435: Regaining God’s Authority

Chapter 435: Regaining God’s Authority

Neji couldn't use Omni-Copy in a location beyond his sight before. With Jogan, that limit could be stretched a lot since he could see very far, a total of 100 kilometers in all directions and an additional 5 thanks to his [God of Eyes] divinity that he gained in Naruto.

However, now that he was so high on the Inheritance Progress Bar of Biblical God, who was Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresent, he could ignore that sight limit for the most part. Even if he hadn’t reached 100% on it.

It’s not as if it didn’t have a limit, there was still a distance limit, but he didn’t know how far that could be stretched. Since the underworld was a pocket dimension connected to Earth, it didn't pose any issue.

As the Copy teleported into the underworld with [Dimension Travel], the Neji remaining on the peak of Jerusalem focused his senses on the leftover forces in his territory.

"Now, it's time you guys leave, except for those who have agreed to join me." He said and looked at a particular side of the crowd, floating in the sky with the rest of the Khaos Brigade. "And Fallen Angels, the Biblical rules are a lot laxer now, so I'll return most of your holy status based on your records. If your history is judged to be too evil, or if you don't feel like you want to return to me, then you'll stay as you are."

That would increase his powers. Fallen Angels in general were stronger than the average Angel since only stronger Angels in the past dared to disobey God and turn into Fallen. So he wanted them in his ranks, it wasn’t an issue if they had done slight ‘evil’ in the past such as falling in love or getting laid.

Before turning the Fallen back to normal, Neji looked at the common Angels. "The opposite goes for you guys. Those who do not feel like I am the real deal, or do not want to serve me, you'll turn into Fallen Angels." 

He finished and snapped off his finger. Immediately, around 70% of the Fallen Angels let out a golden light. It resided and left them in pristine white clothes and wings. They looked around, confused, grateful, and happy. The remaining Fallen looked at themselves with frowns and scowls.

In the meantime, a little 5% percent of the common Angels turned into Fallen. Most had accepted Neji as God, their loyalty unwavering even if he had a clearly new personality.

The old and newly changed Fallen both looked at Neji with a frown. Azazel the Reaper was still a Fallen Angel, but he wasn’t frowning, he was smiling at Neji. He didn’t feel any loyalty towards Neji, even if he seemed to accept that Neji was somehow the real God.

Just like Michael. The Archangel who had turned into a Fallen, was looking at Neji with a grim look on his face. Neji’s eyes met with the old fellow, and he was sure if he had gained God’s emotions along with his memory, this scene would have pained his heart. Michael was the most loyal and closest angel to God.

Then again, perhaps that’s why it was better if Michael was not around him. His joining the Fallen ranks was better.

“I see. Then change your position based on your wings,” Neji said, watching the newly returned white-winged angels gather together with the large flock, as the new black-winged ones joined with Azazel.

Neji continued, "I am not a ruthless God, even if I am not as benevolent as before. So, you Fallen will be allowed to leave. I don't want to harm any of my children, even if they are disobedient. I hope one day you'll see the light."

Michael and a few others of the former Angels rejoined Azazel in silence. The Reaper looked at his old Archangel buddy with an amused smirk. "This is funny,"

Without letting Michael make any remark to that, Azazel activated a massive teleportation spell that swirled around all the Fallen and they vanished from sight. Now, only the Devils, pure Angels, and the rest of the Khaos Brigade remained.

"What about you guys?" Neji looked at the Khaos Brigade. "You guys can leave if you don't want to join me. If you do, stay back from now on."

A few minutes later, the large majority of the Khaos Brigade left. They weren't religious anyway, so they'd take the chance to leave with a happy smile. Rizevim showed him a dirty smile before teleporting away – and Neji didn’t hate that. If that little bastard planned to mess with him later, that was just free Exp. Since all of this was being live-streamed, it helped that he was coming off as a kind Deity.

Only the Hero Faction remained out of the Khaos Brigade, having decided to join Neji. One such was the Leviathan Family, led by Katerea, who canceled their part of the teleportation spell at the last minute which left the rest of the Old Satan faction shocked just before they vanished.

"My lord," the devil woman who Neji had already conquered before, came down from the sky and fell to her knees in front of him. "Forgive me for standing with those fools all this time. I planned to take them by surprise if they attacked you."

"I knew that," Neji said as he reached out a hand and placed it on her head. He didn't lie, he had noticed her from the beginning along with her weary eyes, ready to strike Rizevim in the back if he dared attack Neji. “You did well, good bat.”

The rest of the devils, even the original Leviathan Family that followed her, were shocked at her position. Of course, Neji had spies within the devils. It was just two, but it was enough because they were high-ranked.

One was Katerea Leviathan and another was Venelana Gremory; in particular, that mature woman had informed him of this united attack from the beginning since Katerea didn’t have any way to contact him. That's why Neji was calm about it throughout it all.

"So, at last, the devils," under the shocked eyes of everyone, Neji turned to the remaining devils outside the Leviathan Family. "It's time you leave, too. I have returned all the Djinns I had captured, except for Ingvild. But since Ingvild is a part of the old Satan faction, a part of the Leviathan Family, and that Family's current head is already mine, she's going to stay. I don't want to see your faces anymore, leave."

The devils wore a grim look. They exchanged glances and looked at the Leviathan Clan with contempt, but the old Leviathans didn’t just take it, they glared back. Whatever their matriarch was planning, they were going along with it.

Serafall, the current Satan Leviathan, wore an odd expression as she looked at Grayfia by Neji's side, and Katerea kneeling in front of him. It was she who introduced the two of them to him… and now she was the only one standing opposite him. Quite ironic.

Serafall and Neji's gaze met. The world seemed to split in two for each of their sites, painting the parts with pain and regret. Serafall’s lips shook while Neji looked at her with an expressionless face, causing her to just bite her lip and glare at him.

The same scene unfolded between Sirzechs and Grayfia too. The husband’s betrayal left the wife in pain, breaking her heart as it confirmed all the grim theories she had in her all these centuries; that this man would leave her the moment it benefited him.

Rias looked at both of the scenes in confusion, the naive little girl didn’t know anything. She just gave Neji a hesitant wave of hand, before the devils left with a grand teleportation spell. All thousand or their numbers left at once.

The Leviathan Clan stayed back as did their current leader, and Grayfia also stayed by his side. Other than them, the Hero Faction stayed, as did the Angels, led by a saddened Gabriel along with Uriel and Raphael.

Neji looked at all three groups. "As you might have noticed, there is a town around us. Go take a position on the left and right side of it. It's big enough to hold all of your numbers. Ah and you two, Angels and Devils, I don't want any dispute between you guys. Some of you might have complaints about this, but we'll talk about that later tonight. For now, I need to focus on something else and you are to understand and oblige.”

Neji supposed he might have had a hard time commanding such a large and strong number if he was still new at this, but Gilgamesh’s memories and pride helped. Gods or Angels, Devils or Demons, all were under him as they should be. It was natural, why would he feel pressure for it?

Instead, everyone acknowledged him, proven by the small System prompt that flashed before him right away.


Progress Bar: |||||||| 93.6%


That was a good spot—just this incident made him jump so many numbers. Not much remained, he was closing in to the sweet number. Now that he had regained essentially all of God’s authority, what remained for him to reach 100%?

Under his smile, as he stared at thin air, the three groups stood in silence before doing as ordered. Neji kept Grayfia to his side, however.

He decided to catch up with the girls he brought from the other world, while the majority of his focus rested on the Omni-Copy. [Super-Task] helped him while his other-self ventured through the underworld in search of his best friend and lover.

It had been a long, long time.




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