The Crazy Adventures of Kevin



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"The reason I have been so casual and easy on you since you came back…" Kevin’s mum started as Harvey held her for comfort.


"When you first arrived, you felt heavy… tired. I don’t know whether you were punishing yourself, thinking you wouldn’t be accepted, but know that I love you, Kevin, and I just want the best for you!" Tears streamed down Kevin’s mum’s face.


"You are always welcome home, Kevin! Don’t feel like a stranger here, okay? I know there are things you won’t tell me so that I won’t be worried… but just know I am here for you, okay? I know things were hard when we lost your father, but I want you to know everything’s going to be okay, alright? Don’t punish yourself too much, Kevin." Kevin’s mum moved from where she sat and held her son’s face as her body shook with each sentence.


"Ma…" Kevin was shushed by his mum as she continued.


"You probably had to do shady things with your powers just to survive out there, right? This world isn’t ready for people like you yet, so be careful, okay?”


"Look at your hair. How did it get so long? You need a hairpin to keep your hair away from your food." She concluded as she wiped her tears while grabbing a handful of Kevin’s hair.


Kevin’s heart was almost torn as he choked out words. It was good to be back indeed! Harvey soon joined her, and they all shared a hug.


"Don’t take your mum’s love for granted, Kevin! I am with her too. So, where are we moving to?" Harvey asked after he heard a horn from outside.


"Oh, you’ll see. Let’s go. Let the moving guys handle the loads inside," Kevin said as he got up with his parents.


"Wait, let me pack my personal stuff first," Kevin’s mum said as she left with Harvey to their room.


Kevin went outside and signalled the moving company to start.


After thirty minutes, Kevin’s parents came out and entered the escort car, followed by Kevin to their new penthouse.


Upon arriving there, Harvey wondered about the ungodly amount of crystals that could buy the expensive-looking penthouse with an expensive-looking rooftop.


The couple walked out of the escort silently, entered the elevator with a smiling Kevin silently, arrived at their penthouse silently, placed their bags on the floor silently, observed the pool outside silently, and went inside to sit silently.


"So, how do you like it?" Kevin asked.


"When you said we were moving…" Harvey stated.


"I thought you meant Mexico or something. Which politician do you have dirt on to get a place like this in the posh side of Bellwood?" Kevin’s mum asked.


"I already told you. Oh, that reminds me, I haven’t given you your allowance. Don’t worry, a chef from France is visiting the suite and will cook for the penthouse owners around here for free, so you are good tonight. I’ll come to visit tomorrow, alright? I gotta go," Kevin said as he left, but his mother hugged him again from behind.


"Be careful."


"I know. I can’t afford to be careless again," Kevin said with furrowed eyebrows, looking straight ahead and then turning to hug his mother before leaving.


"It feels like there’s a lot of burden and responsibility on his shoulders for someone his age," Harvey finally said, relaxing on a comfortable couch.


Kevin’s mum hadn’t stopped staring at the door as she held her hands together as if saying a prayer.


"I know it too. I believe he has a lot to worry about rather than his sudden overnight success. I don’t want to lose him again, Harvey," she concluded and turned back to face Harvey.


"Hey, let’s check out our new place," Harvey suggested, getting up from his couch.


"Yes, let’s do that."




Evening came, and Gwen sent Kevin a text to meet up at a certain location.




Ben played the holoviewer again as Kevin leaned on his car with a smoothie in his hands, watching the boy sit some distance away from him and listen to the holoviewer again.


"Shouldn’t you be worried about your cousin?" Kevin teased as Gwen walked closer to him.


"He’s been watching that thing for hours." Kevin continued and swirled his drink a bit and took a sip.


He looks good tonight,’ Gwen thought with a smile.


"You look sharp tonight, Kevin," Gwen commented.


"Thanks," Kevin responded and took another sip.


"You’re not returning the compliment?" Gwen asked with a smirk.


"You Tennysons can be uptight sometimes. Relax," Kevin said and took a sip again.


"So… when are you going to take me out again? Last time was… fun," Gwen said with a blush.


"Hmm? So there’s a second date?" Kevin smiled.


"Shouldn’t there be? You obviously like me," Gwen said with a smile on her face, her head tilted to the right.


"Tch." Kevin smirked, and for a split second, Queen Ashley flashed through his mind.


Is something wrong with her or the planet? I am sure I bought them a century or more to evacuate or better their world,’ Kevin thought.


"You do! I see you mooning over me when you think I am not looking," Gwen continued, leaning closer to Kevin.


"Mooning?" Kevin asked with an eyebrow lifted.


"And I like you… most of the time. So I am asking you again," Gwen said as she drew closer to Kevin.


"So you are asking me out?" Kevin said with a grin, remembering Tessia's failed attempt at flirting with him.


"Sure. Why not?" Kevin said as he grabbed Gwen by the waist.


"Alright. I will text you the details," Gwen said with a blush as she got pulled in and could see Kevin up close.


His cologne entered her nostrils, and she enjoyed his warm embrace… until she was pushed away by Kevin with a slap on her butt.


"Kevin! My cousin is here!"



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