The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 50: Back for Super Move Training... [edited]

[POV Reo]

It has been already ten days since we have been here. For these ten days we enjoyed ourselves as much as we could, we ate, lazed around, had sex... lots of sex, and trained once again.

I was training both Momo and Nemuri in hand-to-hand combat. As a Pro-Hero Nemuri was quite capable but she wasn't anywhere close to Aizawa's level and Momo was just a novice in this department. Yes, since we were small we have been training physically but that doesn't mean that she would know how to fight.

Nemuri was slightly lacking behind Momo in the combat training because she didn't work out regularly as Momo and I did. We spent most of our time on the beach and since the beach was completely private usually we lacked clothes on our bodies. Due to that, our bodies lacked any tan marks.

Momo was happy that she was learning new stuff, during the training I asked Momo to make two things at the same time which she was easily able to do, so I decided to her to work on her speed of making things and efficiency.

Nemuri was hugely dependant on her Quirk and didn't work out physically so I made her exercise with us, at first she whined but when I told her exercising would keep her body toned and sexy she immediately agreed. She definitely had her own priorities.

We still had four more days left in our trip so Momo wanted to make her Super Move, at least get the idea before she goes to train along with the other students. Momo also has been learning to fight with weapons, she can't make complicated things with moving mechanisms but she could easily make a sword or spear.

Nemuri practiced with her whip, she apparently loved it so I decided to get her a dagger-tail as her permanent weapon. It wasn't needed now because as you know, Pro-Heroes aren't allowed to use lethal weapons.

So, here we were laying on a blanket over the sand completely naked... well I wasn't laying now because I was the one applying sunscreen on their bodies. I finished applying sunscreen on Momo and turned towards Nemuri who seemed to be deep in her thoughts.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her started to apply the cream on her stomach.

"Umm... what will be my age in the world we will be going?" Nemuri asked with concern in her voice. I knew why she asked that, she was really concerned about her age.

I just smiled at her and started to rub lotion on her boobs, a small moan escaped from her lips but she kept looking at me waiting for my answer. "You can be old as you like... I guess that you want to be the same age as us?" I asked Nemuri, my answer made her smile but the next moment it turned into a perverted grin.

"No! I will take the role of your perverted older step-sister who would teach her little brother the glory of skin pleasure!!" Nemuri declared and stood up while pointing her finger towards the sky. As soon as the sentence finished she released steam from her nose and puffed out her chest.

Both Momo and I gave her blank looks while Nemuri was too proud at the moment on herself for noticing our stares.

"Are you sure? You might have to wait for some years to have sex with me" I tried to dissuade her but it didn't seem to work. She proudly laid down turning around so I could rub the lotion on her back.

"I can wait... yes patience is the virtue. I have already spent 30 years waiting for you" Nemuri said while looking at me hungrily.

"No matter what you think but you weren't born while craving sex" Momo pointed out.

"Fine... 16 years, happy? Ignore the minor details" Nemuri said saucily.

"Fine... fine... whatever turns you on" I said, and started to rub the lotion on her ass.

"Care for a quicky, honey?" Nemuri asked making Momo get up.

"Sure, why not" I said and our episode of debauchery started.

Just like that the rest of the days passed in the blink of an eye and we were already heading back. Super Move Training will start in two days from now, Momo still wasn't able to think anything about her Super Move so Nemuri asked her to leave it until she can get advice from other Pro-Heroes.

"Hey, Nemuri did you ask Nezu if I could be there or not?" I asked Nemuri, two days ago I told her that I want to be there when our class was being trained.

"He said you can be there and you can even help if someone asks" Nemuri said turned her head back to the road.

We finally reached home and after kissing Nemuri, she drove away towards her apartment while both Momo and I entered the Yaoyorozu compound. Thankfully, the beach was private, or else I would have been hounded by the media. I was thinking this because I have to take the train to go to school and I was dreading over it.

I finally reached my home and was immediately hounded by my mom.

"How was the beach?" my mom asked me excitedly.

"It was good mom, we had a lot of fun these fourteen days" I told her while taking off my shoes.

"What about that woman? Did she treat you well?" my mom asked finally getting to the point. She didn't show it but it was clear that she didn't like Nemuri much, I don't blame her.

"Mom, Nemuri is a nice girl, you will definitely like her if you come to know her" I told her.

"I understand that she is nice but she is twice your age" my mom continued.

"I know mom, it's not a child's crush anymore I really love her and she loves me too" I told her and finally sat down on the couch.

"...Fine, I will at least try to get to know her. I have never imagined that one of my daughters-in-law would be only a few years younger than me" my mom released a sigh and said.

"That's all I ask mom, just give her a chance" I said while smiling to which she also smiled.

The rest of the day was normal, dad returned from work and asked how our trip was.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye, I wasn't able to meet Nemuri for these two as she had to work. She had already taken two weeks off so she needed to be present for her duty now.

I walked onto the train station while I was wearing a hat and shades made by Momo so no one could recognize me. We boarded the train and thankfully no one recognized me.

We finally arrived at the school and went towards the changing room. We were quite early, so I wasn't expecting to see anyone but Iida had already arrived.

"Hi, how was your holiday?" I asked him.

"Yeah I have been fine... so, how was it?" Iida asked me.

"...It was quite scary, just a small slip and I could have lost my life. Well at least I learnt what it means to be an actual Hero" I said to him releasing a sigh.

Both of us were done changing now and finally left towards ground gamma.

"I saw your fight, how you kept protecting those people throughout the fight" Iida said and clutched his hands.

"But I don't know if I could ever do that" Ilda said gritting his teeth.

"Don't think like that, tell me why do you want to be a Hero?" I asked him.

"Of course to help people who are in the need" Ilda said.

"Then, there it is, as long as you keep saving people, helping people you are a Hero. You don't have to face a supervillain as I did but keep doing good and that will be enough. Many will think that I was lucky to be able to defeat a supervillain and become famous but only I know how I felt. Just a mistake and bam!! You are dead" I told Iida and this seemed to work like a charm.

"Thank you for talking to me" Iida said and we kept walking towards the ground gamma.

"You don't need to thank me, it was the right thing to do" I told Iida and we finally reached ground gamma.

Momo was the only girl who has arrived so I decided to look around and maybe find Nemuri. But before I could leave, Denki and Jiro entered the ground gamma. Both of them immediately started firing off several questions. I answered them in a similar manner I did to Iida.

"Dude... I found out what Kendo likes" Denki said finally back in his usual manner.

"Tell me about that after the training" I told him.

"W-wow!" I heard Jiro exclaim while she had a blush on her face. I wonder what they are speaking about, it must have been something about our beach trip...

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