The Crazy Adventures of Kevin



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Kevin dropped off the Tennysons and soon headed for his parents' penthouse.


At the reception, Kevin noticed a beautiful brunette with bangs staring at her screen.


I see nothing has changed in the service industry,’ Kevin thought out loud as he removed his coat.


"Oh! You are the new owner! I am your receptionist, Alexa," she said, standing up to meet Kevin and taking his coat.


"The chef just left an hour ago, but he cooked up a storm for you and your parents," Alexa continued.


"I am not the owner of this penthouse. It's for my parents. I am just here to see them real quick," Kevin replied and took the elevator.


Lights illuminated the pearly stone-finished floors, and the vases around the hallway gave the place a welcoming ambience.


Are they already customizing the place? That’s good,’ Kevin thought as he found the door open.


"Hey, mom," Kevin greeted as he entered and was immediately embraced by his mother.


"Woah, you smell different," Kevin commented.


"Oh, you noticed, unlike a certain someone," Kevin's mom pouted, glancing at Harvey, who waved hi to Kevin before turning back to the TV pretending as if something important was live on the screen.


"The lady downstairs has been taking care of us so far. She gave me so many different facial treatments, it's insane," Kevin’s mom said in an upbeat tone, donning a bathrobe.


"Listen, mom. I might not be available for some time. I am gonna be busy," Kevin started.


"I just stopped by to let you know so you wouldn’t be worried if you don’t see me for a while."


"It's fine. You’ve really changed. Normally, you wouldn’t even try this hard just to let me know. Speaking of which, Harvey and I will be travelling soon," Kevin's mom said.


"Oh, really? That’s good," Kevin answered and hugged his mom once more.


That’s better. I am already making too many enemies just as I returned. I have to make sure they are safe,’ Kevin thought as some of his nanites entered his mother's body.


"Okay then, I have to leave now," Kevin said as he waved goodbye to his mom and Harvey.


"So, you didn’t notice how different I smelled tonight, but Kev…" After closing the door, Kevin could still clearly hear the conversation behind the door and wished Harvey luck.


Alexa met Kevin exiting the elevator and had his coat ready for him.


"Thank you," Kevin said as Alexa helped him put on his coat.


"I will be escorting you now to your new penthouse. There's a car outside waiting for you, sir," Alexa said.


"Aren’t you mom's receptionist? And I have my car," Kevin asked, but Alexa escorted him in silence until she saw his car, causing her to raise an eyebrow.


"Is this custom?" Alexa couldn't help but ask.


"Why?" Kevin asked as he gave instructions to his nanites, and the car doors opened.


"Are you kidding me? Just how rich are you?" Alexa asked after seeing the door open by itself.


"Haha… get in," Kevin said dryly.


After a ten-minute drive and directions, Kevin arrived at his... mansion.


"I thought I asked for a penthouse," Kevin said as he pulled up in the open driveway.


"Kate said that you can live here while your penthouse is under construction," Alexa said.


I understand that I purchased a penthouse and all for my parents, but what's with this service? This isn’t normal,’ Kevin thought as another car parked near the mansion.


"That’s my ride, sir. I will be off now," Alexa said as she excused herself.


I smell her scent. Wait, I can do that?’ Kevin thought as he entered the house through a door that had the keys on the other side.


The mahogany finish on the floor glistened with the ambient rectangular floor and ceiling.


"The weekend's tomorrow," Kevin said as he sat in a lotus position and began cultivating until the next day.


After a few stretches, Kevin felt refreshed to tackle the day until he received a text on his phone.


Earlier that day,


As Gwen lay in bed, she couldn’t shake the lingering sensations from her last date with Kevin. She replayed their evening over and over, her body tingling with excitement and anticipation. Suddenly, a bold idea formed in her mind. She picked up her phone and sent a text to Kevin: "Come over. I need to see you. I didn’t get the chance to apologize properly."


Kevin responded almost immediately, his message short and eager: "On my way."


Kevin almost teleported to his car with the speed at which he ran to it after a quick shower and change of clothes.


A few minutes later, Gwen heard a car engine turn off and a soft knock on her door. She opened it quietly, letting Kevin in. He looked at her with a mix of curiosity and desire, his dark eyes searching her face.


“Gwen, what’s going on?” he asked, his voice low and husky.


“Last time out, I couldn’t even show my trust in you and that almost cost me my life, but I want you to know that I trust you, Kevin,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “And I want to share something with you. Come to my room.”


It seems like no one is home apart from the two of us from what I can sense,’ Kevin thought after a moment of scanning the house with his advanced senses.


Kevin followed her, his heart pounding with anticipation. As they entered her room, Gwen turned to him, her eyes filled with determination and vulnerability.


“I’m sorry for not trusting you earlier,” she said softly. “I want to make it up to you.”


Kevin’s breath caught in his throat as Gwen’s hands began to glow with a soft, purple light. She reached out and placed her hands on his chest, sharing her mana with him. The energy flowed between them, binding them in a way that was both intimate and powerful.


Kevin immediately concentrated and began creating a separate space for mana in his spiritual core as he closed his eyes.


“Gwen,” he whispered, feeling the warmth of her mana coursing through his veins. “You didn’t have to do this.”


“I wanted to,” she replied, her voice firm. “And there’s something else I want to do.”






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