489: Lord Oblivion & the Void

Chapter 489: Lord Oblivion & the Void

Kimi told Neji about how she had come to know Godmother. Back when she popped into the beginning of Cube Omniverse, there was nothing. It was the beginning, a big bang of ideas from Prime that shaped the Cube Omniverse.

For a while, after SBOP left, Kimi was all alone in there with the exception of the maddened Ddraig. She hadn't tried to go to the Prime since SBOP warned her about the dangers there. So she remained alone in Cube for a few years, until Godmother died in the Prime and reincarnated in Cube — she became the first soul to reincarnate in Cube. She gave start to a series of future reincarnations, each of whom would shape the Omniverse to their liking.

Godmother found Kimi interesting, and as she was a Celestialsapien back then, she was enlightened with Kimi’s case with a simple thought. Since then she stuck close to the little girl, someone who she thought had the potential to be as important as her own singular self. She wasn't wrong.

Standing in the grand living room, she looked at the young man who stood beside her, apparently the First Gamer. If she hadn't known Kimi for as long as she had, she would have believed that.

That was obviously Neji Hado, her love of life for whom she's been waiting eons.

‘But she's not admitting that's him, despite knowing that I can guess with a single glance….’ the Godmother thought.

Which only meant one thing. Since he had been summoned from the future, he must have faced a scenario where he met the Godmother, and she didn't recognize him. In that case, to keep the timeline balanced, or something similar, he and Kimi were hoping she wouldn't notice.

‘Well too bad, I did,’ she frowned. ‘Ahh, I'll just forget it I guess.’

She slowly closed her red eyes, and with a simple innovation of her unmatched willpower…. the Godmother of all Demons knowingly chose not to know.

Before she forgot this tiny detail, her last thought was a smile. She was so happy to finally see Kimi have what she’s always been waiting for. 

And a little bit jealous that she never had someone like Neji despite her age.

* * *

“You look familiar, by the way.” 

The five of them were done planning the initial actions they'd take in this war. When they got up from their seats, about to leave the fortress to execute the exact plan, Neji asked the Godmother.

“Who did you reincarnate as this time?” He asked, and she turned to face him.

“Artoria Pendragon,” the Godmother’s red eyes locked with his as she replied. “Sadly she's not very strong in the grand scheme of things. That's why I'll go visit Anodyne to become a half-Anodite. Anodi, come with me.”

“Yes, mother~” Anodi hopped toward her mother and the two teleported away in a flash of blinding light.

“So now it's our turn,” Lady Life said as she looked at Neji and Kimi. A sweat of nervousness was plastered on her face. “I know we just planned all of it, but are we sure this is going to end well?”

“Fifty-fifty,” Kimi said while weaving her finger through the air, casting a spell.


“We'll be fine,” Neji reassured her.

“It's going to be okay,” Kimi looked at the worried abstract entity and remembered what Neji told her she'd do in the future. When she recalled how much this woman would come to love ‘The First Gamer’, she felt a little softer. “We already killed a Class 1 Abstract Entity, and we're about to go and kill another one just now. If we succeed in this, we will succeed in the incoming plans too.”

She added, “But yes, you're not a dumb woman, so you understand there are risks. If you're unwilling to take them, well, the exit door is right there.”

“....” Lady Life frowned but didn't say anything.

“Kimi, don't be like that,” Neji defended the new girl before she could feel helpless. Kimi shot him a look, but seeing the look in his eyes made her look away.

“Oh well,” she said as the teleportation magic circle completed. “Step into the magic circle. We're going to kill Oblivion.”

* * *

From what Neji remembered Lady Luck telling him, and Kimi also confirmed from her future knowledge, Abstract Entity Lord Oblivion will be killed by the Primordial God. 

After that, the First Gamer would stumble upon his remains one day, in the form of a temple, and would inherit a bunch of extra void powers from there.

This possibility’s Neji planned to take that route a little differently.

He's going to kill Lord Oblivion himself, and then absorb him.

As the Personification of the Void, Lord Oblivion’s potential was insane. The three of them streaked through the cosmos in a bubble of mana, with worlds passing by their sides, as Kimi explained why such a powerful entity was only Class 1.

“There are two kinds of void, the safe void and the true void. The safe void is the simple gap between two planets in the solar system, for example, while the true void is the nonexistence of reality. Lord Oblivion, in his natural state, only represents the Safe Void. That's why he is merely Class 1 despite being the manifestation of something as magnificent as the void.” Kimi said.

“So that means…”

“Yes,” Lady Life answered with a nod in Kimi's stead, making the witch frown. “I have seen it a few times before, during the past war against Prime where Oblivion had to fight the Primordial. He was no match for the Primordial in his Class 1 form, but it's a different case when he goes berserk and enters his True Void mode. In such a scenario, he enters Class 0.”

“And he's able to fight the Primordial on equal grounds like that?” Neji asked.

“No,” Kimi replied. “He can just hold his own and not die. He's not the strongest of Class Zero after all.”

“Still, our goal is to take him out before he slips into his dangerous form.” Life said and cleared her throat. “Otherwise there is a chance that we might lose.”

“I wouldn't lose,” Kimi argued.

“Surely, Director.” Life agreed in an extremely sarcastic tone. “Surely your time powers will work well against emptiness.”

“Hmm,” Neji hummed.

That made sense to him, again the concept of emptiness time shouldn't have as much effect as against other things. Was that the reason Kimi didn't hold well against the Primordial in the fight in the future?

A few minutes later, their transportation bubble slowed down. They floated a few universes away from their target, as Kimi waved her hand in the air and projected multiple screens.

“About three megaverse’s distance away, the armies of Prime are fighting an army led by Oblivion.” As she narrated, there was a big, terrible cosmic fight going on in the screens. Powers that could erase whole universes and beyond clashed in a display, and thousands fought. “We'll slip in, I'll cast blind on the target, Life will handle the bugs on the sidelines, and you'll devour him. Sounds about right?”

“Quick and neat, yes,” Neji nodded.

It could go wrong and the Abstract might transform into his true void form, but Neji was going to act fast. Then again, even if the entity transformed, Neji wasn't scared.




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