The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 277: The Scientific Method of Taking Potions

That night.

Bathed in the warmth of the dragon air conditioner, Liszt took out a flame mushroom mushroom potion and a thorn potion from the gem space.

The flame mushroom potion is a magic potion made from the flame mushrooms, and the thorn potion is a magic potion made from the fast-growing magic thorns.

Liszt first took the thorn potion, waited a while, then took the flame mushroom potion next.

He then began to close his eyes and run the qi in his body, mobilizing the power of the body from the limbs to the whole in order to absorb the magic of the potions. At the same time, he was constantly realizing that the different methods of ingesting the two magic potions bring about different effects. The difference in physical constitution means that even if the same magic potion is taken, different knights will experience different effects in different ways.

Only by finding the most suitable ingestion method can one get twice the result with half the effort.

How can Liszt figure that out?

It takes time to keep trying.

At present, Liszt has taken three thorn magic potions and has a preliminary understanding of the effectiveness of the  thorn magic potions. He was constantly adjusting the dosage and time interval between ingesting the magic potions to complete the experiment.

About twenty minutes later.

Liszt slowly opened his eyes feeling the total amount of qi in his body, and knew he had quietly climbed a higher level, hence showing a smile of relief. Every day he can feel the progress of his own strength. This refreshing feeling is hard for ordinary people to experience.

“The elite earth knight practice is a ‘trial of potion’, constantly taking in the potions, making it easier for the body to absorb the magic of the potion and to slowly break through the total amount of the magic that each cell can accommodate.” Liszt took out a pen and paper and filled in a table.

This table records the different effects of taking the magic potions at different doses and time intervals.

As the number of ingestion intervals are increased, the data in the table can be drawn into a graph, which can easily determine the best way of taking the magic potions.

This is a scientific method.

Science, after all,  is a process of induction.

Compared with ordinary knights,Liszt was more free to explore the usage of potions. He can take in more today and maybe less tomorrow. Liszt ’s scientific method is simple, fast, efficient, and accurate. “Although I don’t know the basic principle of qi, as a traverser, my knowledge and grasp of qi practice is far beyond that of a native person.”

He believes that even the emperor’s son may not be able to find a suitable way to take potions faster than he can.

“I am confident enough that I can be promoted to the Sky Knight level before the age of 22.”

The quill pen has not stopped scribbling.

Liszt took out another piece of thick leather paper, on which there was also a table, which was a data comparison chart comparing the difference in potion use between air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms.

Because of the cold winter cold weather, Liszt chose to take potions in his study while enjoying the warmth of the dragon air conditioner.

However, on the first day, he found some problems, and the effect of the potions seemed to have improved. He didn’t care at first, after all, he had been taking potions in the study, and the results were very good. But when he went to Tulip Castle and then to Longtaro Castle, he clearly felt that taking potions outside was better than taking potions at home.

Such a comparison made him aware that it must be an environmental impact.

It was easy to think it was because of the magic of the dragons in his study.

So Liszt began to record the different effects of taking potions in the dragon magic environment and that of in an ordinary environment. In the past few days, he has already jotted down a lot of recorded data. There was indeed  a sharp difference between the body effects of taking potions in and outside the study.

“With the addition of fire dragon magic, the effect of taking the flame mushroom magic potion increased by about 6.5% to 9.2% … The thorns magic potion has only been taken three times, so it is impossible to judge the correlation yet, but there should be an effect … I guess the effect of fire dragon magic is to stimulate my fire-attributed qi.”

Liszt could feel that within the magic range of the magical little fire dragons, the qi in his body appeared more active.

At the same time.

The size of the magic fire dragon also determined the effect of the increased dose. Without burning people, Liszt has made a small, water-tank-sized magic dragon, give off  the magical capacity of a full sized fire dragon. When he took the potion in it, the effect increased to about 10.4%.

Compared with the palm-sized magic fire dragon, it can reach a 7% growth rate. The magic fire dragon in with the large water tank has a 20-fold increase in the magical capacity and a 1.48-fold increase in growth effect. The increase was not obvious.

Moreover, the small magic dragon with the big water tank can almost heat him to death, and therefore would hinder him from concentrating on taking potions.

Therefore, for comprehensive consideration, Liszt still chose to take the potions in his study. The temperature is just right, which will not cause him to be distracted when taking potions, and he can have a calm composure from beginning to end.


It has been two weeks since Liszt returned to Flower Town on January 9. It was already January 24. The eight blizzard beasts were hale and hearty, fighting while drinking milk, and their eyes often quivered. This was the signal that their eyes would be opening soon. Liszt began to feed them himself, forbidding others to enter the room.

The Siren, A Qi,  lived in the castle, eating fruits and playing with the thorn sprite, Ella. There was not much sullenness, but the seawater was added once it’s level reached the middle of the shell.

Liszt would just drag her to the beach and let her soak in the sea for two hours.

At that time, only Liszt was alone on the seashore, standing on the snow-covered rocks, looking at the sea creatures who were floating and playing in the sea. His  mood would then be as bright as the sun in the sky. After getting along for more than a week, he has asked for all the information he needed from A Qi.

The singing demons raised by the sea actually are worthy of being known as the sprites of the sea. Their birth process is similar to that of the sprites.

One is the essence of plants, the other is the essence of the sea.

One can control thorn plants and affect the plant growth; One can control its own shell and the seawater within the shell and control the surrounding seawater.

It’s just that the sprites needed to evolve from sprite worms, and it’s not until the sprites have evolved will its intelligence be close to that of an adult sprite; the singing demon has the intelligence that is close to an adult from the beginning of its life. Its full lifespan, however, was unclear.

A Qi is only a minor siren and grew up alone in the sea. The sea will “tell” her part of the information and the rest, she will have to learn by observing human ships.

Forty-one years, she had learned the Snake Language.

However, she still retained the innocence of a sprite.

“The sea area where A Qi lives may be between Golden Wheat Ears Island and New Land Island. She has seen many boats, and the flags they had on have wheat ears, that is the flag of the Golden Wheat Ears and the Golden Grains Family.”

The Golden Wheat Ears is a Marquis family, and their island is Golden Wheat Ears Island ; the  Golden Grains is a Count family, and their  island is the New Land island.

The two families were separated in their previous generations, and the banner was a curved ear of wheat, today’s banner was not much different. Liszt’s elder brother Levis, and the daughter of the Marquis Roderick, Loria Golden Wheat Ears seem to have started dating… Liszt did n’t specifically ask about it as he often only cared about himself.

The siren has been swimming in the sea for two hours.

A Qi then came ashore obediently. Although no sea monster Rymitta has been found recently, there is no guarantee that it has left the area.

“Liszt, I have replenished the sea water. Let’s go home quickly. Ella can’t wait.” At present, A Qi was speaking snake more and more fluently, and her character has become more and more lively. There was no longer any feeling of estrangement to Liszt.

She lazily stretched her waist which made Liszt’s eyes fluttered with her graceful curves and white complexion.

After a short pause, he said, “Let’s go home.”

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