The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 80: The Three-Years Deal

Wang Xuan couldn't resist the overpowering weight of drowsiness any longer. He yawned, burdened by his worries, and gradually drifted into a dream. Deep down, he feared the world might truly undergo dramatic changes in the next three years. He dreaded the possibility that his worst speculations might turn into reality.

Outside the window, stars began to twinkle as a silver crescent moon hung at the horizon. Occasionally, a few yellow leaves, carried by the evening breeze, would land on the window, producing faint tapping sounds. Inside the room, the bone quivered ever so slightly, returning to stillness so quickly it would be almost impossible for an average person to notice.

In his dream, Wang Xuan wielded an ethereal sword and lay intoxicated amidst clouds. Surrounding him were magnificent pavilions with interweaving celestial rivers, falling petals, and wafts of fragrances. Before him stood a jade table adorned with ripe peaches and fragrant mushrooms, and a jade pot filled with ambrosial nectar, its aroma lingering in the air.

Mist and clouds swirled, transforming the landscape into a paradise reminiscent of the mythical Jade Pool. At a distance, celestial maidens danced gracefully to the enchanting tunes of flutes and zithers.

In this realm, Wang Xuan was the unparalleled swordmaster. By day, he roamed the Northern seas; by dusk, the green forests. He consumed the essence of the sun and moon, savored the fruits of the Jade Pool, and lived freely, intoxicated amidst the magnificent palaces. Suddenly, a blinding sword energy sliced through the air, connecting the heavens and earth. It invoked fierce storms and shattered the palaces of the Jade Pool, reducing the magnificent pavilions and peach orchards to rubble. Wang Xuan was knocked from his lofty heights, plummeting towards the mortal realm. He cried out, almost waking from the shock, only to find himself crash-landing amidst a rugged wilderness. The ethereal sword he bore was now broken, leaving just the hilt behind.

Bathed in the chilly moonlight, atop a barren, low-lying hill, the Sword Immortal stood, gazing at the moon. Her white robes danced in the wind, giving her an ethereal, otherworldly appearance, as if she were about to ride the winds away. She possessed an icy demeanor, untouched by worldly desires. She glanced at Wang Xuan, her expression showing clear disdain. Does he really believe that upon achieving immortality, he'd enter the fabled paradise atop clouds, amidst magnificent palaces? How naive!

Wang Xuan was at a loss for words. He often labeled the Sword Immortal as someone who is arrogant, smug, and loved to be praised behind her back. It now seemed that she too had her set of labels for him, as she often looked down on him. He felt less guilty now. After all, both of them, mortal and celestial, occasionally talked behind each other's backs. It was normal.

"I'm not yet immortal. I don't understand the ways of the immortals, so I simply crafted this scene based on legends, and waited for your arrival," he explained.

Upon hearing his justification, the Sword Immortal seemed somewhat appeased. At least he had put in effort, even if his understanding of the celestial realm was flawed. She tilted her chin upwards, a hint of her arrogant nature showing through. But Wang Xuan thought this was still better than being sliced by her sword. He surmised that when she ascended, she must've been quite young, hence maintaining her candid nature, unlike the deceptive old monk.

Using her pristine white sword, the Sword Immortal pointed at a mountain, then at herself, and finally at Wang Xuan, nodding her head.

"A mountain, you, and me... What are we supposed to do on that mountain?" Wang Xuan blurted out.

In an instant, a gleaming sword light slashed at him, sending him flying from one mountain peak to another. With her face expressionless, the Sword Immortal gracefully followed, her alabaster legs gliding in mid-air. She gave him a sidelong glance, seemingly very put off by his presence.

"Didn't you mean us, on the mountain together?" Wang Xuan quickly clarified, noticing the intensifying gleam of her sword. "Or did you imply that when a person becomes one with the mountain, they achieve immortality?"

Without hesitation, he continued, "True immortals aren't always found in the highest heavens. Sometimes they're simply atop a secluded, forgotten peak."

The Sword Immortal looked at him, slightly surprised. For a moment, her icy demeanor seemed to thaw. She seemed to regard him with a newfound respect, but then quickly returned to her aloof stance.

Wang Xuan felt he had touched on something, and quickly reflected, "Genuine immortals possess an inherent nobility. Why yearn for superficial allure? Residing in the Moon Palace or the Heavenly Pond only brings more worldly chaos."

She gave him a thoughtful look, visibly intrigued. But she quickly refocused, looking up to the starry expanse.

However, she soon caught a hint of mischief in Wang Xuan's eyes. In an instant, she swung her sword, sending him tumbling down the hillside.

Wincing in pain, Wang Xuan chided himself for his recklessness. Her insights were piercingly sharp, and just when he thought he had an upper hand, she swiftly reminded him of their difference in prowess.

Gracefully descending from her perch, she held up three elegant fingers, her face a mask of solemnity.

A heavy realization dawned on Wang Xuan. The significance of the three-year period was haunting him again. What did she want from him? What were these beings truly after?

"Immortal maiden," he entreated, "please share your thoughts. I need to understand the ancient ones' intentions."

Raising her pristine hand, she sketched an image in the night sky, revealing a vision of undulating hills. Among them, a dilapidated Taoist temple stood, its remnants scattered and roof tiles in disarray.

Wang Xuan had a sudden realization. According to the records attached to the bone fragment sent by the relevant department, the Sword Immortal's hand bone seemed to have been discovered right at this depicted location.

The scene shifted, showing Wang Xuan's figure carrying the bone fragment, making his way to the desolate hill and burying it deep beneath the remains of the Taoist temple.

"Are you asking me to escort the true bone fragment, left behind after your transformation, back to its original resting place?" Wang Xuan was astonished. He hadn't expected the Sword Immortal's dream message to be about such a simple request.

Was this about laying her to rest once more? He let his imagination wander, but his mood notably lightened.

The Sword Immortal held up three fingers again. Was she referring to the three-year period again? Was she implying he should stay in the old world for three more years, or that she would need him when the time came?

Wang Xuan offered, "Immortal maiden, can't you speak? Let me teach you how to write. The modern script has been simplified and is easier than in the past."

Using a mysterious technique, the Sword Immortal delved directly into Wang Xuan's thoughts. Instantly, she visualized a whimsical scene in his mind where she was grinding ink for him in a charming manner. Indignant, Wang Xuan found himself struck multiple times! The Sword Immortal had delivered numerous slashes.


After enduring that episode, Wang Xuan felt deeply aggrieved. Couldn't he even have private thoughts? Resignedly, he decided to observe in silence, aiming to be the embodiment of a calm young man.

The Sword Immortal, unable to speak, conveyed several scenes. With Wang Xuan's astute comprehension, he finally grasped her intentions. She was solemn. Her dream communication, it seemed, was to request Wang Xuan to return to that desolate burial ground three years later, where she wished to meet him. This was certainly no simple matter, and Wang Xuan's thoughts churned wildly. If the female sage wanted to keep him in the Old Star, was it to lead him underground in the Great Xing'an Range three years later? It seemed she was beginning to intervene in the present world in anticipation of that.

The Sword Immortal appeared exceedingly grave, even anxious. This demeanor was uncharacteristic, deviating from her usual prideful and aloof nature. It was evident how critical and significant this matter was to her.


Meanwhile, in the real world under the moonlit night, Old Chen's heart bled figuratively. In the reed pond behind his manor, he retrieved the fishing rod gifted by his close friend. The rod was entangled with aquatic plants, and, surprisingly, a large black fish was snagged at the end of the line.

The casual disregard made Old Chen fume with anger. Wang Xuan had thrown the fresh fish into the pond as if it were a discarded shoe, causing Chen's resentment to skyrocket. Old Chen resolved that upon his return, he would give Wang Xuan a good thrashing. He believed in acting fast; if he delayed, opportunities to do so might diminish in the future. Sitting by the reed pond, Old Chen expertly cast his line, his face reflecting deep enjoyment. He hadn't gone fishing in days, and the long-lost pleasant feeling was now revived.

However, his brow soon furrowed. "Qing Mu," he ordered, "instruct the staff not to approach the sickroom, so as not to disturb the dream meeting of the two. Also, bring over the energy cannon. We'll need it to swat some mosquitoes!"

Understanding the situation, Qing Mu swiftly disappeared.

Now transcending the realm of the Grandmaster, Chen had heightened senses that detected even the faintest of disturbances within the manor. He noticed an intruder, and that immediately soured his fishing mood.

Soon after, Qing Mu returned, carrying an impressively powerful energy cannon. He quickly set it up.

"Aim at the northwest corner," Old Chen directed. "Yes, now adjust slightly more to the west. Perfect. Fire at him!" As someone who had surpassed the Grandmaster level, Chen's psychic domain was extremely formidable. He could accurately trace the intruder's trajectory.



In the distance, a figure was blown to bits.

"Aim towards the north now. Lower the angle a bit... there! Fire!" Old Chen instructed, not even allowing Qing Mu to utilize any technological means of positioning. The only task for Qing Mu was straightforward: shoot.

Amid the blinding flash, another intruder was obliterated. The sudden uproar alerted many within the manor, leaving them in utter shock.

"At what level was this person?" Qing Mu inquired.

Old Chen replied with disdain, "Mere cannon fodder. Probably just a quasi-Grandmaster. Too weak. Not worth the risk of me personally intervening."

Qing Mu was left speechless, thinking that perhaps Old Chen was becoming a bit arrogant. Maybe it was time for him to endure another night of thrashing within the psychic domain of the ghost monk or suffer another round of beatings from the swordswoman.

With his fishing rod in hand, Old Chen left the reed pond. It seemed that fishing was off the table for the night. He decided to head back to the sickroom, anticipating that the dream meeting between the two would soon conclude.

Wang Xuan was deeply troubled. What did these transcendent beings truly desire? Could the ancient ones' traps or machinations soon unleash catastrophic events?

"Can you tell me if all the immortals are gone? And what are you really after?" Wang Xuan asked cautiously.

Instead of answering, the Sword Immortal displayed a remarkable ability, transporting Wang Xuan from the dream realm into a mystical inner sanctuary. Such a display of power, seemingly interfering with the real world, set Wang Xuan's heart racing. Within this serene and barren realm, there was utter silence, save for enigmatic particles that descended from an unknown origin. The Sword Immortal moved forward, heading into the heart of this space. Reaching a luminous veil, she pushed against it with great force, causing the entire domain to quiver.

Wang Xuan's astonishment was evident, his eyes wide with amazement. Beyond that shimmering veil, in a far-off distance, a graceful figure began to emerge. She walked across an expansive land, navigating through a dilapidated temple, her footsteps soft against the scattered debris. Though her image was faint, Wang Xuan could see familiar features. She looked strikingly similar to the Sword Immortal beside him. It was as though he was gazing upon another version of her!

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