The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Rewinding the time to the middle of the night a few hours ago, Helgodon and Zhu Qing faced each other at a distance in the corridor.

The Lich was still in the room not knowing what was going on, and Helgodon was anxious. He repeatedly ranted warnings at Zhu Qing, only to laugh at Zhu Qing. Zhu Qing almost felt like he was going to die here with laughter. A weak, useless dark creature dared to threaten Mr. Theo, who was one of the best in combat. It was like a comical drama.

He laughed enough, wiped his tears, his face changed abruptly, and shot Helgodon!

“I am funny once, and twice as a joke. I have never repented, but I just don’t know the funny.” He still smiled, but his eyes became cold. He watched Helgodon, who desperately avoided the beam and only injured his front leg, struggled from the ground, and his muzzle was slowly raised again.

“It’s okay, as a dark creature, you run very fast.”

“What about another one?”

He also held the gun in his left hand and slowly raised it. The mini-cameras around me faithfully relayed the pictures to the live broadcast platform, and the audience on the platform was almost bursting. More and more people began to pour in. They recognized Helgodon and no longer thought it was a prank at all. They shouted at the live broadcast Zhu Qing, and desperately called the childcare center and related organizations, hoping for them. Can arrive at the scene immediately.

[What happened to the childcare center? What’s the matter? Why did you take out all the guns? 】

[Don’t move me Dongdong! Don’t move me Dongdong! 】


However, across the screen, their efforts are destined to be unable to effectively help Helgodon. More and more people began to pour in, and the desperate mood gradually spread. When Helgodon swayed but stood up firmly from the ground, this mood instantly reached its peak!

[Oh oh oh winter! 】

[Who is there, go and help him begging…]

Zhu Qing glanced at the rolling words and smiled as he wished. He was born to like the attention of others, and in the past, he could not do anything better than his crippled cousin. It was not until he fled the house and worked under Theo that he finally got enough attention. He likes to stare at him now, even if it is just fear and disgust, it is a proof of his ability!

He is better than Zhu Heng!

He is tolerant when he gets enough attention, Zhu Qing thought, so he turned the camera so that these viewers could see the closed door.

“There is one more in there.” He smiled, “It’s a pity that it’s not my home court anymore, it’s a pity…”

He said a lot of pity in a row, but the audience yelled at him. Zhu Qing always smiled, and the communication device on his waist rang a few times. It was the encounter between the peripheral personnel and the military department, and he asked him to evacuate with the dark creatures as soon as possible.

Their goal in itself is not to completely destroy the childcare center. People like them alone can’t do it. Theo has worked in the conservation center for nearly ten years to bury the internal response, and all that is waiting is that he can harvest as many dark creatures as possible and go back today. Zhu Qing can mess around, but can’t step on Theo’s bottom line.

Zhu Qing’s smile faded, and it seemed that his fun was coming to an end, but he could still take away this wolf cub’s life in his busy schedule.

The Lich in the room also encountered a crisis. Her response was not unpleasant. After the door was sealed, she immediately turned around and looked for shelter in the room. During the run, she tripped over something and almost fell. As soon as she lowered her head, her movements suddenly solidified.

——Zelita’s temporary caregiver.

The young caregiver was dead, lying quietly on his back. This is the first close encounter with death in Lucy’s life. This kind of death is different from the death of the food in the cafeteria. She feels the temperature that has not yet receded, and the sigh left by her soul. Her body trembled slightly, trying to retreat, and there were chasing soldiers behind her, so Lucy bit her lip quickly, resisted the urge to escape, and reached out to the corpse.

“I’m sorry…” There were tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry…”

The shadow of death enveloped the entire room, Lucy clearly saw the black wings, and she also saw the tracks of many deaths, which echoed in the depths of her soul. She couldn’t help becoming more reverent, and folded her hands on her chest, some of the remnants of the soul flashed mottled under her eyes.

She accepted the regret of the deceased and will remember it all her life.

The mercenary was close in front of him. He thought the Lich was too scared to move. Unexpectedly, the Lich slowly raised his head to look at him, tears overflowing in his eyes, but the blue soul fire in his black eyes burned more and more vigorously.

wrong! The mercenary drew back suddenly, this action saved his life! The deceased nurturer actually stood up again, swaying, raised his godless eyes to look at him, holding his hand in a pinch posture in the air. If it were not for the mercenaries to retreat in time, I am afraid they would have been entangled.

The mercenary was terrified. He stepped back subconsciously. The Lich took the opportunity to spread a thin bridge of bones on the pool, ran up quickly, and ran to the other side of the room.

This can at least support…

The ankle was suddenly pulled, Lucy let out a silent exclamation, the bone bridge fell apart, and she fell into the water. Lucy can’t swim. Although the undead creatures don’t have the ability to choke water, she can’t use undead magic to save herself for a while. A pair of slippery arms passed around her neck from behind and pulled her to the shore. The water monster opened his eyes, and his right eye had turned into a deep purple color, and he chuckled softly in her ear.

“I’m a good boy again. When will the childcare center raise children like this?”


Lucy immediately struggled with all her strength.

“Shhh, don’t move, you can’t run.” The water monster who had already controlled his spirit smiled, but the strength in his hand did not relax at all. Zerita’s health is not good, but Lucy is not particularly strong. In the water monster’s home pool, she can only watch as she is being gradually dragged to the shore while the mercenaries have reached her direction. Come on–


A loud noise erupted in the corridor, and the soundproof alloy door of the childcare center was knocked out of a huge depression. It seemed that something happened outside. The water monster who bound Lucy frowned slightly, only to feel that a chill began to spread inward from the door. Suddenly, the water demon looked terrified, and his hands immediately exerted strength, but unfortunately this was not his own body, and the body of the water demon Zerita did not have a superior response nerve.

The Lich seized the opportunity and slid gently out of his restraint, and the thick bones appeared on the top of the water demon’s head.

The bones staggered into the water, because the manipulator’s delicate control did not hurt the water monster’s body, but staggered and nailed her underwater! The bone pontoon rose again, and Lucy climbed ashore with her soaked cloak, and ran to the mercenary who had just turned around to check the situation!

The tacit understanding of cooperating with the training in the past few days let Lucy know that Helgodon must be the one who made the huge movement outside, and Helgodon will definitely continue to try to break the door, she has to get to the door soon.

As she ran in that direction, a huge impact sounded again, and the alloy door twisted more severely. The mercenary suddenly felt bad, reaching out to catch the lich, and there was another roar behind him. This time it was not a collision, but like…

The explosive sound of beam gun bombardment!

The alloy door collapsed suddenly, pressing the astonished mercenary underneath. The Lich girl stepped over him, reached out to the shining silvery white outside the door, grabbed the wolf’s fur, turned over and landed on the wolf’s back, and a resentful questioning sounded in her ears—

“You use my firepower to break the door?!”

Zhu Qing was almost furious! I thought that the wolf pup was already in his bag, but he did not expect that under his play-like attack, the embarrassed wolf pup suddenly swelled and transformed into a giant silver-white wolf, with ice blue eyes turned into beasts. Hitomi, and rushed towards him desperately!

This silver-white giant wolf walked with frost every step of the way, wherever it went, it was cold, and the sharp fangs and claws of the beasts awakened the natural fear engraved in the Zhu Qing race. He is a divine plover, and his bloodline is instinctively afraid of beasts with fangs and claws. When he found that he had actually taken a step back subconsciously, he became angry and launched a crazy attack on the giant wolf!

With one blow, the giant wolf’s body slammed into the wall, smashing into a huge depression.

With another blow, the giant wolf was injured for the second time, but still roared unyieldingly.

In the third time, a sly light flashed in the eyes of the giant wolf, taking out the posture of rolling when a wolf pup, and rolling on the spot expertly, Zhu Qing’s two shots fell on the alloy door!

As if an appointment, the Lich stepped past the mercenary under the door of the shattered room and successfully reunited with the giant wolf! And what to do next, Arecio also taught!

The giant wolf didn’t hesitate, roared, Zhu Qing’s heart was stunned, and he was on guard, only to see the giant wolf…

Turn around and run!

Lucy clutched the fur of the giant wolf tightly. She didn’t know why Helgodon suddenly became so big, and she didn’t have time to think about it. Behind Zhu Qing, after the initial shock, quickly reacted and fired several shots in their direction in a rage! Lucy immediately stacked layers of bone shields back, but the firepower was too strong, and her bone shield was directly exploded. Some of the aftermath affected her, and she gritted her teeth without making a sound.

Run, run! Areci said that it is not shameful to run away! In the face of difficult enemies, all they have to do is to make accurate judgments, merge together, and then rely on the results of their usual training to escape hard!

Lucy didn’t know how long they ran in this seemingly endless night. Several times in the middle they had been caught up, or they had encountered other invaders. Helgodon’s body was scarred and her magical powers were low. . But Lucy couldn’t rest. She tried to sense the breath of life, and then pointed out a feasible hiding place for Helgodon, so that they could at least take a breath before being found.

It was twilight, and they experienced several sharp turns and detours again, and they gasped behind a half-collapsed door. Lucy gave Helgodon an analgesic magic, and immediately closed her eyes and meditated, hoping to restore the magic as much as possible. Helgodon’s fur was mottled with blood. He put out his tongue and gasped, then lowered his head suddenly and whimpered twice.

Tired and painful, I don’t know where I have gone.

Helgodon didn’t want to think about what might have happened to me alone, it would make him very scared. When confronting the terrible young man just now, he was actually very scared. He even wanted to turn around and ran away, but thinking that there was Lucy in the room, his heart seemed to be fleeing.

Arecio’s words played back in his mind over and over.

[The proudest…the strongest…]

[It’s not ashamed to be afraid…]

[The guardian of the snowy area…the torrent of silver…]

The ancestors tens of thousands of years ago gleamed in Arecio’s description, and this light illuminates Helgodon’s fearful heart.

He felt something revived in his blood, with fangs and claws, and roaring constantly; he seemed to see the moonlight in the snowy area, and the frost of thousands of miles condensed into a crystal clear kingdom; finally, he felt the moonlight in fantasy It fell on him, like a light snow… Some people were crying, some were laughing, some were singing and dancing, making a long and moving sound of a werewolf!

When he came back to his senses, he had become the appearance of an ancestor, with silvery fur, fangs and claws, enough to fight against all enemies!

He did the same.

The keen sense of smell caught a slightly bitter smell, Helgodon suddenly turned his head and faced Zhu Heng’s surprised eyes.

“… Dongdong?”

Seeing the giant wolf nodding his head, Zhu Heng’s heart was filled with incredibleness. He saw the lich surrounded by giant wolves again, and both of them were safe except for some minor injuries, which made his eye sockets slightly hot.

He leaned over and hugged the two scarred children deeply.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I will protect you…”

He walked against the escaping crowd, and has seen many tragic, more dark creatures casualties along the way, which made him feel unbearable. Now he found these two children who he almost watched growing up, and immediately prepared to take on his responsibilities. He wanted to take the two children to a safe place.

“……get out!”

A gloomy voice sounded from not far away, and Zhu Heng’s heart tightened and immediately covered the two children with his body. The impact of the explosion tore apart half of the collapsed door, and the aftermath was blocked by Zhu Heng’s back. He couldn’t help but snorted, still tightly guarding the heads of the Lich and Giant Wolf in front of him.

“It’s okay… It’s okay…” He endured the pain and soothed. He didn’t have much fighting ability. After only a few breaths, he decided to stand up by himself.

“Dongdong, Lucy, listen carefully.” The footsteps are getting closer, and Zhu Heng’s voice is also a little quicker, “I’m going out to entangle each other, you run quickly along this corridor, and ran out of the center. Go to the edge of the Emerald Inner Sea.”

Before the two children nodded, Zhu Heng had gritted his teeth and went out by himself. As soon as he raised his head, the opponent’s muzzle immediately pointed towards him, and Zhu Heng clearly saw the opponent’s face, which was somewhat similar to his own.


Zhu Qing also looked surprised, but soon he sneered.

“Who am I…” he murmured, “I thought I couldn’t meet it, so lucky today.”

Not only can he do the things that Mr. Theo has ordered beautifully, but he can also easily kill the long-standing thorns.

He indifferently raised his spear to Zhu Heng, and everything was over. The pride of this so-called divine plover clan would be obliterated by his nasty traitor. He no longer needs to live in the shadow of someone, and what name he hears, in Mr. Theo’s place, he is the only and effective Zhu Qing!

Zhu Heng was still in extreme shock, and there was a sound behind him, and the silver-white giant wolf had already walked out from behind the shelter. Helgodon walked by Zhu Heng and concealed him behind him. The lich was on the other side, hiding in his sleeve the bone of the lizard presented by Arecio, ready to move.

They no longer need to be protected. On the contrary, they have to protect Doctor Zhu.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the morning sun did not know when it was over, the noon sun shining across the floor-to-ceiling windows, reflecting the supporting teams. The Griffin flies low, the Celestial Clan is parading, and the old marshal sits on the front line himself, but his mood is lighter than everyone around him.

Because Arecio is in the center.

Zhu Qing really laughed, he has never laughed so happily before, and the group of innocent fools in front of him are actually staged a touching drama of mutual protection. However, Zhu Qing could not laugh. He was at a right angle formed by two corridors with floor-to-ceiling windows. On one corridor was the person he wanted to kill. At the end of the other corridor, there were deliberate footsteps.


Some bird crowed, flapping its wings and landed on the shoulder of the visitor. Zhu Qing turned his head, and saw a slightly rounded night bird resting on that person’s shoulder. Although the figure was still blessed, it was already a bit vigorous and agile. The Night Bird looked at him fearlessly, screamed, one hand stroking the feathers on its neck, and the Night Bird immediately fell silent.

“The road is good.” The man said softly, then turned his head and looked casually in Zhu Qing’s direction.

The blood family with black hair and red eyes stood in the shadow at the end of the corridor, closing the right eye toward the light side due to the strong light, revealing a complete sword embracing rose tattoo. Between him and Zhu Qing is the brilliant sunshine, and the broken window ridges cast the same broken shadows, such as stairs or the boundary before the war.

Zhu Qing’s heart tightened a little for some reason, he slowly called out the name of the person who came—

“Are…Western Europe.”

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