The Deadman

Chapter 88: Subjugation 2

The atmosphere’s heavy with oxygen.

There were traces of toxic materials in the air that it was recommended that all personnel were to wear air filtering devices and report any problem.

The surrounding flora and fauna caused problems and thus was cleared to create a base that would surround the established perimeter line.

The massive moments of the units obviously gathered noise. It was impossible to hide them in a small world where the appearances of their vehicles and personnel would naturally attract the eyes of the inhabitants who are constantly roaming the dense forests they call home.

The terrain was quite large and because of the lack of data, the soldiers and knights who were familiar with jungle warfare moved to map out the area and supplement the data they got from the ARD that did the initial scouting for them.

Terrains can change in a month and so there was a need for a real–time map that could be updated. 

Low Orbit satellites, the size of a car, were deployed to get a better view of the landscape. To combat the prying eyes, anti-scouts roamed the perimeter, armed with thermal systems to detect them from moving in and out.

Most of the kills in the first days went to the snipers who were tasked to bring the heads of the Ogres. In order to scare off these parties, they copied their tactics with a bit of inspiration from Vlad the Impaler by putting the heads of the Ogres on a stick and warning them from  entering the area while the defensive walls, turrets, and artillery were being prepared.

The long range bombardment systems.

Navigating this dense forest jungle of a world with towering trees would require mobile units. The armored units that run on caterpillar tracks were put on standby while the bipedal units were put to work in clearing the area and securing roads that would allow the whole regiment to move to their destination.

By the third day there was a community that appeared and every barrack was full of soldiers that were waiting for orders. The acquisition group, in-charge of resource gathering, were the first forces to get away from the camp in order to put a check on their bucket list full of resources they must acquire for the Madam and for Haven.

Their first capture was a eight fall tall forest hog with more muscles than fat. The hog had spores growing on its back and was feeding on the hog’s fat.

The second creature they brought back was this gargantuan four-legged beast with the characters of an anteater and scales that of a lizard. It was using its tail to navigate the forest and was using it to blow air into holes to force prey out of the ground and devour them.

There were many creatures that resembled normal animals, and there were some that are strictly native to the dominion. As for the ones in-charge of collecting minerals and samples. They discovered that other than the massive deposits of korium.

The unscarred world was full of gold, copper, and diamonds.


A report was handed back to the headquarters and they were given the second priority after the korium deposit. Many voices question why they shouldn’t capture the world in the first place, but capturing this world meant that they’d need to spend the resources to defend it.

The hollowed world had the size of an American state. Three large islands with a large ocean that seems to be untamed as well.

Besides, their orders were clear in the first place.

The annihilation of the source of disruption that interferes with the work of the Madam.

Gathering mineral resources was an optional objective among the bucket list that they have created for themselves the moment they pried the entrance of the dominion.

A week passed after that report.

There were sightings of creatures that were riding mounts from tribe to tribe. Analysts from the headquarters who were following the drone footage deduced that they were gathering leaders to a certain location which could prove a problem if left unattended. The speakers, the ones that communicate to their leaders were observed and analyzed to learn about their language patterns, intonation, and how they use their language.

It was a culture alien to them and their familiar use of tools to conduct their life resembled that of a group that had started learning agriculture.

In every tribe they observed so far, there was always one creature that seems to be the spiritual guide of the tribe and are marked with vivid tattoos that established these creatures as Shamans and Priests of their tribe who provides guidance to their Chieftains who are concerned about the appearance of a foreign force that came out of nowhere.

Although their forces were into science more than the arcane. They did not abandon the knowledge that comes from the Arcane and grew extra careful as they recovered and disabled wards that had similarities to the warding system that the magicians of Europe use.

Further observation of the tribes and the creatures suggests that they possess enough intelligence to understand that they are a threat to their world.

They were right.

The Hellrunners that had come to their world were going to destroy everything that they have and burn this world to the ground for the sake of their Madam who had already signed the death warrant of the world they know.

“A beautiful world.”

Lt. Barnes, who was watching through the eyes of the drones and the footage that they got from this hollow world, lamented. To be the one who would lead a world to its destruction was enough to bother the soldiers who had seen the beauty of this world.

It was a doomed world.

A world that was unfortunate enough to be in the way of a woman who does not forgive an interruption to her work and research.

All of this tragedy was for the sake of their own benefit.

Nevertheless, the campaign must succeed.

The resources that they will gather in this land would be enough to pay for what they had used.




The last week of 2097 proved to be quite something as they were a group of humanoids that were about seven feet tall, covered in painted cloaks. They marveled greatly, and made signs with one finger upward, believing it to be a sign of peace in their own language and a way of asking if they came from the sky.

They raised their hands and approached the base while their escorts were marked with tattoos that bare resemblance to Inuit tattoo patterns that have inscriptions full of runes.

One of the Mages employed under the service of the Madam, with the permission of the Madam, approached the group while clearly showing off her power.

The clan-bearer who had the arcane presented himself in front of the group and spoke an odd interpretation of the old saxon language.

The Mage was fortunately able to follow their words. Their purpose for coming here was to ask why the people from above the surface  came down to their land.

The Mage didn’t know what to say and slyly avoided answering questions while hoping that they’d stay nearby so that the intentions of the Madam could be given to them.

Mage Helena Curtens is the assistant of the Madam and has been handling all materials related to the Arcane with her own team of apprentices and guards.

She was a woman that was well-proportioned  with a vixen-like allure that makes men's knees frail. The way she acts, moves, and expresses herself was quite alluring.

She sits in her office while the Knight Commander enters.

“Knight Commander, and Major. It seems that you are always busy these days.”

“Ma’am. I need to know what you take on those… creatures.”

“They are Abhumans… I believe that you should have least seen their facial structure resembling the Neanderthals. Though from what I can tell they have mixed their blood with some of the creatures here.”

Lt. Barnes' face distorted in disdain.


“Maybe. I do believe that they can be prized test subjects and giving these creatures hope is not to my taste.”

“So should we?”

“Not yet.”

The mage called the Madam who appeared on the projection.


“Abominations. I’ve sent the pictures, Madam.”

There was a long pause as the Madam inspected the creatures that came to them in peace.

“Tell them the unfiltered truth. They should know the dangers of this world and offer them salvation in exchange for their knowledge. We will create a sanctuary for them… destroy the original source, create a smaller sanctuary and let them stay. They will be the guard of the passages that will lead us to the resources. Allow the survival of their clan. But surrender their knowledge. There is no negotiation. If they persist in dooming themselves, then do it as mercifully as possible. We shall not pretend that we are righteous, but we will act humane… as long as we should. It would be best if we scour this world for more… races. ”

“Your words shall be spoken to these… savages.”

“Tell them as you see fit.”


Mage Helena sighs woefully and contacts one of her officers to ready the men just in case. Knight Commander Barnes ordered the others to search for any races of humanoid shape and report back if found.

The clansmen that visited became nervous at the sight of the power-armored troops with their rifles on hand. Not far from the Mage was an exoskeleton-suit that stood eight-feet tall with loaded cannons  and an ammunition pack.

“I have come. It is fast for your leader to decide.”

Mage Helena gathered her wits and spoke her mind freely. Her tone was without any tone. Speaking as if she was reading a script in her mind.

“Our Madam has spoken. She will spare your clan and your allies if you decide to join us. We will provide a sanctuary to your choosing and in exchange, after the destruction of this dominion, will be allied to the LORES Consortium and shall be under us. Do you agree?”

“Destruction of this dominion?”

Mage Helena, in old Saxon, told them of the intention of the Hellrunners without a single lie. Why they were doing this and what their true purpose was in coming to this land.

“We come here to destroy this place in the name of the Madam.”

“We have not come to rule or dominate.”

“We do not wish the occupation of this land.”

“What we wish for is the end of this land that blocks the progress of our Madam.”

“Listen well, your clan and allies shall capitulate or suffer a merciful death.”

The speaker found his knees weak.

“You speak of destruction of our world… our home… that is not an easy choice to make.”

He wondered at this sight if they were the evil ones here.

That in the eyes of these humanoids they were demons who have come to ruin their peace.

“You shall be given enough time to make your choice. Gather your allies' leaders and clansmen. Tell them that we’ve come to this world and our intentions are clear. Those who provoke us shall be dealt with. The eyes that watch shall be plucked. Perked ears will be shut and raised arms shall be yanked.”

“Tell your children.

“Your wives.”

“Your people.”

“That we have come to see the end of this world  that blocks our progress.”

Speechless and terrified, the clansmen that visited them left the encampment. Mage Helena sighs deeply and then takes out a pipe full of calming herbs.

“Knight Commander, what would you do if someone, out of nowhere, demands that you surrender to them or die a merciful death?”

“Assess the situation and try to stall for time.”

“You think that they’d be smart about this?”

“It seems risky to let them go and give them a chance to unite against us.”

“And we will meet them with our barreled swords.”

“We will.”

Later on, only one clan out of the eighteen that was reported surrendered.

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