The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 656 The Uneasy Voldemort

The slightly dim room was crowded with people kneeling on the floor, including core Death Eaters like Bellatrix and dark wizards recruited by Voldemort after his return.

When Voldemort led his troops to attack Azkaban, he not only rescued the imprisoned Death Eaters, but also rescued a group of dark wizards, who also gathered under his command.

The composition of Death Eaters has always been complex. There are those who follow Voldemort loyally, there are those who are cowardly and seek refuge, there are those who are ambitious and seek to enhance their prestige, and there are also those who are cruel by nature and follow Voldemort in order to better commit violence.

Everyone in the room was facing the same direction, kneeling neatly in a semicircle.Although many of them were shivering, no one dared to make any sound.

Snape was also kneeling, but the only difference was that he had a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hand, and he was reading that newspaper.

"...It is reported that in recognition of Regulus Black's heroic actions in rising up against the 'You-Know-Who', the Ministry of Magic and the Order of Merlin are considering posthumously awarding him the Order of Merlin, First Class..."

After reading the newspaper, Snape knelt down like other Death Eaters, not daring to look at Voldemort who had his back to them.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing. The wizards didn't know why Voldemort was angry, but they knew how quiet it was at this moment and how violent the storm would be later.

"Read it again!" Voldemort's voice was high-pitched and cold, like fingernails scratching hard on a blackboard, which made people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

"...It is reported that in recognition of Regulus Black's heroic actions in rising up against the 'You-Know-Who', the Ministry of Magic and the Order of Merlin are considering posthumously awarding him the Order of Merlin, First Class..."

Snape read it again, without his peculiar, slightly higher-than-a-whisper tone.Like a machine, Snape read out the contents of the newspaper without emotion, the contents that made Voldemort angry.

Anger and fear burned within Voldemort.

That was the only thing that scared him - but it couldn't be true, he couldn't figure out how... Yes, that's what he should have thought of when he saw Kreacher, the house elf!

Lord Voldemort should have thought a long time ago that the damn house elf escaped from the cave. Regulus Black was the elf's master and would definitely ask Kreacher.

Kreacher, bound by the house elf's magic, will obey his master's orders unconditionally and answer all questions!

The cave, the locket, and the Horcrux are no longer secrets!

That traitor, Regulus Black, knew Lord Voldemort's secret.Now the secret has been revealed to the filthy Esmeralda Drizzt.Who else knows this secret besides her?

"Severus." Voldemort called softly. The words sounded like the hissing of a snake, which made people shudder.

Snape's body trembled involuntarily, he crept forward half a body, and replied fearfully: "Yes, my master."

"Tell me, in all the time you've been with Albus Dumbledore, has he ever received anything special? Think about it."

While Voldemort was asking questions, the room remained spine-chillingly quiet. The Death Eaters didn't dare to raise their heads or even take a breath.

There was a rustling sound in the room. The big snake Nagini slid past many Death Eaters and coiled around Voldemort's feet, making a hissing sound that no one could understand.

"Yes, Master, the diary you used 50 years ago. Lucius Malfoy stuffed the diary into Ginny Weasley's old book, causing the Chamber of Secrets to be opened that year and the basilisk inside was released. "Snape said truthfully, "The basilisk only petrified a few students and was killed by Dumbledore before he could clean the school."

Bellatrix on the side glanced at Snape bitterly. Regulus Black had already appeared, and Snape brought out Lucius Malfoy. They were all her relatives. This was not a trap. person!

Voldemort turned around suddenly, and Bellatrix was so frightened that she immediately lowered her head, not daring to move.

Voldemort slowly walked up to Snape. He knew that the diary was destroyed.Voldemort was unaware that the Horcrux was destroyed. He attributed it to the fact that he was a ghost at the time, so he could not sense its destruction.

Now, Voldemort has regained his body, but he still cannot sense whether the Horcruxes have been destroyed, especially the locket that fell into the hands of Esmeralda Drizzt.

Snape's answer about the diary was not what Voldemort wanted to hear.He continued, "Any more, Severus?"

"And... and..." Snape thought carefully for a while before continuing, "There seems to be another ring. Dumbledore went out for a trip, and when he came back, he suddenly had a black ring on his hand. .”

"Say it again!" Voldemort's voice became louder and louder, fear filling his heart.Dumbledore, Dumbledore, that old guy should have died a long time ago!

Snape lowered his body lower to look more loyal, and said tremblingly: "Ring, Master, a black ring with a black stone embedded in it."

Horcruxes are Voldemort's hope for immortality - the diary has been destroyed, the locket is in Drizzt's hands, and the Gaunt family rings have been taken away by Dumbledore. Do they know anything else?

"Bella," Voldemort walked up to Bellatrix, "tell me, did you take good care of the things I gave you?"

"Master, I - I hid it - just..." Bellatrix said in a panic. She didn't know what use the golden cup was to her master. It must be as important as the diary and the ring.

Voldemort raised his hand to stop Bellatrix. The Dark Lord had seen where she had hidden the gold cup - Gringotts, Lestrange's vault.

It's a clever place.

Even if the Ministry of Magic takes orders from Drizzt, and she is not as pedantic as Dumbledore, it is still hard to imagine that Horcruxes would be hidden in Gringotts.

Voldemort had already thought about why something happened to the Horcrux.

Dumbledore knows his middle name and can deduce his relationship with the Gaunt family and find the ring hidden in the cabin.

Even without Regulus's betrayal, Dumbledore could have found the cave and found the locket based on his life in the orphanage.

The gold cup is hidden in Gringotts, it should be safe, they can't think of it there; the diadem is hidden in Hogwarts, even if they know it is in the school, they will not find that place, it is the deepest secret of Hogwarts.

But just in case, Voldemort decided to go and take a look in person. He wanted to ensure the safety of his Horcrux and Nagini. He had to protect Nagini.

But before leaving, there are some things to take care of.

The people kneeling before him had heard too many secrets. They knew about the diary, the ring, and Gringotts... Only the dead would keep secrets.

The yew wand suddenly appeared in Voldemort's hand. The wand slammed down from the air, green light spurted out, and a kneeling wizard died.The remaining people fled in fear.

Snape and Bellatrix dashed for the door, leaving everyone else behind.

Whoever runs out first at this time will have a chance to survive. Whoever stays in the house will only be killed by the angry Voldemort.

The Dark Lord was furious and struck down his wand again and again. Nagini also attacked the wizards in the room. Those who did not run away were killed, leaving no one alive.

Standing among the dead bodies on the ground, Voldemort calmed down the anger, panic, and uneasiness in his heart.

Impossible, how is it possible!He is the great Lord Voldemort. If the Horcrux is destroyed, he will definitely sense it. He will definitely do it.So, they should still be safe.

Voldemort made a hissing sound from his mouth, and the big snake Nagini immediately slid to his side.

If Ada or Harry were here, they would hear what Voldemort is saying -

"Someone has discovered our secret, Nagini. I will stop them and kill them all. You must stay with me until I kill them all."

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