The Crazy Adventures of Kevin


Kevin finished his meal and suddenly became restless. While his late master had taught him to be patient and control his anger to an extent through meditation and energy circulation/cultivation, even an adolescent boy had limits. After days of meditation, energy cultivation, eating, and sleeping, restlessness overcame him. Sitting in one place all the time proved challenging. Khan, noticing Kevin's restlessness day in and day out, became restless himself.


"Hey, kid! Quit moving about and hitting the walls because nothing is going to happen. Twice a month, they let us out in another dimension for exercise and socialization. If you are good, you can be let out from twice to every other day. If you have been bad, you get sent on an expense-paid excursion to the cosmic coal mines where you mine cosmic coals used for high-energy and fuel devices," Khan said, glaring at the boy.


"But, of course, you wouldn’t know this since you passed out for more than two months!" Khan exclaimed.


The revelation of his time spent unconscious surprised Kevin. He knew his energy cultivation technique, taught by his late master, aimed to remove impurities, develop his energy centers, and modify his energy channels. His master recognized he was an Osmosian and sought to help him return to his human base form.


"So, you're telling me all the time I was unconscious before now, you guys went out?" Kevin asked.


"Yes, we did, and we had a whole lot of fun."


"Say, I don’t like your guts, but why don’t we get out of this place?" Kevin said, leaning on his transparent cell. He had grown restless in the few months he had stayed locked up.


"Haha, spoken like a kid indeed! Haha!"


"I am serious! You look like the strongest guy in here, what’s so hard about breaking out of here?" Kevin asked seriously.


"Tch, maybe when you are bigger. Can you carry three tonnes for an hour without falling behind me? Can you crack that glass that separates me from killing everyone here?!" Khan asked, a hint of killing intent seeping from his body.


Kevin took a step back. He had worked with Vilgax some time ago to relieve Ben of his Omnitrix but failed. Vilgax was an intergalactic alien warlord subjugator and conqueror and, most importantly, Ben’s archenemy.


Vilgax was a humanoid creature with the head of an octopus, tentacles for beards, and a very tall and bulky frame. His experience as a warrior and conqueror added incredulous battle feats, prowess, tactics, and a very domineering aura that made opponents think twice before challenging him. Others feared him, except for a ten-year-old boy named Benjamin Tennyson who defeated him recently.


Khan exuded an aura like Vilgax, and probably even more, since the transparent glass was in the way.


"You might not be so useless after all. If you can make a crack in your glass, then talk to me," Khan said, rolling over on his bed and going to sleep.


"NOT USELESS! This guy… breathe. Breathe in… Breathe out," Kevin said to himself as he sat in a lotus position and continued cultivating.


Kevin was taught almost all there was to teach in the short seven and a half months he spent with Jack. Jack made sure to cram a few things that were necessary for his survival and exercises for his mental fortitude and capability since he knew his time was up.


After the biogas affected Jack, he was deemed harmless since his days were numbered and was put in the normal prisons where other low-rate/grade criminals were kept; that’s where he met Kevin. The guards at the prison saw this but didn’t do anything about it but laughed it off since there was no way they could escape the dimension completely without an access portal leading out of it. Although the guards feared Jack, he was a relic of the past but a feared and respected one nonetheless. Jack passed down the knowledge of his people and of himself to Kevin a week before his passing. Kevin mourned him for a whole day before going wild and breaking out and looking for that orb his master talked about but warned him against.


Kevin saw Jack as a father figure and thought he could gain forbidden info from the philosopher's orb and how to bring him back. Kevin with his master’s teachings broke out of that holding with some difficulty but got a hold of one of the guards to give him a map or general location of where the philosopher's orb might be before knocking him unconscious. He reviewed all that had happened to him since he was placed here.


Four years went by, and Kevin turned fifteen. More than half of his hair had turned white, and the rest remained black. His hair had grown longer and richer, sweeping neatly across his shoulders. His irises had a very faint trace of gold but were still dark. His jaws looked sharp, and he had gotten taller with a trim muscular frame. Kevin’s voice had deepened, and his appetite had grown even larger. He even placed bets on meals sometimes when he played extracurricular games outside the cell with other inmates.


Kevin had a confident and vibrant aura around him, and his control of his transformation had improved. Recently, he learned he could absorb almost any material and manipulate it freely, but he kept that to himself. Khan had noticed Kevin’s growth and began prepping a new plan to leave the null void.


‘Finally, I’ll soon be able to leave this damned universe!’ Khan thought to himself while doing handstands with a single thumb. 


🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟

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