The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 638, belated reinforcements

All this happened so fast that before either Snape or Lupine had time to react, George had already fallen from the sky.

Lupine's eyes were red, and after using a spell to repel another Death Eater, he immediately controlled the broom and swooped down, trying to catch the unconscious George.

The remaining two Death Eaters also swooped down, preventing Lupine from rescuing Harry Potter (George).

In the eyes of these two people, although Potter belongs to the Dark Lord, if Potter falls to death, the Dark Lord will only be happy and reward them.

Snape was obviously stunned for a moment (luckily no one saw it). He didn't expect that he would accidentally injure a friendly force, and he also felt that he was in trouble.

After two long seconds, Snape also controlled his broomstick and dived downwards.Of course he went to save people, even though he knew that the falling Potter in front of him was not the real Harry.

Lupine pointed his wand at George and used the slowing spell to buy himself time, but when he grabbed George who was falling, the Death Eaters and Snape also approached him.

Lupine's eyes were split open and he wished he could kill Snape on the spot, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!But now not only was he unable to harm Snape, he might not even be able to protect himself.

The unconscious George had no fighting ability and could not even stay safely on the broomstick. Instead, he became a burden and dragged down Lupin.

At this critical moment, several figures from the horizon flew over quickly. They bombarded the Death Eaters and Snape indiscriminately, forcing the three of them away from Lupin.

It was an Auror from the Ministry of Magic, an Auror who arrived belatedly.

After all the drama, except for Mr. Weasley and Ada, the rest of the Ministry of Magic really had no idea that Harry would be transferred today.They had received the same information as Albert Runcorn, and they all thought Harry would be transferred on the evening of July 7, the day before his birthday.

Firstly, this will allow Snape to further win Voldemort's trust, and it can also confirm the lie that Ada and the Order of the Phoenix are inseparable; secondly, since the death of Dumbledore, the number of leaks in the Ministry has increased, and this time it can be found Identify hidden dangers in the department and prepare for the next action.

It's just that this approach is very dangerous. The Order of the Phoenix participating in the operation tonight, plus Harry being transferred, these 14 people will be in danger of death, or they will be caught or killed.

Although it is said that Ci does not control troops, and there is no way to fight without death, no one wants to lose too much manpower.So after discussing with Ada, Mr. Weasley secretly dispatched additional trusted Aurors to station around Surrey County, ready for reinforcements at any time.

The Ministry of Magic has always had Aurors stationed in Little Whinging, and their mission is to protect Harry.It can also be said to be surveillance. After all, the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix are not on good terms!

The Order of the Phoenix quietly moved Harry Potter away, and the stationed Aurors might not be able to notice it for a while, but the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters both staged ace aerial battles, so why can't they still notice it?

What's more, Harry is not yet an adult, and the traces on him have not been removed. As long as he uses magic, the ministry will immediately know his whereabouts.The spell information transmitted back through trace silk can also tell that he is in danger.

Therefore, it was reasonable for the Aurors to provide reinforcements, and there would be no risk of exposing Snape.Moreover, the Ministry of Magic has not collapsed, but is still resisting Voldemort. It would be the strangest thing if it ignored Harry who was in deep crisis.

With the reinforcements of Aurors, Snape and Lupine were relieved that "Harry" (George) was now safe.

Lupine pulled the unconscious George onto the broomstick, and ignored the fight between the Aurors and Death Eaters, helping George fly away.

Snape took a deep look at the two people walking away, and his heart hanging in his throat finally fell back into his chest.He then looked at the Auror who was attacking him. After casting a few spells at random, Snape escaped.

Not only Lupine and George, but several other groups of the Order of the Phoenix also received support.Although it was a little difficult to find people in the sky and reinforcements came a little late, it was better than never.

Tonks and Ron, Bill and Fleur, Kingsley and Hermione, these six people all arrived at the predetermined transfer point safely, leaving the Aurors and Death Eaters to continue the fierce battle.

At the same time, Ada was flying over Surrey, like a white light across the night sky, chasing Voldemort.

Just now, Voldemort killed Alastor Moody, and Ada, who arrived late, could only watch Moody's body flip off the broomstick.

Since you failed to save Moody, let's avenge him!

With the idea that if she couldn't kill you, she would still cripple you, Ada fired a spell at Voldemort.Unexpectedly, the Dark Lord ignored her at all and flew away without even looking at her.

With her mind spinning, Ada instantly figured out why Voldemort behaved like this.It's not because Voldemort is afraid of fighting him, but because the other party has discovered which one is the real Harry Potter!

Ignoring looking for Moody's body, Ada left a hasty mark and rushed to chase the retreating Voldemort.

It's just that the Death Eaters have the Dark Mark and they can summon Voldemort to their side, but Ada can only fly hard and search in the general direction she knows.

Can't catch up step by step, can't catch up step by step, Ada is late again.

When she arrived, she saw neither Hagrid, the half-blood giant, nor Harry, the son of prophecy. She only saw a golden light that was more brilliant than fireworks, and Voldemort with a shocked face after the golden light went out.

Voldemort's red eyes were wide open and he looked at the wand in his hand in shock. Such an expression should not have appeared on his face.

Taking advantage of Voldemort's daze, Ada thrust out her wand and fired the blue advanced version of the Death Curse. The spell symbolizing destruction went straight to the Dark Lord.

Sneak attacks and sap attacks, Ada is a professional.Unfortunately, Voldemort was no stranger, and he moved quickly to avoid the spell.

Voldemort looked at the wand in Ada's hand with greed in his eyes. He wanted to take possession of the Elder Wand as his own now more than ever.

Ada also looked at the wand in her hand. She needed to calm down now. Voldemort's crazy look just now was really scary.Anyone who is not blind can see the desire to take away the Elder Wand.

However, just when Ada thought that Voldemort would risk his life for the Elder Wand, Voldemort once again abandoned her and quickly rushed to the ground.

Ada's nose was almost crooked with anger, and she was like a dog ignoring her!Ada, who had never experienced such grievances, followed closely, and the two landed on the ground one after the other.

Three Death Eaters were circling a house, which they could not approach.As soon as they saw the fallen Voldemort, the three Death Eaters immediately stood behind their master, like vicious dogs wagging their tails.

Ada's back was to the house, which was the home of Tonks' parents and the transit point for Hagrid and Harry.The house was surrounded by magical protection so the three Death Eaters could not enter.

At this time, Voldemort screamed angrily, and he raised his wand and pointed it at the protection in front of the house.With a flash of bright light, the magical barrier protecting the house disappeared, shattered by Voldemort's powerful blow.

The barrier shattered and people in the house immediately ran out to check.

The blond, paunchy man is Ted Tonks, with his wife Andromeda standing beside him.Andromeda looks somewhat similar to Bellatrix, except that her hair is light brown and she looks kinder.

"I just want Harry Potter." Voldemort said coldly, "Hand him over."

Andromeda raised her wand tremblingly and said, "Harry Potter is not here. You are late, Dark Lord."

Ada took a few steps to block Voldemort's view of Andromeda. For Tonks' sake, she had to protect the couple.

"Kill them!" Voldemort ordered coldly.

The three Death Eaters immediately rushed towards the Tonks, while Voldemort himself attacked Ada.

Feng shui is changing, and you will always have to pay back if you come out to mess around.A few minutes ago, Ada wanted to drag Voldemort into a fight, but the arrogant Dark Lord refused to ignore her; now, the Dark Lord finally condescended to talk to her, but Ada didn't want to fight.

Ada believed that what Andromeda said was true. Harry had left. This was more for her to hear.

Otherwise, with Harry's personality, he would have rushed out by now, unless he couldn't move.But if Harry was seriously injured, Andromeda would not let the Death Eaters break into the house.

Facing Voldemort's hateful blow, Ada directly rubbed oil on her soles and ran away.

She flickered and landed in front of the Tonks. While driving away the two Death Eaters, she took the couple's hands and disapparated directly.

The cooked duck flew away, and the angry Voldemort cast two death curses in succession. The two people who had been forced away by Ada were instantly stunned, and the Death Eaters who entered the house to search were also killed by the collapsed house.

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