The Crazy Adventures of Kevin






Hundreds of winged humanoid creatures, possessing exquisite features, gathered around the teenage boy. He was shrouded in a bright halo, hovering in the air with arms spread apart.

"It's… It's him."


"The chosen one, according to the prophecy."


"Yes, indeed." A womanly figure floated higher than the others, her stunning appearance outshining even Earth's idol pop stars. Graceful and noble, she made most figures bow slightly toward her.


They watched as their planet flourished under the influence of the chosen one for a whole day until Kevin woke up.


"That was a good nap," Kevin's voice reverberated, making the dwellers fall to the floor. It was as if he had become a god.


Kevin looked around, eyes scanning the entire planet unconsciously.


"What the? How long was I out? Am I still sleeping?" Kevin asked in a panic, ignoring the winged humanoid creatures.


"Chosen one, please lower your voice," a stunningly beautiful lady in a floral dress and wings pleaded as she flew just below Kevin.


Kevin, seeing this beautiful lady, felt a rush of emotions. Surprisingly, it did not affect his reasoning.


'Hold on. If she can fly and she's below me…' Kevin's thought was cut off as he saw his form glowing faintly with a new outfit on!


"I understand you are confused; let me explain. You are on planet Sylvie. You were mentioned in our prophecy as the one who would come to save our world," the flying lady spoke.


Kevin folded his hands, looked around, and sat in the air, ready to listen.


"It was said that a young man with all white hair will save our planet from destruction, and restore the land and its people. The chosen one will be wingless and will descend from the stars far away from here."


"You know, there's something wrong with your prophecy. My hair is only half white," Kevin said, remembering to lower his voice.


"Chosen one," the lady said with her eyes closed.


"The name is Kevin," he said smugly.


"King Kevin. Your hair is white," the lady said.


Kevin, with a look of doubt, tried to turn his head to see himself. As if on command, he could see himself in third person view.


"What is wrong with me?" Kevin asked without controlling his voice.


"Nothing is wrong with you, King Kevin. The will of the planet has accepted you as its owner. You can do whatever you want," the lady said with a warm smile.


"Whatever I want?" Kevin asked, looking at the lady before him with critique and suddenly disappeared from view.


Kevin reappeared near a waterfall that looked brighter and more colourful than Earth's. As if the world knew he was stressed, calming winds blew in his direction, and a deep sense of calm washed over him as he dived into the river. He discovered he could breathe underwater and began to take the Lady's words earlier as truth.


Kevin decided to make his decisions underwater since he felt relaxed and comfortable there. The marine life, although different from Earth, left the area where Kevin sat to give him room.


'Is this a High-tech Galvan simulation?' Kevin thought. 'Maybe I should try and see if I can hack it or something.' Immediately, the world around him shook for a while, and an ethereal figure appeared before Kevin.


Kevin stood up, assuming a battle stance. Seven ice spears formed around him in a formation automatically and pointed toward the ethereal figure.


"Do not be afraid," the ethereal figure spoke.


"Are you here to mock me? Has my life so far been a lie?" Kevin replied angrily underwater.


"No, no. Hold on! Wait! I am the will of this planet!" the ethereal figure spoke.


"Interesting, this program works better than I thought. I have to give the Galvans their credit. But nothing will stop me from escaping!" Kevin bellowed in anger as lightning missed the ethereal figure and boiled the water around them.


"Wait!" The ethereal figure screamed.


Kevin was shocked and impressed that a hologram could depict such intense emotions. He could almost taste her fear.


"You… You. What is wrong with you?" The ethereal figure asked, catching her breath.


She saw Kevin's eyebrows furrow and immediately remembered why she had come here.


"I sensed your doubt and I came here to clear it. You are the only one who can save and maintain this planet because you have met the conditions," the ethereal figure said quickly.


"What do you mean? Explain yourself," Kevin demanded as he assumed a sitting position, and a throne formed just below him.


"You are an Osmosian. You might be from Earth, but you are not from Earth. Your species is almost extinct, and we are light-years away from your quadrant of the universe. In order to be the father head of this dying planet, one needs to be an Osmosian," the ethereal figure said.


"Hmm. I'm leaving then; find another," Kevin said without a care for her demise, which also meant the planet and its inhabitant's demise. Kevin had changed a little due to the environment he had been in for five years, and Khan didn't exactly teach him empathy with his disregard for anything that stood in his way. His only father figure in the null void that taught him several things, some of which shaped his mentality, barely lived for more than a year.


"I told you that your species is rare. And what makes you impossible to find elsewhere again is the fact that you know a lost energy cultivation technique!"




Ahh, finally we are getting there!

I enjoyed writing this chapter.



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