The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 652, Missed Love

Send him to Lily Potter.

These words were like poking at Snape's switch. The Potions Professor became even more anxious. He ran directly, his long black robes flowing behind him as he moved.

The reason why Snape refused to tell the truth was because he was worried that Ada would act impulsively and that she would choose to "annihilate" Harry for the sake of final victory.

It’s a magic word that can make anyone do anything for the greater good.

Snape, who was running to catch up, gripped the wand in his robe tightly. He could never let Ada leave like this. There were some things he had to say clearly.

Not only for Harry's life, but also for Dumbledore's instructions... Ada must be stopped.

Things haven't come to the end yet, maybe everything can turn around, maybe Harry can avoid the fate of death.Even if Harry still had to die in the end, Voldemort would have to do it himself.

Snape caught up with the murderous Ada just before she entered the arch.

Snape opened his arms and stood in front of her, saying, "Don't do anything! Dumbledore has a plan, and your rash actions will only make everything worse..."

As he spoke, Snape stopped, because there was no trace of murderous intent in Ada's body, and she was looking at him playfully!

Those green eyes were sparkling, as if saying: I knew it!I knew there must be something going on between you two!

Ada had long been suspicious of the relationship between Snape and Harry, and she tested Snape more than once or twice.But the result of each test was the same. Snape didn't mention the past at all, and the suspicion in Ada's heart became more and more serious.

After "The Boy Who Lived" Harry Potter entered school, Snape's attitude towards him was extremely interesting. On the one hand, he hated and despised Harry, but on the other hand, he cared about him very much and even participated in Quidditch matches. Protect him.

Contradictory, love-hate.

Is it just because of Harry's famous name?Like some Death Eaters, they felt that Harry would be the new Dark Lord, a flag that would lead them forward. Was that why Snape treated him specially?

I'm afraid not. Harry was only in his first year at that time. He couldn't even hold a wand steady and couldn't spell a spell. How could he foresee the future?

Ada won the Triwizard Tournament and was able to appear in court to argue for Dumbledore, making her look like Dumbledore's successor.But even with Ada like this, didn't Amelia Bones still feel that her future was uncertain and difficult to trust?

Even if Snape really wanted to have his back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, the tree would have to be at least as tall as the sky to provide shade.

As for Harry, he was just a sapling that had just been planted in a hole. He had never been watered or pruned, and it was even more unclear whether he could reach the sky.

If it was because of Dumbledore's instructions that Snape would pay special attention to Harry, then as for Ada, she couldn't explain it.

It was also a request from Dumbledore, but Snape was somewhat "working hard but not doing anything", and finally let Ada fall into Welfare's trap, and was almost beaten to death in the Forbidden Forest by the prepared Death Eaters.Of course, there are also reasons why Ada is stupid.

The requests are almost the same, but the treatment is very different. Why is this?Who doesn’t have a pair of green eyes?

Since it was neither Harry's fault nor Dumbledore's instruction, it could only be Harry's parents and elders.

The first is Harry's paternal elder, James Potter, one of the Marauders.If it was because of James that Snape took special care of Harry, then Harry's anniversary would have been burned several times.

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and so was the enemy's son. Snape probably wanted to strangle him to death.

The scheming frog keeps touching your belly!Excluding the wrong answer James, the only one left is Lily Potter, or Lily Evans.

He who loves others takes the crows from his house.

Ada guessed that Lily Evans should be extremely important to Snape, which is why he betrayed Voldemort, took care of the hated Potter son, and desperately wanted to kill the little boy who "betrayed" Lily. Sirius.

In front of the arched door of the castle, Snape's originally outstretched arms were lowered to his sides, his eyes were lowered, and he did not move, smile, or speak.If his expression hadn't been as normal, he would have looked as if he had been petrified by a basilisk.

Ada shook her head and circled around Snape, who was standing still. Her mouth was not idle, and she never stopped clicking her tongue.

"Have you transferred enough? If not, I'll leave first." Snape said coldly.

Ada's smacking voice and her meaningful gaze made Snape feel particularly uncomfortable. It reminded him of the afternoon after the OWLs exam and the phrase "Mudblood" in a daze.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..." Ada said, "It turns out you also like Lily Potter."

The word "also" needs to be emphasized. Ada has only seen Lily in photos taken with the Order of the Phoenix, but her name is very familiar to Ada.

Whether it's Remus Lupine, Sirius Black, Dumbledore, or Professor McGonagall, everyone is full of praise when they mention Lily.Even Slytherin's Slughorn never hesitated to praise the Muggle-born Lily.

It is said that Voldemort and the Death Eaters had secretly recruited her. Although I don't know whether this news is true or not, it is enough to illustrate Lily's excellence.

With these side descriptions, Ada can roughly outline a portrait of Lily.Beautiful, intelligent, gentle, kind, strong, and brave, Lily Evans is a woman so outstanding that she shines, the most beautiful flower that blooms in the darkest times.

It's really "About Everyone Likes My Mom", the magical version of Ye Qingmei.

"It's not 'like', it's 'love'." Snape said, his voice seemed to be speaking from the bottom of his heart. It sounded very light, but was heavier than a mountain.

Snape continued: "There are things you don't understand now and hopefully you never will."

There are many things that can make people painful in this world, and "missing out" is one of them.Add "I could have..." to the mix, and the pain doubles.

This is the case with Snape. The reason why he is so miserable today is "missing out" and "I could have".

If Snape hadn't been so passionate about dark magic when he was a student, and hadn't been attracted to those disgusting people and things, maybe he and Lily wouldn't have gone against each other, and maybe they would have become childhood sweethearts.

But there are no ifs in life. People must face reality and cannot live in fantasy.Choices can determine a person's fate, and Snape made a choice that he would regret for the rest of his life.

Ada, who was circling Snape, finally stopped, and the expression on her face became serious again.She said: "I really don't understand and I don't want to understand. This is my luck."

"That's best." Snape's lips moved, half-smiling.

Ada did not continue to ask about the past of the two. Her probing today had already revealed Snape's scars, so there was no need to add salt to it.Whether you regret it too late or regret it for the rest of your life, let the past go!

The important thing is that Ada knew why Snape protected Harry and why Dumbledore trusted him so much.Indeed, as Dumbledore said, it is an unbreakable reason.

Although Ada could not empathize with Snape's pain, she was willing to trust him as Dumbledore did.

Because love is great and can make people sacrifice everything for it, even their lives.It is because of love that there is such a powerful magic as the Passive Resistance Spell.

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