in the Black Lake and the champions had to retrieve a hostage from the bottom. The two Harrys stood on either side of the scantily clad Fleur Delacour. She wore a skin tight once piece silver bathing suit and everyone could see that she had a cracking ass.

Both Harrys couldn't help their erections and were glad that they had decided that t-shirts and baggy shorts had been the best choice. It hid them well.

When the canon went off to start the event, both Harrys grabbed Fleur's arms to stop her from jumping into the frigid water.

“What are you doing?!?” Fleur exclaimed. “Let me go! They have my sister, Gabrielle! I have to save her!”

“It's okay, Fleur. We got this.” The Harrys said and motioned for her to bend down.

Fleur did this and then dunked her head into the near freezing water after the two Harrys did. She was shocked when she heard them talk in singsong voices.

“Please return the hostages or no more weekly seafood buffets.”

They pulled their heads out of the water and Fleur stared at the Harry on the left with the luscious blond hair and then stared at the one wearing glasses.

Barely a few minutes later, all three hostages popped up out of the water at the same time.

“Windgardium Leviosa?” Harry Bones asked and the other Harry nodded. “Fleur? At the same time.”

Fleur nodded and took out her wand. The three of them had their hostages out of the water and the rescued victims were covered in warming charms from one Harry and drying charms from the other Harry. Fleur hugged and cuddled her little sister and they spoke in rapid French.

Madam Pomfrey came over with blankets and wrapped them all up.

“How are we supposed to mark that?” Madame Maxime asked.

“As far as I saw, it was a tie.” Minerva said with a shrug. “At least we don't have Karkaroff around anymore to tank the scores of our champions.”

The coward of a man had fled after Victor had become dragon chow and then dragon dung.

The champions and the hostages were ushered into the medical tent and given hot chocolate by Madam Pomfrey and ordered to drink it all as they huddled up to share warmth.

“Thank you.” Fleur said and kissed the cheek of Harry Bones on her right, then she kissed Harry Potter's cheek on her left before she hugged her sister to her chest. “I was so scared for my sister that I wasn't thinking about anything but getting to her.”

Both Harrys nodded and Padma cuddled into Harry Bones and kissed his other cheek. “Our heroes.”

Parvati cuddled and kissed Harry Potter on his other cheek. “Now I really regret not liking the same things Padma likes.”

Both Harrys blushed and nodded. They all cuddled together, which made Gabrielle both happy and annoyed, because her crush Harry Potter could cuddle better than her sister and he already had a girlfriend, which sucked in her opinion. How was she supposed to steal him away? She hadn't gotten boobs yet and she hated that her competition had such a head start on her!


The third task was the stupidest yet. A maze. There were so many ways that it could be bypassed. Of course, Harry Bones was ordered to not create another flying cloak, as it would make the maze superfluous. Also, no summoning brooms or hedge clippers.

“Geez, why don't you take out all of the fun from wrecking the place.” Harry Potter said and Harry Bones and Fleur laughed. “Next, you're going to tell us we can't climb the thing and walk on top.”

The judges exchanged looks. “No, you can't do that.” They said as one.

Harry Bones gave Harry Potter a significant look. Harry Potter giggled and nodded.

“The first to enter the maze will be Harry Bones, since he is ahead in points. Next is Fleur Delacour 30 seconds later, then Harry Potter 30 seconds after that.” Ludo said and gave Harry Potter a pointed look. “Don't let us down.”

“Don't worry, sir! I'm definitely going to win this thing!” Harry Potter said with confidence.

“Then get ready.” Ludo said and the canon went off.

Harry Bones walked over to the entrance and stood just inside. “After you, Madame Delacour.”

Fleur gave him raised eyebrows as he tried to usher her in past him. “You are up to something.”

Harry Bones chuckled. “So easily caught.”

The canon went off and Fleur ran into the maze and by him. She came to a fork that went left and right, looked back to see both Harrys wave to her, and she decided to go left. With a bit of a head start, she had a much better chance of getting to the end.

The canon went off 30 seconds later and Harry Potter walked over to step just inside the entrance.

“Shock and awe.” Harry Bones said and pointed his wand at the 20 foot tall hedge wall.

A huge 15 foot section of it tore out of the ground and kind of hobbled for a moment before it seemed to shiver and then reformed. Everyone stared, especially the teachers and judges, as the hedge turned grey and became an African Elephant. It made a trumpet sound with its trunk and then knelt its front legs.

“After you, Harry P.” Harry Bones said.

“Thank you, Harry B.” Harry Potter said and climbed up to sit behind the elephant's head and held onto its ears.

Harry Bones climbed on behind him and held on to his waist. “CHARGE!”

The elephant let out another trumpet sound from its trunk and then charged the flat hedge where the fork was. It blew through it, trampled it, and crushed it. Since there was a long wall behind it, the hedge kept being trampled because the elephant didn't slow down at all.

The people in the stands sat there and watched as the huge elephant rampaged right through the middle of the maze, trampled hedges and creatures in equal measure, and went right to the center of the maze. The car-sized Acromantula there chittered angrily and both Harrys waved at it.

“Hi, Maurice!” Harry Potter said.

“How's Agatha?” Harry Bones asked. “Is she due soon? We've been wanting to expand the new grotto for you guys for a while.”

The Acromantula chittered happily and stepped aside.

“That's great! We'll make sure to stop by on the weekend.” Harry Potter said.

Harry Bones dropped a squealing pig and the giant spider fell upon it instantly and injected it with venom and had it wrapped up in seconds. “You're getting really good at that! Remind me later to add a few more pigs to the pens.”

The Acromantula chittered and hefted the wrapped pig up and stuck it to his back.

“See you later!” Harry Potter said and the elephant tromped over to the center of the maze and stomped the surrounding hedges down to reveal the cup. “This is it. The last piece.”

“Thank Merlin.” Harry Bones said. “I was getting tired of waiting.”

“I know what you mean.” Harry Potter said. “By the way, I delivered the DaDa teacher to Amelia this afternoon and gave her the memories we extracted. She's already processed Barty Jr. for the murder and we can curse him next week.”

Harry Bones nodded and they walked over to the Triwizard Cup. “On three. One, two, three!”

They both grabbed onto the cup at the same time and the portkey delivered them to the Little Hangleton Graveyard.

“This isn't eerie or anything.” Harry Bones commented.

“Kill the spare!” A warbling voice exclaimed.

“Avada Kadavra!” Another whiny voice shouted.

Harry Bones was hit with the green light of the Killing Curse and dropped dead.

“I'm surprisingly becoming okay with things like that.” Harry Potter said as he looked down at his dead past self. “I need to talk to Amelia about becoming jaded.”

“Stun the fool.” The warbling voice said.

Harry Potter turned to look into the shadows of a crypt and saw the blue boxes for Peter Pettegrew and Voldemort (Homunculus - Baby) before he let the stunning spell hit him and fell unconscious.

Harry Bones had just woken up and heard his future self comment about becoming jaded and then Harry Potter took a stunning spell right to the face. They both laid there, one pretending to be dead, and the other pretending to stay unconscious after dismissing the effect. Harry Potter was strung up onto a headstone and both Harrys watched as Peter moved a giant cauldron out of the crypt and set up a fire and started brewing a potion.

It was fairly interesting watching the ritual being performed, considering it was something that would convert a homunculus into living flesh without having to sacrifice a philosopher's stone. Managing to put a soul into the homunculus in the first place was beyond them at the moment, though.

Babymort was tossed into the cauldron by Peter and he used Voldemort's wand to open the grave at Harry Potter's feet.

“Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son.” Peter said and a bit of bone dust flew out of the grave and went into the bubbling potion. “Flesh of the servant, w-w-willingly given, you will revive your master.” He said and hissed as he used a long silver knife to slice off his hand and dropped it into the cauldron.

Both Harrys watched as Peter hastily wrapped a dirty cloth over his bleeding stump of a wrist.

“That is not sanitary.” Harry Potter informed him.

“B-blood of the enemy... forcibly taken... you will resurrect your foe.” Peter said, a bit weakly, and approached Harry. He used the same knife to cut into Harry's arm and extracted several drops of blood. He added three drops to the potion and tossed the knife aside as the potion started reacting.

It bubbled and sparked as the potion reacted to the completed ritual and the potion coalesced into a solid form. The form slowly stood and revealed that his face was like a snake's, except for the slight pig-like snout. He was also rail thin and he only had a tiny little pecker.

No wonder he never had any experience with girls during his long life. Both Harrys thought and then held in their laughs as Voldemort turned around and they saw the stub of a pig's squiggly tail on his flat butt.

“Robe me.” Voldemort ordered and Peter used one arm and a bloody stump to drape a wizard's robes over Voldemort's gaunt shoulders. “My wand.”

Peter handed it over and bowed deeply.

“Give me your arm, Wormtail.”

“Th-thank you, master.” Peter said and held out his arm with the missing hand.

“Your other arm.” Voldemort almost hissed.

Peter whimpered and gave him the arm with the Dark Mark on it.

Voldemort pressed his wand to it and it flared to life as Peter groaned in pain. “Now we will see who are truly my followers and who have abandoned me.”

After a minute, no one showed. Voldemort frowned. Five minutes passed and still there was no one. He scowled and used a flagging Peter's arm again. The man was bleeding out and Voldemort didn't care at all.

“Maybe they're all busy?” Harry Potter offered as an explanation.

“Quiet!” Voldemort spat at him and slowly turned around in a circle as he waited, and waited, and waited some more. He didn't notice the other Harry stand up and free Harry Potter from his bindings.

“So, do you want to tell him or should I?” Harry Bones asked.

“Go ahead. I'm just here to observe.” Harry Potter said with a grin.

“Thanks.” Harry Bones said and swished his wand at Peter Pettegrew and Voldemort. Both had their bodies immobilized and not their heads. “The reason no one is showing up is because I've already dealt with them all.”

“No!” Voldemort gasped. “There's no way Dumbledore's golden boy can be a murderer, Harry Pott... wait...”

Both Harrys laughed at his confused expression.

“We are definitely sharing this memory with the girls.” Harry Bones said. “Luna might even pee herself from laughing so hard.”

“I won't let her get that giddy.” Harry Potter promised.

“Anyway, there were a couple that escaped from your influence as much as they could, like Igor Karkaroff. I suspect they are now realizing that being branded like cattle was not a good idea.” Harry Bones said.

“That's going to be handled in a moment, though.” Harry Potter said. “We're sure that once your last soul piece is harvested, the mark will fade away to almost nothing and might disappear altogether.”

“Ha! You fools! I have gone further down the path of immortality than any other wizard!” Voldemort crowed. “You will never kill me!”

“Kill you?” Both Harrys asked at the same time.

“The prophecy said that I only had to vanquish you, so that's what I'm going to do.” Harry Bones said and turned his special ring three times about his finger.

Voldemort became terrified as the actual Spectre of Death formed beside the boy that had spoken. “No! Only Harry Potter can...”

Harry Potter reached into his shirt and pulled out a time turner on a chain.

“Fuck!” Voldemort cursed.

Harry swore he would never repeat that word, just before the Spectre of Death sliced his scythe down through the top of Voldemort's head and harvested his soul. Harry thanked the Spectre for a job well done. As soon as it faded away, he summoned it again and Peter Pettegrew had his soul harvested, too.

Harry Bones waved his wand at the cauldron to clean it and then he stored it. Harry Potter pulled off the fake skin on his arm and vanished the empty bag that had been filled with pig's blood.

“Dammit! I forgot to make squealing pig noises!” Harry Potter said both Harrys laughed and laughed. When they calmed down, they transfigured Peter's and Voldemort's bodies into bones and shoved them into Tom Riddle Sr.'s grave and closed it up. With all the evidence gone or covered up, they grabbed the Triwizard Cup portkey at the same and rode it all the way back to the school.

“We are the winners!” Both Harrys exclaimed when they reappeared on the champion's platform.

Everyone cheered and swarmed them to congratulate them, except for one man. Ludo managed to fight his way out of the crowd and ran for the gates of the school. He had bet that Harry Potter would be the winner, and he was. The problem was that he wasn't the only winner. His bet didn't cover that, so getting out was his only option.

No one ever heard from Ludo Bagman ever again.


Padma successfully fought off her increasing hormone levels and sexual libido for another year and two months until her sixteenth birthday. At that moment in time, just before midnight, she had reached her breaking point and frantically grabbed Harry by the shoulders before she hauled him out of his dorm room bed. She pretty much carried him all the way up to the seventh floor and opened the Room of Lost Things.

Neither of them noticed that it wasn't the same room as Padma threw Harry down onto a very comfortable bed and then tore all of his clothes off in seconds. When she saw he was already hard for her, she let out an uncharacteristic growl of hunger and jumped on him, right into his waiting arms. He was just as eager as she was for them to fully be together.


Harry Bones married Padma Patil the day after they graduated from Hogwarts and everyone was invited. Despite having sex for almost two years, which was their sixth and seventh years at school, they had been very careful. Now that they were married and on their honeymoon, they no longer wanted to be careful. Padma became pregnant right away and her family was ecstatic.

Harry took up two teaching positions at Hogwarts, one as Harry Bones and the other as Harry Potter. Harry Potter had been teaching History of Magic since fourth year and the entire school loved him. Not because he was the Boy-Who-Lived, either. He was a fantastic teacher and over a hundred students loved his teaching style so much that they went on to get NEWTs in the subject, which hadn't happened in over 50 years.

Padma had twins, both boys, and one became the Bones Heir and the other a Patil Heir. She wasn't happy with that, though. Harry needed heirs to his other names as well, so she stayed at home to take care of the kids and Harry did his best to knock her up again to give her what she wanted.

Two years later, Padma had another set of twin boys and one became the Potter Heir and the other the Black Heir. Kreacher was beyond happy to have so much family to take care of and so much work to do. They hired another house elf to help take care of the mansion and the kids and everyone was happy.

The Party's dungeon diving slowed down to a crawl as the other members found partners and settled down with jobs and families. They had seen how happy Harry and Padma were and wanted that for themselves.

Amelia eventually retired from the Ministry and moved in with Harry and Padma. Unlike them, she hadn't found anyone to share her life with. She wasn't sad about it, because she had decided when she was younger that she would never find anyone that would accept her hectic lifestyle. Her desperate mission to clean up the streets of crime had been too much for most men she met to handle without complaining about how much time she spent at work.

Her role as a beloved grandmother was more than fulfilling for her as she helped raise Harry's children. She did it with aplomb and all of the kids loved her.

A decade passed before anyone really noticed and Harry's and Padma's kids started Hogwarts. Minerva had retired several years ago and Professor Flitwick became Headmaster. Neville Longbottom took over for Pomona Sprout when she retired and he soon became a well-liked professor.

Parvati had several different relationships and never found the man she wanted. She was also getting older and didn't want to settle, so she decided she would always be a bachelorette and had as much fun as she could before she became too old to enjoy it anymore.

Lavender Brown had a failed marriage with Seamus Finnegan, a brief fling with Dean Thomas, and a child with Ronald Weasley. No one asked (or wanted to know) how the kid had bright red hair and dark skin.

Susan married a fellow Hufflepuff named Justin Fitch-Fletchley. He was rich, as was she after all of the loot she shared in, and they lived happily in Bones Manor and filled it with children.

Luna spent those ten years researching conjuration of animals and experimenting. Her model? Shelly, the plush Crumpled Horn Snorkack. It wasn't until she stumbled upon a teenager named Randy, who just so happened to be the grandson of Newt Scamander, that she had a breakthrough.

Randy had told her about all of the creature biology that he knew about and Luna used her Gamer Mind and a pensieve to pretty much scour Randy's mind and his lessons from his father and grandfather. When Luna eventually figured out the inner workings of the animal she wanted to create, the very first live (and visible) Crumpled Horn Snorkack came into existence.

Right after that, she bedded the surprised and very happy Randy, then the pair married and ran off to Scandanavia to release the Snorkack into the wild with a created female, so they could witness the repopulation of the species. Quite a few Scamanders were also created at the same time.


Thirty some odd years later, a 108 year old Bellatrix laid on her bed in her cell. Her life had been a long and happy one, despite her being in prison. She saw her lord nearly every night, even though the mark on her arm had disappeared all those years ago. She heard the crack of apparition that signalled her lord's arrival and she didn't have the energy to get up.

“My... lord.” Bellatrix said as loudly as she could. It was barely above a whisper.

There was a wrenching metal sound and her very handsome lord stood above her. His long flowing blond hair cascaded over his shoulders and down his back. He also looked no older than 25.

“You figured out how to get me out.” Bellatrix said with a little cackle.

“No, I'll spend a few years in here for breaking you out.” Harry said and picked her up.

“My... lord.” Bellatrix whispered and her wizened hand lightly touched his cheek.

“You will see the sun before you go, my dear.” Harry said and walked out of the cell. No one stopped him as he walked down the stairs and out through the front door. He looked up into the sky and covered them both with an Inperturbable charm before he flew up into the sky without a broom.

Bellatrix just stared as he flew them faster than she could see the ground passing them by, then they suddenly stopped and hovered miles in the air.

“Here it comes, Bella.” Harry whispered to her.

Bellatrix barely managed to take her eyes off of his perfect face and turned her head to look. She caught her breath as she saw the sun, huge in comparison to her memories, as it seemingly broke the surface of the ocean and started to rise into the air.

“My... my... my lord.” Bellatrix barely breathed.

“Just for you, Bella.” Harry said and she turned her head to look back up at him.

“Not... as eye-catching... as you... my lord.” Bellatrix rasped, as if she couldn't get enough air.

Harry beamed a smile at her. “Even now, as your life fades, you compliment me.”

“I am... yours.” Bellatrix. “I have been... ever since...”

“Shh.” Harry said. “You're free, Bella. Let this last moment be all you ever wanted.”

“Then... kiss me.” Bellatrix breathed. “One time... one last... breath.”

Harry leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Bellatrix's thin ones and she barely moved, her energy almost gone.

Bellatrix looked euphoric when he broke the kiss. “Thank you... Harry.” She whispered and then the life left her eyes as her body finally gave out.

“Goodbye, Bella.” Harry said and apparated across the planet and landed in the private graveyard behind the Black Townhouse in their expanded backyard. “Kreacher.”

“Mistress Bella is finally home.” Kreacher said when he appeared and snapped his fingers.

Harry placed Bellatrix in the perfectly formed hole and an ornate glass coffin formed around her. Kreacher filled the dirt back in with a snap and it was like the dirt hadn't been disturbed at all.

“Let's go home, my friend.” Harry said.

“Yes, more Black blood to care for.” Kreacher said with a smile, because the Black heir was about to have a son of his own.

For the rest of time, no one ever questioned why none of the Patils, Bones, Potters, and Blacks never aged past their twentieth birthdays. Or asked where they went when they grew bored of their lives. That was a family secret that they would take to their graves.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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