The Dread of Damned


The room was filled with the heavy silence of anticipation, punctuated only by the ragged breaths of the woman trembling on the bed. Her fleshy body quivered violently, her head pressed into the mattress while her hips were raised high. Dangling on her swollen breasts and big stretched dark nipples, the thick silver earrings clinked softly as she shifted. From between her parted cheeks, the black stump of a spiked object was partially visible, embedded deep within her, the sharp points long fused into her flesh like they had always been a part of her.

She clenched her muscles involuntarily, and the spikes drove deeper, a searing pain coursing through her.

"AHH! Ahh... mhnnn," she moaned, her voice cracking, slick fluid dripping down her quivering thighs. Every jolt of agony sent a shiver of pleasure so intense she thought she might lose herself completely. She hated it, hated the feeling that now consumed her. Once, even the slightest movement caused waves of pain that made her scream, but the healing had changed everything. Her body had adapted, though she didn't know how long it had been—days? Weeks? There was no light here, only the suffocating darkness of the sealed room. The white slabs over the windows kept out every shred of natural light, plunging her into a timeless abyss.

The only connection to reality was the woman who brought her food. She knew who she was, or at least had known once. Now, that identity seemed as distant as her own name. She couldn't even remember who she was anymore. All that mattered was the unrelenting cycle of pain and the maddening pleasure that followed. It was beyond control, beyond thought. Her body trembled violently at every moment, the spikes in her most intimate places tearing at her flesh with every twitch. The weight of the earrings tugging at her oversized breasts, the sensation unbearable, yet irresistibly consuming. It was all automatic now.

There was no peace. There hadn't been for what felt like an eternity. The searing agony never left her, but worse still was the overwhelming pleasure that chased it, suffusing her mind with a drug-like haze. She wasn't sure which was worse—the burning pain that wracked her body or the sick pleasure that now followed so closely behind it. Both brought her closer to the brink of madness. She was teetering there now, suspended on the edge, feeling her sanity erode with each passing second.

She could not wait for that man to come back so that he could free her. Or maybe she was hoping for something even more. She could not think straight right now.

"I... was here for my daughter," she whispered, her voice raw. "That's my only crime... my daughter."

The words were barely coherent, spilling out like the remnants of a fractured mind. A flicker of clarity sparked in her eyes, but it was soon swallowed by the madness that burned behind them. She couldn't remember anything beyond her descent into this state of constant, agonizing pleasure and pain. The only thought that remained was her daughter, a memory like a splinter in her psyche, the only tether to her old life.

She looked up and saw the bowl of soup placed beside her along with a glass of blood. The thick, bubbling liquid was still steaming, as though it had just been removed from the stove.

Crawling toward it, each motion sent waves of pain and pleasure shooting through her body, the slick pooling beneath her only increasing. She reached out for the bowl, her hand trembling, and touched it. The heat scalded her fingers, causing her to jerk them back instinctively, but then she reached for it again, grasping the bowl despite the burning pain.

She lifted it to her lips, tipping the bowl, and allowed the searing liquid to pour into her mouth. The heat was unbearable, scalding her tongue, throat, and everything it touched as it traveled down her body. Some of the soup spilled from her lips, trickling down her neck and between her breasts. The liquid clung to her tender skin, the intense heat contrasting with the cold sweat that slicked her flesh. Her nipples, swollen and raw from constant abuse, stung as the soup dripped onto them, tracing a burning path along her body.

Tears filled her eyes—red and wild with the madness that had consumed her—but she didn't stop. She kept drinking, kept forcing the scorching liquid down her throat, feeling the blistering heat burn away any semblance of rational thought. Her flesh jiggled uncontrollably as her body shook, her mind consumed by the overlapping sensations of pain and pleasure. The lines between the two had long since blurred, and now, even she couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.

Her moans echoed in the darkness, a twisted symphony of agony and ecstasy. The pleasure was as sharp as the spikes inside her, the pain as sweet as the burn in her throat. She was lost in it, unable to tell if the tears streaming down her face were from the pain or the pleasure—or if, in her madness, they had become one and the same.

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