477: A Helping Hand

Chapter 477: A Helping Hand 


She sat on a soft sofa, against the window, as she read a traditional newspaper. This was an inefficient way to learn information, but Kimi liked reading newspapers, it took her back to the past. Even though the Hero Academia world was so advanced, it also used traditional newspapers for those who could afford it.

The question about its efficiency was for another time because it clearly fulfilled its role right now. Kimi got up and ran to the Godmother, who was watching an old TV as she sewed sweaters as usual.

“Hey, did you see this?”

“Hm? Oh, the news about the war,” the Godmother turned to Kimi, her eyes scanning the girl wearing a modern maid outfit with a fur trim, and then at the newspaper in her hand. “Wai was acting hastily here for no reason,” the Primordial should have been more patient, in her opinion. “That girl was on that planet and he found her, there was no reason to destroy the planet. He even killed that Demon King fellow.”

“It’s another Omniversal War,” Kimi said.

“It seems to be,” the Godmother shrugged. Universes will collapse, lives will be lost, and existence itself will be shaken, but she found it bland. “The Abstracts would have managed somehow to continue the peace if he had stopped at destroying the Northern Demon King, but he destroyed a few Abstract Entities too. Thankfully no permanent damage was done, and the killed Abstracts will be reincarnated soon,” Though they won’t have their memories, “So yes, it’s an all-out war.”

"Most newspapers have omitted a crucial detail," Kimi indicated in a specific line in the article, "It mentions that the Primordial's daughter was found in a... compromising state. With semen all over her body. No wonder, that further fueled the Primordial's fury upon discovering her."

The Godmother blinked and then laughed heartily. She hadn’t found anything funny enough to laugh in the last few eons. “Oh my, that Northern Demon King sure was something, eh? At least he left such a mark in history even if he died.”

“I don’t think he’s the culprit,” Kimi said and the Godmother paused.

“What do you mean?” she asked, and Kimi rubbed the back of her head. “Girl?”

She opened her mouth, hesitated, and then sighed. A slight blush covered her face in embarrassment, “Well, remember the First Gamer? I’ve been following his movement all this time, because… well, what if there was a chance that he… you know?” she said while the Godmother gave her a blank stare. 

She grew more flustered, embarrassed that she had resorted to stalking out of pure nostalgia for a man’s face. She continued, “Anyways, it’s him who was with Fotia. I am unsure if it’s just luck or if he predicted it, but he managed to escape the place just in time, leaving Fotia behind. So no, the Northern Demon King wasn’t the culprit.”

“Girl, have you been observing him 24/7?” the Godmother looked at her with deep, judgemental eyes.

“W-what?! No! No. Obviously not. I… I had a spell that’d tell me if he’s near death, and that triggered eleven months ago. So I took a peek and saw him kidnapping the Primordial’s daughter. After that… I’d sometimes watch him… from time to time…”

"You've been watching his and Fotia’s ‘encounters’ for your own amusement, haven't you? As if they are your personal porn actors.”


Godmother let out a heavy sigh, dropping the needle and sweater on her lap as she fell back on the couch. Her red eyes remained locked on Kimi’s, who looked away out of pure embarrassment, shame, and guilt. “Listen,” the Godmother started, “I haven’t suggested this before since I know how much you love this young master of yours, but isn’t this too much? Maybe it’s time to take a break? I am not saying move on, since he will be born someday for sure, but how about you get together with this Gamer?”

“No.” Kimi’s embarrassment vanished and she scowled. “Never. I’ll kill myself if I cheat on him, I promised myself that a long time ago.”

“I can remove the tattoo below your navel,” Godmother said, “If you give me a bit of time. So no, you won’t die if you sleep with someone else. But…”

“Then I’ll kill myself with my own hands,” Kimi argued.

“Yeah, the tattoo is merely an anchor for that promise, you by yourself don’t plan to break it,” Godmother sighed. She knew the story of Neji from her, she had heard it a lot of times, and thereafter she knew that Neji wasn’t really someone that special. In her long life, the Godmother had been with countless lovers, and among them, she could name a million who were more impressive than this Neji in all factors. Yet…

Exactly because of that Godmother felt jealous. It was not a negative jealousy, she would never wish Kimi or Neji any bad thing, she was beyond that at this age, but it made her jealous of Kimi for having such love for someone seemingly ordinary. It also made her feel jealous of Neji for having someone like Kimi. She wanted to meet him one day, truly.

“By the way,” Kimi rubbed her arm awkwardly, but this time she managed to keep eye contact. “From what I gathered, this ‘Prima’ guy is looking for the Temples of Equilibrium.” she said as the Godmother blinked, “Naturally, he is unable to find it, it’s a well-hidden place. My calculations say he’ll find it if he keeps it up for a few more years, but… Um, you know, you were born within the Temple in your 2nd life, as a Celestial, right?”

“Yes,” the Godmother nodded. It was one of her homes. She was the strongest during that life, only beaten by her current self. That race of people was too powerful. None of her other lives could compare to the power levels she had in that life, since she had her race’s natural powers, along with her previous life’s powers. 

She was never defeated during that life, she was only reborn because she killed herself since life was boring as an entity incapable of feeling emotions. 

“Why is he looking for that place?” She asked.

“I am unsure,”

“You want me to help him  find it?”

Kimi didn’t verbally agree, but she slowly nodded. She could have helped him on her own if she so wanted, but she didn’t want to take the risk of being around him. The Godmother pondered for a moment, before shrugging.

“Fine. Planet Anodyne is situated close to the Temple. I will seek assistance from one of my daughters, the current Queen of the Anodites," the Godmother stated. In this ongoing life, she herself was an Anodite, making this Queen a daughter of her current form, and thereby they shared a closer bond than most of her other children. This one would undoubtedly offer aid if requested.

“Thank you,” Kimi bowed slightly.

“I hope you are aware of what you’re doing,” the Godmother advised as she rose. "Provide me with his current whereabouts; my daughter will locate him swiftly."




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