444: Maid Hunter? (1)

Chapter 444: Maid Hunter? (1)

Neji was after Divinities and Sacred Gear. The first was for himself, while the second was for general use for the girls. If he found a particular Sacred Gear that fancied him, however, he planned to take it for himself. And if some divinities suited his girls better than himself, he planned to give it to them.

However, Divinities and Sacred Gears weren’t the only things this world had to offer. On the contrary, the DxD world held many races that held many different kinds of bloodline powers. Just amidst the Devils, dozens of interesting and useful bloodline abilities existed. Neji wanted all of them.

Though, it’s smarter to get his hands on only the best ones available. He didn’t have the time to farm levels for them all, so only the most powerful or more useful powers interested him at this moment. Unfortunately, he didn’t know much about them. Even with God’s memories, he only knew the strongest of Devils’ powers. Even then, since the Devils were God’s enemy, they obviously did their best to hide information about their powers from God. So Neji’s knowledge had gaps or false input.

Omniscience didn’t help much, either. Neji was starting to realize the Devils perhaps had the best way to block Omniscience, being God’s arch nemesis.

So, Neji was left with asking his devil subordinates. Katerea Leviathan, for example, was a high-ranking Ultimate Class devil leading one of the Old Satan Faction. So she should know most things Neji needed to know.

But… What's the fun of asking her? She’d blurt out everything he needed.

“Grayfia, you’re testing my patience,” Neji said. “Tell me. I need details.”

Rather, he was after his captive devil maid. She needed some attention.

* * *

There were two Neji that were active right now. One was headed to Egypt, while the other was with Grayfia – roaming different parts of the mortal realm with each step he took.

With one step, he was in a hospital, where a snap of his finger cured cancer, and with another step he appeared in a city filled with homeless people where another snap fixed the problem.

He had Grayfia following him like a dog, a trophy that he showed off. But she didn't complain about it, it was better than the… alternative they he could be doing with her.

Now, they were inside a grocery shop in Korea, where Neji was picking up noodles for some reason – making Grayfia wonder if noodles were where his creation powers found their limit – as she held back a laugh. When she realized she held back a laugh, that she felt like laughing at all, her brows knitted in a frown and she bit her lips.

Was she enjoying this? Being the pet that roamed the world with him where her only job was pulling chairs for him to sit? That would be ludicrous.

"So, Fia," as he picked up two packets of noodles and threw them in his Gate, he suddenly spoke up without looking at her. "If you were in my position, which Devil Power would you be after? A useful one."

"What?" Grayfia blinked and then broke out in a peal of mocking laughter. "Hey, did you hit your head? Just because I'm following you around doesn't mean I have to answer whatever you ask. I will never betray my rage even if my husband betrayed me."

Neji didn't say anything back. He just let his hand grab a few more packets and then moved on to another stall to pick some other food that he wanted to try. 

A few minutes later, they were in front of the counter. The cashier looked surprised at their presence since they had teleported in and he hadn't seen them. He stared at Neji's face with squinted eyes before they widened in recognition.

"You are-"

"I bought these," Neji cut the middle-aged man off and pressed his finger on the desk. As his finger touched the wood, a small receipt formed beneath it out of thin air. It had a list of the things Neji bought. "It's about a hundred dollars. Take a thousand."

He said, tapping his finger again as ten hundred dollar bills manifested. Under the surprised gaze of the cashier, the duo took a step back and their surroundings changed in a ripple of energy. They were now on top of a skyscraper in America, where it was nighttime.

“...Grayfia, you’re testing my patience.” Neji suddenly said, pulling out a packet of chips from his Gate and beginning to eat. “Tell me. I need details.”


He faced the sky, the starry blanket that hung above their heads. Grayfia gritted her teeth and scoffed.

"And what if I don't? You'll kill me? Do it, see if I care." Grayfia said, making Neji let out a heavy sigh.

"You have a son, Grayfia," he said and she stiffened.

"Don't you dare!"

 "I am saying you shouldn't want to die so easily. He'll miss you." He turned to look at her. "I am not threatening his life, you stupid woman."

"I-" she started and paused. She frowned and looked to the side. "I won't give you any information that might help you hurt my race."

"You saw it as much as the other Satans did. I am not a threat to this world, those alien beings are. What's the point for the devils to keep their abilities if the planet just pops like a bubble from a flick of those alien's fingers?"

"I don't know enough about the situation to believe anything you say," she was one stubborn woman, that was for sure. "You need to try better if you want to make me talk."

"Better, as in?" He suddenly closed the distance, walking to her. She took a step back, almost falling off the building, but his hand yanked her by the waist. His bag of chips fell while he held her. "You just made me waste some good snacks. Answer me, what do you mean by better?"

"If you misunderstood that I meant you should touch me, then you are goddamn wrong." She hissed slightly as the mention of 'God' sent a shiver of pleasure through her body.

"Ah, right. The reverse effect. I forgot I had that on you and Sera. Adorable." He flashed his teeth, as white as his hair. "It's cute seeing you trying to keep your chastity protected, given how far the two of us went a few weeks ago. Also, you're a devil, acting elegant is insane."


"And your husband left you. If you really want me to try 'better' to make you talk, I suppose I shouldn't hold back."

Grayfia's face went slightly red as his grip around her waist suddenly let out a tinge of pleasure. She let out a shaky breath and glared at me. "Is this the best you can do? To rape a woman to make her talk?"

"Pretty funny to call it rape when you're breathing heavily just a second into the process. I am not using nearly as much intensity required to render a woman of your power level unable to resist. Is little pouty Grayfia disappointed that I didn't touch her once after stealing her from her idiot husband? Were you hoping I would launch myself on top of you right away?"

"Never! Fuck off!" She yelled, and he let out a laugh. Neji twirled her away from the roof's edge, she took steps backward as he approached her.

Neji pushed her by her shoulder, and she fell backward. She tried to stand straight, but his telekinesis pushed her down. The surroundings rippled and changed, and she fell on a soft bed instead of the rough roof.

"Ah," she gasped and blinked. Neji was not in front of her like he was a second ago, which made her look around and find him sitting on the bed with his back against the bedhead.

He raised his hands, and she went flying in his arms. She tried to resist but the pull was too strong. Her back hit his chest, while her ass fell between his legs. He put his arms around her, gently wrapping her up like a cocoon.

"W-what are you doing?!" More than the rough approach he took a minute ago, this gentle but possessive touch sent her off the rails. She blushed a little, but didn't try to resist – it would be fruitless anyway, she couldn't overpower him in strength.

"Why are you doing this, Fia?"

"Don't call me Fia. We are not that close!"

He leaned down and nibbled on her nape, she shuddered and growled. "Stop."

"No," he bit in her ear and she gasped, a pulse of pleasure spread through her body.

'Shit, he is using his tricks again.' Grayfia grumbled.

"Aren't you God?! This is r-"

"How? I am just hugging you."


"You're mine, you know? Your husband gave you away. It's like, you're my stuffed toy now. Why is a toy talking?"

"..." A toy? In any other situation, Grayfia would have destroyed anyone who dared call her that. She was the Queen of… Hah, never mind. She was nothing.

"You… Why are you doing this?" It was Grayfia's turn to ask that. "If you want to know about the things you asked, you can ask Katerea. She knows as much as I do. You are just asking me because it's fun to mess with me, isn't it?"

"What, no." Neji sounded stupefied. "I just… I like you, Grayfia. I had a maid of myself, you know?"

"And I remind you of her?" She clicked her tongue. "So I'm just a replacement for a woman I don't even know of. At least it's better than you saying you love me all of a sudden, you prick."

Neji couldn't contain a burst of laughter. He shook his head. "I thought the same at first when I saw you in Sera's office that day – that I might mistake you for Kimi, but in the end that didn't happen. How could it? How can any other woman ever compare to her?"


"I am just saying I had a maid-girl too, so it hurts me seeing another maid girl he abandoned by her stupid master. I'm trying to make you happy. But why are you not letting me?" He hugged her tightly and gently sniffed her nape.

"I… don't-"

"Shut the fuck up, you understand I will not hurt the devils if they listen to me. And what I make them do isn't even that bad. They are just changing their name labels, which is actually a good thing since people have a prejudice towards the name Devil and I am getting you guys rid of that." He gently slapped her thigh, making her hiss in pleasure. "You are just arrogant and prideful. I already told you and you already saw that the world is in danger. Why are you clinging to your little petty pride because of that? Worse, you're not letting me break the pride out of you. You know I can get you whimpering my name in under a minute if I so wish, but you yell and say crap about consent."

She grit her teeth, "I hate you."

"And I'm trying to change that."

"You are doing a terrible job at it."

"Try lying down on the bed and see."

Grayfia glared at him, stupefied, while he kept hugging her. Slowly, her face was getting redder as his strong arms held her in place. She could try to resist, even if she couldn't escape, but she didn't do that. She avoided his eyes and held back her voice and breathing, gritting her teeth.

"F-fine," she suddenly said. "T-this is for the world, and for the devil kind. I-"

"Shut the hell up," he slapped her thighs again, making her eyes almost roll back. "You play the game that you're sacrificing yourself and I'll make you yell the opposite a thousand times. Speak the truth."

His hand rubbed her thigh as he asked, making her glare at him with teary eyes. "Why are you humiliating me?"

"It's just the two of us here, you can show me your humble side." He reminded her, "I have seen far worse from you, remember?"

"...." The reminder made her blush grow. She grumbled. Slowly, she looked back and met eyes with him. "Fine. One chance. You said you want to make me like you? You have one chance. After today… if I don't like you and you try this again, I'm spreading rumors that the new God does not know consent."

Neji grinned. Of course, she liked him, she was just salty that her husband left her to him — and that Neji attacked her a few days ago. He just needed to compensate her for that pain with something better.

With a wave of his telekinesis, he spun her around as she sat facing him down. Her ass fell on his lap and her face right in front of him, as he leaned over and took her lips in an instant. Though hesitant, the devil maid didn't resist.




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