The Emperor and His Thief

Chapter 42

Gift for Shizun (Part 2)

When he reached the western part of the market, he could sense how different the atmosphere was compared to the other parts. Though he has yet to go to the southern part of the market, he doubts that it’s the same as what he’s seeing now.

On the street, there were mostly men with few exceptions of women, each with their own weapons. Some were walking in groups, which Lin Xiao assumed is a group of mercenaries. Most of them actually came to have their weapons repaired though there are few that came looking to buy a better weapon. This scene is a heavy contrast of what he had seen from the northern market where the majority of the customers are females.

‘Oh, look at that glaive,’ Lin Xiao’s eyes shined as his eyes landed on one of the many glaives that were on display on the weapon racks placed just outside the shop. He also saw similar weapon displays on other shops which really made Lin Xiao felt that he’s simply walking around on a big weapon shop instead of the street. ‘Guess they’re not worried about things being stolen.’

Lin Xiao continued to walk around until he saw a shop that specialized in making swords. He entered the shop and directly looked for the owner. The owner was a middle-aged man with a scar just underneath his eyes going all the way down to his chin. It was clear that he is a seasoned fighter. “Good sir, I’m looking for a gift. Preferably, something small and can be easily hidden,” Lin Xiao said to the owner.

“Something small and easily hidden?” the owner had a look of surprise when he heard Lin Xiao’s inquiry. Usually, people who came to their shop only asks for a sword or a saber. For someone to ask for a dagger is already a rare occasion but what Lin Xiao requested is actually a first. He continued to stare at Lin Xiao and since Lin Xiao was young, he assumed that Lin Xiao is looking for a gift for his lover.

“Young man, if you’re looking for a gift for your woman, there is another shop down the streets that specializes in making hidden weapons. From a sword hidden in an umbrella to a poison needle hidden in a jade pin, they have it there.”

“Ah, but… those are not what I am looking for,” Lin Xiao replied. “This gift is for my Shizun and my Shizun is a man,” Lin Xiao told the owner. “I’m sure you have something here, right?”

“So that’s the case! Yes, yes! We do have what you need. I’m sorry for assuming you were looking for a gift for your woman. I thought I was doing you a favor since a woman wouldn’t want to have such a ‘crude’ looking weapon as a gift,” the owner said with a laughter.

“No one really asks for this kind of weapons but there are few who came for them. Not to brag or anything but…” the owner then leaned down and speak to Lin Xiao in a hushed tone. “The Emperor had our shop made several such weapons based on Master Hao Shuren’s design. That was about five years ago. I heard that it was a coming of age gift for Xinglan Wang, Master Hao’s only disciple,” he told Lin Xiao.

When Hao Shuren’s name was mentioned, Lin Xiao suddenly felt a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. But he quickly shakes those feelings away since it was impossible for him to know such a person who seems to be related to the Emperor.

“Why are you whispering that, sir? I think if the Emperor had your shop to make weapons, I think its something to be proud of?” Lin Xiao was confused with how the owner acts.

“Because two years ago, Master Hao’s only disciple was suspected of killing the previous Emperor. Thus, he was also implicated. Right now, no one knows where he is,” the owner replied, still in a hushed tone. “Anyway, we still have the weapons with us. It was supposed to be taken this year but since such things happened, I doubt anyone will be taking it now.”

Then, the owner gave Lin Xiao a grin, “Since you’re looking for such weapon, how about buying them from us? It’s a shame for such fine weapons to collect dusts in this shop’s storage room, right?” the owner said to Lin Xiao. “It won’t cost you much at all! There are thirteen of them, but I can let you have them all for ten gold pieces!”

“First, let me see them,” Lin Xiao didn’t agree immediately. Though this owner is friendly, in the end, they are a businessman through and through. Lin Xiao could sense how he tried to bait him into buying it at a higher price. Plus, he was sure that when they made the weapons, all the raw materials were provided by the palace and their blacksmith was already paid. After all, it was a request made by the Emperor himself.

The owner didn’t say anything else but went to the back of the shop. When he returned, he held a box and placed it on top of the counter. The box itself was black in color, the wood was furnished, and the edge were round. Just seeing it and one would know that it was made by a high leveled craftsman.

“The box was given by the people from the palace?” Lin Xiao asked without waiting for the owner to speak.

“Ah, yes. I guess everyone could see that. No one would dare to make a storage box black in color. Only craftsmen hired by the Emperor would dare,” the owner replied. He then lifted the lid of the box to reveal the weapons inside.

Just as the owner mentioned, there are indeed thirteen of them inside the box, except, each were designed differently. “They are a set?” Lin Xiao asked.

“I am not sure of that myself. I’ve never seen the blueprint, only the blacksmith did,” the owner replied.

“Can I speak with the blacksmith?” Lin Xiao asked once again.

“Unfortunately, he has retired a year ago after he finished the final piece. He’s no longer at the capital.”

Lin Xiao can’t help but frown as he heard that but there wasn’t anything else that he can do about it. At first, he only wanted to buy one but when he saw that it was a set, he felt that he would suffer a loss instead since he would end up buying a non-completed item.

“Are ten gold pieces your lowest price?” Lin Xiao asked.

“Well, maybe I can give you seven gold pieces, but nothing less than that,” the owner replied.

“Deal! I will take them all,” Lin Xiao said as he quickly took out seven gold pieces and handed it over to the owner.

Seeing this, the owner’s smile became wider and he can’t help laughing. “Good young lad! Pleasure doing business with you! Let me help you wrap your items,” the owner said as he put the lid back on then went reached down underneath the counter for silk cloth. He carefully wrapped the box in front of Lin Xiao’s eyes before he handed the bundle over. “Thank you for your patronage! If you ever need your weapons repaired, just come here and I’ll give you a special price for the repairs!”

“I’ll think about it,” Lin Xiao replied as he took the bundle.

After getting what he wanted, Lin Xiao finally left the shop. He was just about to return to the plaza to meet with Fei YuXing when he had another idea. ‘Since I am already here, I may as well go around and take a look. I still have few money lefts,’ Lin Xiao thought to himself. With that, he continued to walk around and browse the weapons on display.

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