The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Suspending on the sea at this moment is an array of dozens of aircraft loaded with stealth devices. Although Theo came to the front for the convenience of command, he was very spared and mobilized a large number of armed forces to accompany him, and if the situation was not right, he would not hesitate to flee with the looted dark creatures.

It is a cunning and tricky enemy, but it is a pity that he encountered the same cunning and paranoid hunter.

After the thunder strike, Ruzius quickly raised the height of the Griffin, and many buffs began to stack one by one. He would not be annoyed that the attack failed, nor would he be ecstatic that the attack worked. He just looked around calmly, and then his figure flashed, and the special magic had hidden his trace.

This is a special variant of light magic, supplemented by life magic, the saint wandering between the aircraft is like a living ghost, overlooking the world with his sky-colored, inorganic eyes. He locked another aircraft, as if part of the aircraft had been damaged by the aftermath of the explosion just now, and it was spinning around in a daze.

He ended the life of the poor prey, and the broken body fragments and some suspicious human-shaped objects fell down. Falling from this height, there is no possibility of surviving.

Ruzius searched around, he was searching. At present, none of the aircraft he has destroyed is a main ship. Of course, he can use awkward elimination methods to find them one by one, but then the variables are too great, and the most important target may escape.

After the initial loss of Zhang Huang, the remaining aircraft gradually organized, some of them fired at him regardless of the risk of exposure, and the rest fled. Ruzius drove the griffin to avoid a few shocks. His eyes were low and he was not impatient. Instead, he began to chant a long mantra. During the period, the protection for himself would not increase, but there were griffins. .

The crystal wall magic unfolded one by one as if it were far from endless, and was broken one by one. The last layer of crystal wall shattered in front of Ruzius’ eyes, and he happened to end the last syllable.

“Holy judge.”

In the air higher than the height of the aircraft, several huge circular arrays spread out, tilted and adjusted their angles, as if considering which side to attack. Soon, the controller of the circle array made a decision. The circle array blazed brightly, spewing out a huge amount of swords of light, and blasted away at the flying vehicles that had fled to the distance!

Another round formation was formed under the wings of a griffon, which seemed to be a magic that amplifies the griffon, and the crystal wall stood up again. The saint with a flying cloak looked at the slowly burning flying vehicle, and smiled faintly. He had a holy appearance, and smiled like this, as if it melted into ice, but revealed a more cruel and cold inside.

Equipped with armed aircraft, they fled frantically on the sea, and only one person and a griffin were chasing behind. If this happened to someone else, Theo might still laugh at the other person’s incompetence, but now he can’t laugh because he can’t take care of himself.

Several more ships crashed and fell into the sea. The turbulent waves caused Theo’s amphibious aircraft to shake slightly. After hiding in the sea and watching, Theo had already prepared to evacuate, and deliberately brought me by his side, but he suddenly felt stunned and avoided the light knife behind him on his side. He turned his head, his loyal man hung his head, holding a knife in his hand, feeling his gaze, and slowly raising his godless eyes—

Another cut!

Theo instantly attacked the opponent’s spiritual world, he successfully snatched the control of his subordinates, and made him stab the light knife into the heart. Easily ending his life, Theo slowly raised his head and looked directly at this fragile dark creature that he had never seen before.

“…Is this your ability?”

I slowly raised my head, the talisman on his head was gone, and his pure black eyes were completely exposed. His expression at this time was not like a child at all, but extraordinarily quiet and deep.

He raised his hand, and more people loyal to Theo rushed towards Theo, and Theo immediately took control, killing them one by one, and then thrusting their sharp mental power towards me, successfully hitting!

Ruzius, who had basically cleared the aircraft on the sea, realized that the opponent might no longer be in this array group, it might have fled, or was in a place out of his sight.

His eyes floated to the surface of the sea.

A line of milky white appeared on the dark blue sea. It was already dawn, and an obscure force spread in the sea. This force was still unstable and trembling. It was stimulated at a certain moment and formed a huge vortex, which was still gradually spreading to the periphery. The sea water in the central blank area peeled off, revealing a hidden aircraft.

The aircraft seems to be at the center of a huge vortex called “Life”-countless sea beasts and fish swarming around, so that there are delicate silver reflections of fish scales everywhere; the sky is crowded with flying birds. The seabirds, with long whistling sounds, stirred the clouds and mist, hovering and couldn’t bear to leave.

Fly around with fish, pilgrimage by birds… If this place is land, there will inevitably be beasts rushing and surging.

He suddenly remembered the sentence he had told Arecio before—

[The emperor has a domain, and all things are psychic. 】

In front of this kind of power that seemed to control all spirits and sentient beings, Theo unsurprisingly chose to avoid the edge for a while. He didn’t understand why fragile dark creatures possess such abilities. If they were revealed early, the pattern of this world would have already changed. It seemed that all the changes began on the day the resurgent woke up from the coffin, he began to dream, and these dark creatures, which had been stagnant for a long time, began to move forward.

Feeling that the saint in the air had also locked his position, Theo no longer hesitated, using the teleportation array left over from the temple ten thousand years ago.

It’s a pity that this ultra-long-distance teleportation array is already broken and can only be used this time.

After the painful teleportation, Theo resisted the negative reaction of his body, and a pair of soft female arms immediately surrounded him, and said in a panic:

“Mr. Theo! The medical team is already on standby, you will get better soon!”

“Delvi, be quiet.” Theo was still very calm, and he stopped Delvi from continuing to speak.

Judging from today’s situation, Zhu Qing, who attacked the nursery center, might not be able to return.

He doesn’t care about today’s loss. With his ability, there is always a steady stream of available people. What he cared about was the attitude of the saint. He had clearly communicated with him before. Why was he so cruel to the holy priest? Do you have your own plans, or do you plan to part ways with the temple? Theo didn’t believe it was the latter. He had read many temple books thousands of years ago, and was convinced that once a hunter who belonged to the temple, he would follow the banner of the temple for life.

And that strange and obscure power, he faced that power head-on, and was terrified of it.

Supported by Delvi, Theo slowly straightened up. He needs to recover as soon as possible. He has a lot to do…

He felt a bit of cold light aimed at his back, and Theo was shocked, but before he could react in time, the arrow that seemed to fly from the sky had passed through the space and hit him accurately!

At that moment, he was almost at a loss. He didn’t understand why he, who had already used the teleportation formation left by the temple to escape, would still be hit in his own safe base? !

Delvia’s stern voice echoed in his ears, and Theo passed out completely before he could understand any doubt.

The target still seems not dead.

Ruzius slowly lowered his bow and arrow hands, feeling a little unclear. In a very short period of time, he recognized the teleportation array commonly used in the temple remaining in the aircraft control room. He was so familiar with it that he could draw backwards, so he immediately calculated it, and then proceeded to backtrack. Theo also cooperated with him very well. He actually took the red rope with my breath on him. Under the double insurance, Ruzius was sure he would hit him.

Unfortunately, it seems that because the distance is too far, the space has worn away the power of his arrows, and he failed to kill the opponent.


He opened his pocketbook and reinserted the Arecio button that he had just used. The power of the shadow above had been extracted by him, and generously given to Theo as a side gift of that arrow.

He picked up the me who had fallen asleep due to the use of the domain, and put it on the back of the griffon. The sky is bright, and the military aircraft and ambulance ships have been late to arrive. Since I held Theo, no dark creature was taken away, which is undoubtedly a satisfactory result.

Ruzius was even thinking about a very boring question.

I don’t know how many shadow roses will grow on the fertile soil called “Theo”?

Qiangwei aroused his attention to Arecio, watching the approaching military personnel, and Ruzius sent a message to Arecio.

“I am over here, I rescued it safely, and the other dark creatures are intact.”

“…I am as soon as possible.”

Ruzius keenly sensed that Arecio’s tone was a bit wrong.

“Why, the situation has deteriorated?”

“No, it’s still within the controllable range.” After these words, Arecio paused for a while before continuing.

“As long as the weak group withdraw from the center and go to the edge of the Jade Inner Sea, everything will be over.”

“I will open my [Red Moon King City].”

The communication with the neuropathy is interrupted, and it is impossible to think that the other party must be sprinting back. Arecio knows that the neuropathy is obsessed with any of his intelligence, but unfortunately, I am afraid that he will be over before the neuropathy returns.

The name “Theo” shakes him only for a moment. Soon, Arecio stopped all his emotions. He thought that even if Theo appeared in front of him again, he would not be afraid.

After all, that was the father of the blood family he once killed.

“Lucy, Helgodon, you go to the concentrated refuge on the edge of the inner sea.” Arecio raised his voice, and smoothly killed a human-shaped Light Alien. He wanted to ask Doctor Zhu to take care of the two children, but he turned his head to the side, but saw Zhu Heng standing there in a daze, shaking slightly, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

“…Doctor wish?”

Zhu Heng woke up in a hurry, he looked at the deep rose-colored eyes of the blood race, a huge sadness and shame floated from the bottom of his heart, choking his breath. He had already connected “Theo”, “Zelita” and himself, and suddenly realized that he was an indispensable part of Theo’s plan. It was he who agreed to let Zelita receive Theo’s treatment, it was his fantasy that elemental therapy could save more dark creatures and thus remained silent about Theo’s behavior. It was he who introduced Zelita to the headquarters, and it was he who caused the deaths and injuries today. .

Zhu Heng’s body trembled slightly. He felt that the Lich was holding his sleeves worriedly. Helgodon also walked around and whimpered softly, but he was faceless facing these innocent children and had to bow his head deeply in embarrassment. .

“It’s me…” he whispered, “I made it…”

“Doctor Zhu.” Arecio came to him. He saw something from Zhu Heng’s abnormal behavior, but his expression remained the same as before, but Zhu Heng was completely stunned by the words he said.

“Ruzius suspected you for a long time, and I agree with his suspicion.”

Zhu Heng raised his head. He thought he would see a pair of eyes full of disappointment and disgust, but Arecio’s expression was very calm.

“But I still think you are a good person. This happens at the same time as doubting you.”

He looked at the long corridor with floor-to-ceiling windows, the exquisite and warm building in the past, and he was devastated at this moment. When he closed his eyes, he could feel a lot of strong light growing inside the building. Alessio understands himself, he is not very good at trying to figure out other people’s thoughts, and he is slow to some obscure details. His sensitivity to everyone’s emotions makes up for this defect to a great extent, but sometimes this feeling is also unacceptable. Believe it all.

So more often, he will judge a person independently without relying on anything.

Tone, action, demeanor, three views… No matter how outstanding an actor is, he can’t act all the time. Everyone’s true self will always be revealed in many inadvertent places, and the feeling Zhu Heng gives him is like under a cloud, A plant with flexible branches and leaves.

Zhu Heng really loves dark creatures.

With this, it is enough for Arecio.

“Doctor Wish, I will still believe you in protecting the dark creatures sincerely.” He said, “As for other things, I think we can sit down and talk together later, whether it’s Theo or something else. What about you? What kind of trial should be accepted and what price should be paid for one’s choice should not be settled by me here.”

He paused, and smiled faintly.

“Doctor Wish, take Lucy and Helgodon to the edge of the inland sea. Maybe you can rescue Zerita on the way? Ruzius just sent me a message. Theo shouldn’t have the energy to do anything else now. .”

He turned around, with the black sickle in his hand, facing the new Light Alien that appeared around the corner.

“On my side, I can’t take advantage of it a little bit, so I can only trouble you.”

Helgodon let out a cooperating “Woo”, and Lucy shook his sleeve slightly again. Looking at these two innocent children, Zhu Heng only felt that his eyes were swollen. At that moment, he almost shed tears.

He was not forgiven.

He is still trusted in a certain way.

“I will protect them with my life.” He whispered.

He saw the blood family with his back to him nodded slightly, and also showed a slight smile. Without delay, he took the two children to where Zelita was.

Arecio started cleaning at the center. The center occupies too much area and the number of Bright Alien Species is extremely large. Such cleaning is simply a drop in the bucket. However, he was not at all anxious. At a certain moment, he felt that the weak, dark creatures had completely evacuated from the center, leaving only some combat personnel and ordinary people with good physiques in the center.

This is enough, the domain he is about to open will not harm those who are strong.

The last time he used the black sickle to break through the large French windows, the bright sunlight that had never been filtered was projected in, and the shadow of the blood race was on the ground.

Arecio spoke softly—

“From me to the city of misery…” [Note]

The shadow began to leak and spread, and as the blood race moved forward, it gradually drenched everything around it, not even the light that had no substance.

“From me to the suffering of eternal life…”

At the refuge point on the edge of the inner sea, everyone only felt that the sky had suddenly darkened. Some people raised their heads, and the sun and the moon completed a grand switch over their heads.

When the red moon was in the sky, shadows loomed, and the thorny shadow rose wrapped the exterior walls of the building, and the ground was covered with gray dust. The scarlet rose petals were frozen in the sky, everything was dim and lonely, and at the highest point of the building, a pair of huge bat wings began to grow slowly from behind Arecio, spreading, and finally completely fixed into a huge and fierce silhouette.

The two bat wings gathered slightly in the middle, concealing the blood family underneath. Arecio got up and looked down at the royal city under his wing—

He is the Lord of Eternal Night, and when he was born, everyone cheered in the abyss.

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