The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 4: My New Sister

Chapter 4: My New Sister

xx : xx x/x/xxxx (present) : Home


Upon waking up I noticed I got a tad bigger, I was now moderately bigger than what could fit in the egg but that wasn't my concern.


-Are one of my siblings hatching?- Just before I noticed the other physical changes I looked up and saw an absolutely massive, but familiar white dragon coiled around the mound of gold my siblings and I were on.

As I looked over the huge dragon, a name appeared in my head. 'Zachari Ragnarok'. -My mother..-

I couldn't help but stare at her, I felt like I was in a trance. -How b.. beautiful..-

"Oh you're awake Vasilias." A soft smile appeared on her face as she looked at me

Her smile made my mind go blank and gave me an inexplicable joy that made me subconsciously smile.

After bathing in the childish joy for a bit, I finally took some time to look at myself with the first and most obvious thing being my change in color.

My scales were a void-like matte black with a blue and purple glow flowing between them. -I look.. F***ING AWESOME!-

From my human life, I always loved matte black, I thought it made things look majestic and powerful, so now that my scales had changed to that beautiful color, I was inexplicably happy.

That joy was cut short though. After thinking about it for a moment, I became worried that Mother would think of me as a freak.

Luckily though, those worries were washed away after looking up and seeing Mother's pure motherly smile again.

Finally calming down and going back to checking myself out, I noticed my wings had become a bit thicker and bigger. Now my wingspan was easily as long or longer than I was and I had grown some horn-like spikes towards the end of my tail.

I felt pure bliss seeing my changes. -Thank the heavens I'm a good looking dragon..- An imaginary tear of joy fell down my cheek.

After I finished checking myself out I sat up straight and held my head high with a childish smile on my face.

Mother looked at me with a look of curiosity. "Vasilias, y.."


She got interrupted by the sound of something cracking.

Looking towards the source of the noise, a snow white foot (paw maybe, I have no idea) came protruding out from the side of one of the eggs.

Upon breaking, the egg fell over and almost rolled down the pile of gold and treasure, luckily I quickly darted over and caught it before it started rolling. -Hey.. I'm pretty fast..-

I looked up and saw mother looking at me in complete wonder -Whoops.. was that too odd... Well whatever, I saved my sibling so..- I puffed up my chest a little and gave a proud look.

"Haha what an unusual child.." She continued to look at me in wonder, but her voice carried a soothing and gentle tone.


The shell continued to crack as my sibling somehow managed to look as inelegant as possible coming out of the egg.

Upon shoving her head out of the shell she looked right into my eyes.

It felt like her sky blue eyes were staring into my soul but it made me wonder. -I wonder what color my eyes are.. or even what my face looks like... By the looks of my body, I shouldn't be too ugly..-

After staring for just a short moment my sister finally crawled out of her shell and turned around to eat it.

-She looks exactly like Mother, except far less mature and 20 times less majestic..-

Once she finished eating, she turned to look Mother in the eye and just plopped down into a star shape and fell asleep.

"Hehe.." Mother let out a giggle seeing her cute newborn just plop down.

Unconsciously smiling again at the sight, I started thinking to myself. -Was I that inelegant as well?-

It wasnt until I smelled something delicious that I snapped out of my thoughts.

*Sniff* *Sniff* -What is that glorious smell..- It smelled so good it made my stomach growl.

I froze hearing it growl but it made Mother let out a chuckle. "Haha, oh right.. Vasilias, would you like to eat while Krystallo is sleeping?"

-So my sister's name is Krystallo..- Her name was important but I quickly put that thought aside and vigorously nodded my head -Yes please mother, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.-

Mother stood up and walked into the hallway, dragging back a massive Bison-looking creature into the main room.

My mouth started watering as the massive creature was dragged to me.

I slid my way down the mound of gold coins and treasure just to be unprepared when I hit the bottom.

Steadily speeding up while sliding down the mound, I completely neglected to put more strength in my front legs for when I hit the bottom.

My legs folded under me, causing me to slam face first into the ground.


Mother stopped and set down the bison just to see me face down tail up at the bottom of the treasure.

"Pfft" She quickly put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

I quickly straightened myself up and stuck my head up with confidence, letting out a, "Hmph.." -You saw nothing!-

As I sat there, my confident look slowly turned into a warm smile. -I'm just glad Mother seems to be really caring and loving..-

I tried to think back to my past life on earth to reminisce but struggled to remember anything about my family.

A sudden wave of sadness took over making me instinctively look back up at Mother.

The sadness that felt like a dark and heavy blanket wrapping around me disappeared upon seeing her pure smile.

A deep sense of gratitude surfaced from deep within me and a smile crept onto my face without me realizing it.

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