451: The Gamer’s Fight for Survival

Chapter 451: The Gamer’s Fight for Survival

Neji stared ahead with his jaws clenched, and the old woman was returning his gaze with a soft, wrinkly smile.


Name: The Godmother | ???

Race: Primordial Demon

Tier: Indecipherable


According to Observe, this woman was on the same level as the Abstract Entities, who were the only other ones to receive an indecipherable result.

For some reason, Neji didn't feel scared.

The sky was separated into two groups. The local Gods of Earth were behind Neji, while the Alien Gods were lowering in the air opposite them.

The air was so thick with dangerous intent that a couple of low-ranking Gods simply passed out. Serafall Leviathan was having the worst, as she was the weakest person in this area. Instead of just passing out, she fell to her knees and began to spit blood.


“Hold still.”

Neji was busy staring at the Aliens, but he was Nigh Omnipresent now. So a copy of himself materialized beside Sera and held her gently. He tried to teleport her out of there, but teleportation didn't work.

These foreign entities were blocking it.

“Aww, is the Gamer trying to escape?” The army behind the white-haired old lady was led by five figures. One ethereal man with six arms and a Joker face paint looked at Neji with a lust-filled look as he spoke.

The four others beside him wore different expressions, but one thing was obvious about them—they were strong. Especially the Joker, he was the strongest.


Name: Quasarion, Lord of Clowns

Race: Nebulites

Tier: Indecipherable


The other four were under Tier 100, and for that, Neji could decipher their Tier. One of them looked like a humanoid Xenomorph, while the others looked like odd and weird aliens - like they were.

Although these five led the army, where according to Nigh Omniscience there were 5,440 beings, the strongest was the weird old woman for whom the universe sang. The power difference wasn't even close, Neji could feel that even if Observe didn't show it. There was a demonic butler who trailed this “Godmother” like her shadow, and he was the 2nd strongest among all these Aliens.

The army of five thousand aliens were all beyond Tier 60. As Momo had theorized before, that super gigantic alien that tried to squeeze Neji between its fingers was one of the leaders of these Aliens. The five thousand others weren't at that level.

Still, it didn't make sense to Neji how this situation was possible. Why wasn't the… Omniverse's Will suppressing their Tiers?

Neji didn't have the answer, but all the possibilities pointed at the Godmother to be behind that incident.

“Hey~ Godmother,” the Joker looked at her and smiled. “You said you are only here to end the job if we fail, correct? Then can we begin slaughtering him?”

He didn't believe that he would fail, but he didn't question the Godmother's choice. The agreement between them was that she would watch from the sidelines and make sure the Gamer died properly–at least that was what she told them–and if they didn't succeed, for some reason, only then would she step in.

“Alright,” the Godmother's voice was like the wind of winter as she nodded. She lifted herself into the sky and gave space for the aliens to begin their… slaughter.

The Joker named Quasarion smiled at Neji. “Mhm, finally. Alright everyone, do not hold back—his ‘luck’ is too much for us to take lightly~ Attack.”

At once, the five leading aliens blasted at Neji. Behind them, the five thousand other aliens rushed forward too.

They weren't playing around. They didn't want to give Neji any chance to kill the weaker aliens and level up. They were going for the kill from the get-go.

“...Sorry guys. You'll die anyway.”

Neji muttered and a thousand copies of himself materialized around the Gods. The Local Gods, not the aliens. Before anyone could think of anything, the copies touched their palms against the Gods’ skin… and devoured them with Mine.

[Dinggg! You have killed a great number of strong people. You've earned a massive amount of experience.]

[You have leveled up 2340 times!]

[You have reached Level 8573!]

[You have mined a tremendous amount of Faith and Divinities, and other abilities.]

Neji killed all the Gods, and most of the Goddesses as well. But not all. He killed Sirzechs and Ajuka, but left Serafall. But once he had four females saved, he killed all the other people, including Azazel and Michael. It wasn't because he was thinking about women at this point, but he truly did have a plan.


“On it.”

Tentacles of creation flame spread from Momo and spread into all directions. The tentacles rushed in and caught Neji's five girls, other than Momo. 

It also caught the Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis who despite being genderless was in the form of a loli girl at the moment. Along with that, the tentacles caught three other people. Serafall, Durga, and Gaia.

Only Neji, Momo, and his five girls were aware of the plan. The other four women were not, but they couldn't resist Momo's technique. Durga was mad at Neji since he had just killed her husband, but she didn't have the strength to resist either.

This was a plan that Momo proposed. She had always been smart, and this time her proposal was obvious but genius. Just like how Neji could fuse with Kurai, she made him consider what if all of his girls could fuse as well? So, Neji and Momo mixed their Creation Powers to create ten magic bracelets—which worked similarly to the Potara Rings from Dragon Ball.

Momo took out the ten bracelets from spatial storage and placed them on all of their wrists. When they were all in place, Momo took in a deep breath and activated the artifact.

“Stop them!”

Just an inch away from Momo's head, the Xenomorph yelled in anger. His first was about to cave into her face as her entire body lit up with light. 

Somehow, Neji appeared between the two of them. Neji's power level was greater than ever after killing and Mining all those Gods, so he pressed a punch on the alien's face and sent it flying.

A thousand Nejis surrounded Momo, to keep her protected as the technique took off. There were a total of 10 women, but a second later, as the light vanished… only one remained.

With hair of many colors and four horns on her head, the entity had two wings made of fire behind her. She had four arms that held four weapons of destruction.

[Chaos – Goddess of Chaos — Tier 99]

Yes, Neji was prepared for these Aliens.

Due to most of the girls being users of destruction, the final product was a Chaos Goddess. In the second that she took to form, hundreds of Nejis were killed.

“Momo, are you in control?!”

One of the Nejis yelled. Due to how those bracelets were created, Momo should have been the one in control. But… from the wall, she tilted her head at him with a glint in her eyes, it didn't seem to be the case.

“It seems there was a slight failure,” Her voice boomed, reverberating, as she spoke. “It is a merge, but it is fine. We are one.”

Since the majority of the fusion subjects had a good relationship with Neji, the fusion in total was on his side too. So it didn't matter much if Momo wasn't in charge. No, it was a good thing instead.

“Allow us,” one of her ten arms raised to swing a sword. The blade blurred in the air and a hundred aliens fell, blood gushing out of their bodies. “To clean these pests.”

Neji grinned. Just because the Omniverse was unable to support him, he was not going to fail. He had planned for this since the beginning. 

A hundred of him vanished from the spot and touched the severed bodies of the aliens. He couldn't get the Exp, but he got their powers and abilities as he once again activated Mine.

“How annoying~” the Joker stopped in the air and looked at the Godmother. “It's about time you help. This isn't going to end well for us since he is getting stronger by the second.”


It was true, as Neji rushed at the alien and punched him in the jaw. But in the process, the Joker waved a hand as the copy's body was sliced into a million pieces.

“Seems to be you're doing perfectly fine,” While a hundred more aliens died at the hands of the two maniacs, the Godmother smiled at the Joker.

“Tch. At least push back the Omniverse’s influence a bit more. If I can regain more of my true strength, then…”


Another dozen Nejis rushed at him and threw a punch. The Joker waved his hand once more, but this time just waving his hand wasn't enough.

Boost was a crazy stupid power. The Gamer was doubling his power every ten seconds, and it was following the Exponential Progression rule. Since his previous stack from when he fought the Beast 666 was still there, he supposed the Gamer was probably a hundred times boosted on his Overall Stat at this post.

“Ugh…!” The Joker growled and punched the empty air, but that alone reverberated through the space and caved through hundreds of Nejis’ hearts. Neji’s HP dropped a significant number. 

“I’ll kill him,” he said as he took in a deep breath—his body separated and turned into three. As he had six arms before, now each of the three of him had two arms each. The clown alien vanished from his spot and two of them rushed toward the hundreds of remaining Nejis, while one of them rushed toward the Chaos Goddess.

A dozen Nejis stopped the last one by transforming into their full dragon forms, towers of flesh that stopped the entity from approaching the Goddess.

The clown punched the dragons one by one, unable to kill all of them at once, while Neji continued growing stronger by killing the others. He had finished two of the five leading Aliens already, and currently most of his focus was on the Xenomorph.

There were a couple hundred aliens focused on mental attacks, but they didn’t affect Neji thanks to his Gamer’s Mind. Neji still erased them first because they might affect the Chaos Goddess.

By the time Quasarion the Clown reached the Goddess, Neji finished Xenomorph – and was therefore a bit stronger than before.

“Boost!” He said as he rushed at the Clown before he could harm his woman, and his punch connected with the clown to send him flying like a ragdoll.

If Neji didn’t let his morals hold him back, it was hard to counter him. If he hadn’t killed the local Gods earlier, he’d have died against these aliens—but these aliens didn’t expect him to go crazy and end all the Gods’ lives. Now, he was enough to rampage and end these fools.

Since he was strong enough to punch the Clown without getting killed now, Neji called forth Ea - the Sword of Rapture - on his hand. He channeled it and blasted it as the clown crossed his arms to protect himself. But the attack wasn’t directed toward the clown.  

Neji made a [Hole] appear in front of the beam as it entered through it. A hundred other holes appeared around the area, behind the aliens, and the wave of destruction rushed out of a single hole, as it erased the aliens on the way, before diving into another hole to come out from a 3rd hole to erase the aliens on that path.

It looked like a spark of dancing lightning from a distance as the beam went through all the weaker aliens and destroyed them. Since Ea used Neji’s own powers to grow stronger, he couldn’t have done this from the beginning, but now he had killed all of the aliens at once.

Except one.

The clown remained, with his jaws clenched.

“Indeed, the Gamer is a force to be reckoned with. We took you seriously from the get-go, yet-” the villain started his monologue, but Neji wasn’t interested. He was not the Final Boss here anyway.

From the number of levels he received from thousands of aliens at once, Neji was strong enough to mess up the clown. He put all of his gathered Stat Points into his INT and appeared before the joker in a blink. He placed a palm on the back of his head and whispered.


The clown looked back at him, but it was too late. His body turned into purple dust of energy as he turned into another bag of experience for Neji.

[Ding! You have killed someone beyond Tier 100, someone at Mid Class 10.]

[You have earned 540 Levels.]

[Ding! You have leveled up.]

[You have reached Level 10,570!]

[Class Voidmancer and Subclass Lumomancer have reached Level 99.]

[Quest, “Master of Classes” has appeared. Complete this to reach Level 100.]

Neji gained 4000 Levels in this single fight. Now, only two foreign beings remained. Neji looked up at the Godmother who was smiling at him as if she looked… proud?

Whatever this woman was here for, Neji believed he was prepared to go against it. He was stronger than ever, and his desire for survival wasn’t going to let him back off.




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