The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 267: Stupidwoman Gives Birth

The sea.

Liszt rode on a dragon horse and walked along the sea from the dock named Flower Port to the southernmost beach without hearing any demon singing.

Obviously, he has already been awarded the singing demon, but he can’t find it, which worries him a little.

He was ready to wait for the Flowers to return from Black Horse Island, and then he would go tour around Black Horse Island  and try to find the singing demon there as soon as possible, so as not to let the reward run away.

But he didn’t wait until he saw the Flowers.

The good news worth celebrating has arrived ; Stupidowoman has started giving birth. He immediately patted the horse and rushed to the dog prison, of course, bringing Tremblingwoods with him. When they arrived at the dog prison, Stupidwoman had already produced a puppy and was lying on the soft quilt, all with black hair.

Stupidwoman with all the fierceness of a magical beast would grin at Liszt and the others.

Even Tremblingwoods  wanted to get close to it, but was frightened away by her roar and gnashing teeth.

“My Lord, cats and dogs are very fierce when giving birth to babies, so don’t let anyone near them. Be careful, they will bite.” Old Defoe explained.

Liszt understood this point. It is the instinct of a mother to protect her young.

Therefore, he just stood outside the scope of Stupidwoman’s reach and watched her give birth. These little black puppies with closed eyes would be his great treasures in the future. Without human intervention, Stupidwoman knew how to deal with giving birth. Every time she gives birth to a little puppy, she eats the placenta and licks the fur of the little pup.

Stupidwoman gave birth to eight small black puppies one at a time before she finished the birthing process.

Seeing that the eight little puppies began to compete for their mother’s milk, Liszt felt that he had to think of a way to take the eight little puppies away and feed them with the milk of the dragon cows. Obviously, Stupidwoman’s milk was not nutritious enough, and her kind of milk could not produce mid-level magical beasts.

“Tremblingwoods , stay outside.”

He stopped Tremblingwoods ‘s plan to rush in, and then took out the dried jerky and fresh milk. First, he approached the cage tentatively. But even after giving birth, Stupidwoman still had her good temper. When she saw Liszt near, she grinned and growled.

However, after Liszt carelessly threw a delicious piece of dried meat.

She immediately grabbed the jerky and devoured it.

Taking this opportunity, Liszt took a few steps.

When Stupidwoman grinned and growled again, he threw out the jerky again, repeated this process so many times, until he had successfully entered the iron cage and stood beside her.

Even if Liszt didn’t want to be nervous, he was obviously nervous.

Although Stupidwoman has forgotten the magic of Rock Thorns, it is still,  after all,  a magical beast. Liszt can’t say for sure when it will hurt and violently attack people. Liszt thinks he has the ability to protect himself, but in case he is bitten, this is no joke. He has never heard of rabies in this world, but he should act like there is, in this case.

Without rabies vaccines, he did not know whether qi alone could kill the rabies virus.

Therefore, caution is necessary.

Using meat jerky to smooth out Stupidwoman’s teeth and grin worked, so Liszt took out some milk again, put it in a jar, and handed it to her. She smelled the milk and was puzzled, but she still stuck out her tongue and tried the taste of milk. Immediately afterwards, she protruded her tongue and licked it.

Only then did Liszt reach out and touch the little puppies.

Liszt then put the squeaking little puppies next to another jug ​​of milk and pressed the pup’s little head to let it drink milk.

But little puppies don’t know how to lick.

Fortunately, Liszt had already anticipated this and had already used the leaves of the coconut tree and rolled  it into a straw.He put the straw gently on the little dog’s mouth and let it suck it.

Instinctively, the little dog took a sip, and then began to suck milk frantically.

“Yes, little one.” Liszt was feeling accomplished. He expects that if  the little puppy likes the milk of the dragon breed dairy cow, it will never try Stupidwoman’s milk again.

Stupidwoman’s milk output might increase soon, but for now, obviously her milk was not enough. As long as the puppies do not rely on her milk, there would be no stimulus for breast milk production, hence no milk from her.

That’s it.

Liszt soothed Stupidwoman ‘s mood with milk and jerky, while teaching the little puppies to suck milk through straws.

Stupidwoman might have been tamed for so long and indulged with food and drink that her mood was calm enough that it appeared like she didn’t care too much about her puppies.  Even when Liszt picked up a little puppy and threatened to take it out of its cage, she just looked up with no other response.

“My Lord … Stupidwoman  may not have learned how to be a mother dog. Her mother’s instincts do not seem to be sufficient.” Old Defoe has kept dogs for many years and has seen many dogs dismissing their young ones. Although Stupidwoman  did not dismiss them, she did not guard them so crazily either.

“Then we’ll take all the puppies right away.”

After that decision, Liszt carefully removed the little puppies one by one and handed them to the servant who put them carefully in the dog cradle wrapped in a quilt.

Stupidwoman watched them without any response.

Eight little puppies were taken away smoothly.

Liszt breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that he was too cruel to do so. He then asked the servant to bring in a new quilt and change the quilt that had been stained with blood. He left a lot of food for her to eat and drink, and even put Tremblingwoods inside.

However, Stupidwoman just gave birth , and therefore has no interest in Tremblingwoods .

So Liszt had to take Tremblingwoods  away. “OK, Tremblingwoods , don’t be mean any more. Stupidwoman  is not in the mood to mate with you now so we’ll have to bring you back another day.”


Eight little dogs were successfully moved into the second floor of the castle and Liszt took care of them himself.

From his experience of raising Tremblingwoods , it will take at least half a month before these puppies will open their eyes. The growth of magical beast pups is somewhat different from that of ordinary puppies.

“Wow, look at how cute they are, my Lord!  When they grow up, they will be as strong as Tremblingwoods the mid-level magical beast, guarding Flower Town and fighting for Sir Baron!”

Gort praised.

Stupidwoman’s smooth delivery  brought cheers and joy in the territory.  The outstanding performance of the dog army is just around the corner. There will be nine outstanding Tremblingwoods  in the future. Then the future of Flower Town will be beyond imagination.

“Knight’s glorious favor!”

“Sir baron is the real son of glory!”

“I can’t wait to see the day when the dogs grow up.”

“They will be trained  well, and they will become the best forces on the battlefield. Everyone will be afraid of the reputation of Sir Baron when they hear the name of the dogs.”

The last sentence was from Romm.

An attempt in flattery, of course.

However, it did successfully pull one of Liszt’s heartstrings. “Romm is right. If one day the dogs play on the battlefield, I would be famous for them … But, what will the others call me? Dog Blade Master? Or Scourge Lord? Or the Dog-Riding Man? “

The names were a terrible blow to his personality.

So he told his subordinates who were flattering him, “From the day that Tremblingwoods  became a mid-level magical beast, he was no longer an ordinary savage dog. Now he has offspring of his own. I believe they will become the same magical beast as Tremblingwoods , so it is time to give them a new name!”

The subordinates immediately cheered, “Please give them new names!”

Liszt glanced at the snowflakes flying outside the window and felt heroic. “On the day they arrived, there was heavy snow in the sky, so we will call them … blizzard dogs, no, blizzard beasts!”

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