The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 235: The Powerful Talker on Paper

It's a juvenile tactic.

No, very juvenile.

This was how Liszt felt when he saw the moves. After many decades of war experience, the Count's tactical strategy was to always charge. From behind the hillside, his troops would spring up into two and take turns charging, Like a knight's war, charging is the only option. The difference only came on how to charge each time.

“Liszt, you shouldn't do this. This is a forest. While it's true that you can hide the troops in the forest, the forest will also hinder the charge. You must choose an open area to do the ambush. Behind this hillside would be a good place to do so.”

The Count warned Liszt not to hide the knights in the woods while pushing his own knights to charge forward.

“Well, I'll go to the trees across the river and lay ambush, and when your knights cross the river, halfway through, I'll proceed with the a.s.sault, annihilate some of the knights that have landed, and block the rest back, okay?” Liszt wasn't too entangled. Can the woods hide the knights?

Liszt didn't choose to ambush from behind the hillside and just took a few knight carvings from the woods and placed them on the woods by the river.

The Count touched his chin. “That's fine, but why didn't you do the ambush at the best point which is behind the hillside ?”

“But it's also the most noticeable……So with this group of knights, I've captured half the river.” Liszt reached out and took away a couple of knight pieces.

“A little less, take less, I can still run away.” The Count took back a sculpture, thought about it, and took it back again.

Liszt did not mind, and continued to deduct. “Your knights cannot cross the river, so you must retreat and return to the other side of the Red River. Then the knights I left in the woods on the other side can take advantage of the opportunity to regroup and drive out your knights again. Or maybe they can capture another batch. “

With that, he put out his knights which he had deliberately left in the woods, and took away several of the Count's knights.

"This …” The Count froze for a moment. “So you intentionally left the knights there ?You were just setting up?”

“Yeah, so now your knights are only a band of people, and they'll have to run. My knights could gather and hunt your knights, right?”

The Count was a little uncomfortable. “That's true.”

“So you now have three routes to choose from, one to escape and one is to retreat from this valley …”

Before he finished speaking, the Count interrupted. “You can't divide your troops and ambush in this area, otherwise, your troops will be too scattered to start a charge at all.”

“Of course, I have no intention to. You have three choices. Aside from dividing the troops and crossing the valley, you have another option which is to find your main force. If it is the first, I can hunt you down the mountains and catch all of you. If it's the second one, you'll be too far from the battlefield and won't be able to pay attention; if it's the third one … "

“I chose the third, and my knights will begin to retreat from the plains, how do you respond?” 

“Of course you would retreat to the castle. The battle with Viscount Varyan is not the main fight. Your decisive battle is with Count Figo. I only need to keep the castle intact like a nail in the Red River Plain. I can attack the supply line between you and the Marquis of Roderick, and I would retreat to increase the combat power of Count Figo. “

Liszt kept talking.

He's been serving three successive knight battles with a set of theories and tactics, all of which the Count would suspect.

“Liszt, why is your mind filled with……strange ideas?” The Count looked at the game and asked, “Why won't you keep the knights around the castle to keep the castle safe? It's a risky move to lay down your troops like this.”

“Viscount Valle's castle is safe and secure, and the knights are not strong enough. Viscount Jonas, your follower, can block him from appearing in the castle and his role will be lost. So if the castle is lost, the Order can still go to Count Figo.”

Liszt has never been to war.

But when it comes to the ability to talk on paper, “Keyboard Man” Liszt feels that he can survive in the world! 

He was the man who read “The Art of War in Sun Tzu” and “The Thirty-Six Strategies”, and lingered in World War II all year round. He still had “On Guerrilla Warfare” in his mind, a tactic that was against the mainstream of this world, hance, he was afraid to say it for it might make the Count uncomfortable.

The fact was, the Count was already uncomfortable.

With the count's tactical arrangements, he lost strategic significance by sending Jonas Rubble to block  Viscount Valle in the castle.

The Count could have easily eaten away the power of Count Figo. He could eventually force Count Figo to fight him on the Red River, and he would defeat Count Figo there.

The battlefield advantage of the Red Plains was laid, and a large number of resources and mineral deposits were successfully plundered.

The Knights of Viscount Valle would beat the Viscount Jonas by a narrow margin. The Count's advantage could be quickly resolved, thereby cancelling the need to drag the Count into the Red River Plain until he falls.

At that time, the count had no choice but to withdraw

“Well.” He carefully considered Liszt's tactics, felt a bit whimsical, but did not know how to refute. The Count finally pushed away the bunch of carvings and bluntly changed the topic. "Let's defer the battle. Let me see Ella first. “

Liszt smiled. “Of course, as you wish.”

The servant walked in holding Ella's jade box. They opened the box and the previously sleeping Ella woke up yawning. As soon as it opened its eyes, it saw a human face that scared it. Its backhand threw a slap.

It missed the Count of course.

The reaction time of a sky knight is not comparable to that of a sprite.

The Count also reached out and poked Ella's belly. “Very healthy and lively little guy.  Congratulations, Liszt, you did better in Flower Town than I thought .”

“I just did a little work.”

“I heard that your dog has consumed blood and has evolved into a mid-level magical beast?”

“Yes, would you like to see it? It is just outside the castle under my servant's care.I don't really know much about the beast, but I don't really know what Tremblingwoods' level is at all.”

“Let's go downstairs.”

They came downstairs.

Tremblingwoods was basking in the sun. He was not afraid of people and did not attack anyone. Seeing Liszt appeared, he suddenly jumped up, wagging his tail back and forth.

Liszt grabbed the fur on his neck so it could calm down and the Count could check him.

The Count made two laps around Tremblingwoods  and felt the magical beast for a while before he said, “It is indeed a mid-level magical beast.There are some aspects to consider on its magical limitations … such as its speed of absorbing magic.. and the degree of blood boiling. “

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