The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Why is Snape like that?

In the Great Hall, the Gryffindor table was already full.Ada first filled a bowl of steaming vegetable soup at her place.After a mouthful of vegetable soup, Ada's body, which was a little stiff due to the cold wind, finally recovered.

"How was today's training?" Angelina asked.The weather was very cold today, so she and Aaliyah did not go to watch the training.

"It's such a pity that you two didn't go today." Fred said before Ada could speak.What he said would be more convincing if he could put down the sausage.

"We played a friendly match with the regular players, half-time offense and defense." George said as he put food on his plate.

Angelina and Aaliya looked a little regretful. They turned to look at Ada and asked, "What they said is not true, is it?"

"Unfortunately, what they said is true. The two of them lost the friendly match. If you had gone, you might have won." Ada couldn't bear to add insult to injury, so she put down the food in her hand to comfort the two of them, " But don’t be too sorry, Charlie said there will be another friendly match like this in the future.”

After hearing Ada's words, the two little girls' expressions improved a little.But the ferocity with which the two men cut the beef exuded great resentment.

Charlie did say this. The current Gryffindor players are not very good, and Charlie has no hope of competing for the Quidditch Cup.

He pinned his hopes on the next generation. The twins, Angelina and Aaliyah are all good seeds and worth cultivating.

After the sumptuous dinner, the group returned to the noisy common room. Ada did not perform any additional exercises at the request of the twins.

Fred and George were struggling with their homework, as if the homework book had some grudge against them.And Ada's homework has been finished long ago. This homework is simply a piece of cake for Ada whose study life is even more miserable.

She took out a copy of "Cooking Your Glory" from her schoolbag and read it. There was going to be a Potions class again, and Ada had to prepare in advance.

"Why have you offended Snape recently?" George said, looking up from his homework.He saw the potion book in Ada's hand, so he asked this question.

"I don't know. I really haven't contradicted him recently. I do whatever he says. I'm very honest." Ada didn't look up. She was reading about the effects of a potion material.

"Why do you think you are so miserable? We have so many students this year, but you are the only one chosen by Snape." Fred also said, "You are so lucky, why not go to the Daily Prophet and participate in the lottery!"

Ada was a little excited when she said this. Maybe she would be lucky enough to win a wave of big prizes from the Daily Prophet, and her dream of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich would come true.

"It would be great if Professor McGonagall could be like Snape!" George sighed.

In fact, Professor McGonagall is quite protective of others, but she is not as obvious as Snape. Her love for her students is always hidden.

"In that case, Professor McGonagall would no longer be her. This is the consciousness of the school's vice-principal." Ada said, "She is not comparable to Snape as a dean."

"It would be great if we could knock Slytherin off the throne of the Academy Cup this year. Snape's face will definitely be wonderful!" The twins thought about it, with a look of fascination on their faces, as if they had already seen that day. advent.

"Go and sleep, there is everything in your dreams." Ada yawned, waved goodbye to the twins, and returned to the dormitory without looking back.

Friday afternoon was torture for the first-year Gryffindors. It was obvious that the weekend was coming soon, and the weekends were just around the corner, but they were not happy at all. It was all caused by Snape and potions. The shadow that class brings to them.

But fortunately, Gryffindor has such an "outstanding" T as Ada. She has stabilized Snape's hatred, and Snape's output targets are mainly focused on her.

Basically, it can be said that in Potions class, Ada shared most of Snape's firepower and enjoyed Snape's "favor" exclusively. The venom sprayed by other Gryffindors was not even a drizzle.

Since November, for some reason, Snape's troubles with Ada have become even more serious.The questions he asked Ada were no longer limited to the textbooks, and he would often ask some out-of-class questions for Ada to answer.

If Ada couldn't answer these questions, she would definitely be greeted with cynicism from Snape.If Ada dared to contradict Snape verbally, or even show the slightest hint of dissatisfaction, the only result waiting for her would be a deduction of points.

In the dim potion classroom, the little lions came over early, and Ada and the twins sat in their seats honestly.

Ada shrunk and tried to make herself look less conspicuous. She didn't want to be deducted by Snape anymore, so she chose to follow her heart.She couldn't twist her thigh with her arms now. It was not a shame to coward Snape.

As soon as the class time arrived, the classroom door was opened.Snape "floated" all the way from the last row of the classroom to the podium table.His face was sallow and his black hair was still greasy. His eyes looked at all the students in the classroom.

I don’t know how much shampoo he uses to wash his hair?How long does it take to wash your hair once?Ada cursed in her heart, she was like a quail, hiding behind the twins.

I have to say that Snape's eyes were really good. Even though the classroom was a little dark and Ada was hiding behind the twins, Snape still found her immediately.

His eyes stayed on Fred and George, and he seemed to have seen through their bodies and saw the "little quail" behind them.

There is no need for Ada to continue to be a cat. Now that she has been discovered, let's let the storm come more violently...

"Miss Drizzt!" the superior Snape began his routine question, "If I need to make a shrinking potion, what materials do I need?"

This question was asked in the last Potions class, but Ada was not able to give an answer at that time.After class, Ada went to the library and figured out the formula for this potion.

"Chopped daisy roots, peeled shriveled figs, thinly sliced ​​caterpillars, a drop of mouse bile and a little leech juice, professor." Ada told the recipe she knew.

Snape was still very satisfied with Ada's behavior of finding the answer after class, but he would not show it, and he never gave Ada any good looks.

The reason for asking Ada at the beginning of each class was because Ada's night outings increased his workload, so Snape decided to find something for her to do, so that she would not have to go out for night outings with too much energy at night and he had to follow her. Cleaning up the mess behind her.

Snape was deliberately making things difficult, so naturally he would not ask just one question. He continued to ask: "If I still want to make a beauty potion, what do I need?"

It’s here, what’s supposed to come is here, it’s still the familiar recipe, it’s still the familiar taste. Sure enough, after the forced “review” of the questions in the previous class, the super-outline questions will come on time.

"I don't know, Professor." Ada replied, her tone as calm as possible and without any emotion.

"It seems that our Miss Know-It-All is nothing more than that." Snape's sarcasm was late but arrived, "Maybe one day when you lose your pretty face, you can remember this potion with your heart."

Ada's hands were clenched under the desk, trying hard to distract herself and try not to let Snape's "trick" succeed.

"For your brain, which is not much better than a troll, I can only ask some simple questions." Snape decided to ask the last question. After all, there were still many students waiting for class, "The feathers of the Silent Bird can What potion is it used for?”

"Recollection Potion and Veritaserum, Professor." Ada answered the question mechanically.She had just read The Silent Bird's Feather yesterday, and this question hit her right in the face.

"Miss Drizzt, you have finally learned how to mobilize your brain. You are already smarter than the troll. It is really gratifying." After Snape gave a bad comment, he officially started today's class.

"Turn the book to page 87, this is your content today."

There was a "squeaking" sound of turning books in the classroom, and Ada, who was wearing a mask of pain, also let out a sigh of relief. There were no points deducted today, and she was worthy of Professor McGonagall's love and care.

While the twins were flipping through the books, they gave Ada a thumbs up to signal her that she had done a good job today.

Although these questions are a bit unreasonable, thanks to Tosnape, Ada has mastered many additional potion formulas, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Ada is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to cherish blessings, but she really doesn't have the blessings to enjoy them. Whoever loves them will take them away quickly.

Snape's act of cutting flesh with a soft knife really hit Ada's seven inches, which made her very helpless. Ada didn't know when such days would end.

Ada, who couldn't bear it anymore, just hoped that Snape would be merciful and give her a happy ending.

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