The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 Difficulties faced

After spending the first few days of uneasiness, Ada quickly adjusted her mentality.During this period of time, she did not find any abnormality around her, so Ada decided to put it aside in advance and just regard it as a sharp sword hanging over her head, always alerting herself and urging her. Move forward on your own.

Since the beginning of school, Ada has been learning more about various magic theories. This is a process of laying a foundation. She hopes to solidify her theoretical foundation in the past two years.Only when the foundation is firm can tall buildings rise. The same is true for magic.

When she was in the orphanage, Ada still had her own separate cabin, which was considered a private space, and she could do whatever she wanted.

In Hogwarts, Ada lives in a shared dormitory, so naturally she cannot do things as she pleases, and it is not easy for her to expose some of her affairs to her roommates.

Ada now needs a private space to deal with her own affairs without being disturbed or worrying about others discovering her secrets.

A girls' bathroom on the second floor was originally Ada's first target. It was occupied by ghost myrtle all year round and no one would go there.

This bathroom "belongs" to Myrtle. This ghost often stays in the toilet in the cubicle. No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, she always loses her temper, splashes water everywhere, and rushes to the toilet. The girl screamed in shock.

It is precisely because of Myrtle that this bathroom has become a campus legend. Girls can't hide in time, so how can they go there.

This "no one cared about" the bathroom was forcibly assigned to her name by Ada. The water and dirt everywhere could not stop Ada's enthusiasm at all.

Myrtle, whose "private territory" was invaded, naturally fought back hard. She would always appear suddenly when Ada was practicing, trying to scare Ada away by screaming or making noises, and she would try to scare Ada away again. Taking back her own bathroom.

How could Ada, who had experienced many strong winds and waves, be frightened by the little Myrtle?The only shadows of her childhood were Teacher Gaoyue and Teacher Chu Renmei. Compared with these two, Myrtle was simply adorable.

After one failed plan and another, it can only be said that Myrtle is worthy of being "Crying Myrtle".After crying and making trouble, she didn't choose to hang herself. She was already dead, not to mention she was not Teacher Youya.Myrtle begins to entangle Ada.

No matter in the corridor or in the bathroom, as long as Ada appears alone, Myrtle will immediately come to Ada and cry to her non-stop.Like Sister Xianglin, Myrtle told Ada her miserable life over and over again.

The previous noise was bearable for Ada, but Myrtle's crying was really upsetting.It's not that Ada sympathized with her, because Ada was really not afraid of anyone, but Myrtle's crying look was really annoying.

Ada was helpless and had to retreat and return the sovereignty of the bathroom to Myrtle.At this stage, Ada, who had nothing to do about the ghost, could only suffer the loss. The cautious Ada also recorded the matter in her little notebook.

Really unable to think of a way, Ada finally had to go to Professor McGonagall. She applied to her dean for the right to use an empty classroom, but she was ruthlessly rejected by Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall's idea is simple. The casting of magic requires not only the support of magic, but also the guidance of wands and gestures. It is very dangerous for Ada to practice magic without guidance.

Professor McGonagall admitted that Ada was indeed very talented, and it was precisely because of this that Professor McGonagall felt that Ada needed someone to guide her, rather than practicing randomly on her own, which was both dangerous and easy to go astray.It's not surprising that Professor McGonagall, who doesn't know the specific situation of Ada, has such an idea. She is also doing it for Ada's good.

But Ada, who left Professor McGonagall's office with her head hanging down, did not give up this idea. She secretly found an empty classroom alone and started practicing on her own.

With the help of the system, Ada can practice magic spells to her heart's content without worrying about making mistakes when casting. However, she still has a difficulty to face - Ada is only one person.

The tables and chairs placed in the empty classroom are enough for Ada to practice transfiguration. Some spells can also be used directly on these tables and chairs, such as "Tarantella Dance", which can be used on these dead objects. Ada was able to perform a complete tap dance while maneuvering the tables and chairs.

But this is not enough. What Ada needs most now is to improve her actual combat capabilities.Her original plan was not so urgent. She planned to wait until she reached the third grade.It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and Ada now has to advance the promotion plan.

But Ada is alone, and she cannot cast offensive spells on herself, such as the [Stun Curse] rewarded to her by the system.She can now cast this spell skillfully, but whether it can knock people unconscious, how effective it can be, and how she can ensure the hit rate, even if you ask Ada, you have no way of knowing.

The same is true for defensive spells. You can use them, but you don't know what the defensive effect will be when the opponent's spells come.

Ada also thought about getting Fred and George together, but finally gave up the idea.Now that the twins are only in first grade, they can't help Ada for the time being.And Ada herself was dissatisfied with only half a bottle, so naturally she couldn't teach the two brothers how to use magic.

It is not advisable to work behind closed doors, but Ada really has no other better way now, so Ada can only continue her "paper talks".

After a busy day of study, Ada returned to the common room exhausted.Since the eavesdropping incident, she would come back earlier and try not to leave herself alone.

Ada walked into the lounge. The Weasley brothers were sitting in the armchairs by the fireplace. The two of them were talking excitedly. Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that someone was going to suffer again.

Fred and George, the Weasley twins, hold a special place in Gryffindor.When many seniors learned that the Weasley twins were enrolling, they naively thought that the college would get two more outstanding students.

Starting with Bill Weasley, the student body president, to Quidditch captain Charlie Weasley, and then to top student Percy Weasley, all three children in the Weasley family are top students!They all played their part in Gryffindor's run for the House Cup.

The three elder brothers Zhuyu are in front, so these seniors also have high hopes for Fred and George. They feel that they have collected five Weasleys, can we attack the College Cup again?

And everyone also heard that the Weasley family has a younger son and a younger daughter who are not enrolled in school. When the seven Weasley Gryffindors are gathered together, summoning the House Cup will not be an easy task!

Unfortunately, things went counterproductive. The twins were indeed excellent, but they were not the kind of excellence the seniors wanted.The twins poured a bucket of cold water on the seniors' heads, the kind with ice cubes!

Since entering school on September [-]st, Fred and George have been acting coquettishly. They have made all kinds of pranks, deducted points and been detained. 's enemy.

Relying on the two brothers to get extra points is just a fool's errand among the seniors. Let alone extra points, now they just want the twins to deduct less points!Although the Weasley Twins are either deducting points or on the way to deducting points, everyone still loves them.

"Ada, come here! Hurry up!" Fred waved to Ada and told her to hurry over, while George cleared the place next to him.

Putting down her schoolbag, Ada sat down on the armchair she had just arranged, and asked with a smile: "Are you two holding back something bad?"

"How could you say that?" George waved his hand quickly, "How could you frame someone out of thin air like this!"

"You are smearing our brother's innocent reputation!" Fred said even more righteously.

"Is there any innocence left for you two?" Ada asked, "Rather than believe in your innocence, I would rather go and talk to Filch about the role of the cleansing spell."

"Ada, is this okay?" Fred said, "This is not good."

"Don't disturb old Filch and Mrs. Norris' private time." George pressed Ada firmly on the armchair and prevented Ada from standing up.

Damn strength suppression again, you two brothers will use brute force. After I have been pounding the iron for a while, I will make you two look good after I gain muscle!Being controlled again, Ada could only feel helpless and furious in her heart.

"Really, there should be trust between people, isn't it Ada?" The two brothers, one civil and one military, said to Ada.

But Ada still had an expression of "Really? I don't believe it."

Is your expression serious?A small look can hurt so much!The Weasley brothers finally dropped their hands and sat slumped in their seats.

Trust between people is gone...

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